/// <summary> /// 清除宝贝描述 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">模板ID</param> /// <param name="aid">活动ID</param> public void ClearitemsDesc(string id, string aid) { if (id != "" && !utils.IsInt32(id)) { Response.Write("非法参数1"); Response.End(); return; } Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); //COOKIE过期判断 if (taobaoNick == "") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12287381'</script>"); Response.End(); } Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tete_ActivityMission WHERE shoptempletID = " + id + " AND typ='delete' AND isok = 0 AND nick<>''"; string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql); if (count != "0") { Response.Write("<script>alert('创建任务失败,有同类型的任务正在执行中,请等待其完成后再创建新的任务!');window.location.href='activitymissionlist.aspx';</script>"); Response.End(); return; } if (taobaoNick.Trim() == "") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12287381'</script>"); Response.End(); } sql = "INSERT INTO Tete_ActivityMission (typ, nick, ActivityID,IsOK,shoptempletID,Success,Fail,Startdate) VALUES ('delete','" + taobaoNick + "','" + aid + "',0,'" + id + "',0,0,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); sql = "SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Tete_ActivityMission ORDER BY ID DESC"; string missionid = utils.ExecuteString(sql); //更新任务总数 sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tete_ActivityWriteContent WHERE shoptempletID = '" + id + "' and ActivityID=" + aid + " AND isok = 1"; count = utils.ExecuteString(sql); sql = "UPDATE tete_ActivityMission SET total = '" + count + "' WHERE id = " + missionid; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); // 清除宝贝描述 DeleteTaobaoitmes(taobaoNick); Response.Redirect("activitymissionlist.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessionsale"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); if (!IsPostBack) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM TCS_ShopConfig WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { wordcount = dt.Rows[0]["wordcount"].ToString(); keyword = dt.Rows[0]["keyword"].ToString().Replace("|", "\r\n"); } else { Response.Write("请先到基本设置里面进行信息设置,<a href='setting.aspx'>点此进入</a>"); Response.End(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //判断VIP版本,只有VIP才能使用此功能 string sql = "SELECT * FROM TopTaobaoShop WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string flag = dt.Rows[0]["versionNoBlog"].ToString(); if (flag == "0") { Response.Redirect("xufei.aspx"); Response.End(); return; } } BindData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Cookie cookie1 = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie1.getCookie("nick"); string session = cookie1.getCookie("top_session"); string isAct = cookie1.getCookie("act"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(session)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=764' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } //过期判断 if (isAct != "1") { string msg = "尊敬的" + nick + ",非常抱歉的告诉您,您尚未订购该功能,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22762-10:1;' target='_blank'>购买该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } FormatData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_session"); st = cookie.getCookie("short"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); string sql = "SELECT * FROM TeteShopCategory WHERE nick = '" + st + "' AND parentid=0 ORDER BY orderid"; if (!IsPostBack) { DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); ddl1.DataSource = dt; ddl1.DataTextField = "catename"; ddl1.DataValueField = "cateid"; ddl1.DataBind(); sql = "SELECT * FROM TeteShopItem WHERE nick = '" + st + "' AND isnew = 1 ORDER BY orderid"; dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); rpt1.DataSource = dt; rpt1.DataBind(); } }
private void BindData() { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessionblog"); //COOKIE过期判断 if (taobaoNick == "") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12159997'</script>"); Response.End(); } Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //获取用户店铺商品列表 TopXmlRestClient client = new TopXmlRestClient("http://gw.api.taobao.com/router/rest", "12159997", "614e40bfdb96e9063031d1a9e56fbed5"); ItemsOnsaleGetRequest request = new ItemsOnsaleGetRequest(); request.Fields = "num_iid,title,price,pic_url"; request.Q = tbKey.Text; request.PageSize = 5; request.OrderBy = "volume:desc"; PageList <Item> product = new PageList <Item>(); try { product = client.ItemsOnsaleGet(request, session); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message == "27:Invalid session:Session not exist") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12159997'</script>"); Response.End(); } return; } rptProduct.DataSource = product.Content; rptProduct.DataBind(); //数据绑定 string sqlNew = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TopIdea WHERE nick = '" + taobaoNick + "' ORDER BY id DESC"; DataTable dtNew = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sqlNew); rptAds.DataSource = dtNew; rptAds.DataBind(); //数据绑定 sqlNew = "SELECT * FROM TopBlogLink WHERE nick = '" + taobaoNick + "' ORDER BY id DESC"; dtNew = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sqlNew); rptLink.DataSource = dtNew; rptLink.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessionsale"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); string act = utils.NewRequest("act", utils.RequestType.QueryString); string t = utils.NewRequest("t", utils.RequestType.Form); string ids = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.Form); if (act == "send") { Delete(); return; } //批量操作评论 if (t != "") { MultiConfirm(t, ids); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindData(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); string iscrm = cookie.getCookie("iscrm"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=4545' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } //过期判断 if (!IsBuy(nick)) { string msg = "尊敬的" + nick + ",非常抱歉的告诉您,只有VIP版本才能使用【客户关系营销】功能,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/ser/detail.htm?service_code=service-0-22904&frm=haoping' target='_blank'>购买高级会员服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=4545' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } //过期判断 if (!IsBuy(nick)) { string msg = "尊敬的" + nick + ",非常抱歉的告诉您,您尚未订购该功能,如需继续使用请购买该服务:<br><br>29元/月 【赠送短信100条】 <a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22904-11:1;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br><br>78元/季 【赠送短信300条】 <a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22904-11:3;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br><br>148元/半年 【赠送短信600条】<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22904-11:6;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br><br>288元/年 【赠送短信1200条】<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22904-11:12;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br>"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } BindData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); string act = utils.NewRequest("act", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=4545' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } //判断VIP版本,只有VIP才能使用此功能 string sql = "SELECT * FROM TCS_ShopSession WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string flag = dt.Rows[0]["version"].ToString(); if (flag == "0") { Response.Redirect("xufei.aspx"); Response.End(); return; } } string action = utils.NewRequest("action", utils.RequestType.Form); if (action == "save") { SaveIndexInfo(); return; } if (act == "add") { InitTradeRateData(id); return; } if (act == "del") { DelTradeRateData(id); return; } BindData(); }
/// <summary> /// 创建删除活动关联的宝贝描述 /// </summary> private void Delete() { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); //判断如果活动未开始或进行中则可以关闭活动 string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); //COOKIE过期判断 if (taobaoNick == "") { return; } string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopMission WHERE groupbuyid = " + id + " AND typ='delete' AND isok = 0 AND nick<>''"; string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql); if (count != "0") { return; } if (taobaoNick.Trim() == "") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12287381'</script>"); Response.End(); } sql = "INSERT INTO TopMission (typ, nick, groupbuyid) VALUES ('delete', '" + taobaoNick + "', '" + id + "')"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); sql = "SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM TopMission ORDER BY ID DESC"; string missionid = utils.ExecuteString(sql); //获取团购信息并更新 sql = "SELECT name,productimg,productid FROM TopGroupBuy WHERE id = '" + id + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { sql = "UPDATE TopMission SET groupbuyname = '" + dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString() + "',groupbuypic = '" + dt.Rows[0]["productimg"].ToString() + "',itemid = '" + dt.Rows[0]["productid"].ToString() + "' WHERE id = " + missionid; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } //更新任务总数 sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopWriteContent WHERE groupbuyid = '" + id + "' AND isok = 1"; count = utils.ExecuteString(sql); sql = "UPDATE TopMission SET total = '" + count + "' WHERE id = " + missionid; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //清除宝贝描述 DeleteTaobao(taobaoNick); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = string.Empty; appKey = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd"; appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d"; Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); tokenKey = cookie.getCookie("tokenKey"); tokenSecret = cookie.getCookie("tokenSecret"); uid = cookie.getCookie("uid"); string act = utils.NewRequest("act", utils.RequestType.QueryString); string listento = utils.NewRequest("listento", utils.RequestType.QueryString); if (act == "listen") { //每小时最多一键收听一次 sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopMicroBlogNumLog WHERE typ = 'add' AND uid = '" + uid + "' AND DATEDIFF(s, adddate, GETDATE() ) < 3600"; string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql); if (int.Parse(count) < 10) { listen(listento); //记录操作日志 sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogNumLog (uid, typ, num, bak) VALUES ('" + uid + "', 'add', 1, '" + listento + "')"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //减少积分 sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAccount SET score = score + 1 WHERE uid = '" + uid + "'"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //如果这个人积分为0则给他发送私信提醒他回来赚积分 sql = "SELECT score FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE uid = '" + uid + "'"; Response.Redirect("hand.aspx"); return; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('每小时最多收听10个别人的微博,请您过一会再来:)');history.go(-1);</script>"); Response.End(); return; } } //每小时最多一键收听一次 sql = "SELECT TOP 16 uid FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE typ = 'qq' AND score > 0 AND uid <> '' AND uid NOT IN (SELECT listen FROM TopMicroBlogListen WHERE uid = '" + uid + "') ORDER BY NEWID()"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); rptArticle.DataSource = dt; rptArticle.DataBind(); lbPage.Text = InitPageStr(200, "hand.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //判断VIP版本,只有VIP才能使用此功能 string sql = "SELECT * FROM TopTaobaoShop WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string flag = dt.Rows[0]["versionNoBlog"].ToString(); if (flag == "0") { Response.Redirect("xufei.aspx"); Response.End(); return; } if (flag != "3") { string msg = "尊敬的" + nick + ",非常抱歉的告诉您,只有VIP版本才能使用【评价手动审核】功能,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/ser/detail.htm?service_code=service-0-22904&frm=haoping' target='_blank'>购买高级会员服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } } string act = utils.NewRequest("act", utils.RequestType.QueryString); string t = utils.NewRequest("t", utils.RequestType.Form); string ids = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.Form); if (act == "send") { Delete(); return; } //批量操作评论 if (t != "") { MultiConfirm(t, ids); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindData(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessionsale"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { appKey = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd"; appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d"; Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); tokenKey = cookie.getCookie("tokenKey"); tokenSecret = cookie.getCookie("tokenSecret"); uid = cookie.getCookie("uid"); //Response.Write(tokenKey + "-"); //Response.Write(tokenSecret); string sql = string.Empty; string uids = string.Empty; uids = "以下为您具体收听的微博清单:<br>"; //每小时最多一键收听一次 sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopMicroBlogNumLog WHERE typ = 'onekey' AND uid = '" + uid + "' AND DATEDIFF(s, adddate, GETDATE() ) < 3600"; string count = utils.ExecuteString(sql); if (count == "0") { //一键收听,取得自己没有收听过的20个随机账户 sql = "SELECT TOP 20 uid FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE typ = 'qq' AND score > 0 AND uid <> '' AND uid NOT IN (SELECT listen FROM TopMicroBlogListen WHERE uid = '" + uid + "') ORDER BY score DESC"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { listen(dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString()); uids += "<a href='http://t.qq.com/" + dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString() + "' target='_blank'>" + dt.Rows[i]["uid"].ToString() + "</a> "; if (i % 3 == 0) { uids += "<br>"; } } //记录操作日志 sql = "INSERT INTO TopMicroBlogNumLog (uid, typ, num) VALUES ('" + uid + "', 'onekey', 20)"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //增加积分 sql = "UPDATE TopMicroBlogAccount SET score = score + 20 WHERE uid = '" + uid + "'"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //输出提示 str = uids + "<br>收听成功,+20积分!"; } else { //输出提示 str = "不好意思,一个小时内最多一键收听一次,请您稍后再试~"; } }
private string BindDataProduct() { string str = string.Empty; Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessionblog"); //COOKIE过期判断 if (taobaoNick == "") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12159997'</script>"); Response.End(); } Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //获取用户店铺商品列表 TopXmlRestClient client = new TopXmlRestClient("http://gw.api.taobao.com/router/rest", "12159997", "614e40bfdb96e9063031d1a9e56fbed5"); ItemsOnsaleGetRequest request = new ItemsOnsaleGetRequest(); request.Fields = "num_iid,title,price,pic_url"; request.Q = key; request.PageSize = 5; request.OrderBy = "volume:desc"; PageList <Item> product = new PageList <Item>(); try { product = client.ItemsOnsaleGet(request, session); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message == "27:Invalid session:Session not exist") { //SESSION超期 跳转到登录页 Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12159997'</script>"); Response.End(); } return(""); } for (int i = 0; i < product.Content.Count; i++) { str += "<a href=\"http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=" + product.Content[i].NumIid.ToString() + "\" title=\"" + product.Content[i].Title + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + product.Content[i].PicUrl + "\" border=\"0\" /></a><br />"; str += "<a href=\"http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=" + product.Content[i].NumIid.ToString() + "\" title=\"" + product.Content[i].Title + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + product.Content[i].Title + "</a> 售价:" + product.Content[i].Price + "元<br><br>"; } return(str); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { appKey = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd"; appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d"; Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); tokenKey = cookie.getCookie("tokenKey"); tokenSecret = cookie.getCookie("tokenSecret"); uid = cookie.getCookie("uid"); BindData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetetete"); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); if (cookie.getCookie("nick") == "") { Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); return; } nick = encode.Decrypt(cookie.getCookie("nick")); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessionsale"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); BindData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { appKey = "d3225497956249cbb13a7cb7375d62bd"; appSecret = "6cf7a3274cb676328e77dff3e203061d"; Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); tokenKey = cookie.getCookie("tokenKey"); tokenSecret = cookie.getCookie("tokenSecret"); uid = cookie.getCookie("uid"); string score = utils.ExecuteString("SELECT score FROM TopMicroBlogAccount WHERE uid = '" + uid + "'"); Response.Write("document.write('您目前的剩余积分是【" + score + "】..');"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_session"); st = cookie.getCookie("short"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); Act(st, nick); Response.Write("数据更新完毕!"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=4545' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } //判断VIP版本,只有VIP才能使用此功能 string sql = "SELECT * FROM TCS_ShopSession WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string flag = dt.Rows[0]["version"].ToString(); if (flag == "0") { Response.Redirect("xufei.aspx"); Response.End(); return; } if (flag == "1") { string msg = "尊敬的" + nick + ",非常抱歉的告诉您,只有专业版或者以上版本才能使用【短信自动提醒】功能,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22904-2:1;' target='_blank'>购买高级会员服务</a>,谢谢!<br><br> PS:发送的短信需要单独购买,1毛钱1条~"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } } if (!IsPostBack) { BindData(); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除活动 /// </summary> public void delactivity() { //删除活动 string appkey = "12287381"; string secret = "d3486dac8198ef01000e7bd4504601a4"; IDictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //通过数据库查询获取活动ID actionId iid string sql = "SELECT promotionID FROM tete_activitylist WHERE Status<>4 and ActivityID = " + actionId + " and ProductID='" + iid + "'"; string promotion_id = utils.ExecuteString(sql); //删除活动 param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); param.Add("promotion_id", promotion_id); string result = Post("http://gw.api.taobao.com/router/rest", appkey, secret, "taobao.marketing.promotion.delete", session, param); WriteLog(result, "0", taobaoNick, iid); if (result.IndexOf("error_response") != -1) { string err = new Regex(@"<sub_msg>([^<]*)</sub_msg>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(result).Groups[1].ToString(); if (err == "") { Response.Write("<b>活动删除失败,错误原因:</b><br><font color='red'>您的session已经失效,需要重新授权</font><br><a href='http://container.api.taobao.com/container?appkey=12287381&scope=promotion' target='_parent'>重新授权</a>"); Response.End(); } sql = "update [tete_activitylist] set Status=4 WHERE Status<>4 and Status<>3 and ActivityID = " + actionId + " and ProductID=" + iid; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Response.Write("<b>活动删除失败,错误原因:</b><br><font color='red'>" + err + "</font>"); Response.End(); return; } //删除活动 sql = "update tete_activitylist set Status=4 ,isok=1 WHERE ActivityID = " + actionId + " and ProductID=" + iid; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Response.Write("true"); Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); string iscrm = cookie.getCookie("iscrm"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); nick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=4545' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } ////过期判断 //if (iscrm != "1") //{ // string msg = "尊敬的" + nick + ",非常抱歉的告诉您,您尚未订购该功能,如需继续使用请购买该服务:<br><br>19元/月 【赠送短信50条】 <a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22762-4:1;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br><br>54元/季 【赠送短信150条】 <a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22762-4:3;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br><br>99元/半年 【赠送短信300条】<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22762-4:6;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br><br>188元/年 【赠送短信600条】<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/item/subsc.htm?items=service-0-22762-4:12;' target='_blank'>立即购买</a><br>"; // Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); // Response.End(); // return; //} string act = utils.NewRequest("act", utils.RequestType.QueryString); if (act == "del") { DeleteGroup(); return; } if (act == "create") { CreateCode(id); return; } BindData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); this.TextBox1.Text = cookie.getCookie("blogname"); this.TextBox2.Text = cookie.getCookie("blogpass"); } string path = Server.MapPath("/auto/ipnow.txt"); if (File.Exists(path)) { proxy = File.ReadAllText(path); } key = this.tbKey.Text; ads = utils.NewRequest("ads", Common.utils.RequestType.Form); //判断是否录入新客户 Common.Cookie cookie1 = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie1.getCookie("nick"); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { Response.Write("<script>parent.location.href='http://container.open.taobao.com/container?appkey=12159997'</script>"); Response.End(); return; } Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); string sql = "SELECT * FROM TopBlogAccountNew WHERE nick = '" + taobaoNick + "'"; DataTable dt = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); //if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) //{ panel1.Visible = false; panel2.Visible = true; //数据绑定 rptAccount.DataSource = dt; rptAccount.DataBind(); //} }
private void Delete() { //判断如果活动未开始或进行中则可以关闭活动 string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); if (!utils.IsInt32(id)) { return; } //删除活动 string appkey = "12132145"; string secret = "1fdd2aadd5e2ac2909db2967cbb71e7f"; IDictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_session"); //通过数据库查询获取活动ID string sql = "SELECT promotionid FROM TopGroupBuy WHERE id = " + id; string promotion_id = utils.ExecuteString(sql); //创建活动 param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); param.Add("promotion_id", promotion_id); string result = Post("http://gw.api.taobao.com/router/rest", appkey, secret, "taobao.marketing.promotion.delete", session, param); //更新数据库 sql = "UPDATE TopGroupBuy SET isdelete = 1 WHERE id = " + id; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Response.Redirect("deletegrouplist.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); //过期判断 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taobaoNick)) { string msg = "尊敬的淘宝卖家,非常抱歉的告诉您,您还没有购买此服务或者登录信息已失效,如需继续使用请<a href='http://fuwu.taobao.com/serv/detail.htm?service_id=11807' target='_blank'>进入该服务</a>,谢谢!"; Response.Redirect("buy.aspx?msg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg)); Response.End(); return; } id = utils.NewRequest("id", Common.utils.RequestType.QueryString); url = "addtotaobaoactivity-2.aspx"; style = utils.NewRequest("style", Common.utils.RequestType.Form); size = utils.NewRequest("size", Common.utils.RequestType.Form); name = utils.NewRequest("ideaName", Common.utils.RequestType.Form); //判断是否为编辑状态 id = utils.NewRequest("id", Common.utils.RequestType.QueryString); if (id != "" && !utils.IsInt32(id)) { Response.Write("非法参数1"); Response.End(); return; } BindData(); }
/// <summary> /// 删除优惠券信息 /// </summary> private void DeleteGroup() { //判断如果活动未开始或进行中则可以关闭活动 string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); if (!utils.IsInt32(id)) { return; } //删除活动 string appkey = "12159997"; string secret = "614e40bfdb96e9063031d1a9e56fbed5"; IDictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); //通过数据库查询获取活动ID string sql = "UPDATE TopCoupon SET isdel = 1 WHERE id = " + id; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Response.Write("<script>alert('取消成功!');window.location.href='couponlist.aspx';</script>"); }
private void BindData() { Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string taobaoNick = cookie.getCookie("nick"); Rijndael_ encode = new Rijndael_("tetesoft"); taobaoNick = encode.Decrypt(taobaoNick); string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); string sql = "SELECT * FROM TopGroupBuyDetail WHERE groupbuyid =" + id; DataTable dtNew = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); dtNew = ConvertTable(dtNew); rptArticle.DataSource = dtNew; rptArticle.DataBind(); sql = "SELECT * FROM TopGroupBuy WHERE nick = '" + taobaoNick + "' AND id = " + id; dtNew = utils.ExecuteDataTable(sql); Repeater1.DataSource = dtNew; Repeater1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 删除优惠券信息 /// </summary> private void DeleteGroup() { //判断如果活动未开始或进行中则可以关闭活动 string id = utils.NewRequest("id", utils.RequestType.QueryString); //if (!utils.IsInt32(id)) //{ // return; //} //删除活动 string appkey = "12159997"; string secret = "614e40bfdb96e9063031d1a9e56fbed5"; IDictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Common.Cookie cookie = new Common.Cookie(); string session = cookie.getCookie("top_sessiongroupbuy"); string sql = "SELECT couponid FROM TCS_ShopConfig WHERE nick = '" + nick + "'"; string couponid = utils.ExecuteString(sql); if (couponid == id) { Response.Write("<script>alert('默认赠送的优惠券无法删除,请您到“基本设置”里面更改默认优惠券后再删除!');history.go(-1);</script>"); return; } //通过数据库查询获取活动ID sql = "UPDATE TCS_Coupon SET isdel = 1 WHERE guid = '" + id + "'"; utils.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Response.Write("<script>alert('取消成功!');window.location.href='couponlist.aspx';</script>"); }