Example #1
		public override void Process(Configuration config)
			var tables = GetTables(config);

			// create a resource resolver that will scan all plugins
			// TODO: we should only scan plugins that are tied to the specified PersistentStore, but there is currently no way to know this
			IResourceResolver resolver = new ResourceResolver(
				CollectionUtils.Map(Platform.PluginManager.Plugins, (PluginInfo pi) => pi.Assembly).ToArray());

			// find all dbi resources
			var rx = new Regex("dbi.xml$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
			var dbiFiles = resolver.FindResources(rx);

			foreach (var dbiFile in dbiFiles)
				using (var stream = resolver.OpenResource(dbiFile))
					var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
					var indexElements = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("indexes/index");
					if (indexElements == null)

					foreach (XmlElement indexElement in indexElements)
						ProcessIndex(indexElement, tables);
