//double GD_semiMajorAxis = 6378137.000000; //double GD_TranMercB = 6356752.314245; //double GD_geocentF = 0.003352810664; //void geodeticOffsetInv(double refLat, double refLon, // double lat, double lon, // out double xOffset, out double yOffset ) //{ // double a = GD_semiMajorAxis; // double b = GD_TranMercB; // double f = GD_geocentF; // double L = lon - refLon; // double U1 = Math.Atan((1 - f) * Math.Tan(refLat)); // double U2 = Math.Atan((1 - f) * Math.Tan(lat)); // double sinU1 = Math.Sin(U1); // double cosU1 = Math.Cos(U1); // double sinU2 = Math.Sin(U2); // double cosU2 = Math.Cos(U2); // double lambda = L; // double lambdaP; // double sinSigma; // double sigma; // double cosSigma; // double cosSqAlpha; // double cos2SigmaM; // double sinLambda; // double cosLambda; // double sinAlpha; // int iterLimit = 100; // do // { // sinLambda = Math.Sin(lambda); // cosLambda = Math.Cos(lambda); // sinSigma = Math.Sqrt((cosU2 * sinLambda) * (cosU2 * sinLambda) + // (cosU1 * sinU2 - sinU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda) * // (cosU1 * sinU2 - sinU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda)); // if (sinSigma == 0) // { // xOffset = 0.0; // yOffset = 0.0; // return; // co-incident points // } // cosSigma = sinU1 * sinU2 + cosU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda; // sigma = Math.Atan2(sinSigma, cosSigma); // sinAlpha = cosU1 * cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma; // cosSqAlpha = 1 - sinAlpha * sinAlpha; // if(cosSqAlpha == 0) // cos2SigmaM = 0; // else // cos2SigmaM = cosSigma - 2 * sinU1 * sinU2 / cosSqAlpha; // double C = f / 16 * cosSqAlpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * cosSqAlpha)); // lambdaP = lambda; // lambda = L + (1 - C) * f * sinAlpha * (sigma + C * sinSigma * (cos2SigmaM + C * cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM))); // } while (Math.Abs(lambda - lambdaP) > 1e-12 && --iterLimit > 0); // if (iterLimit == 0) // { // xOffset = 0.0; // yOffset = 0.0; // return; // formula failed to converge // } // double uSq = cosSqAlpha * (a * a - b * b) / (b * b); // double A = 1 + uSq / 16384 * (4096 + uSq * (-768 + uSq * (320 - 175 * uSq))); // double B = uSq / 1024 * (256 + uSq * (-128 + uSq * (74 - 47 * uSq))); // double deltaSigma = B * sinSigma * (cos2SigmaM + B / 4 * (cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM) - // B / 6 * cos2SigmaM * (-3 + 4 * sinSigma * sinSigma) * (-3 + 4 * cos2SigmaM * cos2SigmaM))); // double s = b * A * (sigma - deltaSigma); // double bearing = Math.Atan2(cosU2 * sinLambda, cosU1 * sinU2 - sinU1 * cosU2 * cosLambda); // xOffset = Math.Sin(bearing) * s; // yOffset = Math.Cos(bearing) * s; // return; //} public void BuildKMLFile() { KMLFile kmlFile = new KMLFile(); kmlFile.LoadXML("SamplePath.kml"); kmlFile.SetName(videoName); string coordinatesStr = ""; bool isFirst = true; int count = 0; int gpsCount = 0; foreach (var node in m_images_gps5_list) { gpsCount++; GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsData = node.Value; if (isFirst) { coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.longitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.latitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.altitude); coordinatesStr += "\n "; isFirst = false; count++; continue; } if (gpsData.speed_2d < 1.0) { continue; } if (gpsCount % 30 == 0) { coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.longitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.latitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.altitude); coordinatesStr += "\n "; count++; continue; } if (gpsData.frame == max_count_image_idx) { coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.longitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.latitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.altitude); coordinatesStr += "\n "; count++; continue; } //string filename = node.Key; } kmlFile.SetCoordinates(coordinatesStr); kmlFile.SaveXML(kmlFilename); }
public void BuildXMPFiles() { if (m_images_gps5_list.Count < 1) { return; } BuildKMLFile(); var nodeFirst = m_images_gps5_list.First(); GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsDataFirst = nodeFirst.Value; double latRef = gpsDataFirst.latitude; double lonRef = gpsDataFirst.longitude; foreach (var node in m_images_gps5_list) { GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsData = node.Value; string filename = node.Key; string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); string output_filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); output_filename += ".xmp"; output_filename = Path.Combine(path, output_filename); XMPFile xmp_file = new XMPFile(); xmp_file.LoadXML("Sample.xmp"); xmp_file.RemoveNode(100); xmp_file.RemoveNode(102); xmp_file.RemoveAttribute(1); // xmp_file.SetGroup(); // xmp_file.SetGPSData(gpsData.latitude, gpsData.longitude, gpsData.altitude); double posX; double posY; //geodeticOffsetInv(latRef, lonRef, gpsData.latitude, gpsData.longitude,out posX,out posY); posX = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, latRef, gpsData.longitude); if (lonRef > gpsData.longitude) { posX *= -1.0; } posY = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, gpsData.latitude, lonRef); if (latRef > gpsData.latitude) { posY *= -1.0; } posX *= 1000.0; posY *= 1000.0; xmp_file.SetPosition(posX, posY, gpsData.altitude); xmp_file.SaveXML(output_filename); } return; }
public void BuildGPSZones() { var gpsFirstNode = m_total_gps_data_list.First(); GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsDataFirst = gpsFirstNode.Value; double latRef = gpsDataFirst.latitude; double lonRef = gpsDataFirst.longitude; //m_total_images.OrderBy(); foreach (var node in m_total_images) { int idx = node.Key; string imageName = node.Value; //Caculate XYZ; GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsData = m_total_gps_data_list[imageName]; double posX; double posY; posX = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, latRef, gpsData.longitude); if (lonRef > gpsData.longitude) { posX *= -1.0; } posY = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, gpsData.latitude, lonRef); if (latRef > gpsData.latitude) { posY *= -1.0; } // km -> m posX *= 1000.0; posY *= 1000.0; gpsData.posX = posX; gpsData.posY = posY; gpsData.idxZone = GPS5DataFile.PushGPSDataToZone(gpsData); m_total_gps_data_list[imageName] = gpsData; } }
public void LoadGPSFile_csv(string filename) { gps_csv_filename = filename; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename); int count = 0; double latRef = 0; double lonRef = 0; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line.Length <= 3) { continue; } if (line[0] == '#') { continue; } var values = line.Split(','); if (values.Length < 2) { continue; } if (count == 0) { count++; continue; } GPSData line_data = new GPSData(); line_data.idx = count; line_data.timeStamp = Convert.ToInt64(values[0]); line_data.latitude = Convert.ToDouble(values[1]); line_data.longitude = Convert.ToDouble(values[2]); line_data.altitude = Convert.ToDouble(values[3]); line_data.heading = Convert.ToDouble(values[4]); if (count == 1) { line_data.posX = 0; line_data.posY = 0; latRef = line_data.latitude; lonRef = line_data.longitude; } else { double posX; double posY; posX = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, latRef, line_data.longitude); if (lonRef > line_data.longitude) { posX *= -1.0; } posY = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, line_data.latitude, lonRef); if (latRef > line_data.latitude) { posY *= -1.0; } // km -> m line_data.posX = posX * 1000.0; line_data.posY = posY * 1000.0; } m_gps_data.Add(count, line_data); count++; } reader.Close(); return; }
public void BuildKMLFile() { string kmlFilename = Path.Combine(destFolder, sceneName + ".kml"); KMLFile kmlFile = new KMLFile(); kmlFile.LoadXML("SamplePath.kml"); kmlFile.SetName(sceneName); string coordinatesStr = ""; bool isFirst = true; int count = 0; int gpsCount = 0; foreach (var node in m_total_gps_data_list) { gpsCount++; GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsData = node.Value; if (isFirst) { coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.longitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.latitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.altitude); coordinatesStr += "\n "; isFirst = false; count++; continue; } if (gpsData.speed_2d < 1.0) { continue; } if (gpsCount % 30 == 0) { coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.longitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.latitude); coordinatesStr += ","; coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.altitude); coordinatesStr += "\n "; count++; continue; } //if (gpsData.frame == max_count_image_idx) //{ // coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.longitude); // coordinatesStr += ","; // coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.latitude); // coordinatesStr += ","; // coordinatesStr += Convert.ToString(gpsData.altitude); // coordinatesStr += "\n "; // count++; // continue; //} //string filename = node.Key; } kmlFile.SetCoordinates(coordinatesStr); kmlFile.SaveXML(kmlFilename); Program.AddLog("Save KML: " + kmlFilename); return; }
public void BuildTotalImagesFolder(double gapLimit) { if (!Directory.Exists(destFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destFolder); } //string removeImgFolder = Path.Combine(destFolder, "Remove"); //if (!Directory.Exists(removeImgFolder)) //{ // Directory.CreateDirectory(removeImgFolder); //} var gpsFirstNode = m_total_gps_data_list.First(); GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsDataFirst = gpsFirstNode.Value; double latRef = gpsDataFirst.latitude; double lonRef = gpsDataFirst.longitude; double lastPosX = 0; double lastPosY = 0; double lastPosZ = 0; bool gapCheck = false; foreach (var node in m_total_images) { int idx = node.Key; string imageName = node.Value; //Caculate XYZ; GPS5DataFile.GPS5Data gpsData = m_total_gps_data_list[imageName]; double posX; double posY; posX = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, latRef, gpsData.longitude); if (lonRef > gpsData.longitude) { posX *= -1.0; } posY = KMLFile.distanceEarth(latRef, lonRef, gpsData.latitude, lonRef); if (latRef > gpsData.latitude) { posY *= -1.0; } // km -> m posX *= 1000.0; posY *= 1000.0; //Check gap limit if (!gapCheck) { lastPosX = posX; lastPosY = posY; lastPosZ = gpsData.altitude; gapCheck = true; } else { double dist = (posX - lastPosX) * (posX - lastPosX) + (posY - lastPosY) * (posY - lastPosY) + (gpsData.altitude - lastPosZ) * (gpsData.altitude - lastPosZ); dist = Math.Sqrt(dist); if (dist < gapLimit) { continue; } else { lastPosX = posX; lastPosY = posY; lastPosZ = gpsData.altitude; } } //string filename = Path.GetFileName(imageName); string newFilename = m_total_new_image_name[imageName]; string destImgFilename = Path.Combine(destFolder, newFilename); File.Move(imageName, destImgFilename); Program.AddLog("Move: " + imageName + " To " + destImgFilename); string xmpFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newFilename); xmpFilename += ".xmp"; xmpFilename = Path.Combine(destFolder, xmpFilename); XMPFile xmp_file = new XMPFile(); xmp_file.LoadXML("Sample.xmp"); xmp_file.RemoveNode(100); xmp_file.RemoveNode(102); xmp_file.RemoveAttribute(1); xmp_file.SetPosition(posX, posY, gpsData.altitude); xmp_file.SaveXML(xmpFilename); // Program.AddLog("Save XMP file: " + xmpFilename); } }