public static bool PutFile(string fileName, string destinationServer, string userName, string password) { // Create a Uri instance with the specified URI string. // If the URI is not correctly formed, the Uri constructor // will throw an exception. ManualResetEvent waitObject; bool bOut = false; Uri target = new Uri(destinationServer); FtpState state = new FtpState(); FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(target); request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile; // The request is anonymous by default; the credential does not have to be specified. // The example specifies the credential only to // control how actions are logged on the server. request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password); // Store the request in the object that we pass into the // asynchronous operations. state.Request = request; state.FileName = fileName; // Get the event to wait on. waitObject = state.OperationComplete; // Asynchronously get the stream for the file contents. request.BeginGetRequestStream( new AsyncCallback(EndGetStreamCallback), state ); // Block the current thread until all operations are complete. waitObject.WaitOne(); // The operations either completed or threw an exception. if (state.OperationException != null) { throw state.OperationException; } else { //log this ("The operation completed - {0}", state.StatusDescription); bOut = true; } return(bOut); }
// The EndGetResponseCallback method // completes a call to BeginGetResponse. private static void EndGetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { FtpState state = (FtpState)ar.AsyncState; FtpWebResponse response = null; try { response = (FtpWebResponse)state.Request.EndGetResponse(ar); response.Close(); state.StatusDescription = response.StatusDescription; // Signal the main application thread that // the operation is complete. state.OperationComplete.Set(); } // Return exceptions to the main application thread. catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error getting response."); state.OperationException = e; state.OperationComplete.Set(); } }
private static void EndGetStreamCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { FtpState state = (FtpState)ar.AsyncState; Stream requestStream = null; // End the asynchronous call to get the request stream. try { requestStream = state.Request.EndGetRequestStream(ar); // Copy the file contents to the request stream. const int bufferLength = 2048; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength]; int count = 0; int readBytes = 0; FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(state.FileName); do { readBytes = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength); requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes); count += readBytes; }while (readBytes != 0); Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} bytes to the stream.", count); // IMPORTANT: Close the request stream before sending the request. requestStream.Close(); // Asynchronously get the response to the upload request. state.Request.BeginGetResponse( new AsyncCallback(EndGetResponseCallback), state ); } // Return exceptions to the main application thread. catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not get the request stream."); state.OperationException = e; state.OperationComplete.Set(); return; } }