public CommandRecipes(Main game) : base(game) { Order = -10; config = new RecConfig(); Log = new RecipeLog(); }
public CmdRec(Main game) : base(game) { Order = -10; config = new RecConfig(); Log = new RecipeLog(); }
public CmdRec(Main game) : base(game) { // Why did we need a lower order again? Order = -10; config = new RecConfig(); Log = new RecipeLog(); }
public static void SetUpConfig() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(CmdRec.configDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(CmdRec.configDir); } if (File.Exists(CmdRec.configPath)) { CmdRec.config = RecConfig.Read(CmdRec.configPath); } else { CmdRec.config.Write(CmdRec.configPath); } foreach (Recipe rec in CmdRec.config.Recipes) { if (!CmdRec.recs.Contains( { CmdRec.recs.Add(; } rec.categories.ForEach((item) => { CmdRec.cats.Add(item.ToLower()); }); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Why were you using this instead of Log.ConsoleError? //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; //Console.WriteLine("Error in recConfig.json!"); //Console.ResetColor(); TShock.Log.ConsoleError("Error in recConfig.json!"); TShock.Log.ConsoleError(ex.ToString()); } }
public static RecConfig Write(RecConfig config) { File.WriteAllText(CommandRecipes.configPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, Formatting.Indented)); return config; }
public static RecConfig Read() { if (!File.Exists(CommandRecipes.configPath)) { RecConfig res = new RecConfig(); res.Recipes.Add(new Recipe("Copper Broadsword", new List<Ingredient>() { new Ingredient("Copper Bar", 8, 0, 1), new Ingredient("Iron Bar", 8, 0, 1), new Ingredient("Stone Block", 20, 0, 0), new Ingredient("Wooden Hammer", 1, 0, 0) }, new List<Product>() { new Product("Copper Broadsword", 1, 41, 1, 50), new Product("Copper Shortsword", 1, 41, 1, 50), new Product("Wooden Hammer", 1, 39, 0, 100) }, new List<string> { "Example" }, new List<string> { "" }, new List<string> { "" })); res.Recipes.Add(new Recipe("Iron Broadsword", new List<Ingredient>() { new Ingredient("Iron Bar", 8, 0, 0), new Ingredient("Stone Block", 20, 0, 0), new Ingredient("Wooden Hammer", 1, -1, 0) }, new List<Product>() { new Product("Iron Broadsword", 1, 41, 0, 100), new Product("Wooden Hammer", 1, 39, 0, 100) }, new List<string> { "Example", "Example2" }, new List<string> { "cmdrec.craft.example" }, new List<string> { "" })); Write(res); return res; } try { return Write(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RecConfig>(File.ReadAllText(CommandRecipes.configPath))); } catch (Exception ex) { TShock.Log.Error("[CommandRecipes] An error has occurred while reading the config file! See below for more info:"); TShock.Log.Error(ex.ToString()); return new RecConfig(); } }