Example #1
        public static void Main()
            for (int count = 1; ; ++count)
                Generator generator = new Generator();
                Graph     graph     = generator.GenerateRadius(count);


                //for (int i = 0; i < graph.NumberNodes; ++i)
                //    if (graph.NumberNeighbors(i) < 1)
                //        Console.WriteLine("Node 0 Degree: " + i);

                //Console.WriteLine("Testing Graph with " + graph.NumberNodes + " nodes and " + graph.NumberEdges + " edges");

                DateTime   tabuStart  = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;
                Tabu       tabuSearch = new Tabu(graph, 500);
                List <int> maxClique  = tabuSearch.FindMaximumClique();

                //Console.WriteLine("Maximum Clique of Size " + maxClique.Count + " Found");
                //Console.WriteLine("Maximum Clique Enumeration: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", maxClique));
                DateTime tabuEnd = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;


                DateTime   exhaustiveStart  = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;
                Exhaustive exhaustiveSearch = new Exhaustive(graph);
                bool       kClique          = exhaustiveSearch.FindKClique(maxClique.Count, true);
                //Console.WriteLine("K-Clique of Size " + (maxClique.Count) + (kClique ? " Found" : " Not Found"));
                DateTime exhaustiveEnd = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;

                DateTime exhaustiveVerifierStart = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;
                bool     k1Clique = exhaustiveSearch.FindKClique(maxClique.Count + 1, true);
                //Console.WriteLine("K-Clique of Size " + (maxClique.Count + 1) + (k1Clique ? " Found" : " Not Found"));
                DateTime exhaustiveVerifierEnd = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;


                //Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for Tabu Search: " + (tabuEnd - tabuStart));
                //Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for Exhaustive Search: " + (exhaustiveEnd - exhaustiveStart));
                //Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for Exhaustive Search (Verifier): " + (exhaustiveVerifierEnd - exhaustiveVerifierStart));

                Console.WriteLine(graph.NumberNodes + " " + graph.NumberEdges + " " + count + " " + maxClique.Count + " " + kClique + " " + k1Clique + " " + (tabuEnd - tabuStart) + " " + (exhaustiveEnd - exhaustiveStart) + " " + (exhaustiveVerifierEnd - exhaustiveVerifierStart) + " " + !k1Clique);
        public static void Main()
            Generator generator = new Generator();
            Graph     graph     = generator.GeneratePerNodeEdges(11);

            Exhaustive exhaustiveSearch = new Exhaustive(graph);

            Tabu       tabuSearch1 = new Tabu(graph, 100000);
            List <int> aa          = tabuSearch1.FindMaximumClique();
            int        maxSize     = aa.Count;


            while (!(exhaustiveSearch.FindKClique(maxSize, true) && !exhaustiveSearch.FindKClique(maxSize + 1, true)))
                aa      = tabuSearch1.FindMaximumClique();
                maxSize = aa.Count;

            int[] x = new int[100];

            for (int count = 1; count < 1000; count += 1)

                //for (int i = 0; i < graph.NumberNodes; ++i)
                //    if (graph.NumberNeighbors(i) < 1)
                //        Console.WriteLine("Node 0 Degree: " + i);

                //Console.WriteLine("Testing Graph with " + graph.NumberNodes + " nodes and " + graph.NumberEdges + " edges");

                DateTime   tabuStart  = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;
                Tabu       tabuSearch = new Tabu(graph, count);
                List <int> maxClique  = tabuSearch.FindMaximumClique();

                //Console.WriteLine("Maximum Clique of Size " + maxClique.Count + " Found");
                //Console.WriteLine("Maximum Clique Enumeration: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", maxClique));
                DateTime tabuEnd = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;


                //// Console.WriteLine("Optimized");
                //DateTime exhaustiveStart = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;
                //Exhaustive exhaustiveSearch = new Exhaustive(graph);
                //bool kClique = exhaustiveSearch.FindKClique(count, true);
                ////Console.WriteLine("K-Clique of Size " + (maxClique.Count) + (kClique ? " Found" : " Not Found"));
                //DateTime exhaustiveEnd = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;

                //// Console.WriteLine("Not Optimized");
                //DateTime exhaustiveVerifierStart = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;
                //bool k1Clique = exhaustiveSearch.FindKClique(count + 1, true);
                ////Console.WriteLine("K-Clique of Size " + (maxClique.Count + 1) + (k1Clique ? " Found" : " Not Found"));
                //DateTime exhaustiveVerifierEnd = HighResolutionClock.UtcNow;


                //Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for Tabu Search: " + (tabuEnd - tabuStart));
                //Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for Exhaustive Search: " + (exhaustiveEnd - exhaustiveStart));
                //Console.WriteLine("Time Taken for Exhaustive Search (Verifier): " + (exhaustiveVerifierEnd - exhaustiveVerifierStart));

                // Console.WriteLine(graph.NumberNodes + " " + graph.NumberEdges + " " + count + " " + maxSize + " " + maxClique.Count + " " + (maxSize == maxClique.Count));

                if (maxSize != maxClique.Count)
                    x[count / 100]++;

            Console.WriteLine(graph.NumberNodes + " " + graph.NumberEdges + maxSize);
            Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", string.Join(", ", x));