public EngineStateGameOver(Engine engine)
            engine_ = engine;
            duration_ = new TimeSpan();

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a main menu state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">A reference to the engine running the state</param>
        public EngineStateMenu(Engine engine)
            engine_ = engine;
            logo_ = TextureMap.fetchTexture("TitleScreen");

            List<string> menuString = new List<string>();

            GlobalHelper.getInstance().setCurrentCamera(new Camera());

            InputSet inputs = InputSet.getInstance();
            /*controlTips_ = "Select: " +
                            inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON) +
                            " | " +
                            "Cancel: " +
            controlTips_ = ""; // currrently refreshed every frame in draw()
            mainMenuList_ = new MenuList(menuString, MENU_POSITION);
            mainMenuList_.BaseColor_ = MENU_UNSELECTED_COLOR;
            mainMenuList_.SelectedColor_ = MENU_SELECTED_COLOR;
            mainMenuList_.CursorPos_ = MENU_DEFAULT_CURSOR_POSITION;
            mainMenuList_.Font_ = MENU_FONT;
            mainMenuList_.Spacing_ = MENU_SPACING;
            mainMenuList_.LayerDepth_ = MENU_DEPTH;

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor determines whether PC or Xbox 360 and initializes
        /// variables accordingly.
        /// For PC, this means creating the controller and trying to get a
        /// storage device.
        /// For the Xbox 360, we don't need to do much as we rely on update()
        /// logic to determine active controller and storage device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine"></param>
        public EngineStateStart(Engine engine)
            engine_ = engine;
            logo_ = TextureMap.fetchTexture("TitleScreen");

            #if !XBOX
                Settings settings = Settings.getInstance();
                if (Settings.getInstance().IsUsingMouse_)
                    engine_.Controls_ = new PCControllerInput(engine_);
                    settings.CurrentPlayer_ = PlayerIndex.One;
                    TEXT_MESSAGE = "Press " + engine_.Controls_.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON).ToUpper() + " to Continue";
                    engine_.Controls_ = new X360ControllerInput(engine_, PlayerIndex.One);
                    settings.CurrentPlayer_ = PlayerIndex.One;
                    TEXT_MESSAGE = "Press " + engine_.Controls_.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON).ToUpper() + " to Continue";
                returnFlag_ = true;
                engine_.Controls_ = null; // reset controls if they are coming back to this
                returnFlag_ = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// This is not the recommended ctor, either
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine"></param>
 /// <param name="nextState"></param>
 /// <param name="durationOfStorySegment"></param>
 public EngineStateStorySegment(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface nextState, int durationOfStorySegment)
     engine_ = engine;
     nextState_ = nextState;
     framesSpentInStory_ = 0;
     DurationOfStory_ = durationOfStorySegment;
     storyText_ = "You have many questions. The next room could provide the answers you seek.";
     isUsingImage_ = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// This is not the recommended ctor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine"></param>
 /// <param name="nextState"></param>
 public EngineStateStorySegment(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface nextState)
     engine_ = engine;
     nextState_ = nextState;
     framesSpentInStory_ = 0;
     DurationOfStory_ = 1;
     storyText_ = "You hear the cold, metallic clanks of robot feet pacing\n the room ahead, but you must keep moving forward.";
     isUsingImage_ = false;
        public EngineStateEditorControls(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface returnState)
            InputSet inputs = InputSet.getInstance();

            controlTitle_ = "CONTROLS";
            engine_ = engine;
            returnState_ = returnState;
            List<string> selectedControlsString = new List<string>();
            selectedControlsString.Add("WITH OBJECT SELECTED");
            selectedControlsString.Add("Deslect: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_TRIGGER));
            selectedControlsString.Add("Place: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_TRIGGER));
            selectedControlsString.Add("Rotate L: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_BUMPER));
            selectedControlsString.Add("Rotate R: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_BUMPER));
            selectedControlsString.Add("Delete: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.BUTTON_3));

            List<string> unselectedControlsString = new List<string>();
            unselectedControlsString.Add("NORMAL EDITOR CONTROLS");
            #if XBOX
            selectedControlsString.Add("(Coming Soon)");
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Move Camera/Cursor: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_DIRECTIONAL));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Select Object/Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_TRIGGER));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Next Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.BUTTON_1));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Prev Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.BUTTON_2));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Next Palette: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_BUMPER));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Prev Palette: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_BUMPER));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Place Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_TRIGGER));
            unselectedControlsString.Add("Options: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.CANCEL_BUTTON));

            Vector2 selectedControlsMenuPos =
                new Vector2(engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2.0f - 200.0f,
                            engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f - 125.0f);
            selectedControlsMenuList_ =
                new MenuList(selectedControlsString, selectedControlsMenuPos);
            selectedControlsMenuList_.Font_ = CONTROLS_FONT;
            selectedControlsMenuList_.BaseColor_ = CONTROLS_COLOR;
            selectedControlsMenuList_.SelectedColor_ = CONTROLS_TITLE_COLOR;
            selectedControlsMenuList_.Spacing_ = CONTROLS_SPACING;

            Vector2 unselectedControlsMenuPos =
                new Vector2(engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2.0f + 200.0f,
                            engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f - 125.0f);
            unselectedControlsMenuList_ = new MenuList(unselectedControlsString, unselectedControlsMenuPos);
            unselectedControlsMenuList_.BaseColor_ = CONTROLS_COLOR;
            unselectedControlsMenuList_.SelectedColor_ = CONTROLS_TITLE_COLOR;
            unselectedControlsMenuList_.Font_ = CONTROLS_FONT;
            unselectedControlsMenuList_.Spacing_ = CONTROLS_SPACING;
 public EngineStateLevelSave(Engine engine, EngineStateLevelEditor state, EngineStateInterface successState, EngineStateInterface cancelState)
     engine_ = engine;
     state_ = state;
     successState_ = successState;
     cancelState_ = cancelState;
     returnState_ = this;
     mainMessage_ = FontMap.getInstance().getFont(MESSAGE_FONT);
     StorageDevice sd = Settings.getInstance().StorageDevice_;
     if (sd == null)
     #if !XBOX
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a pause state which waits for the user to resume play
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">Reference to the engine running the state</param>
        /// <param name="savedState">The state of play to return to once the user unpauses</param>
        public EngineStatePause(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface savedState)
            engine_ = engine;
            savedState_ = savedState;

            List<string> menuString = new List<string>();
            int cursor = (int)Settings.getInstance().getMovementType();
            menuList_ = new MenuList(menuString, PAUSE_MENU_POSITION);
            menuList_.Font_ = PAUSE_FONT;
            menuList_.BaseColor_ = PAUSE_MENU_UNSELECTED_COLOR;
            menuList_.SelectedColor_ = PAUSE_MENU_SELECTED_COLOR;
            menuList_.Spacing_ = PAUSE_MENU_SPACING;
            menuList_.CursorPos_ = PAUSE_MENU_DEFAULT_SELECTED_ITEM;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an options state which allows the user to adjust game settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">Reference to the engine running the state</param>
        /// <param name="savedState">The state of play to return to once the user finishes</param>
        public EngineStateOptions(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface savedState)
            engine_ = engine;
            savedState_ = savedState;

            List<string> menuString = new List<string>();
            if (Settings.getInstance().getMovementType() == MovementType.ABSOLUTE)
            if (Settings.getInstance().IsSoundAllowed_)
            if (Settings.getInstance().IsGamerServicesAllowed_)
            if (Settings.getInstance().IsInDebugMode_)

            menuList_ = new MenuList(menuString, OPTIONS_MENU_POSITION);
            menuList_.Font_ = OPTIONS_FONT;
            menuList_.BaseColor_ = OPTIONS_MENU_UNSELECTED_COLOR;
            menuList_.SelectedColor_ = OPTIONS_MENU_SELECTED_COLOR;
            menuList_.Spacing_ = OPTIONS_MENU_SPACING;
            menuList_.CursorPos_ = OPTIONS_MENU_DEFAULT_SELECTED_ITEM;
        public EngineStateControls(Engine engine)
            InputSet inputs = InputSet.getInstance();

            controlTitle_ = "CONTROLS";
            engine_ = engine;
            List<string> gameControlsString = new List<string>();
            gameControlsString.Add("GAMEPLAY CONTROLS");
            gameControlsString.Add("Move: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_DIRECTIONAL));
            gameControlsString.Add("Rotate: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_DIRECTIONAL));
            gameControlsString.Add("Fire: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_TRIGGER));
            gameControlsString.Add("Pause: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.CANCEL_BUTTON));

            List<string> editorControlsString = new List<string>();
            editorControlsString.Add("EDITOR CONTROLS");
            editorControlsString.Add("Move Cursor: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_DIRECTIONAL));
            editorControlsString.Add("Next Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.BUTTON_1));
            editorControlsString.Add("Prev Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.BUTTON_2));
            editorControlsString.Add("Next Palette: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.LEFT_BUMPER));
            editorControlsString.Add("Prev Palette: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_BUMPER));
            editorControlsString.Add("Place Tile: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.RIGHT_TRIGGER));
            editorControlsString.Add("Quit: " + inputs.getControlName(InputsEnum.CANCEL_BUTTON));

            Vector2 gameControlsMenuPos =
                new Vector2(engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2.0f - 200.0f,
                            engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f - 125.0f);
            gameControlsMenuList_ =
                new MenuList(gameControlsString, gameControlsMenuPos);
            gameControlsMenuList_.Font_ = CONTROLS_FONT;
            gameControlsMenuList_.BaseColor_ = CONTROLS_COLOR;
            gameControlsMenuList_.SelectedColor_ = CONTROLS_TITLE_COLOR;
            gameControlsMenuList_.Spacing_ = CONTROLS_SPACING;

            Vector2 editorControlsMenuPos =
                new Vector2(engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2.0f + 200.0f,
                            engine_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2.0f - 125.0f);
            editorControlsMenuList_ = new MenuList(editorControlsString, editorControlsMenuPos);
            editorControlsMenuList_.BaseColor_ = CONTROLS_COLOR;
            editorControlsMenuList_.SelectedColor_ = CONTROLS_TITLE_COLOR;
            editorControlsMenuList_.Font_ = CONTROLS_FONT;
            editorControlsMenuList_.Spacing_ = CONTROLS_SPACING;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an options state which allows the user to adjust game settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">Reference to the engine running the state</param>
        /// <param name="savedState">The state of play to return to once the user finishes</param>
        public EngineStateEditorOptions(Engine engine, EngineStateLevelEditor savedState)
            engine_ = engine;
            savedState_ = savedState;

            List<string> menuString = new List<string>();

            if (Settings.getInstance().IsSoundAllowed_)
            if (Settings.getInstance().IsGamerServicesAllowed_)
            if (Settings.getInstance().IsInDebugMode_)
            menuList_ = new MenuList(menuString, OPTIONS_MENU_POSITION);
            menuList_.Font_ = OPTIONS_FONT;
            menuList_.BaseColor_ = OPTIONS_MENU_UNSELECTED_COLOR;
            menuList_.SelectedColor_ = OPTIONS_MENU_SELECTED_COLOR;
            menuList_.Spacing_ = OPTIONS_MENU_SPACING;
            menuList_.CursorPos_ = OPTIONS_MENU_DEFAULT_SELECTED_ITEM;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a state of gameplay using the provided level
        /// </summary>
        public EngineStateGameplay(Engine engine, Level level)
            engine_ = engine;



 /// <summary>
 /// Use this ctor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">A handle to the main Engine class</param>
 /// <param name="nextState">A handle to the EngineState to return when the story segment is done</param>
 /// <param name="durationOfStorySegment">How long, in seconds, you want the story segment to last.
 /// The player can always skip the story segment by pressing B, Start, or Back.</param>
 /// <param name="storyImgFilepath"></param>
 /// <param name="altText"></param>
 public EngineStateStorySegment(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface nextState, int durationOfStorySegment, string storyImgFilepath, string altText)
     engine_ = engine;
     nextState_ = nextState;
     framesSpentInStory_ = 0;
     DurationOfStory_ = durationOfStorySegment;
     storyText_ = altText;
         isUsingImage_ = true;
         storyImg_ = new GameTexture(storyImgFilepath, engine.spriteBatch_, engine.GraphicsDevice);
         // That's okay, we will just use the altText.
         isUsingImage_ = false;
 public EngineStateControls(Engine engine, EngineStateInterface returnState)
     : this(engine)
     returnState_ = returnState;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all the textures for the game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath">Filename of the texture document</param>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">SpriteBatch for the game</param>
        /// <param name="graphics">GraphicsDevice for the game</param>
        public void loadTextures(string filename, Engine engine)
            SpriteBatch spriteBatch = engine.spriteBatch_;
            GraphicsDevice graphics = engine.GraphicsDevice;

            using (ManagedXml manager = new ManagedXml(engine))
                    XmlDocument document = manager.loadFromFile(filename);
                    XmlNodeList textureXMLs = document.GetElementsByTagName("texture");
                    foreach (XmlNode node in textureXMLs)
                        KeyValuePair<string, GameTexture> tempPair = GameTexture.loadTextureFromFile(node.InnerText, spriteBatch, graphics);
                        textures_.Add(tempPair.Key, tempPair.Value);
                    XmlNodeList images = document.GetElementsByTagName("image");
                    foreach (XmlNode node in images)
                        string key = "", image = "";
                        XmlNodeList children = node.ChildNodes;
                        foreach (XmlNode child in children)
                            if (child.LocalName == "key")
                                key = child.InnerText;
                            else if (child.LocalName == "handle")
                                image = child.InnerText;
                        textures_.Add(key, new GameTexture(image, spriteBatch, graphics));
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("FATAL ERROR: Texture Map failed to load!");
                    throw e;
            // Don't collect here, because we will be reading in a lot of these XML docs
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// This is the constructor that should almost always be used
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filepath">The path to the .spritefont file, without .spritefont at the end</param>
 /// <param name="spriteBatch">The spriteBatch to be used when drawing text</param>
 /// <param name="engine">The main Engine class</param>
 public GameFont(string filename, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Engine engine)
     spriteBatch_ = spriteBatch;
     font_ = engine.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(filename);
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads SpriteFont information from file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filepath">The .xml file that contains all the Font information</param>
 /// <param name="spriteBatch">The spriteBatch that will be used to draw text</param>
 /// <param name="engine">The main Engine class</param>
 public void loadFonts(string filename, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Engine engine)
     //TODO: Eventually, create automatic loading of fonts based on an xml file.
     //      For now, just create the load for each font in this function
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Kootenay8, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Kootenay8", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Kootenay14, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Kootenay", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Kootenay48, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Kootenay48", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Lindsey, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Lindsey", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Miramonte, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Miramonte", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.MiramonteBold, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/MiramonteBold", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Pericles, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Pericles", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.PericlesLight, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/PericlesLight", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.Pescadero, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/Pescadero", spriteBatch, engine));
     fonts_.Add(FontEnum.PescaderoBold, new GameFont("SpriteFonts/PescaderoBold", spriteBatch, engine));
 public EngineStateSplash(Engine engine)
     engine_ = engine;
     splash_ = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\splash", engine.spriteBatch_, engine.GraphicsDevice, engine_.Content);
Example #19
 public ManagedXml(Engine engine)
     : base()
     content_ = new ContentManager(engine.Services);
     content_.RootDirectory = "Content";
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a state of gameplay
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">Reference to the engine running the state</param>
 /// <param name="filepath">Path to level file which should be loaded.</param>
 public EngineStateGameplay(Engine engine, string filepath)
     : this(engine, Level.getLevelFromFile(filepath, engine))