public void SampleTest() { Assert.AreEqual("no one likes this", WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[0])); Assert.AreEqual("Peter likes this", WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[] { "Peter" })); Assert.AreEqual("Jacob and Alex like this", WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[] { "Jacob", "Alex" })); Assert.AreEqual("Max, John and Mark like this", WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[] { "Max", "John", "Mark" })); Assert.AreEqual("Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this", WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[] { "Alex", "Jacob", "Mark", "Max" })); }
public void FourNameTest() { // 4 names Assert.AreEqual(WhoLikesIt.Likes(names.Take(4).ToArray()), WhoLikesIt.Likes(names.Take(4).ToArray())); const int Tests = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < Tests; ++i) { names = names.OrderBy(_ => rnd.Next()).ToArray(); string[] test = names.Take(rnd.Next(0, 101)).ToArray(); string expected = WhoLikesIt.Likes(test); string actual = WhoLikesIt.Likes(test); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } }
public void ThreeNameTest() { Assert.AreEqual(WhoLikesIt.Likes(names.Take(3).ToArray()), WhoLikesIt.Likes(names.Take(3).ToArray())); }
public void ZeroNameTest() { Assert.AreEqual(WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[0]), WhoLikesIt.Likes(new string[0])); }