Example #1
        private void RunWorkerCompletedProcedure(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Cancelled)
                // Obtain the CodeBreakerResult instance contained in the Result property of e parameter
                CodeBreakerResult loResult = (CodeBreakerResult)e.Result;
                int i;

                // Iterate through the parts of the result resolved by this BackgroundWorker
                for (i = loResult.FirstCharNumber; i <= loResult.LastCharNumber; i++)
                    // The process has finishes, therefore the ProgressBar control must show a 100%
                    prloProgressChar[i].Value = 100;
                    // Show the part of the broken code in the label
                    prloOutputCharLabels[i].Text = loResult.BrokenCode[i - loResult.FirstCharNumber].ToString();
Example #2
        private void DoWorkProcedure(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            CodeBreakerParameters loCodeBreakerParameters = (CodeBreakerParameters)e.Argument;

            // This variable holds the last Unicode character to be processed
            //int liTotal = (int)e.Argument;
            int liTotal = loCodeBreakerParameters.MaxUnicodeCharCode;

            // This variable will hold the broken code
            string lsBrokenCode = "";

            // This code will break the simulated code
            // This variable will hold a number to iterate from 0 to liTotal - Unicode character set
            int i;
            // This variable will hold a number to iterate from 0 to 3 (the characters positions in the code to be broken)
            int liCharNumber;
            // This variable will hold a char generated from the number in i
            char lcChar;
            // This variable will hold the current Label control that shows the char position being decoded
            //Label loOutputCharCurrentLabel;

            // This variable will hold a CodeBreakerProgress instance
            CodeBreakerProgress loCodeBreakerProgress = new CodeBreakerProgress();
            // This variable will hold the last percentage of the iteration completed
            int liOldPercentageCompleted;

            liOldPercentageCompleted = 0;
            for (liCharNumber = loCodeBreakerParameters.FirstCharNumber; liCharNumber <= loCodeBreakerParameters.LastCharNumber; liCharNumber++)
                // This loop will run (liTotal + 1) times
                for (i = 0; i <= liTotal; i++)
                    // We must check whether the user pressed the cancellation button or not
                    if (((BackgroundWorker)sender).CancellationPending)
                        // The user requested to cancel the process
                        e.Cancel = true;

                    // myChar holds a Unicode char
                    lcChar = (char)(i);

                    // The percentage completed is calculated and stored in the PercentageCompleted property
                    loCodeBreakerProgress.PercentageCompleted = (int)((i * 100) / liTotal);
                    loCodeBreakerProgress.CharNumber          = liCharNumber;
                    loCodeBreakerProgress.CharCode            = i;

                    if (loCodeBreakerProgress.PercentageCompleted > liOldPercentageCompleted)
                        // The progress is reported only when it changes with regard to the last one (liOldPercentageCompleted)
                        ((BackgroundWorker)sender).ReportProgress(loCodeBreakerProgress.PercentageCompleted, loCodeBreakerProgress);
                        // The old percentage completed is now the percentage reported
                        liOldPercentageCompleted = loCodeBreakerProgress.PercentageCompleted;

                    if (checkCodeChar(lcChar, liCharNumber))
                        // The code position was found
                        loCodeBreakerProgress.PercentageCompleted = 100;
                        ((BackgroundWorker)sender).ReportProgress(loCodeBreakerProgress.PercentageCompleted, loCodeBreakerProgress);
                        // The broken code is concatenated in lsBrokenCode
                        lsBrokenCode += lcChar.ToString();

            // Create a new instance of the CodeBreakerResult class and set its properties values
            CodeBreakerResult loResult = new CodeBreakerResult();

            loResult.FirstCharNumber = loCodeBreakerParameters.FirstCharNumber;
            loResult.LastCharNumber  = loCodeBreakerParameters.LastCharNumber;
            loResult.BrokenCode      = lsBrokenCode;

            // Return a CodeBreakerResult instance in the Result property
            e.Result = loResult;