public KeyCard(int card_id, int teamFirstToMove, string data_string, int length) { id = card_id; firstToMove = teamFirstToMove; size = length; string[] d = data_string.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i++) { int n = Int32.Parse(d[i].Trim()); CardColor color = (CardColor)Enum.ToObject(typeof(CardColor), n); data.Add(color); } }
RevealCardResolutions RevealCard(CardChoice cardChoice) //Reveals the card at the index of the deck { try { if (cardChoice == CardChoice.PASS) { return(RevealCardResolutions.PASS); } int index = (int)cardChoice; if (deck.Cards[index].State == CardState.Revealed) { return(RevealCardResolutions.ALREADY_REVEALED); } else { deck.Cards[index].State = CardState.Revealed; CardColor cardColor =[index]; switch (cardColor) { case CardColor.Red: return(RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_RED_TEAM_CARD); case CardColor.Blue: return(RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_BLUE_TEAM_CARD); case CardColor.Brown: return(RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_BROWN_TEAM_CARD); case CardColor.Black: return(RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_BLACK_TEAM_CARD); default: throw new System.Exception("RevealCardResolutions not implemented: " + cardColor); } } } catch { return(RevealCardResolutions.ERROR); } }
void HandleRevealCardResolution(RevealCardResolutions revealResolution, CardColor teamColor) { switch (revealResolution) { case RevealCardResolutions.PASS: Debug.Log("Team passed turn"); if (teamColor == CardColor.Blue) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_TURN_END); } else if (teamColor == CardColor.Red) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_TURN_END); } else { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("A team must be blue or red"); } break; case RevealCardResolutions.ALREADY_REVEALED: Debug.Log("Ignored Submission. Already revealed card was chosen"); break; case RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_BLACK_TEAM_CARD: Debug.Log("Black card revealed! " + teamColor.ToString() + " team loses the game"); if (teamColor == CardColor.Blue) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_WINS); } else if (teamColor == CardColor.Red) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_WINS); } else { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("A team must be blue or red"); } break; case RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_BROWN_TEAM_CARD: Debug.Log("Brown card revealed! " + teamColor.ToString() + " team loses their turn"); if (teamColor == CardColor.Blue) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_TURN_END); } else if (teamColor == CardColor.Red) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_TURN_END); } else { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("A team must be blue or red"); } break; case RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_BLUE_TEAM_CARD: guessesLeft -= 1; CardsToWinTeamBlue -= 1; PrintScore(); if (CardsToWinTeamBlue == 0) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_WINS); } else { if (teamColor == CardColor.Blue) { if (guessesLeft == 0) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_TURN_NO_MORE_GUESSES); } else { Debug.Log("Blue card revealed! Team continues. Guesses left: " + guessesLeft.ToString()); EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_TURN_CONTINUE); } } else if (teamColor == CardColor.Red) { Debug.Log("Blue card revealed! " + teamColor.ToString() + " team loses their turn"); EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_TURN_END); } else { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("A team must be blue or red"); } } break; case RevealCardResolutions.REVEALED_RED_TEAM_CARD: guessesLeft -= 1; CardsToWinTeamRed -= 1; PrintScore(); if (CardsToWinTeamRed == 0) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_WINS); } else { if (teamColor == CardColor.Blue) { Debug.Log("Red card revealed! " + teamColor.ToString() + " team loses their turn"); EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.BLUE_TEAM_TURN_END); } else if (teamColor == CardColor.Red) { if (guessesLeft == 0) { EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_TURN_NO_MORE_GUESSES); } else { Debug.Log("Red card revealed! Team continues. Guesses left: " + guessesLeft.ToString()); EventManager.onGameStateApiDone.Invoke(GameState.RED_TEAM_TURN_CONTINUE); } } else { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("A team must be blue or red"); } } break; default: throw new System.NotImplementedException("RevealCardResolutions not implemented: " + revealResolution.ToString()); } }
public TeamCardSubmission(CardChoice index, CardColor team) { cardIndex = index; teamColor = team; }
private void ReloadGameState() { Task.Run(() => { GameState gameState = new GameState(); try { gameState = StreamHelper.Communicate <GameState>(user.clientStream, RequestCodes.GAME_STATE); } catch (IOException) { try { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Utils.ConnectionAbortMessageBox(); Close(); }); } catch { } } if (gameState.winner != CardType.NONE) { GameUpdates_Timer.Enabled = false; Utils.RtlMessageBox("המשחק הסתיים! הקבוצה ה" + (gameState.winner == CardType.RED ? "אדומה" : "כחולה") + " ניצחה!", "סוף המשחק", MessageBoxIcon.Information); Game_Panel.Enabled = false; } else if (gameState.deleted) { GameUpdates_Timer.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("המשחק נמחק"); Game_Panel.Enabled = false; } try { Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { if (gameState.turn == CardType.RED) { CurrTurn_Label.Text = "אדום"; CurrTurn_Label.ForeColor = CardColor.REVEALED_RED; } else { CurrTurn_Label.Text = "כחול"; CurrTurn_Label.ForeColor = CardColor.REVEALED_BLUE; } CurrWord_Label.Text = Utils.Base64Decode(gameState.curr_word); CurrAmount_Label.Text = gameState.curr_revealed.ToString() + "/" + gameState.curr_cards.ToString(); for (int r = 0; r < gameState.board.Count; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < gameState.board[r].Count; c++) { board[r][c].Text = Utils.Base64Decode(gameState.board[r][c].word); board[r][c].revealed = gameState.board[r][c].revealed; board[r][c].BackColor = CardColor.GetColor(gameState.board[r][c].type, gameState.board[r][c].revealed); } } CurrWord_TextBox.Visible = gameState.turn == team && gameState.curr_word == "" && manager; CurrWord_Label.Visible = !CurrWord_TextBox.Visible; CurrAmount_NumericUpDown.Visible = CurrWord_TextBox.Visible; CurrAmount_Label.Visible = !CurrAmount_NumericUpDown.Visible; SendWord_Button.Visible = CurrWord_TextBox.Visible; GuessWord_Panel.Visible = gameState.turn == team && gameState.curr_word != "" && !manager; if (!CurrWord_TextBox.Visible) { CurrWord_TextBox.Text = ""; CurrAmount_NumericUpDown.Value = 1; } }); } catch { } }); }
public Clue(CardColor color, string w, int clue_count) { team = color; word = w; number = clue_count; }