PlistDictionary LoadDictionaryContents(XmlReader reader, PlistDictionary dict) { Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.LocalName == "key"); while (!reader.EOF && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { //string key = reader.ReadElementString (); string key = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { throw new Exception(String.Format("No value found for key {0}", key)); } } PlistObjectBase result = LoadFromNode(reader); if (result != null) { dict.Add(key, result); } // when there is no whitespace between nodes, we might already be at // the next key element, so reading to next sibling would jump over // the next (current) key element if (!"key".Equals(reader.Name)) { reader.ReadToNextSibling("key"); } } return(dict); }
public void RemoveSpriteFrames(string plistFileName) { PlistDocument document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load <PlistDocument>(plistFileName); PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary; RemoveSpriteFrames(dict); }
private CCLabelAtlas(string label, PlistDictionary fontPlistDict) : this(label, fontPlistDict["textureFilename"].AsString, (int)Math.Ceiling((double)fontPlistDict["itemWidth"].AsInt), (int)Math.Ceiling((double)fontPlistDict["itemHeight"].AsInt), (char)fontPlistDict["firstChar"].AsInt) { Debug.Assert(fontPlistDict["version"].AsInt == 1, "Unsupported version. Upgrade cocos2d version"); }
public void AddSpriteFrames(string plistFileName, CCTexture2D pobTexture) { PlistDocument document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load <PlistDocument>(plistFileName); PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary; AddSpriteFrames(dict, pobTexture); }
void ParseVersion2(PlistDictionary animations) { CCSpriteFrameCache frameCache = CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache; foreach (var pElement in animations) { string name = pElement.Key; PlistDictionary animationDict = pElement.Value.AsDictionary; int loops = animationDict["loops"].AsInt; bool restoreOriginalFrame = animationDict["restoreOriginalFrame"].AsBool; PlistArray frameArray = animationDict["frames"].AsArray; if (frameArray == null) { CCLog.Log( "CocosSharp: CCAnimationCache: Animation '{0}' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.", name); continue; } // Array of AnimationFrames var array = new List <CCAnimationFrame>(frameArray.Count); foreach (PlistObjectBase pObj in frameArray) { PlistDictionary entry = pObj.AsDictionary; string spriteFrameName = entry["spriteframe"].AsString; CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = frameCache[spriteFrameName]; if (spriteFrame == null) { CCLog.Log( "cocos2d: CCAnimationCache: Animation '{0}' refers to frame '{1}' which is not currently in the CCSpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.", name, spriteFrameName); continue; } float delayUnits = entry["delayUnits"].AsFloat; PlistDictionary userInfo = entry["notification"].AsDictionary; var animFrame = new CCAnimationFrame(spriteFrame, delayUnits, userInfo); array.Add(animFrame); } float delayPerUnit = animationDict["delayPerUnit"].AsFloat; var animation = new CCAnimation(array, delayPerUnit, (uint)loops); animation.RestoreOriginalFrame = restoreOriginalFrame; this.AddAnimation(animation, name); } }
void ParseVersion1(PlistDictionary animations) { CCSpriteFrameCache frameCache = CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache; foreach (var pElement in animations) { PlistDictionary animationDict = pElement.Value.AsDictionary; PlistArray frameNames = animationDict["frames"].AsArray; float delay = animationDict["delay"].AsFloat; if (frameNames == null) { CCLog.Log( "CocosSharp: CCAnimationCache: Animation '{0}' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.", pElement.Key); continue; } var frames = new List <CCAnimationFrame>(frameNames.Count); foreach (PlistObjectBase pObj in frameNames) { string frameName = pObj.AsString; CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = frameCache[frameName]; if (spriteFrame == null) { CCLog.Log( "cocos2d: CCAnimationCache: Animation '{0}' refers to frame '%s' which is not currently in the CCSpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.", pElement.Key, frameName); continue; } var animFrame = new CCAnimationFrame(spriteFrame, 1, null); frames.Add(animFrame); } if (frames.Count == 0) { CCLog.Log( "CocosSharp: CCAnimationCache: None of the frames for animation '{0}' were found in the CCSpriteFrameCache. Animation is not being added to the Animation Cache.", pElement.Key); continue; } else if (frames.Count != frameNames.Count) { CCLog.Log( "CocosSharp: CCAnimationCache: An animation in your dictionary refers to a frame which is not in the CCSpriteFrameCache. Some or all of the frames for the animation '{0}' may be missing.", pElement.Key); } CCAnimation animation = new CCAnimation(frames, delay, 1); this.AddAnimation(animation, pElement.Key); } }
public void AddAnimations(string plistFilename) { Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(plistFilename), "Invalid texture file name"); PlistDocument document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load <PlistDocument>(plistFilename); PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary; Debug.Assert(dict != null, "CCAnimationCache: File could not be found"); this.AddAnimations(dict); }
protected PlistObjectBase ReadValue(ContentReader input) { var type = (ValueType)input.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case ValueType.Array: var count = input.ReadInt32(); var array = new PlistArray(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { array.Add(ReadValue(input)); } return(array); case ValueType.Bool: return(new PlistBoolean(input.ReadBoolean())); case ValueType.Data: count = input.ReadInt32(); return(new PlistData(input.ReadBytes(count))); case ValueType.Date: return(new PlistDate(input.ReadObject <DateTime>())); case ValueType.Dictionary: count = input.ReadInt32(); var dict = new PlistDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string key = stringPool[input.ReadInt32()]; dict.Add(key, ReadValue(input)); } return(dict); case ValueType.Integer: return(new PlistInteger(input.ReadInt32())); case ValueType.Null: return(new PlistNull()); case ValueType.Real: return(new PlistReal(input.ReadSingle())); case ValueType.String: return(new PlistString(stringPool[input.ReadInt32()])); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
void InitWithDictionary(PlistDictionary dict, CCTexture2D texture) { spriteFrames.Clear(); spriteFramesAliases.Clear(); if (plistType == PlistType.SpriteKit) { LoadAppleDictionary(dict, texture); } else { LoadCocos2DDictionary(dict, texture); } }
public void AddSpriteFrames(string plistFileName) { PlistDocument document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load <PlistDocument>(plistFileName); PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary; string texturePath = ""; PlistDictionary metadataDict = dict.ContainsKey("metadata") ? dict["metadata"].AsDictionary : null; if (metadataDict != null) { // try to read texture file name from meta data if (metadataDict.ContainsKey("textureFileName")) { texturePath = metadataDict["textureFileName"].AsString; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(texturePath)) { // build texture path relative to plist file texturePath = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativeFile(texturePath, plistFileName); } else { // build texture path by replacing file extension texturePath = plistFileName; // remove .xxx texturePath = CCFileUtils.RemoveExtension(texturePath); // append .png texturePath = texturePath + ".png"; CCLog.Log("CocosSharp: CCSpriteFrameCache: Trying to use file {0} as texture", texturePath); } CCTexture2D pTexture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(texturePath); if (pTexture != null) { AddSpriteFrames(dict, pTexture); } else { CCLog.Log("CocosSharp: CCSpriteFrameCache: Couldn't load texture"); } }
public void AddSpriteFrames(Stream plist, CCTexture2D pobTexture) { PlistDocument document = new PlistDocument(); try { document.LoadFromXmlFile(plist); } catch (Exception) { throw (new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException("Failed to load the particle definition file from stream")); } PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary; AddSpriteFrames(dict, pobTexture); }
public CCSpriteSheet(Stream stream, CCTexture2D texture) { var document = new PlistDocument(); try { document.LoadFromXmlFile(stream); } catch (Exception) { throw (new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException( "Failed to load the sprite sheet definition file from stream")); } PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary; InitWithDictionary(dict, texture); }
public void RemoveSpriteFrames(PlistDictionary dictionary) { PlistDictionary framesDict = dictionary["frames"].AsDictionary; var keysToRemove = new List <string>(); foreach (var pair in framesDict) { if (spriteFrames.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { keysToRemove.Add(pair.Key); } } foreach (string key in keysToRemove) { spriteFrames.Remove(key); } }
internal void AddAnimations(PlistDictionary animationDict) { PlistDictionary animations = animationDict["animations"].AsDictionary; if (animations == null) { CCLog.Log("CocosSharp: CCAnimationCache: No animations were found in provided dictionary."); return; } PlistDictionary properties = animationDict["properties"].AsDictionary; if (properties != null) { int version = properties["format"].AsInt; PlistArray spritesheets = properties["spritesheets"].AsArray; foreach (PlistObjectBase pObj in spritesheets) { string name = pObj.AsString; CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache.AddSpriteFrames(name); } switch (version) { case 1: ParseVersion1(animations); break; case 2: ParseVersion2(animations); break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid animation format"); break; } } }
PlistDictionary ParseBinaryDictionary(int objRef) { var buffer = new PlistDictionary(true); List <int> refs = new List <int>(); int refCount = 0; byte dictByte = objectTable[offsetTable[objRef]]; int refStartPosition; refCount = GetCount(offsetTable[objRef], out refStartPosition); if (refCount < 15) { refStartPosition = offsetTable[objRef] + 1; } else { refStartPosition = offsetTable[objRef] + 2 + RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(refCount), 1).Length; } for (int i = refStartPosition; i < refStartPosition + refCount * 2 * objRefSize; i += objRefSize) { byte[] refBuffer = objectTable.GetRange(i, objRefSize).ToArray(); Array.Reverse(refBuffer); refs.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(refBuffer, 4), 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < refCount; i++) { var key = ((PlistString)ParseBinary(refs [i])).AsString; var val = ParseBinary(refs [i + refCount]); buffer.Add(key, val); } return(buffer); }
internal void AddSpriteFrames(PlistDictionary pobDictionary, CCTexture2D pobTexture) { /* * Supported Zwoptex Formats: * * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXMLLegacy = 0, // Flash Version * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_0 = 1, // Desktop Version 0.0 - 0.4b * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_1 = 2, // Desktop Version 1.0.0 - 1.0.1 * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_2 = 3, // Desktop Version 1.0.2+ */ PlistDictionary metadataDict = null; if (pobDictionary.ContainsKey("metadata")) { metadataDict = pobDictionary["metadata"].AsDictionary; } PlistDictionary framesDict = null; if (pobDictionary.ContainsKey("frames")) { framesDict = pobDictionary["frames"].AsDictionary; } int format = 0; // get the format if (metadataDict != null) { format = metadataDict["format"].AsInt; } // check the format if (format < 0 || format > 3) { throw (new NotSupportedException("PList format " + format + " is not supported.")); } foreach (var pair in framesDict) { PlistDictionary frameDict = pair.Value.AsDictionary; CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = null; if (format == 0) { float x = 0f, y = 0f, w = 0f, h = 0f; x = frameDict["x"].AsFloat; y = frameDict["y"].AsFloat; w = frameDict["width"].AsFloat; h = frameDict["height"].AsFloat; float ox = 0f, oy = 0f; ox = frameDict["offsetX"].AsFloat; oy = frameDict["offsetY"].AsFloat; int ow = 0, oh = 0; ow = frameDict["originalWidth"].AsInt; oh = frameDict["originalHeight"].AsInt; // check ow/oh if (ow == 0 || oh == 0) { CCLog.Log( "cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist or check the 'format' metatag"); } // abs ow/oh ow = Math.Abs(ow); oh = Math.Abs(oh); // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( new CCSize(ow, oh), pobTexture, new CCRect(x, y, w, h), new CCSize(ow, oh), false, new CCPoint(ox, oy) ); } else if (format == 1 || format == 2) { CCRect frame = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["frame"].AsString); bool rotated = false; // rotation if (format == 2) { if (frameDict.ContainsKey("rotated")) { rotated = frameDict["rotated"].AsBool; } } CCPoint offset = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["offset"].AsString); CCSize sourceSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["sourceSize"].AsString); // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( sourceSize, pobTexture, frame, sourceSize, rotated, offset ); } else if (format == 3) { // get values CCSize spriteSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["spriteSize"].AsString); CCPoint spriteOffset = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["spriteOffset"].AsString); CCSize spriteSourceSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["spriteSourceSize"].AsString); CCRect textureRect = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["textureRect"].AsString); bool textureRotated = false; if (frameDict.ContainsKey("textureRotated")) { textureRotated = frameDict["textureRotated"].AsBool; } // get aliases PlistArray aliases = frameDict["aliases"].AsArray; string frameKey = pair.Key; foreach (PlistObjectBase item2 in aliases) { string oneAlias = item2.AsString; if (spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(oneAlias)) { if (spriteFramesAliases[oneAlias] != null) { CCLog.Log("CocosSharp: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists", oneAlias); } } if (!spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(oneAlias)) { spriteFramesAliases.Add(oneAlias, frameKey); } } // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( spriteSourceSize, pobTexture, new CCRect(textureRect.Origin.X, textureRect.Origin.Y, spriteSize.Width, spriteSize.Height), spriteSourceSize, textureRotated, spriteOffset ); } // add sprite frame string key = pair.Key; if (!AllowFrameOverwrite && spriteFrames.ContainsKey(key)) { CCLog.Log("Frame named " + key + " already exists in the animation cache. Not overwriting existing record."); } else if (AllowFrameOverwrite || !spriteFrames.ContainsKey(key)) { spriteFrames[key] = spriteFrame; } } }
PlistObjectBase LoadFromNode(XmlReader reader) { Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element); bool isEmpty = reader.IsEmptyElement; switch (reader.LocalName) { case "dict": var dict = new PlistDictionary(true); if (!isEmpty) { if (reader.ReadToDescendant("key")) { dict = LoadDictionaryContents(reader, dict); } reader.ReadEndElement(); } return(dict); case "array": if (isEmpty) { return(new PlistArray()); } //advance to first node reader.ReadStartElement(); while (reader.Read() && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { ; } // HACK: plist data in iPods is not even valid in some cases! Way to go Apple! // This hack checks to see if they really meant for this array to be a dict. if (reader.LocalName == "key") { var ret = LoadDictionaryContents(reader, new PlistDictionary(true)); reader.ReadEndElement(); return(ret); } var arr = new PlistArray(); do { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { var val = LoadFromNode(reader); if (val != null) { arr.Add(val); } } } while (reader.Read() && reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement); reader.ReadEndElement(); return(arr); case "string": return(new PlistString(reader.ReadElementContentAsString())); case "integer": return(new PlistInteger(reader.ReadElementContentAsInt())); case "real": return(new PlistReal(reader.ReadElementContentAsFloat())); case "false": reader.ReadStartElement(); if (!isEmpty) { reader.ReadEndElement(); } return(new PlistBoolean(false)); case "true": reader.ReadStartElement(); if (!isEmpty) { reader.ReadEndElement(); } return(new PlistBoolean(true)); case "data": return(new PlistData(reader.ReadElementContentAsString())); case "date": #if NETFX_CORE return(new PlistDate(DateTime.Parse(reader.ReadElementContentAsString()))); #else return(new PlistDate(reader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime())); #endif default: throw new XmlException(String.Format("Plist Node `{0}' is not supported", reader.LocalName)); } }
CCParticleSystemConfig(PlistDictionary dictionary, string directoryName, bool loadingAsync) { ParticleSystemType = CCParticleSystemType.Cocos2D; MaxParticles = dictionary ["maxParticles"].AsInt; Duration = dictionary["duration"].AsFloat; Life = dictionary["particleLifespan"].AsFloat; LifeVar = dictionary["particleLifespanVariance"].AsFloat; Angle = dictionary["angle"].AsFloat; AngleVar = dictionary["angleVariance"].AsFloat; CCBlendFunc blendFunc = new CCBlendFunc(); blendFunc.Source = dictionary["blendFuncSource"].AsInt; blendFunc.Destination = dictionary["blendFuncDestination"].AsInt; BlendFunc = blendFunc; CCColor4F startColor = new CCColor4F(); startColor.R = dictionary["startColorRed"].AsFloat; startColor.G = dictionary["startColorGreen"].AsFloat; startColor.B = dictionary["startColorBlue"].AsFloat; startColor.A = dictionary["startColorAlpha"].AsFloat; StartColor = startColor; CCColor4F startColorVar = new CCColor4F(); startColorVar.R = dictionary["startColorVarianceRed"].AsFloat; startColorVar.G = dictionary["startColorVarianceGreen"].AsFloat; startColorVar.B = dictionary["startColorVarianceBlue"].AsFloat; startColorVar.A = dictionary["startColorVarianceAlpha"].AsFloat; StartColorVar = startColorVar; CCColor4F endColor = new CCColor4F(); endColor.R = dictionary["finishColorRed"].AsFloat; endColor.G = dictionary["finishColorGreen"].AsFloat; endColor.B = dictionary["finishColorBlue"].AsFloat; endColor.A = dictionary["finishColorAlpha"].AsFloat; EndColor = endColor; CCColor4F endColorVar = new CCColor4F(); endColorVar.R = dictionary["finishColorVarianceRed"].AsFloat; endColorVar.G = dictionary["finishColorVarianceGreen"].AsFloat; endColorVar.B = dictionary["finishColorVarianceBlue"].AsFloat; endColorVar.A = dictionary["finishColorVarianceAlpha"].AsFloat; EndColorVar = endColorVar; StartSize = dictionary["startParticleSize"].AsFloat; StartSizeVar = dictionary["startParticleSizeVariance"].AsFloat; EndSize = dictionary["finishParticleSize"].AsFloat; EndSizeVar = dictionary["finishParticleSizeVariance"].AsFloat; CCPoint position; position.X = dictionary["sourcePositionx"].AsFloat; position.Y = dictionary["sourcePositiony"].AsFloat; Position = position; CCPoint positionVar; positionVar.X = dictionary["sourcePositionVariancex"].AsFloat; positionVar.Y = dictionary["sourcePositionVariancey"].AsFloat; PositionVar = positionVar; StartSpin = dictionary["rotationStart"].AsFloat; StartSpinVar = dictionary["rotationStartVariance"].AsFloat; EndSpin = dictionary["rotationEnd"].AsFloat; EndSpinVar = dictionary["rotationEndVariance"].AsFloat; EmitterMode = (CCEmitterMode)dictionary["emitterType"].AsInt; if (EmitterMode == CCEmitterMode.Gravity) { CCPoint gravity; gravity.X = dictionary["gravityx"].AsFloat; gravity.Y = dictionary["gravityy"].AsFloat; Gravity = gravity; GravitySpeed = dictionary["speed"].AsFloat; GravitySpeedVar = dictionary["speedVariance"].AsFloat; GravityRadialAccel = dictionary["radialAcceleration"].AsFloat; GravityRadialAccelVar = dictionary["radialAccelVariance"].AsFloat; GravityTangentialAccel = dictionary["tangentialAcceleration"].AsFloat; GravityTangentialAccelVar = dictionary["tangentialAccelVariance"].AsFloat; GravityRotationIsDir = dictionary["rotationIsDir"].AsBool; } else if (EmitterMode == CCEmitterMode.Radius) { RadialStartRadius = dictionary["maxRadius"].AsFloat; RadialStartRadiusVar = dictionary["maxRadiusVariance"].AsFloat; RadialEndRadius = dictionary["minRadius"].AsFloat; RadialEndRadiusVar = 0.0f; RadialRotatePerSecond = dictionary["rotatePerSecond"].AsFloat; RadialRotatePerSecondVar = dictionary["rotatePerSecondVariance"].AsFloat; } else { Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid emitterType in config file"); return; } TextureName = dictionary["textureFileName"].AsString; TextureData = dictionary["textureImageData"].AsString; if (!loadingAsync) { LoadParticleTexture(); } }
void LoadCocos2DDictionary(PlistDictionary dict, CCTexture2D texture) { PlistDictionary metadataDict = null; if (dict.ContainsKey("metadata")) { metadataDict = dict["metadata"].AsDictionary; } PlistDictionary framesDict = null; if (dict.ContainsKey("frames")) { framesDict = dict["frames"].AsDictionary; } // get the format int format = 0; if (metadataDict != null) { format = metadataDict["format"].AsInt; } // check the format if (format < 0 || format > 3) { throw (new NotSupportedException("PList format " + format + " is not supported.")); } foreach (var pair in framesDict) { PlistDictionary frameDict = pair.Value.AsDictionary; CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = null; if (format == 0) { float x = 0f, y = 0f, w = 0f, h = 0f; x = frameDict["x"].AsFloat; y = frameDict["y"].AsFloat; w = frameDict["width"].AsFloat; h = frameDict["height"].AsFloat; float ox = 0f, oy = 0f; ox = frameDict["offsetX"].AsFloat; oy = frameDict["offsetY"].AsFloat; int ow = 0, oh = 0; ow = frameDict["originalWidth"].AsInt; oh = frameDict["originalHeight"].AsInt; // check ow/oh if (ow == 0 || oh == 0) { CCLog.Log( "cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist or check the 'format' metatag"); } // abs ow/oh ow = Math.Abs(ow); oh = Math.Abs(oh); // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( new CCSize(ow, oh), texture, new CCRect(x + ox, y + oy, w, h), false ); } else if (format == 1 || format == 2) { var frame = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["frame"].AsString); bool rotated = false; // rotation if (format == 2) { if (frameDict.ContainsKey("rotated")) { rotated = frameDict["rotated"].AsBool; } } var offset = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["offset"].AsString); var sourceSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["sourceSize"].AsString); frame.Origin += offset; // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(sourceSize, texture, frame, rotated); } else if (format == 3) { var spriteSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["spriteSize"].AsString); var spriteOffset = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["spriteOffset"].AsString); var spriteSourceSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["spriteSourceSize"].AsString); var textureRect = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["textureRect"].AsString); bool textureRotated = false; if (frameDict.ContainsKey("textureRotated")) { textureRotated = frameDict["textureRotated"].AsBool; } // get aliases var aliases = frameDict["aliases"].AsArray; for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Count; i++) { string oneAlias = aliases[i].AsString; if (spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(oneAlias)) { if (spriteFramesAliases[oneAlias] != null) { CCLog.Log("CocosSharp: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists", oneAlias); } } if (!spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(oneAlias)) { spriteFramesAliases.Add(oneAlias, pair.Key); } } // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( spriteSourceSize, texture, new CCRect(textureRect.Origin.X + spriteOffset.X, textureRect.Origin.Y + spriteOffset.Y, spriteSize.Width, spriteSize.Height), textureRotated ); } spriteFrame.TextureFilename = pair.Key; spriteFrames[pair.Key] = spriteFrame; } AutoCreateAliasList(); }
void LoadAppleDictionary(PlistDictionary dict, CCTexture2D texture) { var version = dict.ContainsKey("version") ? dict ["version"].AsInt : 0; if (version != 1) { throw (new NotSupportedException("Binary PList version " + version + " is not supported.")); } var images = dict.ContainsKey("images") ? dict ["images"].AsArray : null; foreach (var imageEntry in images) { // we only support one image for now var imageDict = imageEntry.AsDictionary; var path = imageDict ["path"].AsString; path = Path.Combine(plistFilePath, CCFileUtils.RemoveExtension(path)); if (!CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.Contains(path)) { texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(path); } else { texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache[path]; } // size not used right now //var size = CCSize.Parse(imageDict ["size"].AsString); var subImages = imageDict ["subimages"].AsArray; foreach (var subImage in subImages) { CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = null; var subImageDict = subImage.AsDictionary; var name = subImageDict ["name"].AsString; var alias = subImageDict ["alias"].AsString; var isFullyOpaque = true; if (subImageDict.ContainsKey("isFullyOpaque")) { isFullyOpaque = subImageDict ["isFullyOpaque"].AsBool; } var textureRect = CCRect.Parse(subImageDict ["textureRect"].AsString); var spriteOffset = CCPoint.Parse(subImageDict ["spriteOffset"].AsString); // We are going to override the sprite offset for now to be 0,0 // It seems the offset is calculated off of the original size but if // we pass this offset it throws our center position calculations off. spriteOffset = CCPoint.Zero; var textureRotated = false; if (subImageDict.ContainsKey("textureRotated")) { textureRotated = subImageDict ["textureRotated"].AsBool; } var spriteSourceSize = CCSize.Parse(subImageDict ["spriteSourceSize"].AsString); var frameRect = textureRect; if (textureRotated) { frameRect = new CCRect(textureRect.Origin.X, textureRect.Origin.Y, textureRect.Size.Height, textureRect.Size.Width); } #if DEBUG CCLog.Log("texture {0} rect {1} rotated {2} offset {3}, sourcesize {4}", name, textureRect, textureRotated, spriteOffset, spriteSourceSize); #endif frameRect.Origin += spriteOffset; // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( spriteSourceSize, texture, frameRect, textureRotated ); spriteFrame.TextureFilename = name; spriteFrames [name] = spriteFrame; } } AutoCreateAliasList(); }
PlistType GetPlistType(PlistDictionary dict) { var isSpriteKit = dict.ContainsKey("format") ? dict ["format"].AsString == "APPL" : false; return(isSpriteKit ? PlistType.SpriteKit : PlistType.Cocos2D); }
internal CCSpriteSheet(PlistDictionary dictionary, CCTexture2D texture) { InitWithDictionary(dictionary, texture); }
void LoadAppleDictionary(PlistDictionary dict, CCTexture2D texture) { var version = dict.ContainsKey("version") ? dict ["version"].AsInt : 0; if (version != 1) { throw (new NotSupportedException("Binary PList version " + version + " is not supported.")); } var images = dict.ContainsKey("images") ? dict ["images"].AsArray : null; foreach (var imageEntry in images) { // we only support one image for now var imageDict = imageEntry.AsDictionary; var path = imageDict ["path"].AsString; path = Path.Combine(plistFilePath, CCFileUtils.RemoveExtension(path)); if (!CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.Contains(path)) { texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(path); } else { // Fix for SpriteKit texture atlases // Backgrounds.1.png // Example is that after stripping the extension when passing the value in // the ".1" is considered an extension so it is stripped as well resulting // in the texture not being found. So we try with the texture key first and // only if it is not found then we check for extension and continue with normal // processing. if (Path.HasExtension(path)) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(path); var sequence = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(extension.Substring(1), out sequence)) { path = imageDict ["path"].AsString; path = Path.Combine(plistFilePath, path); } } texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache [path]; } // size not used right now //var size = CCSize.Parse(imageDict ["size"].AsString); var subImages = imageDict ["subimages"].AsArray; foreach (var subImage in subImages) { CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = null; var subImageDict = subImage.AsDictionary; var name = subImageDict ["name"].AsString; var alias = subImageDict ["alias"].AsString; var isFullyOpaque = true; if (subImageDict.ContainsKey("isFullyOpaque")) { isFullyOpaque = subImageDict ["isFullyOpaque"].AsBool; } var textureRect = CCRect.Parse(subImageDict ["textureRect"].AsString); var spriteOffset = CCPoint.Parse(subImageDict ["spriteOffset"].AsString); // We are going to override the sprite offset for now to be 0,0 // It seems the offset is calculated off of the original size but if // we pass this offset it throws our center position calculations off. spriteOffset = CCPoint.Zero; var textureRotated = false; if (subImageDict.ContainsKey("textureRotated")) { textureRotated = subImageDict ["textureRotated"].AsBool; } var spriteSourceSize = CCSize.Parse(subImageDict ["spriteSourceSize"].AsString); var frameRect = textureRect; if (textureRotated) { frameRect = new CCRect(textureRect.Origin.X, textureRect.Origin.Y, textureRect.Size.Height, textureRect.Size.Width); } #if DEBUG CCLog.Log("texture {0} rect {1} rotated {2} offset {3}, sourcesize {4}", name, textureRect, textureRotated, spriteOffset, spriteSourceSize); #endif frameRect.Origin += spriteOffset; // create frame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame( spriteSourceSize, texture, frameRect, textureRotated ); spriteFrame.TextureFilename = name; spriteFrames [name] = spriteFrame; } } AutoCreateAliasList(); }