protected mesh CreatePalletMesh(PalletProperties palletProperties) { // build pallet object Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProperties); // build list of boxes List<Box> listBoxes = pallet.BuildListOfBoxes(); // build list of vertices / normals / UVs ulong vertexCount = 0, normalCount = 0, uvCount = 0, triangleCount = 0, boxCount = 0; string triangle_string = string.Empty; List<double> doubleArrayPosition = new List<double>(), doubleArrayNormal = new List<double>(), doubleArrayUV = new List<double>(); foreach (Box box in listBoxes) { foreach (Vector3D p in box.Points) { doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.X); doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.Y); doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.Z); ++vertexCount; } foreach (Vector3D n in box.Normals) { doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.X); doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.Y); doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.Z); ++normalCount; } foreach (Vector2D uv in box.UVs) { doubleArrayUV.Add(uv.X); doubleArrayUV.Add(uv.Y); ++uvCount; } foreach (TriangleIndices tr in box.Triangles) { triangle_string += tr.ConvertToString(boxCount); ++triangleCount; } ++boxCount; } mesh palletMesh = new mesh(); // position source source palletPositionSource = new source() { id = "pallet_position", name = "pallet_position" }; float_array farrayPosition = new float_array { id = "pallet_position_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayPosition.Count, Values = doubleArrayPosition.ToArray() }; palletPositionSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common() { accessor = new accessor() { stride = 3, count = vertexCount, source = "#pallet_position_float_array", param = new param[] { new param() { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Z", type = "float" } } } }; palletPositionSource.Item = farrayPosition; // normal source source palletPositionNormal = new source() { id = "pallet_normal", name = "pallet_normal" }; float_array farrayNormal = new float_array { id = "pallet_normal_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayNormal.Count, Values = doubleArrayNormal.ToArray() }; palletPositionNormal.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common() { accessor = new accessor() { stride = 3, count = normalCount, source = "#pallet_normal_float_array", param = new param[] { new param() { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Z", type = "float" } } } }; palletPositionNormal.Item = farrayNormal; // uv source source palletPositionUV = new source() { id = "pallet_UV", name = "pallet_UV" }; float_array farrayUV = new float_array { id = "pallet_UV_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayUV.Count, Values = doubleArrayUV.ToArray() }; palletPositionUV.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common() { accessor = new accessor() { stride = 2, count = vertexCount, source = "#pallet_UV_float_array", param = new param[] { new param() { name = "S", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "T", type = "float" } } } }; palletPositionUV.Item = farrayUV; // insert sources palletMesh.source = new source[] { palletPositionSource, palletPositionNormal, palletPositionUV }; // vertices InputLocal verticesInput = new InputLocal() { semantic = "POSITION", source = "#pallet_position" }; palletMesh.vertices = new vertices() { id = "pallet_vertex", input = new InputLocal[] { verticesInput } }; triangles trianglesPallet = new triangles() { material = "materialPallet", count = triangleCount }; trianglesPallet.input = new InputLocalOffset[] { new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="VERTEX", source="#pallet_vertex", offset=0} , new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="NORMAL", source="#pallet_normal", offset=1} , new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="TEXCOORD", source="#pallet_UV", offset=2, set=0, setSpecified=true } }; trianglesPallet.p = triangle_string; palletMesh.Items = new object[] { trianglesPallet }; return palletMesh; }
public static void AddSkinnedModelWithAnimations(ref Skin SkinChunk, ref SkeletonCTTR SkeletonChunk, ref Shader[] ShaderChunks)//, ref Animation[] AnimChunks) { List <uint> IndexList = new List <uint>(); cachedGeoms.geometry = new geometry[SkinChunk.NumPrimGroups]; for (int primgroups = 0; primgroups < SkinChunk.NumPrimGroups; primgroups++) { cachedGeoms.geometry[primgroups] = new geometry(); cachedGeoms.geometry[primgroups].id = "geometry" + primgroups; cachedGeoms.geometry[primgroups].name = "geometry" + primgroups; mesh newMesh = new Collada141.mesh(); newMesh.vertices = new vertices(); = "geometry" + primgroups + "-vertices"; = "geometry" + primgroups + "-vertices"; newMesh.vertices.input = new InputLocal[1]; newMesh.vertices.input[0] = new InputLocal(); newMesh.vertices.input[0].semantic = "POSITION"; newMesh.vertices.input[0].source = "#geometry" + primgroups + "-positions"; //newMesh.vertices.input[1] = new InputLocal(); //newMesh.vertices.input[1].semantic = "TEXCOORD"; //newMesh.vertices.input[1].source = "#geometry" + primgroups + "-texcoords"; //newMesh.vertices.input[2].semantic = "COLOR"; //newMesh.vertices.input[2].source = "#geometry0-colors"; newMesh.source = new source[3]; newMesh.source[0] = new source(); newMesh.source[0].id = "geometry" + primgroups + "-positions"; float_array geom_positions = new float_array(); = "geometry" + primgroups + "-positions-array"; PositionList posList = SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <PositionList>()[0]; geom_positions.count = (ulong)posList.Positions.Length * 3; geom_positions.Values = new double[geom_positions.count]; for (ulong i = 0; i < geom_positions.count / 3; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { geom_positions.Values[i] = posList.Positions[i / 3].X; } else if (i % 3 == 1) { geom_positions.Values[i] = posList.Positions[i / 3].Y; } else { geom_positions.Values[i] = posList.Positions[i / 3].Z; } } newMesh.source[0].Item = geom_positions; newMesh.source[0].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.source = "#" +; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.count = geom_positions.count / 3; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.stride = 3; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[3] { new param(), new param(), new param(), }; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "X"; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float"; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "Y"; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float"; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[2].name = "Z"; newMesh.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[2].type = "float"; newMesh.source[1] = new source(); newMesh.source[1].id = "geometry" + primgroups + "-mesh-normals"; float_array geom_normals = new float_array(); = "geometry" + primgroups + "-mesh-map-array"; NormalList normals = SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <NormalList>()[0]; geom_normals.count = (ulong)normals.Normals.Length * 3; geom_normals.Values = new double[geom_normals.count]; for (ulong i = 0; i < geom_normals.count; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { geom_normals.Values[i] = normals.Normals[i / 3].X; } else if (i % 3 == 1) { geom_normals.Values[i] = normals.Normals[i / 3].Y; } else { geom_normals.Values[i] = normals.Normals[i / 3].Z; } } newMesh.source[1].Item = geom_normals; newMesh.source[1].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.source = "#" +; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.count = geom_positions.count / 3; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.stride = 3; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[3] { new param(), new param(), new param(), }; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "X"; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float"; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "Y"; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float"; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[2].name = "Z"; newMesh.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[2].type = "float"; newMesh.source[2] = new source(); newMesh.source[2].id = "geometry" + primgroups + "-mesh-map-0"; float_array geom_texcoords = new float_array(); = "geometry" + primgroups + "-mesh-map-array"; UVList UV = SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <UVList>()[0]; geom_texcoords.count = (ulong)UV.UVs.Length * 2; geom_texcoords.Values = new double[geom_texcoords.count]; for (ulong i = 0; i < geom_texcoords.count; i++) { ulong pos = i / 2; geom_texcoords.Values[i] = UV.UVs[pos].X; i++; geom_texcoords.Values[i] = UV.UVs[pos].Y; } newMesh.source[2].Item = geom_texcoords; newMesh.source[2].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.source = "#" +; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.count = geom_texcoords.count / 2; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.stride = 2; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[2] { new param(), new param(), }; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "S"; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float"; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "T"; newMesh.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float"; /* * newMesh.source[3].id = "geometry" + primgroups + "-colors-Col"; * float_array geom_colors = new float_array(); * = "geometry" + primgroups + "-colors-Col-array"; * ColourList colors = SkinChunk.GetChildren<PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren<ColourList>()[0]; * geom_colors.count = (ulong)colors.Colours.Length * 3; * geom_colors.Values = new double[geom_colors.count]; * for (ulong i = 0; i < geom_colors.count / 3; i++) * { * if (i % 3 == 0) * { * geom_colors.Values[i] = colors.Colours[i]; * } * else if (i % 3 == 1) * { * geom_colors.Values[i] = colors.Colours[i / 3]; * } * else * { * geom_colors.Values[i] = colors.Colours[i / 3]; * } * } * * newMesh.source[3].Item = geom_colors; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.source =; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.count = geom_colors.count / 3; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.stride = 3; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[3]; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "R"; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float"; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param[1].name = "G"; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param[1].type = "float"; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param[2].name = "B"; * newMesh.source[3].technique_common.accessor.param[2].type = "float"; */ polylist meshTriangles = new polylist(); meshTriangles.material = ""; meshTriangles.count = (ulong)SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <IndexList>()[0].Indices.Length / 4; meshTriangles.input = new InputLocalOffset[3]; meshTriangles.input[0] = new InputLocalOffset(); meshTriangles.input[0].semantic = "VERTEX"; meshTriangles.input[0].source = "#" +; meshTriangles.input[0].offset = 0; meshTriangles.input[1] = new InputLocalOffset(); meshTriangles.input[1].semantic = "NORMAL"; meshTriangles.input[1].source = "#" + "geometry" + primgroups + "-mesh-normals"; meshTriangles.input[1].offset = 1; meshTriangles.input[2] = new InputLocalOffset(); meshTriangles.input[2].semantic = "TEXCOORD"; meshTriangles.input[2].source = "#" + "geometry" + primgroups + "-mesh-map-0"; meshTriangles.input[2].offset = 2; meshTriangles.input[2].set = 0; string packed_primitives = ""; for (int i = 0; i < SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <IndexList>()[0].Indices.Length; i++) { packed_primitives += SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <IndexList>()[0].Indices[i]; packed_primitives += " "; } string packed_vcount = ""; for (int i = 0; i < SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <IndexList>()[0].Indices.Length / 3; i++) { packed_vcount += "3 "; } meshTriangles.vcount = packed_vcount; meshTriangles.p = packed_primitives; newMesh.Items = new object[1]; newMesh.Items[0] = meshTriangles; cachedGeoms.geometry[primgroups].Item = newMesh; for (int i = 0; i < SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <IndexList>()[0].Indices.Length; i++) { IndexList.Add(SkinChunk.GetChildren <PrimitiveGroupCTTR>()[primgroups].GetChildren <IndexList>()[0].Indices[i]); } } cachedMats.material = new material[ShaderChunks.Length]; List <string> shader_tex = new List <string>(); for (int mat = 0; mat < ShaderChunks.Length; mat++) { cachedMats.material[mat] = new material(); cachedMats.material[mat].id = "mat" + ShaderChunks[mat].Name; cachedMats.material[mat].name = ShaderChunks[mat].Name; cachedMats.material[mat].instance_effect = new instance_effect(); cachedMats.material[mat].instance_effect.url = "#" + ShaderChunks[mat].Name; //effect name if (ShaderChunks[mat].GetChildren <ShaderTextureParam>().Length > 0) { if (!shader_tex.Contains(ShaderChunks[mat].GetChildren <ShaderTextureParam>()[0].Value)) { shader_tex.Add(ShaderChunks[mat].GetChildren <ShaderTextureParam>()[0].Value); } } } cachedImages.image = new image[shader_tex.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cachedImages.image.Length; i++) { cachedImages.image[i] = new image(); cachedImages.image[i].id = "image" + shader_tex[i]; //fx_surface_init_from_common init_from = new fx_surface_init_from_common(); //init_from.Value = shader_tex[i]; //cachedImages.image[i].Item = init_from; } cachedEffects.effect = new effect[ShaderChunks.Length]; for (int mat = 0; mat < ShaderChunks.Length; mat++) { cachedEffects.effect[mat] = new effect(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].id = ShaderChunks[mat].Name; cachedEffects.effect[mat].name = ShaderChunks[mat].Name; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam = new fx_newparam_common[2]; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0] = new fx_newparam_common(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].sid = "Image-surface"; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].surface = new fx_surface_common(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].surface.type = fx_surface_type_enum.Item2D; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].surface.init_from = new fx_surface_init_from_common[1]; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].surface.init_from[0] = new fx_surface_init_from_common(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].surface.init_from[0].Value = ShaderChunks[mat].Name; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[0].surface.format = "A8R8G8B8"; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1] = new fx_newparam_common(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sid = "Image-sampler"; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D = new fx_sampler2D_common(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D.source = "Image-surface"; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D.wrap_s = fx_sampler_wrap_common.CLAMP; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D.wrap_t = fx_sampler_wrap_common.CLAMP; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D.minfilter = fx_sampler_filter_common.NEAREST; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D.magfilter = fx_sampler_filter_common.NEAREST; cachedEffects.effect[mat].newparam[1].sampler2D.mipfilter = fx_sampler_filter_common.NEAREST; cachedEffects.effect[mat].Items = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMON[1]; cachedEffects.effect[mat].Items[0] = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMON(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].Items[0].technique = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMONTechnique(); cachedEffects.effect[mat].Items[0].technique.sid = "common"; effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMONTechniquePhong common_phong = new effectFx_profile_abstractProfile_COMMONTechniquePhong(); common_color_or_texture_typeTexture textureType = new common_color_or_texture_typeTexture(); textureType.texture = "Image-sampler"; textureType.texcoord = "tc"; common_phong.diffuse = new common_color_or_texture_type(); common_phong.diffuse.Item = textureType; common_phong.transparent = new common_transparent_type(); common_phong.transparent.Item = textureType; cachedEffects.effect[mat].Items[0].technique.Item = common_phong; } cachedControllers.controller = new controller[SkinChunk.NumPrimGroups]; for (int a = 0; a < SkinChunk.NumPrimGroups; a++) { cachedControllers.controller[a] = new controller(); cachedControllers.controller[a].id = SkinChunk.Name + a; cachedControllers.controller[a].name = SkinChunk.Name + a; skin ControllerSkin = new skin(); ControllerSkin.source1 = "#geometry" + a; ControllerSkin.source = new source[3]; ControllerSkin.source[0] = new source(); ControllerSkin.source[0].id = "controller" + a + "-joints"; Name_array Joints_Names = new Name_array(); = "controller" + a + "-joints-array"; Joints_Names.count = (ulong)SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>().Length; Joints_Names.Values = new string[Joints_Names.count]; for (ulong i = 0; i < Joints_Names.count; i++) { Joints_Names.Values[i] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].Name; } ControllerSkin.source[0].Item = Joints_Names; ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common.accessor.source = "#" +; ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common.accessor.count = Joints_Names.count; ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[1] { new param() }; ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "JOINT"; ControllerSkin.source[0].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "Name"; ControllerSkin.source[1] = new source(); ControllerSkin.source[1].id = "controller" + a + "-bind_poses"; float_array Bind_Poses = new float_array(); = "controller" + a + "-bind_poses-array"; Bind_Poses.count = (ulong)SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>().Length * 16; Bind_Poses.Values = new double[Bind_Poses.count]; int bind_pose_pos = 0; for (ulong i = 0; i < Joints_Names.count; i++) { Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M11; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M12; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M13; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M14; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M21; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M22; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M23; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M24; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M31; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M32; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M33; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M34; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M41; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M42; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M43; bind_pose_pos++; Bind_Poses.Values[bind_pose_pos] = SkeletonChunk.GetChildren <SkeletonJointCTTR>()[i].RestPose.M44; bind_pose_pos++; } ControllerSkin.source[1].Item = Bind_Poses; ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common.accessor.source = "#" +; ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common.accessor.count = Bind_Poses.count; ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[1] { new param() }; ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "TRANSFORM"; ControllerSkin.source[1].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float4x4"; ControllerSkin.source[2] = new source(); ControllerSkin.source[2].id = "controller" + a + "-weights"; float_array Weights_Array = new float_array(); = "controller" + a + "-weights-array"; Weights_Array.count = Joints_Names.count; Weights_Array.Values = new double[Joints_Names.count]; for (int i = 0; i < Weights_Array.Values.Length; i++) { Weights_Array.Values[i] = 1; } ControllerSkin.source[2].Item = Weights_Array; ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common(); ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common.accessor = new accessor(); ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common.accessor.source = "#" +; ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common.accessor.count = Weights_Array.count; ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param = new param[1] { new param() }; ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param[0].name = "WEIGHT"; ControllerSkin.source[2].technique_common.accessor.param[0].type = "float"; ControllerSkin.joints = new skinJoints(); ControllerSkin.joints.input = new InputLocal[2] { new InputLocal(), new InputLocal() }; ControllerSkin.joints.input[0].semantic = "JOINT"; ControllerSkin.joints.input[0].source = "#" + ControllerSkin.source[0].id; ControllerSkin.joints.input[1].semantic = "INV_BIND_MATRIX"; ControllerSkin.joints.input[1].source = "#" + ControllerSkin.source[1].id; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights = new skinVertex_weights(); ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.count = (ulong)IndexList.Count; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input = new InputLocalOffset[2] { new InputLocalOffset(), new InputLocalOffset() }; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input[0].semantic = "JOINT"; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input[0].source = "#" + ControllerSkin.source[0].id; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input[0].offset = 0; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input[1].semantic = "WEIGHT"; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input[1].source = "#" + ControllerSkin.source[2].id; ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.input[1].offset = 1; string vertex_vcount = ""; for (int i = 0; i < IndexList.Count; i++) { vertex_vcount += "1 "; } ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.vcount = vertex_vcount; string index_list_str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < IndexList.Count; i++) { index_list_str += IndexList[i] + " "; } ControllerSkin.vertex_weights.v = index_list_str; cachedControllers.controller[a].Item = ControllerSkin; } cachedVscenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[1] { new visual_scene() }; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].id = "Scene0"; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].name = "Scene0"; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node = new node[SkinChunk.NumPrimGroups + 1]; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0] = new node(); //cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0].Items = new object[1]; //cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0].Items[0] = new matrix(); for (int i = 0; i < SkeletonChunk.Children.Count; i++) { SkeletonJointCTTR joint = (SkeletonJointCTTR)SkeletonChunk.Children[i]; if (joint.SkeletonParent == 0) { //cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0].node1 = new node[10]; } } cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0].id = SkeletonChunk.Name; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0].type = NodeType.JOINT; //todo: joints node tree // SkeletonParent - 0 means root, the rest is chunk child index // SkeletonJointCTTR.BindPose matrix as transform matrix? for (int i = 1; i < SkinChunk.NumPrimGroups + 1; i++) { cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i] = new node(); cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].id = "node" + i; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].name = "polygon" + i; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].type = NodeType.NODE; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller = new instance_controller[1] { new instance_controller() }; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].url = "#" + cachedControllers.controller[i - 1].id; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].skeleton = new string[1] { "#" + cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[0].id }; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material = new bind_material(); cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material.technique_common = new instance_material[1] { new instance_material() }; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material.technique_common[0].symbol = "#" + cachedMats.material[0].id; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material.technique_common[0].target = "#" + cachedMats.material[0].id; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material.technique_common[0].bind_vertex_input = new instance_materialBind_vertex_input[1] { new instance_materialBind_vertex_input() }; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material.technique_common[0].bind_vertex_input[0].semantic = "tc"; cachedVscenes.visual_scene[0].node[i].instance_controller[0].bind_material.technique_common[0].bind_vertex_input[0].input_semantic = "TEXCOORD"; } //not working: // - vertex weights error out // - mesh comes out wrong //animclips //anims }
protected mesh CreateCaseMesh(BoxProperties caseProperties) { // build box Box box = new Box(0, caseProperties); // build list of vertices / normals / UVs ulong vertexCount = 0, normalCount = 0, uvCount = 0; List<double> doubleArrayPosition = new List<double>(), doubleArrayNormal = new List<double>(), doubleArrayUV = new List<double>(); foreach (Vector3D p in box.PointsSmallOffset) { doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.X); doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.Y); doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.Z); ++vertexCount; } foreach (Vector3D n in box.Normals) { doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.X); doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.Y); doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.Z); ++normalCount; } foreach (Vector2D uv in box.UVs) { doubleArrayUV.Add(uv.X); doubleArrayUV.Add(uv.Y); ++uvCount; } mesh caseMesh = new mesh(); // position source source casePositionSource = new source() { id = "case_position", name = "case_position" }; float_array farrayPosition = new float_array { id = "case_position_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayPosition.Count, Values = doubleArrayPosition.ToArray() }; casePositionSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common() { accessor = new accessor() { stride = 3, count = vertexCount, source = "#case_position_float_array", param = new param[] { new param() { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Z", type = "float" } } } }; casePositionSource.Item = farrayPosition; // normal source source casePositionNormal = new source() { id = "case_normal", name = "case_normal" }; float_array farrayNormal = new float_array { id = "case_normal_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayNormal.Count, Values = doubleArrayNormal.ToArray() }; casePositionNormal.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common() { accessor = new accessor() { stride = 3, count = normalCount, source = "#case_normal_float_array", param = new param[] { new param() { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Z", type = "float" } } } }; casePositionNormal.Item = farrayNormal; // uv source source casePositionUV = new source() { id = "case_UV", name = "pallet_UV" }; float_array farrayUV = new float_array { id = "case_UV_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayUV.Count, Values = doubleArrayUV.ToArray() }; casePositionUV.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common() { accessor = new accessor() { stride = 2, count = vertexCount, source = "#case_UV_float_array", param = new param[] { new param() { name = "S", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "T", type = "float" } } } }; casePositionUV.Item = farrayUV; // insert sources caseMesh.source = new source[] { casePositionSource, casePositionNormal, casePositionUV }; // vertices InputLocal verticesInput = new InputLocal() { semantic = "POSITION", source = "#case_position" }; caseMesh.vertices = new vertices() { id = "case_vertex", input = new InputLocal[] { verticesInput } }; List<object> trianglesList = new List<object>(); // build list of triangles foreach (HalfAxis.HAxis axis in HalfAxis.All) { triangles trianglesCase = new triangles() { material = string.Format("materialCase{0}", (uint)axis), count = 2 }; trianglesCase.input = new InputLocalOffset[] { new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="VERTEX", source="#case_vertex", offset=0} , new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="NORMAL", source="#case_normal", offset=1} , new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="TEXCOORD", source="#case_UV", offset=2, set=0, setSpecified=true } }; string triangle_string = string.Empty; foreach (TriangleIndices tr in box.TrianglesByFace(axis)) triangle_string += tr.ConvertToString(0); trianglesCase.p = triangle_string; trianglesList.Add(trianglesCase); } // build list of lines lines linesCase = new lines() { material = "materialCaseLines", count = 12, input = new InputLocalOffset[] { new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="VERTEX", source="#case_vertex", offset=0} }, p = "0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 4 0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7" }; trianglesList.Add(linesCase); caseMesh.Items = trianglesList.ToArray(); return caseMesh; }
protected mesh CreateComplexCaseMesh(BoxProperties caseProperties) { // build box Box box = new Box(0, caseProperties); // build list of vertex double ct = 5.0; Vector3D[] vertices = new Vector3D[16]; // 1st layer vertices[0] = new Vector3D(ct, ct, 0.0); vertices[1] = new Vector3D(box.Length - ct, ct, 0.0); vertices[2] = new Vector3D(box.Length - ct, box.Width - ct, 0.0); vertices[3] = new Vector3D(ct, box.Width - ct, 0.0); // 2nd layer (8) vertices[4] = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, ct); vertices[5] = new Vector3D(box.Length, 0.0, ct); vertices[6] = new Vector3D(box.Length, box.Width, ct); vertices[7] = new Vector3D(0.0, box.Width, ct); // 3rd later (8) vertices[8] = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, box.Height - ct); vertices[9] = new Vector3D(box.Length, 0.0, box.Height - ct); vertices[10] = new Vector3D(box.Length, box.Width, box.Height - ct); vertices[11] = new Vector3D(0.0, box.Width, box.Height - ct); // 4th layer vertices[12] = new Vector3D(ct, ct, box.Height); vertices[13] = new Vector3D(box.Length - ct, ct, box.Height); vertices[14] = new Vector3D(box.Length - ct, box.Width - ct, box.Height); vertices[15] = new Vector3D(ct, box.Width - ct, box.Height); // build list of loops Loop[] loops = new Loop[14]; mesh caseMesh = new mesh(); return caseMesh; }
public static geometry MeshToGeometry(CPUMesh inputMesh, string id) { geometry outputGeometry = new geometry(); mesh outputMesh = new mesh(); = id + "-lib"; = + "-mesh"; outputGeometry.Item = outputMesh; //vertex Positions List <source> sourceList = new List <source>(); var inputVertices = inputMesh.vertices; if (inputVertices.Length == 0) { return(null); } sourceList.Add(ArrayToSource(inputMesh.vertices, id + "-POSITION")); vertices vertexList = new vertices(); = id + "-VERTEX"; vertexList.input = new InputLocal[1]; vertexList.input[0] = new InputLocal(); vertexList.input[0].semantic = "POSITION"; vertexList.input[0].source = "#" + sourceList[0].id; outputMesh.vertices = vertexList; List <InputLocalOffset> offsetList = new List <InputLocalOffset>(); { InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "VERTEX"; offset.offset = 0; offset.source = "#" +; offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputNormals = inputMesh.normals; if (inputNormals.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputNormals, id + "-Normal0"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "NORMAL"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputUV1s = inputMesh.uv; if (inputUV1s.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV1s, id + "-UV0"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "TEXCOORD"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; offset.set = 0; offset.setSpecified = true; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputUV2s = inputMesh.uv2; if (inputUV2s.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV2s, id + "-UV1"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "TEXCOORD"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; offset.set = 1; offset.setSpecified = true; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputColors = inputMesh.colors; if (inputColors.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputColors, id + "-VERTEX_COLOR0"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "COLOR"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; offset.set = 0; offset.setSpecified = true; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } outputMesh.source = sourceList.ToArray(); triangles triangleList = new triangles(); triangleList.input = offsetList.ToArray(); var inputTriangles = inputMesh.triangles; triangleList.count = (ulong)inputTriangles.Length / 3; if (triangleList.count == 0) { return(null); } StringBuilder pString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < inputTriangles.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < triangleList.input.Length; j++) { pString.Append(inputTriangles[i]).Append(" "); } if (i % 3 == 2) { pString.AppendLine(); } else { pString.Append(" "); } } triangleList.p = pString.ToString(); outputMesh.Items = new object[1]; outputMesh.Items[0] = triangleList; return(outputGeometry); }
public static geometry MeshToGeometry(Mesh inputMesh) { string meshName = "Mesh-" + inputMesh.GetInstanceID(); geometry outputGeometry = new geometry(); mesh outputMesh = new mesh(); = meshName + "-lib"; = + "-mesh"; outputGeometry.Item = outputMesh; //vertex Positions List<source> sourceList = new List<source>(); var inputVertices = inputMesh.vertices; if (inputVertices.Length == 0) return null; sourceList.Add(ArrayToSource(inputMesh.vertices, meshName + "-POSITION")); vertices vertexList = new vertices(); = meshName + "-VERTEX"; vertexList.input = new InputLocal[1]; vertexList.input[0] = new InputLocal(); vertexList.input[0].semantic = "POSITION"; vertexList.input[0].source = "#" + sourceList[0].id; outputMesh.vertices = vertexList; List<InputLocalOffset> offsetList = new List<InputLocalOffset>(); { InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "VERTEX"; offset.offset = 0; offset.source = "#" +; offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputNormals = inputMesh.normals; if(inputNormals.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputNormals, meshName + "-Normal0"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "NORMAL"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputUV1s = inputMesh.uv; if (inputUV1s.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV1s, meshName + "-UV0"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "TEXCOORD"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; offset.set = 0; offset.setSpecified = true; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputUV2s = inputMesh.uv2; if (inputUV2s.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV2s, meshName + "-UV1"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "TEXCOORD"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; offset.set = 1; offset.setSpecified = true; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } var inputColors = inputMesh.colors; if (inputColors.Length > 0) { var array = ArrayToSource(inputColors, meshName + "-VERTEX_COLOR0"); InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset(); offset.semantic = "COLOR"; offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count; offset.source = "#" +; offset.set = 0; offset.setSpecified = true; sourceList.Add(array); offsetList.Add(offset); } outputMesh.source = sourceList.ToArray(); triangles triangleList = new triangles(); triangleList.input = offsetList.ToArray(); var inputTriangles = inputMesh.triangles; triangleList.count = (ulong)inputTriangles.Length / 3; if (triangleList.count == 0) return null; StringBuilder pString = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < inputTriangles.Length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < triangleList.input.Length; j++) { pString.Append(inputTriangles[i]).Append(" "); } if (i % 3 == 2) pString.AppendLine(); else pString.Append(" "); } triangleList.p = pString.ToString(); outputMesh.Items = new object[1]; outputMesh.Items[0] = triangleList; return outputGeometry; }
static ExportModel ProcessModel(ModelFile mdl, ResourceManager resources) { mdl.Path = mdl.Path.Replace(' ', '_'); var ex = new ExportModel(); for (int midx = 0; midx < mdl.Levels.Length; midx++) { var lvl = mdl.Levels[midx]; var processed = ProcessRef(lvl, resources); var geo = new CL.geometry(); = = mdl.Path + "-level" + midx; var mesh = new CL.mesh(); geo.Item = mesh; CL.source positions; CL.source normals = null; CL.source colors = null; CL.source tex1 = null; CL.source tex2 = null; int idxC = 1; positions = CreateSource( + "-positions", (k) => new Vector4(processed.Vertices[k].Position, 0), 3, processed.Vertices.Length); mesh.vertices = new CL.vertices() { id = + "-vertices", input = new CL.InputLocal[] { new CL.InputLocal() { semantic = "POSITION", source = "#" + } } }; var sources = new List <CL.source>() { positions }; if ((processed.FVF & D3DFVF.NORMAL) == D3DFVF.NORMAL) { normals = CreateSource( + "-normals", (k) => new Vector4(processed.Vertices[k].Normal, 0), 3, processed.Vertices.Length); sources.Add(normals); idxC++; } if ((processed.FVF & D3DFVF.DIFFUSE) == D3DFVF.DIFFUSE) { colors = CreateSource( + "-color", (k) => { var c = Color4.FromRgba(processed.Vertices[k].Diffuse); return(new Vector4(c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A)); }, 4, processed.Vertices.Length); sources.Add(colors); idxC++; } bool doTex1, doTex2 = false; if ((processed.FVF & D3DFVF.TEX2) == D3DFVF.TEX2) { doTex1 = doTex2 = true; } else if ((processed.FVF & D3DFVF.TEX1) == D3DFVF.TEX1) { doTex1 = true; } else { doTex1 = doTex2 = false; } if (doTex1) { tex1 = CreateSource( + "-tex1", (k) => new Vector4(processed.Vertices[k].TextureCoordinate, 0, 0), 2, processed.Vertices.Length); sources.Add(tex1); idxC++; } if (doTex2) { tex2 = CreateSource( + "-tex2", (k) => new Vector4(processed.Vertices[k].TextureCoordinateTwo, 0, 0), 2, processed.Vertices.Length); sources.Add(tex2); idxC++; } mesh.source = sources.ToArray(); var items = new List <object>(); foreach (var dc in processed.Drawcalls) { if (!ex.Materials.Any((x) => x.Name == dc.Material.Name)) { ex.Materials.Add(dc.Material); } var trs = new CL.triangles(); trs.count = (ulong)(dc.Indices.Length / 3); trs.material = dc.Material.Name + "-material"; List <int> pRefs = new List <int>(dc.Indices.Length * idxC); List <CL.InputLocalOffset> inputs = new List <CL.InputLocalOffset>() { new CL.InputLocalOffset() { semantic = "VERTEX", source = "#" + + "-vertices", offset = 0 } }; ulong off = 1; if (normals != null) { inputs.Add(new CL.InputLocalOffset() { semantic = "NORMAL", source = "#" +, offset = off++ }); } if (colors != null) { inputs.Add(new CL.InputLocalOffset() { semantic = "COLOR", source = "#" +, offset = off++ }); } if (tex1 != null) { inputs.Add(new CL.InputLocalOffset() { semantic = "TEXCOORD", source = "#" +, offset = off++ }); } if (tex2 != null) { inputs.Add(new CL.InputLocalOffset() { semantic = "TEXCOORD", source = "#" +, offset = off++ }); } trs.input = inputs.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dc.Indices.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < idxC; j++) { pRefs.Add(dc.Indices[i]); } } trs.p = string.Join(" ", pRefs.ToArray()); items.Add(trs); } mesh.Items = items.ToArray(); ex.Geometries.Add(geo); } return(ex); }