public void AddOption(PathType type, Delivery delivery)
            if (delivery == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Delivery cannot be null", "delivery");

            options[type] = delivery;
Example #2
 public override double GetValue(RouteInstance route, Delivery delivery)
     double routeCost = route.Route.CostPerCm3 * delivery.VolumeInCm3;
     routeCost += route.Route.CostPerGram * delivery.WeightInGrams;
     routeCost += outer.nodeCost[route.Route.Origin];
     return route.ArrivalTime.Ticks + (1.0 - (1.0 / routeCost));//TODO
Example #3
 public abstract double GetValue(RouteInstance route, Delivery delivery);
Example #4
        //, Excluder excluder)
        private List<RouteInstance> findPath(DateTime requestTime, RouteNode origin, RouteNode goal, int weight, int volume, NodeEvaluator evaluator, RouteExcluder excluder)
            Delivery delivery = new Delivery();
            delivery.Origin = origin;
            delivery.Destination = goal;
            delivery.WeightInGrams = weight;
            delivery.VolumeInCm3 = volume;
            delivery.TimeOfRequest = requestTime;

            originPath = new Dictionary<RouteNode, RouteInstance>();
            nodeCost = new Dictionary<RouteNode, double>();
            closed = new HashSet<RouteNode>();
            var rc = new RouteComparer();
            fringe = new SortedList<RouteNode, double>(rc);

            fringe.Add(origin, 0);
            originPath.Add(origin, new OriginRouteInstance(requestTime));

            //if the queue is empty return null (no path)
            while (fringe.Count > 0)
                //take new node off the top of the stack
                //this is guaranteed to be the best way to the node
                RouteNode curNode = fringe.Keys[0];

                if (closed.Contains(curNode))

                nodeCost.Add(curNode, fringe.Values[0]);

                //if it's the goal node exit and return path
                if (curNode.Equals(goal))
                    return completeDelivery(curNode);

                //grab a list of all of the routes where the given node is the origin
                IEnumerable<Route> routes = routeService.GetAll(curNode);

                //take each route that hasn't been ommited and evaluate
                foreach (Route path in excluder.Omit(routes))
                    RouteInstance nextInstance = evaluator.GetNextInstance(path);
                    RouteNode nextNode = path.Destination;

                    double totalCost = evaluator.GetValue(nextInstance, delivery);

                    //if the node is not in the fringe
                    //or the current value is lower than
                    //the new cost then set the new parent
                    if (!fringe.ContainsKey(nextNode))
                        originPath.Add(nextNode, nextInstance);
                        fringe.Add(nextNode, totalCost);
                    else if (fringe[nextNode] > totalCost)

                        originPath.Add(nextNode, nextInstance);
                        fringe.Add(nextNode, totalCost);
            return null;
Example #5
        private void BenDBTests(CountryService countryService, RouteService routeService)

                CountryDataHelper cdh = new CountryDataHelper();

                // create country if doesn't exist
                Country country = new Country { ID = 1, Name = "Wellington", Code = "WLG" };
                if (!countryService.Exists(country))
                    country = countryService.Create("Wellington", "WLG");

                country = countryService.Update(country.ID, "WLN");
                country = countryService.Update(country.ID, "BEN");

                // get latest version
                Country loadedCountry = countryService.Get(country.ID);


                // create new zealand
                country = new Country { Name = "New Zealand", Code = "NZ" };
                if (!countryService.Exists(country))
                    country = countryService.Create(country.Name, country.Code);

                // create australia
                country = new Country { Name = "Australia", Code = "AUS" };
                if (!countryService.Exists(country))
                    country = countryService.Create(country.Name, country.Code);

                // load all countries
                var allCountries = countryService.GetAll();

                // create christchurch depot
                RouteNode routeNode = new DistributionCentre("Christchurch");
                if (!locationService.Exists(routeNode))
                    routeNode = locationService.CreateDistributionCentre("Christchurch");

                // wellington depot
                routeNode = new DistributionCentre("Wellington");
                if (!locationService.Exists(routeNode))
                    routeNode = locationService.CreateDistributionCentre("Wellington");

                // australia port
                country = countryService.GetAll().AsQueryable().First(t => t.Name == "Australia");
                var destination = new InternationalPort(country);
                if (!locationService.Exists(destination))
                    destination = locationService.CreateInternationalPort(country.ID);

                // get a company
                var company = new Company() { Name = "NZ Post" };
                if (!companyService.Exists(company))
                    company = companyService.Create(company.Name);

                // create a new route
                Route route = new Route()
                        Origin = routeNode,
                        Destination = destination,
                        Company = company,
                        Duration = 300,
                        MaxVolume = 5000,
                        MaxWeight = 5000,
                        CostPerCm3 = 3,
                        CostPerGram = 5,
                        TransportType = TransportType.Air,
                        DepartureTimes = new List<WeeklyTime> { new WeeklyTime(DayOfWeek.Monday, 5, 30) }

                var routeDataHelper = new RouteDataHelper();

                int id = routeDataHelper.GetId(route);
                Logger.WriteLine("Route id is: " + id);
                if (id == 0)

                //route = routeDataHelper.Load(1);

                // edit departure times
                route.DepartureTimes.Add(new WeeklyTime(DayOfWeek.Wednesday, 14, 35));

                // update

                // delete

                var routes = routeDataHelper.LoadAll();

                var delivery = new Delivery { Origin = routeNode, Destination = destination, Priority = Priority.Air, WeightInGrams = 200, VolumeInCm3 = 2000, TotalPrice = 2500, TotalCost = 1000, TimeOfRequest = DateTime.UtcNow, TimeOfDelivery = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(5.5), Routes = new List<RouteInstance> { new RouteInstance(route, DateTime.UtcNow)} };

                var deliveryDataHelper = new DeliveryDataHelper();




                var price = new Price { Origin = routeNode, Destination = destination, Priority = Priority.Air, PricePerCm3 = 3, PricePerGram = 5 };
                var priceDataHelper = new PriceDataHelper();

                price.PricePerGram = 10;
                price.ID = 1;


            catch (Exception e)
        public virtual Order Convert([NotNull] DomainModel.Orders.Order source)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(source, "source");

              Order destination = new Order();

              const int Period = 7;
              DateTime tempEndDate = source.OrderDate.AddDays(Period);
              destination.IssueDate = source.OrderDate;
              destination.OrderId = source.OrderNumber;

              destination.State = new State();
              destination.PaymentMeans = new PaymentMeans
            PaymentChannelCode = source.PaymentSystem.Code,
            PaymentDueDate = source.OrderDate,
            PaymentID = source.TransactionNumber,
            PaymentMeansCode = source.CustomerInfo.CustomProperties[TransactionConstants.CardType]
              destination.Note = source.Comment;
              destination.PricingCurrencyCode = source.Currency.Code;
              destination.TaxCurrencyCode = source.Currency.Code;
              destination.TaxTotal = new TaxTotal { RoundingAmount = new Amount(0, source.Currency.Code) };
              destination.DestinationCountryCode = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Country.Code;

              this.MapAmounts(source, destination);

              destination.BuyerCustomerParty = new CustomerParty
            Party = new Party
              Contact = new Contact
            Name = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Name,
            ElectronicMail = source.CustomerInfo.Email,
            Telefax = source.CustomerInfo.Fax,
            Telephone = source.CustomerInfo.Phone,
              PostalAddress = new Address
            StreetName = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Address,
            PostalZone = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Zip,
            CityName = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.City,
            CountrySubentity = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.State,
            Country = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Country.Code,
            AddressTypeCode = string.Empty
              PartyName = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Name,
              LanguageCode = Sitecore.Context.Language.Name,
              Person = new Person(),

            SupplierAssignedAccountID = source.CustomerInfo.CustomerId
              destination.BuyerCustomerParty.Party.Contact.OtherCommunications = new List<Communication>
            new Communication
              Channel = source.CustomerInfo.Email2,
              Value = source.CustomerInfo.Email2
            new Communication
              Channel = source.CustomerInfo.Mobile,
              Value = source.CustomerInfo.Mobile
              destination.AccountingCustomerParty = new CustomerParty
            Party = new Party
              Contact = new Contact
            Name = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Name,
            ElectronicMail = source.CustomerInfo.Email
              PostalAddress = new Address
            StreetName = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Address,
            PostalZone = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Zip,
            CityName = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.City,
            CountrySubentity = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.State,
            Country = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Country.Code,
            AddressTypeCode = string.Empty
              PartyName = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Name,
              Person = new Person()
              destination.Delivery = new List<Delivery>(1);
              Delivery delivery = new Delivery
            DeliveryParty = new Party
              Contact = new Contact
            Name = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Name,

              PostalAddress = new Address
            StreetName = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Address,
            PostalZone = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Zip,
            CityName = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.City,
            CountrySubentity = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.State,
            Country = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Country.Code,
            AddressTypeCode = string.Empty
              Person = new Person(),
              PartyName = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Name,
            TrackingID = source.TrackingNumber,
            RequestedDeliveryPeriod = new Period
              EndDate = tempEndDate,
              EndTime = tempEndDate.TimeOfDay,
              StartDate = source.OrderDate,
              StartTime = source.OrderDate.TimeOfDay,
            LatestDeliveryDate = tempEndDate,
            LatestDeliveryTime = tempEndDate.TimeOfDay,
            DeliveryLocation = new Location
              ValidityPeriod = new Period
            EndDate = tempEndDate,
            EndTime = tempEndDate.TimeOfDay,
            StartDate = source.OrderDate,
            StartTime = source.OrderDate.TimeOfDay,
              Address = new Address
            StreetName = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Address,
            PostalZone = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Zip,
            CityName = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.City,
            CountrySubentity = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.State,
            Country = source.CustomerInfo.ShippingAddress.Country.Code,
            AddressTypeCode = string.Empty
              destination.FreightForwarderParty = new List<Party>(1);
              Party freightForwarderParty = new Party
            Person = new Person(),
            PartyIdentification = source.ShippingProvider.Code,
            PostalAddress = new Address { AddressTypeCode = string.Empty }
              destination.State = this.GetState(source.Status);

              uint i = 0;
              foreach (DomainModel.Orders.OrderLine line in source.OrderLines)
            OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine
              LineItem = new LineItem
            Item = new Item
              Code = line.Product.Code,
              Name = line.Product.Title,
              Description = line.Product is Product ? ((Product)line.Product).Description : string.Empty,
              AdditionalInformation = line.ImageUrl,
              Keyword = line.FriendlyUrl,
              PackQuantity = 1,
              PackSizeNumeric = 1
            Price = new Price(new Amount(line.Totals.PriceExVat, destination.PricingCurrencyCode), line.Quantity),
            TotalTaxAmount = new Amount(line.Totals.TotalVat, destination.PricingCurrencyCode),
            Quantity = line.Quantity


            new TaxSubTotal
              TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount = new Amount(0, source.Currency.Code),
              TaxCategory = new TaxCategory
            Name = source.CustomerInfo.BillingAddress.Country.VatRegion.Code,
            BaseUnitMeasure = new Measure(),
            PerUnitAmount = new Amount(0, source.Currency.Code),
            TaxScheme = new TaxScheme(),
            ID = "SimpleTaxCategory",
            Percent = line.Totals.VAT * 100
              TaxableAmount = new Amount(line.Totals.TotalPriceExVat, source.Currency.Code),
              CalculationSequenceNumeric = i

              this.MapReservationTicket(source, destination);

              return destination;
 // Current State method overrides
 public override void SaveDelivery(Delivery delivery)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Client state does not store Deliveries.");
 public virtual void SaveDelivery(Delivery delivery)
     deliveries[delivery.ID] = delivery;