public GItemList(int serial, int menuID, string question, AnswerEntry[] answers) : base(0x910, 0x19, 0x19) { this.m_xLast = -1234; this.m_yLast = -1234; this.m_Serial = serial; this.m_MenuID = menuID; this.m_EntryLabel = new GLabel("", Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x75f), 0x27, 0x6a); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_EntryLabel); GLabel toAdd = new GLabel(question, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x75f), 0x27, 0x13); toAdd.Scissor(0, 0, 0xda, 11); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); int x = 0x25; for (int i = 0; i < answers.Length; i++) { GItemListEntry entry = new GItemListEntry(x, answers[i], this); base.m_Children.Add(entry); x += entry.Width; } x -= 0x25; if (x >= 0xde) { this.m_xOffsetCap = -(x - 0xde); this.m_Left = new GItemListScroller(0x17, this, 150); this.m_Right = new GItemListScroller(0x105, this, -150); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Left); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Right); } }
public GBuyGump_OfferMenu(GBuyGump owner) : base(0x871, 170, 0xd6) { string str; this.m_Owner = owner; Mobile player = World.Player; if (((player != null) && ((str = player.Name) != null)) && ((str = str.Trim()).Length > 0)) { this.m_Signature = new GLabel(str, Engine.GetFont(5), Hues.Load(0x455), 0x48, 0xc2); this.m_Signature.Visible = false; base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Signature); } base.m_Children.Add(new GLabel((player != null) ? player.Gold.ToString() : "0", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0xbc, 0xa7)); this.m_Total = new GLabel("0", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x44, 0xa7); this.m_Accept = new GBuyAccept(owner); this.m_Clear = new GBuyClear(owner); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Total); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Accept); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Clear); base.m_CanDrag = true; base.m_QuickDrag = true; GVSlider toAdd = new GVSlider(0x828, 0xed, 0x51, 0x22, 0x3a, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 1.0); this.m_Slider = toAdd; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); base.m_Children.Add(new GHotspot(0xed, 0x42, 0x22, 0x54, toAdd)); }
public GMessageBoxYesNo(string prompt, bool modal, MBYesNoCallback callback) : base(0x816, 0, 0) { this.m_Callback = callback; this.Center(); base.m_CanClose = false; base.m_Children.Add(new GLabel(prompt, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x39f), 0x21, 0x1b)); base.m_Children.Add(new GMBYNButton(this, 0x817, 0x25, false)); base.m_Children.Add(new GMBYNButton(this, 0x81a, 100, true)); Gumps.Modal = this; }
public void ClearTargetQueue() { Mobile player = World.Player; if (player != null) { player.AddTextMessage("", "Cleared target queue.", Engine.GetFont(3), Hues.Load(0x59), true); } Engine.m_TargetQueue = null; }
private Gump CreateLabel(string text, bool scroll) { text = text.Replace('\r', '\n'); GBackground background = new GBackground(0xbbc, 200, 100, true); GWrappedLabel toAdd = new GWrappedLabel(text, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x455), background.OffsetX, background.OffsetY, background.UseWidth); background.Height = toAdd.Height + (background.Height - background.UseHeight); background.Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd.Center(); background.SetMouseOverride(this); return(background); }
public GHealthBar(Mobile m, int X, int Y) : base(m.Player ? (m.Flags[MobileFlag.Warmode] ? 0x807 : 0x803) : 0x804, X, Y) { this.m_xName = ""; this.m_Mobile = m; base.m_CanDrop = true; base.m_QuickDrag = false; this.m_Player = m.Player; if (!this.m_Player) { base.Hue = Hues.GetNotoriety(m.Notoriety); } if (Engine.Features.AOS) { base.Tooltip = new MobileTooltip(m); } if (this.m_Player) { this.m_HP = new GImageClip(this.GetHealthGumpID(m.Flags), 0x22, 12, m.HPCur, m.HPMax); this.m_Mana = new GImageClip(0x806, 0x22, 0x19, m.ManaCur, m.ManaMax); this.m_Stam = new GImageClip(0x806, 0x22, 0x26, m.StamCur, m.StamMax); base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0x805, 0x22, 12)); base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0x805, 0x22, 0x19)); base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0x805, 0x22, 0x26)); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_HP); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Mana); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Stam); this.m_xHPCur = m.HPCur; this.m_xHPMax = m.HPMax; this.m_xStamCur = m.StamCur; this.m_xStamMax = m.StamMax; this.m_xManaCur = m.ManaCur; this.m_xManaMax = m.ManaMax; this.m_xFlags = m.Flags.Clone(); } else { this.m_Name = new GLabel(m.Name, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x455), 0x10, 0); this.m_Name.Y = 11 + ((0x18 - this.m_Name.Height) / 2); this.m_Name.Scissor(0, 0, 0x7a, this.m_Name.Height); this.m_HP = new GImageClip(this.GetHealthGumpID(m.Flags), 0x22, 0x26, m.HPCur, m.HPMax); base.m_Children.Add(new GImage(0x805, 0x22, 0x26)); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Name); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_HP); this.m_xName = m.Name; this.m_xHPCur = m.HPCur; this.m_xHPMax = m.HPMax; this.m_xFlags = m.Flags.Clone(); } }
public GQuestionMenuEntry(int x, int y, int xWidth, AnswerEntry a) : base(x, y) { this.m_yBase = y; this.m_Answer = a; this.m_Radio = new GRadioButton(210, 0xd3, false, 0, 0); this.m_Label = new GWrappedLabel(a.Text, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x455), this.m_Radio.Width + 4, 5, (xWidth - this.m_Radio.Width) - 4); this.m_Width = xWidth; this.m_Height = this.m_Radio.Height; if ((this.m_Label.Y + this.m_Label.Height) > this.m_Height) { this.m_Height = this.m_Label.Y + this.m_Label.Height; } base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Radio); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Label); }
public GCombatGump() : base(0x2b02, 50, 50) { AbilityInfo[] abilities = AbilityInfo.Abilities; AbilityInfo active = AbilityInfo.Active; AbilityInfo primary = AbilityInfo.Primary; AbilityInfo secondary = AbilityInfo.Secondary; IFont uniFont = Engine.GetUniFont(1); OnClick onClick = new OnClick(this.Name_OnClick); GLabel toAdd = new GLabel("INDEX", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 100, 4); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new GLabel("INDEX", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x106, 4); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); for (int i = 0; i < abilities.Length; i++) { AbilityInfo a = abilities[i]; IHue hueFor = GetHueFor(a); toAdd = new GTextButton(Localization.GetString(a.Name), uniFont, hueFor, hueFor, 0x38 + ((i / 9) * 0xa2), 0x26 + ((i % 9) * 15), onClick); a.NameLabel = (GTextButton)toAdd; toAdd.SetTag("Ability", a); toAdd.Tooltip = new Tooltip(Localization.GetString(a.Tooltip), true, 240); toAdd.Tooltip.Delay = 0.25f; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); } this.m_PrimaryIcon = new GAbilityIcon(true, true, primary.Icon, 0xda, 0x69); this.m_PrimaryIcon.Tooltip = new Tooltip(Localization.GetString(primary.Name), true); this.m_PrimaryIcon.Tooltip.Delay = 0.25f; this.m_PrimaryIcon.Hue = (primary == AbilityInfo.Active) ? Hues.Load(0x8026) : Hues.Default; base.m_Children.Add(this.m_PrimaryIcon); toAdd = new GLabel("Primary", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 0x69); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new GLabel("Ability Icon", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 0x77); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); this.m_SecondaryIcon = new GAbilityIcon(true, false, secondary.Icon, 0xda, 150); this.m_SecondaryIcon.Tooltip = new Tooltip(Localization.GetString(secondary.Name), true); this.m_SecondaryIcon.Tooltip.Delay = 0.25f; this.m_SecondaryIcon.Hue = (secondary == AbilityInfo.Active) ? Hues.Load(0x8026) : Hues.Default; base.m_Children.Add(this.m_SecondaryIcon); toAdd = new GLabel("Secondary", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 150); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new GLabel("Ability Icon", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 0xa4); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); }
public GUpdateScroll(string text) : base(0x13c2, 100, 100, 40, 30, true) { GLabel toAdd = new GLabel("Updates", Engine.DefaultFont, Hues.Load(0x1f0), base.OffsetX, base.OffsetY); GBackground background = new GBackground(0xbbc, 100, 100, base.OffsetX, (toAdd.Y + toAdd.Height) + 4, true); GWrappedLabel label2 = new GWrappedLabel(text, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x455), background.OffsetX + 2, background.OffsetY + 2, 250); background.Width = ((background.Width - background.UseWidth) + label2.Width) + 6; background.Height = ((background.Height - background.UseHeight) + label2.Height) + 2; background.Children.Add(label2); this.Width = (this.Width - base.UseWidth) + background.Width; this.Height = (((this.Height - base.UseHeight) + toAdd.Height) + 4) + background.Height; toAdd.X += (base.UseWidth - toAdd.Width) / 2; base.m_CanDrag = true; base.m_QuickDrag = true; base.CanClose = true; background.SetMouseOverride(this); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); base.m_Children.Add(background); }
public GDragAmount(Client.Item item) : base(0x85c, 0, 0) { GTextBox box; this.m_First = true; this.m_Item = item; int amount = (ushort)this.m_Item.Amount; this.m_Amount = amount; this.m_Okay = new GButtonNew(0x81a, 0x81c, 0x81b, 0x66, 0x25); this.m_Okay.CanEnter = true; this.m_Okay.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.Okay_Clicked); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Okay); GSlider toAdd = new GSlider(0x845, 0x23, 0x10, 0x5f, 15, (double)amount, 0.0, (double)amount, 1.0) { OnValueChange = new OnValueChange(this.Slider_OnValueChange) }; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); this.m_Slider = toAdd; GHotspot hotspot = new GHotspot(0x1c, 0x10, 0x6d, 15, toAdd); base.m_Children.Add(hotspot); box = new GTextBox(0, false, 0x1a, 0x2b, 0x42, 15, amount.ToString(), Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x455), Hues.Load(0x455), Hues.Load(0x455)) { OnTextChange = (OnTextChange)Delegate.Combine(box.OnTextChange, new OnTextChange(this.TextBox_OnTextChange)), OnBeforeTextChange = (OnBeforeTextChange)Delegate.Combine(box.OnBeforeTextChange, new OnBeforeTextChange(this.TextBox_OnBeforeTextChange)), EnterButton = this.m_Okay }; base.m_Children.Add(box); this.m_TextBox = box; box.Focus(); base.m_IsDragging = true; base.m_OffsetX = this.Width / 2; base.m_OffsetY = this.Height / 2; Gumps.LastOver = this; Gumps.Drag = this; Gumps.Focus = this; base.m_X = Engine.m_xMouse - base.m_OffsetX; base.m_Y = Engine.m_yMouse - base.m_OffsetY; }
public GIdleWarning() : base(0xa2c, 100, 100, 0, 0, true) { base.m_CanDrag = true; base.m_QuickDrag = true; GWrappedLabel toAdd = new GWrappedLabel("You have been idle for too long. If you do not do anything in the next minute, you will be logged out.", Engine.GetFont(2), Hues.Load(0x455), base.OffsetX, base.OffsetY - 12, 0x113); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); GButtonNew new2 = new GButtonNew(0x481, 0, (toAdd.Y + toAdd.Height) + 4); new2.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.Check_Clicked); base.m_Children.Add(new2); this.Width = (this.Width - base.UseWidth) + toAdd.Width; this.Height = ((this.Height - base.UseHeight) + toAdd.Height) - 12; new2.X = base.OffsetX + ((base.UseWidth - new2.Width) / 2); this.Center(); }
public static Gump OpenSpellbook(int circle, int lastSpell, Item container) { SpellList necromancerList; container.OpenSB = true; container.Circle = circle; container.LastSpell = lastSpell; circle &= -2; Engine.Sounds.PlaySound(0x55); Engine.DoEvents(); GDragable dragable = new GDragable(GetBookIndex(container.ID), 0, 0); dragable.SetTag("Container", container); dragable.SetTag("Dispose", "Spellbook"); dragable.Children.Add(new GMinimizer()); if (container.SpellbookOffset == 0x65) { necromancerList = NecromancerList; } else if (container.SpellbookOffset == 0xc9) { necromancerList = PaladinList; } else { necromancerList = RegularList; } if ((lastSpell >= necromancerList.Start) && (lastSpell < (necromancerList.Start + necromancerList.Spells.Length))) { int num = (lastSpell - necromancerList.Start) / necromancerList.SpellsPerCircle; int num2 = (lastSpell - necromancerList.Start) % necromancerList.SpellsPerCircle; if ((num >= 0) && (num < necromancerList.Circles)) { if (num == circle) { dragable.Children.Add(new GImage(0x8ad, 0xb8, 2)); dragable.Children.Add(new GImage(0x8af, 0xb7, 0x34 + (num2 * 15))); } else if (num == (circle + 1)) { dragable.Children.Add(new GImage(0x8ae, 0xcc, 3)); dragable.Children.Add(new GImage(0x8b0, 0xcc, 0x34 + (num2 * 15))); } } } dragable.Children.Add(new GLabel("INDEX", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x6a, 10)); dragable.Children.Add(new GLabel("INDEX", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10d, 10)); OnClick clickHandler = new OnClick(Spells.ChangeCircle_OnClick); int[] numArray = new int[] { 0x3a, 0x5d, 130, 0xa4, 0xe3, 260, 0x129, 0x14c }; int[] numArray2 = new int[] { 0x34, 0x34 }; if (necromancerList.DisplayIndex) { for (int j = 0; j < necromancerList.Circles; j++) { GButton toAdd = new GButton(0x8b1 + j, 0x8b1 + j, 0x8b1 + j, numArray[j], 0xaf, clickHandler); toAdd.SetTag("Circle", j); dragable.Children.Add(toAdd); } } if (necromancerList.DisplayCircles) { if (circle > 0) { GButton button2 = new GButton(0x8bb, 0x8bb, 0x8bb, 50, 8, clickHandler); button2.SetTag("Circle", circle - 1); dragable.Children.Add(button2); } if (circle < ((necromancerList.Circles - 1) & -2)) { GButton button3 = new GButton(0x8bc, 0x8bc, 0x8bc, 0x141, 8, clickHandler); button3.SetTag("Circle", circle + 2); dragable.Children.Add(button3); } for (int k = circle; k < (circle + 2); k++) { string str; int x = ((k & 1) == 0) ? 0x3e : 0xe1; if ((k < 0) || (k >= m_Numbers.Length)) { str = "Bad"; } else { str = m_Numbers[k]; } dragable.Children.Add(new GLabel(string.Format("{0} Circle", str), Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, x, 30)); } } int num6 = circle * necromancerList.SpellsPerCircle; int num7 = (circle + 2) * necromancerList.SpellsPerCircle; for (int i = num6; i < num7; i++) { if (((i >= num6) && (i < num7)) && container.GetSpellContained(i)) { int num9 = i / necromancerList.SpellsPerCircle; Spell spellByID = GetSpellByID(container.SpellbookOffset + i); if (spellByID != null) { IntPtr ptr; GSpellName name = new GSpellName(container.SpellbookOffset + i, spellByID.Name, Engine.GetFont(9), Hues.Load(0x288), Hues.Load(0x28b), 0x3e + ((num9 & 1) * 0xa3), numArray2[num9 & 1]); numArray2[(int)(ptr = (IntPtr)(num9 & 1))] = numArray2[(int)ptr] + 15; string str2 = string.Format("{0}\n", spellByID.Name); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(spellByID.Name); builder.Append('\n'); for (int m = 0; m < spellByID.Power.Length; m++) { builder.Append(spellByID.Power[m].Name); builder.Append(' '); } for (int n = 0; n < spellByID.Reagents.Count; n++) { builder.Append('\n'); Reagent reagent = (Reagent)spellByID.Reagents[n]; builder.Append(reagent.Name); } if (spellByID.Tithing > 0) { builder.Append('\n'); builder.AppendFormat("Tithing: {0}", spellByID.Tithing); } if (spellByID.Mana > 0) { builder.Append('\n'); builder.AppendFormat("Mana: {0}", spellByID.Mana); } if (spellByID.Skill > 0) { builder.Append('\n'); builder.AppendFormat("Skill: {0}", spellByID.Skill); } Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(builder.ToString(), true); name.Tooltip = tooltip; dragable.Children.Add(name); } } } return(dragable); }
private void StatChange(string name, int oldValue, int newValue) { int num = newValue - oldValue; if (num != 0) { Engine.AddTextMessage(string.Format("Your {0} has {1} by {2}. It is now {3}.", new object[] { name, (num > 0) ? "increased" : "decreased", Math.Abs(num), newValue }), Engine.GetFont(3), Hues.Load(0x170)); } }
public GQuestionMenu(int serial, int menuID, string question, AnswerEntry[] answers) : base(0x23f4, Engine.ScreenWidth / 2, 100, 50, 50, true) { base.m_CanDrag = true; base.m_QuickDrag = true; this.m_Serial = serial; this.m_MenuID = menuID; GWrappedLabel toAdd = new GWrappedLabel(question, Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(0x455), base.OffsetX + 4, base.OffsetY + 4, base.UseWidth - 8); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); this.m_Entries = new GQuestionMenuEntry[answers.Length]; GBackground background = new GQuestionBackground(this.m_Entries, base.UseWidth - 8, ((base.UseHeight - 8) - toAdd.Height) - 4, base.OffsetX + 4, (toAdd.Y + toAdd.Height) + 4); background.SetMouseOverride(this); int offsetX = background.OffsetX; int offsetY = background.OffsetY; int useWidth = background.UseWidth; for (int i = 0; i < answers.Length; i++) { GQuestionMenuEntry entry = new GQuestionMenuEntry(offsetX, offsetY, useWidth, answers[i]); background.Children.Add(entry); entry.Radio.ParentOverride = background; this.m_Entries[i] = entry; offsetY += entry.Height + 4; } background.Height = ((offsetY - 4) - background.OffsetY) + (background.Height - background.UseHeight); this.Height = (((((this.Height - base.UseHeight) + 4) + toAdd.Height) + 4) + background.Height) + 4; int num5 = (int)(Engine.ScreenHeight * 0.75); if (this.Height > num5) { this.Height = num5; background.Height = ((base.UseHeight - 8) - toAdd.Height) - 4; } offsetY -= 4; offsetY -= background.OffsetY; if (offsetY > background.UseHeight) { int num6 = offsetY; background.Width += 0x13; this.Width += 0x13; offsetX = (background.OffsetX + background.UseWidth) - 15; offsetY = background.OffsetY; background.Children.Add(new GImage(0x101, offsetX, offsetY)); background.Children.Add(new GImage(0xff, offsetX, (offsetY + background.UseHeight) - 0x20)); for (int j = offsetY + 30; (j + 0x20) < background.UseHeight; j += 30) { background.Children.Add(new GImage(0x100, offsetX, j)); } this.m_Slider = new GVSlider(0xfe, offsetX + 1, (offsetY + 1) + 12, 13, (background.UseHeight - 2) - 0x18, 0.0, 0.0, (double)(num6 - background.UseHeight), 1.0); this.m_Slider.OnValueChange = new OnValueChange(this.OnScroll); this.m_Slider.ScrollOffset = 20.0; background.Children.Add(this.m_Slider); background.Children.Add(new GHotspot(offsetX, offsetY, 15, background.UseHeight, this.m_Slider)); } GButtonNew new2 = new GButtonNew(0xf3, 0xf2, 0xf1, 0, (background.Y + background.Height) + 4); GButtonNew new3 = new GButtonNew(0xf9, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0, new2.Y); new2.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.Cancel_Clicked); new3.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.Okay_Clicked); new2.X = ((base.OffsetX + base.UseWidth) - 4) - new2.Width; new3.X = (new2.X - 4) - new3.Width; base.m_Children.Add(new2); base.m_Children.Add(new3); this.Height += 4 + new2.Height; base.m_Children.Add(background); this.Center(); }
public void AddTextMessage(string msg, TimeSpan ts, int font) { Engine.AddTextMessage(msg, (float)ts.TotalSeconds, Engine.GetFont(font)); }
public MiddleDeathEffect() : base(0, 1f, 1f, 1f) { this.m_Label = new GLabel("You are dead.", Engine.GetFont(3), Hues.Default, 0, 0); this.m_Label.Center(); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(this.m_Label); }
public GStatusBar(Mobile m, int X, int Y) : base(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.6f, 0x2a6c, X, Y) { this.m_xName = ""; this.m_Mobile = m; base.m_CanDrop = true; base.m_QuickDrag = true; IFont font = Engine.GetFont(9); IHue hue = Hues.Load(0x455); this.m_Name = new GLabel("", font, hue, 0x26, 50); this.m_Str = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x58, 0x4d); this.m_Hits = new GAttributeCurMax(0x92, 0x48, 0x22, 0x15, this.m_Mobile.HPCur, this.m_Mobile.HPMax, font, hue); this.m_Dex = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x58, 0x69); this.m_Stam = new GAttributeCurMax(0x92, 100, 0x22, 0x15, this.m_Mobile.StamCur, this.m_Mobile.StamMax, font, hue); this.m_Int = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x58, 0x85); this.m_Mana = new GAttributeCurMax(0x92, 0x80, 0x22, 0x15, this.m_Mobile.ManaCur, this.m_Mobile.ManaMax, font, hue); this.m_Armor = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x163, 0x4a); this.m_Fire = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x163, 0x5b); this.m_Cold = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x163, 0x6a); this.m_Poison = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x163, 0x77); this.m_Energy = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 0x163, 0x85); this.m_Luck = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 220, 0x69); this.m_Damages = new GLabel("0-0", font, hue, 280, 0x4d); this.m_Gold = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 280, 0x69); this.m_Weight = new GAttributeCurMax(0xd8, 0x80, 0x22, 0x15, this.m_Mobile.Weight, this.GetMaxWeight(this.m_Mobile.Str), font, hue); this.m_StatCap = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 220, 0x4d); this.m_Followers = new GLabel("0/0", font, hue, 0x11d, 0x85); this.m_Name.X = 0x27 + ((0x160 - ((this.m_Name.Image.xMax - this.m_Name.Image.xMin) + 1)) / 2); this.m_Name.X -= this.m_Name.Image.xMin; base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Name); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Str); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Hits); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Dex); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Stam); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Int); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Mana); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Armor); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Fire); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Cold); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Poison); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Energy); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Luck); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Damages); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Gold); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Weight); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_StatCap); base.m_Children.Add(this.m_Followers); base.m_Children.Add(new GMinimizer(this)); this.AddTooltip(0x37, 70, 0x40, 0x1a, 0x10311a); this.AddTooltip(0x37, 0x62, 0x40, 0x1a, 0x10311b); this.AddTooltip(0x37, 0x7e, 0x40, 0x1a, 0x10311c); this.AddTooltip(0x79, 70, 0x3f, 0x1a, 0x10311d); this.AddTooltip(0x79, 0x62, 0x3f, 0x1a, 0x10311e); this.AddTooltip(0x79, 0x7e, 0x3f, 0x1a, 0x10311f); this.AddTooltip(0xba, 70, 0x45, 0x1a, 0x103120); this.AddTooltip(0xba, 0x62, 0x45, 0x1a, 0x103121); this.AddTooltip(0xba, 0x7e, 0x45, 0x1a, 0x103122); this.AddTooltip(0x101, 70, 0x48, 0x1a, 0x103123); this.AddTooltip(0x101, 0x62, 0x48, 0x1a, 0x103124); this.AddTooltip(0x101, 0x7e, 0x48, 0x1a, 0x103125); this.AddTooltip(0x14d, 0x4a, 0x2e, 14, 0x103126); this.AddTooltip(0x14d, 0x5b, 0x2e, 14, 0x103127); this.AddTooltip(0x14d, 0x6a, 0x2e, 13, 0x103128); this.AddTooltip(0x14d, 120, 0x2e, 11, 0x103129); this.AddTooltip(0x14d, 0x85, 0x2e, 0x10, 0x10312a); this.OnRefresh(); if (Engine.Features.AOS) { base.Tooltip = new MobileTooltip(m); } }