Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Gets the package feed from the location. This will first attempt to look up a matching instance in the AllFeeds collection (so that multiple requests for the same feed return a single object) It asks the recognizer to identify the location, and creates a specific subclass instance based on the results. If it cannot identify or read the target, the task will return null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location"> The feed location (url, file, directory). </param>
        /// <returns> A Task with a return value of the PackageFeed. May be null if invalid. </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        internal static Task <PackageFeed> GetPackageFeedFromLocation(string location)
            if (InstalledPackageFeed.CanonicalLocation.Equals(location, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

            if (SessionPackageFeed.CanonicalLocation.Equals(location, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

            if (PackageManagerSettings.PerFeedSettings[location.UrlEncodeJustBackslashes(), "state"].GetEnumValue <FeedState>() == FeedState.Ignored)

            return(Recognizer.Recognize(location).ContinueWith(antecedent => {
                var info = antecedent.Result;
                PackageFeed result = null;

                string locationKey = null;

                if (info.IsPackageFeed)
                    if (info.IsFolder)
                        locationKey = Path.Combine(info.FullPath, info.Filter);

                        if (AllFeeds.ContainsKey(locationKey))
                            return AllFeeds[locationKey];

                        result = new DirectoryPackageFeed(info.FullPath, info.Filter);
                    else if (info.IsFile)
                        if (AllFeeds.ContainsKey(info.FullPath))
                            return AllFeeds[info.FullPath];

                        if (info.IsAtom)
                            result = new AtomPackageFeed(info.FullPath);

                         * if (info.IsArchive) {
                         *  result = new ArchivePackageFeed(info.FullPath);
                         * }
                         * */
                    // TODO: URL based feeds
                    else if (info.IsURL)
                        if (AllFeeds.ContainsKey(info.FullUrl.AbsoluteUri))
                            return AllFeeds[info.FullUrl.AbsoluteUri];

                        if (info.IsAtom)
                            result = new AtomPackageFeed(info.FullUrl, info.FullPath);
                else if (info.IsPackageFile)
                    // SessionPackageFeed.Instance.Add(Package.GetPackageFromFilename(info.FullPath));

                    result = new DirectoryPackageFeed(Path.GetDirectoryName(info.FullPath), Path.GetFileName(info.FullPath));

                    // Hack of the day:
                    // Since, I have to look up this file as a feed again later, based on the original path (likely, an http:// location)
                    // we have to forcably set the location in the feed itself to reflect this.
                    result.Location = location;
                    locationKey = location;

                if (result != null)
                    result.RecognitionInfo = info;
                    lock (AllFeeds) {
                        if (!AllFeeds.ContainsKey(locationKey ?? result.Location))
                            AllFeeds.Add(locationKey ?? result.Location, result);
                            result = AllFeeds[locationKey ?? result.Location];
                        // GS01: TODO: This is a crappy way of avoiding a deadlock when the same feed has been requested twice by two different threads.

                return result;
            }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Gets the package feed from the location. This will first attempt to look up a matching instance in the AllFeeds collection (so that multiple requests for the same feed return a single object) It asks the recognizer to identify the location, and creates a specific subclass instance based on the results. If it cannot identify or read the target, the task will return null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location"> The feed location (url, file, directory). </param>
        /// <returns> A Task with a return value of the PackageFeed. May be null if invalid. </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        internal static Task<PackageFeed> GetPackageFeedFromLocation(string location)
            if (InstalledPackageFeed.CanonicalLocation.Equals(location, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                return ((PackageFeed)InstalledPackageFeed.Instance).AsResultTask();

            if (SessionPackageFeed.CanonicalLocation.Equals(location, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                return ((PackageFeed)SessionPackageFeed.Instance).AsResultTask();

            if (PackageManagerSettings.PerFeedSettings[location.UrlEncodeJustBackslashes(), "state"].GetEnumValue<FeedState>() == FeedState.Ignored) {
                return ((PackageFeed)null).AsResultTask();

            return Recognizer.Recognize(location).ContinueWith(antecedent => {
                var info = antecedent.Result;
                PackageFeed result = null;

                string locationKey = null;

                if (info.IsPackageFeed) {
                    if (info.IsFolder) {
                        locationKey = Path.Combine(info.FullPath, info.Filter);

                        if (AllFeeds.ContainsKey(locationKey)) {
                            return AllFeeds[locationKey];

                        result = new DirectoryPackageFeed(info.FullPath, info.Filter);
                    } else if (info.IsFile) {
                        if (AllFeeds.ContainsKey(info.FullPath)) {
                            return AllFeeds[info.FullPath];

                        if (info.IsAtom) {
                            result = new AtomPackageFeed(info.FullPath);

                        if (info.IsArchive) {
                            result = new ArchivePackageFeed(info.FullPath);
                         * */
                        // TODO: URL based feeds
                    else if (info.IsURL) {
                        if (AllFeeds.ContainsKey(info.FullUrl.AbsoluteUri)) {
                            return AllFeeds[info.FullUrl.AbsoluteUri];

                        if (info.IsAtom) {
                            result = new AtomPackageFeed(info.FullUrl, info.FullPath);
                } else if (info.IsPackageFile) {
                    // SessionPackageFeed.Instance.Add(Package.GetPackageFromFilename(info.FullPath));

                    result = new DirectoryPackageFeed(Path.GetDirectoryName(info.FullPath), Path.GetFileName(info.FullPath));

                    // Hack of the day:
                    // Since, I have to look up this file as a feed again later, based on the original path (likely, an http:// location)
                    // we have to forcably set the location in the feed itself to reflect this.
                    result.Location = location;
                    locationKey = location;

                if (result != null) {
                    result.RecognitionInfo = info;
                    lock (AllFeeds) {
                        if (!AllFeeds.ContainsKey(locationKey ?? result.Location)) {
                            AllFeeds.Add(locationKey ?? result.Location, result);
                        } else {
                            result = AllFeeds[locationKey ?? result.Location];
                        // GS01: TODO: This is a crappy way of avoiding a deadlock when the same feed has been requested twice by two different threads.

                return result;
            }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent);