Example #1
        public static geometry MeshToGeometry(CPUMesh inputMesh, string id)
            geometry outputGeometry = new geometry();
            mesh     outputMesh     = new mesh();

            outputGeometry.id   = id + "-lib";
            outputGeometry.name = inputMesh.name + "-mesh";
            outputGeometry.Item = outputMesh;

            //vertex Positions
            List <source> sourceList    = new List <source>();
            var           inputVertices = inputMesh.vertices;

            if (inputVertices.Length == 0)
            sourceList.Add(ArrayToSource(inputMesh.vertices, id + "-POSITION"));

            vertices vertexList = new vertices();

            vertexList.id                = id + "-VERTEX";
            vertexList.input             = new InputLocal[1];
            vertexList.input[0]          = new InputLocal();
            vertexList.input[0].semantic = "POSITION";
            vertexList.input[0].source   = "#" + sourceList[0].id;
            outputMesh.vertices          = vertexList;

            List <InputLocalOffset> offsetList = new List <InputLocalOffset>();

                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "VERTEX";
                offset.offset   = 0;
                offset.source   = "#" + vertexList.id;

            var inputNormals = inputMesh.normals;

            if (inputNormals.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputNormals, id + "-Normal0");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "NORMAL";
                offset.offset   = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source   = "#" + array.id;
            var inputUV1s = inputMesh.uv;

            if (inputUV1s.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV1s, id + "-UV0");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic     = "TEXCOORD";
                offset.offset       = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source       = "#" + array.id;
                offset.set          = 0;
                offset.setSpecified = true;
            var inputUV2s = inputMesh.uv2;

            if (inputUV2s.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV2s, id + "-UV1");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic     = "TEXCOORD";
                offset.offset       = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source       = "#" + array.id;
                offset.set          = 1;
                offset.setSpecified = true;
            var inputColors = inputMesh.colors;

            if (inputColors.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputColors, id + "-VERTEX_COLOR0");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic     = "COLOR";
                offset.offset       = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source       = "#" + array.id;
                offset.set          = 0;
                offset.setSpecified = true;

            outputMesh.source = sourceList.ToArray();

            triangles triangleList = new triangles();

            triangleList.input = offsetList.ToArray();

            var inputTriangles = inputMesh.triangles;

            triangleList.count = (ulong)inputTriangles.Length / 3;

            if (triangleList.count == 0)

            StringBuilder pString = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputTriangles.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < triangleList.input.Length; j++)
                    pString.Append(inputTriangles[i]).Append(" ");
                if (i % 3 == 2)
                    pString.Append("   ");

            triangleList.p = pString.ToString();

            outputMesh.Items    = new object[1];
            outputMesh.Items[0] = triangleList;

Example #2
        private ModelBase.GeometryDef ReadGeometry(string id, string boneID, Dictionary<string, string> bindMaterials, int[] vertexBoneIDs)
            ModelBase.GeometryDef geomDef = new ModelBase.GeometryDef(id);
            int boneIndex = m_Model.m_BoneTree.GetBoneIndex(boneID);
            geometry geom = library_geometries.geometry.Where(geom0 => geom0.id.Equals(id)).ElementAt(0);

            Dictionary<string, source> sources = new Dictionary<string, source>();

            if (geom.Item as mesh != null)
                mesh geomMesh = geom.Item as mesh;
                Dictionary<string, string> geometryVertices = new Dictionary<string,string>();
                    geomMesh.vertices.input.Where(input0 => input0.semantic.Equals("POSITION")).ElementAt(0).source.Replace("#", ""));

                foreach (source src in geomMesh.source)
                    string sourceID = src.id;
                    if (src.Item as float_array != null)
                        sources.Add(sourceID, src);
                foreach (var item in geomMesh.Items)
                    if ((item as triangles != null) || (item as polylist != null) || (item as polygons != null) ||
                        (item as tristrips != null))
                        ModelBase.PolyListDef polyListDef;
                        string material = null;
                        ulong count;
                        InputLocalOffset[] inputs = new InputLocalOffset[0];
                        int[] vcount = new int[0];
                        List<int[]> p = new List<int[]>();
                        ModelBase.PolyListType polyListType = ModelBase.PolyListType.Polygons;

                        if (item as triangles != null)
                            triangles tris = item as triangles;
                            polyListType = ModelBase.PolyListType.Triangles;
                            string matAttr = (tris.material != null) ? tris.material : "default_white";
                            material = (bindMaterials != null && bindMaterials.Count > 0 && bindMaterials.ContainsKey(matAttr)) ?
                                bindMaterials[matAttr] : matAttr;
                            count = tris.count;
                            inputs = tris.input;
                            vcount = new int[] { 3 };
                            p.Add(Array.ConvertAll<string, int>
                                (tris.p.Split(new string[] { " ", "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), Convert.ToInt32));
                        else if (item as polylist != null)
                            polylist plist = item as polylist;
                            polyListType = ModelBase.PolyListType.Polygons;
                            string matAttr = (plist.material != null) ? plist.material : "default_white";
                            material = (bindMaterials != null && bindMaterials.Count > 0 && bindMaterials.ContainsKey(matAttr)) ?
                                bindMaterials[matAttr] : matAttr;
                            count = plist.count;
                            inputs = plist.input;
                            vcount = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>
                                (plist.vcount.Split(new string[] { " ", "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), Convert.ToInt32);
                            p.Add(Array.ConvertAll<string, int>
                                (plist.p.Split(new string[] { " ", "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), Convert.ToInt32));
                        else if (item as polygons != null)
                            polygons pgons = item as polygons;
                            polyListType = ModelBase.PolyListType.Polygons;
                            string matAttr = (pgons.material != null) ? pgons.material : "default_white";
                            material = (bindMaterials != null && bindMaterials.Count > 0 && bindMaterials.ContainsKey(matAttr)) ?
                                bindMaterials[matAttr] : matAttr;
                            count = pgons.count;
                            inputs = pgons.input;
                            vcount = new int[count];
                            int[] pTmp = new int[0];
                            int counter = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < pgons.Items.Length; i++)
                                var element = pgons.Items[i];
                                if (element as string != null)
                                    int[] tmp = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>
                                        ((element as string).Split(new string[] { " ", "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
                                    vcount[i] = tmp.Length / inputs.Length;
                                    Array.Resize(ref pTmp, pTmp.Length + (vcount[i] * inputs.Length));
                                    Array.Copy(tmp, 0, pTmp, counter, tmp.Length);
                                    counter += tmp.Length;
                        else if (item as tristrips != null)
                            tristrips tristrips = item as tristrips;
                            polyListType = ModelBase.PolyListType.TriangleStrip;
                            string matAttr = (tristrips.material != null) ? tristrips.material : "default_white";
                            material = (bindMaterials != null && bindMaterials.Count > 0 && bindMaterials.ContainsKey(matAttr)) ?
                                bindMaterials[matAttr] : matAttr;
                            count = tristrips.count;
                            inputs = tristrips.input;
                            vcount = new int[] { 3 };
                            // Go through <p> elements and convert it so the format is similar to <polylist> for parsing below
                            // Eg. given: (0,(1,(2),(3),4),5)
                            // convert to separate triangles: (0,1,2),(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(3,4,5)
                            // These will be converted back to triangle strips when writing the BMD model
                            for (int i = 0; i < tristrips.p.Length; i++)
                                var element = tristrips.p[i];
                                if (element as string != null)
                                    int[] tmp = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>
                                        ((element as string).Split(new string[] { " ", "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
                                    int numTris = ((tmp.Length / inputs.Length) - 3) + 1;
                                    int numVertsToTris = numTris * 3;
                                    int[] tmpConv = new int[numVertsToTris * inputs.Length];
                                    Array.Copy(tmp, tmpConv, (3 * inputs.Length));
                                    if (tmp.Length > (3 * inputs.Length))
                                        int startInd = 3 * inputs.Length;
                                        for (int sourceInd = startInd, destInd = startInd; sourceInd < tmp.Length;
                                            sourceInd += inputs.Length, destInd += (3 * inputs.Length))
                                            Array.Copy(tmp, sourceInd - (2 * inputs.Length), tmpConv, destInd, (3 * inputs.Length));


                        polyListDef = new ModelBase.PolyListDef(id + "." + material, material);

                        // The parent (root) bone should have a list of all materials used by itself and its children
                        if (!m_Model.m_BoneTree.GetBoneByID(boneID).GetRoot().m_MaterialsInBranch.Contains(material))
                        if (!m_Model.m_BoneTree.GetBoneByID(boneID).m_MaterialsInBranch.Contains(material))

                        int inputCount = inputs.Length;
                        int vertexOffset = -1, normalOffset = -1, texCoordOffset = -1, colourOffset = -1;
                        string vertexSource = "", normalSource = "", texCoordSource = "", colourSource = "";
                        foreach (InputLocalOffset input in inputs)
                            if (input.semantic.Equals("VERTEX"))
                                vertexOffset = (int)input.offset;
                                vertexSource = geometryVertices[input.source.Replace("#", "")];
                            else if (input.semantic.Equals("NORMAL"))
                                normalOffset = (int)input.offset;
                                normalSource = input.source.Replace("#", "");
                            else if (input.semantic.Equals("TEXCOORD"))
                                texCoordOffset = (int)input.offset;
                                texCoordSource = input.source.Replace("#", "");
                            else if (input.semantic.Equals("COLOR"))
                                colourOffset = (int)input.offset;
                                colourSource = input.source.Replace("#", "");

                        foreach (int[] pArr in p)
                            ModelBase.FaceListDef faceList = new ModelBase.FaceListDef(polyListType);

                            bool even = true;
                            for (ulong pIndex = 0, vcountInd = 0; pIndex < (ulong)pArr.Length; vcountInd++)
                                ModelBase.FaceDef faceDef = new ModelBase.FaceDef(
                                    vcount[(polyListType.Equals(ModelBase.PolyListType.Triangles) ||
                                    polyListType.Equals(ModelBase.PolyListType.TriangleStrip)) ? 0 : vcountInd]);
                                List<ModelBase.VertexDef> vertices = new List<ModelBase.VertexDef>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < faceDef.m_NumVertices; i++)
                                    ModelBase.VertexDef vert = ModelBase.EMPTY_VERTEX;

                                    int vertexIndex = pArr[pIndex + (ulong)vertexOffset];
                                    float[] tmp = GetValueFromFloatArraySource(sources[vertexSource], vertexIndex);
                                    vert.m_Position = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);

                                    /*if (normalOffset != -1)
                                        tmp = GetValueFromFloatArraySource(sources[normalSource], pArr[pIndex + (ulong)normalOffset]);
                                        vert.m_Normal = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
                                        vert.m_Normal = null;

                                    if (texCoordOffset != -1 && m_Model.m_Materials[material].m_TextureDefID != null)
                                        tmp = GetValueFromFloatArraySource(sources[texCoordSource], pArr[pIndex + (ulong)texCoordOffset]);
                                        if (m_Model.m_Materials[material].m_TexGenMode != ModelBase.TexGenMode.Normal)
                                            vert.m_TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
                                            vert.m_Normal = new Vector3(
                                                tmp[0] * m_Model.m_Textures[m_Model.m_Materials[material].m_TextureDefID].GetWidth(),
                                                tmp[1] * m_Model.m_Textures[m_Model.m_Materials[material].m_TextureDefID].GetHeight(),
                                            vert.m_TextureCoordinate = null;
                                        vert.m_TextureCoordinate = null;

                                    if (colourOffset != -1)
                                        tmp = GetValueFromFloatArraySource(sources[colourSource], pArr[pIndex + (ulong)colourOffset]);
                                        vert.m_VertexColour = Color.FromArgb((int)(tmp[0] * 255f),
                                            (int)(tmp[1] * 255f), (int)(tmp[2] * 255f));
                                        vert.m_VertexColour = Color.White;

                                    vert.m_VertexBoneID = (vertexBoneIDs != null) ? vertexBoneIDs[vertexIndex] : boneIndex;


                                    pIndex += (ulong)inputCount;

                                if (polyListType.Equals(ModelBase.PolyListType.TriangleStrip))
                                    if (even)
                                        for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Count; v++)
                                            faceDef.m_Vertices[v] = vertices[v];
                                        for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Count; v++)
                                            faceDef.m_Vertices[2 - v] = vertices[v];
                                    even = !even;
                                    for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Count; v++)
                                        faceDef.m_Vertices[v] = vertices[v];



                        geomDef.m_PolyLists.Add(boneID + "." + material, polyListDef);

            return geomDef;
Example #3
        public static geometry MeshToGeometry(Mesh inputMesh)
            string meshName = "Mesh-" + inputMesh.GetInstanceID();

            geometry outputGeometry = new geometry();
            mesh outputMesh = new mesh();

            outputGeometry.id = meshName + "-lib";
            outputGeometry.name = inputMesh.name + "-mesh";
            outputGeometry.Item = outputMesh;

            //vertex Positions
            List<source> sourceList = new List<source>();
            var inputVertices = inputMesh.vertices;
            if (inputVertices.Length == 0)
                return null;
            sourceList.Add(ArrayToSource(inputMesh.vertices, meshName + "-POSITION"));

            vertices vertexList = new vertices();
            vertexList.id = meshName + "-VERTEX";
            vertexList.input = new InputLocal[1];
            vertexList.input[0] = new InputLocal();
            vertexList.input[0].semantic = "POSITION";
            vertexList.input[0].source = "#" + sourceList[0].id;
            outputMesh.vertices = vertexList;

            List<InputLocalOffset> offsetList = new List<InputLocalOffset>();

                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "VERTEX";
                offset.offset = 0;
                offset.source = "#" + vertexList.id;

            var inputNormals = inputMesh.normals;
            if(inputNormals.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputNormals, meshName + "-Normal0");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "NORMAL";
                offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source = "#" + array.id;
            var inputUV1s = inputMesh.uv;
            if (inputUV1s.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV1s, meshName + "-UV0");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "TEXCOORD";
                offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source = "#" + array.id;
                offset.set = 0;
                offset.setSpecified = true;
            var inputUV2s = inputMesh.uv2;
            if (inputUV2s.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputUV2s, meshName + "-UV1");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "TEXCOORD";
                offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source = "#" + array.id;
                offset.set = 1;
                offset.setSpecified = true;
            var inputColors = inputMesh.colors;
            if (inputColors.Length > 0)
                var array = ArrayToSource(inputColors, meshName + "-VERTEX_COLOR0");
                InputLocalOffset offset = new InputLocalOffset();
                offset.semantic = "COLOR";
                offset.offset = (ulong)sourceList.Count;
                offset.source = "#" + array.id;
                offset.set = 0;
                offset.setSpecified = true;

            outputMesh.source = sourceList.ToArray();

            triangles triangleList = new triangles();
            triangleList.input = offsetList.ToArray();

            var inputTriangles = inputMesh.triangles;

            triangleList.count = (ulong)inputTriangles.Length / 3;

            if (triangleList.count == 0)
                return null;

            StringBuilder pString = new StringBuilder();

            for(int i = 0; i < inputTriangles.Length; i++)
                for(int j = 0; j < triangleList.input.Length; j++)
                    pString.Append(inputTriangles[i]).Append(" ");
                if (i % 3 == 2)
                    pString.Append("   ");

            triangleList.p = pString.ToString();

            outputMesh.Items = new object[1];
            outputMesh.Items[0] = triangleList;

            return outputGeometry;