public Line(Linedef ld)
            start            = new Vector2D((int)ld.Start.Position.x, (int)ld.Start.Position.y);
            end              = new Vector2D((int)ld.End.Position.x, (int)ld.End.Position.y);
            SectorProperties = new SectorProperties();

            if (ld.Back != null)
                SectorProperties.CeilingHeight = ld.Back.Sector.CeilHeight;
                SectorProperties.FloorHeight   = ld.Back.Sector.FloorHeight;
                SectorProperties.Brightness    = ld.Back.Sector.Brightness;
                SectorProperties.HighTexture   = ld.Back.HighTexture != "-" ? ld.Back.HighTexture : ld.Back.MiddleTexture;
                SectorProperties.LowTexture    = ld.Back.LowTexture != "-" ? ld.Back.LowTexture : ld.Back.MiddleTexture;
            else if (ld.Front != null)
                SectorProperties.CeilingHeight = ld.Front.Sector.CeilHeight;
                SectorProperties.FloorHeight   = ld.Front.Sector.FloorHeight;
                SectorProperties.Brightness    = ld.Front.Sector.Brightness;
                SectorProperties.HighTexture   = ld.Front.HighTexture != "-" ? ld.Front.HighTexture : ld.Front.MiddleTexture;
                SectorProperties.LowTexture    = ld.Front.LowTexture != "-" ? ld.Front.LowTexture : ld.Front.MiddleTexture;
                SectorProperties.CeilingHeight = 128;
                SectorProperties.FloorHeight   = 0;
                SectorProperties.Brightness    = 192;
                SectorProperties.HighTexture   = "-";
                SectorProperties.LowTexture    = "-";
        private SectorProperties GetSectorProperties(int lineIndex, int sectorIndex)
            float delta = sectorIndex / (float)form.Subdivisions;

            delta += (1.0f - delta) / form.Subdivisions;
            SectorProperties sp = new SectorProperties();

            sp.Brightness    = IntepolateValue(sectorProps1[lineIndex].Brightness, sectorProps2[lineIndex].Brightness, delta, form.BrightnessMode);
            sp.FloorHeight   = IntepolateValue(sectorProps1[lineIndex].FloorHeight, sectorProps2[lineIndex].FloorHeight, delta, form.FloorAlignMode);
            sp.CeilingHeight = IntepolateValue(sectorProps1[lineIndex].CeilingHeight, sectorProps2[lineIndex].CeilingHeight, delta, form.CeilingAlignMode);

            sp.LowTexture  = sectorProps1[lineIndex].LowTexture != "-" ? sectorProps1[lineIndex].LowTexture : sectorProps2[lineIndex].LowTexture;
            sp.HighTexture = sectorProps1[lineIndex].HighTexture != "-" ? sectorProps1[lineIndex].HighTexture : sectorProps2[lineIndex].HighTexture;

        // Accepted
        public override void OnAccept()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.AppStarting;

            //get vertices
            List <List <Vector2D[]> >          shapes     = GetShapes();
            List <List <List <DrawnVertex> > > drawShapes = new List <List <List <DrawnVertex> > >();

            //set stitch range
            float stitchrange = BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange;

            BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange = 0.1f;

            for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++)
                List <List <DrawnVertex> > shapesRow = new List <List <DrawnVertex> >();
                for (int c = 0; c < shapes[i].Count; c++)
                    List <DrawnVertex> points = new List <DrawnVertex>();
                    for (int p = 0; p < shapes[i][c].Length; p++)
                        points.Add(DrawGeometryMode.GetCurrentPosition(shapes[i][c][p], true, false, false, false, renderer, points));

            //restore stitch range
            BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange = stitchrange;

            //draw lines
            if (drawShapes.Count > 0)
                // Make undo for the draw
                General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Bridge (" + form.Subdivisions + " subdivisions)");

                List <List <SectorProperties> >  sectorProps = new List <List <SectorProperties> >();
                List <List <HashSet <Sector> > > newSectors  = new List <List <HashSet <Sector> > >();

                //create sector properties collection
                //sector row
                for (int i = 0; i < drawShapes.Count; i++)
                    sectorProps.Add(new List <SectorProperties>());

                    //sector in row
                    for (int c = 0; c < drawShapes[i].Count; c++)
                        sectorProps[i].Add(GetSectorProperties(i, c));

                // Make the drawing
                //sector row
                for (int i = 0; i < drawShapes.Count; i++)
                    newSectors.Add(new List <HashSet <Sector> >());

                    //sector in row
                    for (int c = 0; c < drawShapes[i].Count; c++)
                        if (!Tools.DrawLines(drawShapes[i][c], false, true))
                            // Drawing failed
                            // NOTE: I have to call this twice, because the first time only cancels this volatile mode
                            General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Failed to create a Bezier Path...");

                        HashSet <Sector> newsectors = General.Map.Map.GetUnselectedSectorsFromLinedefs(General.Map.Map.GetMarkedLinedefs(true));

                        //set floor/ceiling heights and brightness
                        foreach (Sector s in newsectors)
                            SectorProperties sp = sectorProps[i][c];
                            s.Brightness  = sp.Brightness;
                            s.FloorHeight = sp.FloorHeight;
                            s.CeilHeight  = (sp.CeilingHeight < sp.FloorHeight ? sp.FloorHeight + 8 : sp.CeilingHeight);

                //apply textures
                //sector row
                for (int i = 0; i < newSectors.Count; i++)
                    //sector in row
                    for (int c = 0; c < newSectors[i].Count; c++)
                        foreach (Sector s in newSectors[i][c])
                            foreach (Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
                                if (sd.LowRequired())
                                if (sd.HighRequired())

                //apply textures to front/back sides of shape
                //sector row
                for (int i = 0; i < newSectors.Count; i++)
                    //first/last sector in row
                    for (int c = 0; c < newSectors[i].Count; c += newSectors[i].Count - 1)
                        foreach (Sector s in newSectors[i][c])
                            foreach (Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
                                if (sd.Other != null)
                                    if (sd.Other.LowRequired() && sd.Other.LowTexture == "-")
                                    if (sd.Other.HighRequired() && sd.Other.HighTexture == "-")

                General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Created a Bridge with " + form.Subdivisions + " subdivisions.");

                // Snap to map format accuracy

                // Clear selection

                // Update cached values

                // Update the used textures

                // Map is changed
                General.Map.IsChanged = true;

            //close form
            if (form != null)

            // Done
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            // Return to original mode