Example #1
        public override async Task <MultipleChoiceResponse <TSelectableItem> > AskMultipleChoiceQuestionAsync <TSelectableItem>(
            MultipleChoiceQuestion <TSelectableItem> question)
            AssertArg.IsNotNull(question, nameof(question));

            var r = await AskMultipleChoiceAsync(question);

Example #2
 public abstract Task <MultipleChoiceResponse <TSelectableItem> > AskMultipleChoiceQuestionAsync <TSelectableItem>(
     MultipleChoiceQuestion <TSelectableItem> question);
Example #3
 public override Task <MultipleChoiceResponse <TSelectableItem> > AskMultipleChoiceQuestionAsync <TSelectableItem>(
     MultipleChoiceQuestion <TSelectableItem> question)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected virtual async Task <MultipleChoiceResponse <T> > AskMultipleChoiceAsync <T>(MultipleChoiceQuestion <T> question)
            if (!question.Items.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("The Question's item count is zero.");

            DataTemplate template          = null;
            bool         useCustomTemplate = question.ItemTemplateName != null;

            if (useCustomTemplate)
                if (Application.Current.Resources.TryGetValue(question.ItemTemplateName, out object templateObject))
                    template = (DataTemplate)templateObject;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to locate template with name " + question.ItemTemplateName);
            else if (Application.Current.Resources.TryGetValue(TemplateNames.MultipleChoiceItem, out object templateObject))
                template = (DataTemplate)templateObject;

            IEnumerable items = question.Items;
            bool        usingSelectableItems = false;
            object      selectedItem         = question.SelectedItem;
            bool        multiSelect          = question.MultiSelect;
            var         selectedItems        = new List <object>();

            if (template == null)
                //Application.Current.Resources["TextFuncConverter"] = new TextFuncConverter();

                /* When a new instance of the converter is created,
                 * it takes the static TextFuncInternal value as a field value.
                 * That way, each new instance gets the right func. */
                //TextFuncConverter.TextFuncInternal = question.TextFunc;

                /* I wish I could make this work, but unfortunately the xmlns:dialogModel only resolves
                 * if present somewhere in the host app. */

                // var xaml = $@"<DataTemplate
                //              xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation""
                //              xmlns:x=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml""
                //              xmlns:dialogModel=""using:Codon.DialogModel"">
                //              <Border>
                //                  <Border.Resources>
                //                      <dialogModel:TextFuncConverter x:Name=""TextFuncConverter""/>
                //                  </Border.Resources>
                //                  <TextBlock Text=""{{Binding Converter={{StaticResource TextFuncConverter}}}}"" />
                //              </Border>
                //          </DataTemplate>";
                // template = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(xaml);
                // var rd = new ResourceDictionary();
                // rd.Source = new Uri("ms-appx:///Codon.Platform/DialogResources.xaml");
                // template = (DataTemplate)rd["DialogService_MultipleChoiceItem"];

                var xaml = $@"<DataTemplate 
									<TextBlock Text=""{{Binding Text}}"" /> 
							</DataTemplate>"                            ;

                template = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(xaml);

                var tempList = new List <SelectableItem>();

                var questionSelectedItems = question.SelectedItems?.ToList();

                foreach (T o in question.Items)
                    var item = new SelectableItem(question.TextFunc(o), o);

                    if (multiSelect)
                        if (questionSelectedItems != null && questionSelectedItems.Contains(o))
                        if (Equals(question.SelectedItem, o))
                            selectedItem = item;

                items = tempList;

                usingSelectableItems = true;

            ListBox box = new ListBox
                ItemsSource   = items,
                ItemTemplate  = template,
                SelectionMode = question.MultiSelect ? SelectionMode.Multiple : SelectionMode.Single

            if (multiSelect)
                foreach (var item in selectedItems)
                box.SelectedItem = selectedItem;

            ContentDialog dialog = new ContentDialog
                Content = box,
                Title   = question.Caption,
                IsPrimaryButtonEnabled   = true,
                IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = true,
                PrimaryButtonText        = Strings.OK,
                SecondaryButtonText      = Strings.Cancel

            ContentDialogResult dialogResult = await dialog.ShowAsync();

            if (dialogResult == ContentDialogResult.None || dialogResult == ContentDialogResult.Secondary)
                return(new MultipleChoiceResponse <T>());

            if (usingSelectableItems)
                var objects = box.SelectedItems.Cast <SelectableItem>().Select(x => (T)x.Item).ToList();
                return(new MultipleChoiceResponse <T>(objects));

            return(new MultipleChoiceResponse <T>(box.SelectedItems?.Cast <T>()));