Example #1
        public static void SeedAppDB(ClaveSolDbContext context, string[,] IdentityUsers)
            if (context.User.Any())
                if (IdentityUsers[0, 0] != "ana" && context.User.Count() != 1 || context.User.Count() >= 5) // last || prescindible?
                    return;                                                                                 // DB has been seeded

                for (int i = 0; i < IdentityUsers.GetLength(0); i++)
                        new User
                        Name    = IdentityUsers[i, 0],
                        Surname = "Perez",
                        Mail    = IdentityUsers[i, 1],
                        Premium = Convert.ToBoolean(IdentityUsers[i, 2]),
                        OwnerID = IdentityUsers[i, 3]
            catch (System.Exception)

Example #2
        public static async Task Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string testUserPw)
            // For sample purposes seed both with the same password.
            // Password is set with the following:
            // dotnet user-secrets set SeedUserPW <pw>
            // The admin user can do anything

            //Identity following this tutorial: https://bit.ly/3cKxRXz

            string[,] adminUsers = new string[1, 4];
            var admin = await EnsureUser(serviceProvider, testUserPw, "*****@*****.**");

            await EnsureRole(serviceProvider, admin.Id, "admin" /*Constants.ContactAdministratorsRole*/);

            var context = new ClaveSolDbContext(serviceProvider.
                                                GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <ClaveSolDbContext> >());

            adminUsers[0, 0] = "admin";
            adminUsers[0, 1] = admin.UserName;//mail
            adminUsers[0, 2] = "False";
            adminUsers[0, 3] = admin.Id;

            SeedAppDB(context, adminUsers);

            //Loop 4 NormalUsers(Identity) generation,role addition & linked/generated to AppUsers.
            string[] userNamesSeed = { "ana", "paco", "mario", "arturo" };
            string[,] normalUsers = new string[userNamesSeed.Length, 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < userNamesSeed.Length; i++)
                var normal = await EnsureUser(serviceProvider,
                                              testUserPw, $"{userNamesSeed[i]}@mail.com");
                await EnsureRole(serviceProvider, normal.Id, "normal" /*Constants.ContactManagersRole*/);

                normalUsers[i, 0] = userNamesSeed[i];
                normalUsers[i, 1] = $"{userNamesSeed[i]}@mail.com";
                normalUsers[i, 2] = "False";
                normalUsers[i, 3] = normal.Id;
            SeedAppDB(context, normalUsers);
Example #3
        private static void SeedAppTables(ClaveSolDbContext cnt)
            if (cnt.Attribut.Any() || cnt.Instrument.Any() || cnt.Category.Any() || cnt.SubCategory.Any() ||
                cnt.List.Any() || cnt.Attribut_Ins.Any() || cnt.List_Instrument.Any() || cnt.Shop_Ins.Any() ||
                cnt.LineOrder.Any() || cnt.Order.Any()
                return; //already seeded
                List <Attribut> attributsList = new List <Attribut>();
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Color", Value = "Rojo"
                });                                                              //1
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Color", Value = "Verde"
                });                                                               //2
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Color", Value = "Azul"
                });                                                              //3
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Material", Value = "Madera"
                });                                                                   //4
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Material", Value = "Plastico"
                });                                                                     //5
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Material", Value = "Metal"
                });                                                                  //6
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Accesorio", Value = "Set Puas"
                });                                                                      //7
                attributsList.Add(new Attribut {
                    Type = "Accesorio", Value = "Pedal Distorsion"
                });                                                                              //8

                List <Category> CatList = new List <Category>();
                CatList.Add(new Category {
                    Name = "Viento"
                CatList.Add(new Category {
                    Name = "Cuerda"
                CatList.Add(new Category {
                    Name = "Percusion"

                int idCatViento    = getCatIdByName("Viento");
                int idCatCuerda    = getCatIdByName("Cuerda");
                int idCatPercusion = getCatIdByName("Percusion");

                List <SubCategory> SubCatList = new List <SubCategory>();
                SubCatList.Add(new SubCategory {
                    Name = "Flautas", CategoryId = idCatViento
                SubCatList.Add(new SubCategory {
                    Name = "Armonicas", CategoryId = idCatViento
                SubCatList.Add(new SubCategory {
                    Name = "Guitarras", CategoryId = idCatCuerda
                SubCatList.Add(new SubCategory {
                    Name = "Pianos", CategoryId = idCatPercusion
                SubCatList.Add(new SubCategory {
                    Name = "Oboes", CategoryId = idCatViento
                SubCatList.Add(new SubCategory {
                    Name = "Baterias", CategoryId = idCatPercusion

                int idSubCatFlautas   = getSubCatIdByName("Flautas");
                int idSubCatArmonicas = getSubCatIdByName("Armonicas");
                int idSubCatGuitarras = getSubCatIdByName("Guitarras");
                int idSubCatPianos    = getSubCatIdByName("Pianos");
                int idSubCatOboes     = getSubCatIdByName("Oboes");
                int idSubCatBaterias  = getSubCatIdByName("Baterias");

                List <Instrument> insList = new List <Instrument>();
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Flauta India", Brand = "Native", Price = 200, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatFlautas, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Armonica X", Brand = "FXX", Price = 50, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatArmonicas, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Guitarra Andaluza X", Brand = "El Cordobes", Price = 300, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatGuitarras, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Piano Y", Brand = "Yamaha", Price = 1000, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatPianos, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Electric 900", Brand = "Hendrix", Price = 660, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatGuitarras, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Oboe RK", Brand = "Obs", Price = 850, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatOboes, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."
                insList.Add(new Instrument {
                    Name = "Bateria 10T", Brand = "FXX", Price = 700, State = "Disponible", SubCategoryId = idSubCatBaterias, Description = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."

                List <List> ListList = new List <List>();
                ListList.Add(new List {
                    Name = "Deseos", Deleted = false, UserId = 1
                ListList.Add(new List {
                    Name = "Deseos", Deleted = false, UserId = 2
                ListList.Add(new List {
                    Name = "Deseos", Deleted = false, UserId = 3

                List <Shop> ShopList = new List <Shop>();
                ShopList.Add(new Shop {
                    City = "Alicante"
                ShopList.Add(new Shop {
                    City = "Valencia"
                ShopList.Add(new Shop {
                    City = "Murcia"

                // N-N TABLES

                int idAttRed      = getAttributeIdByValue("Rojo");
                int idAttGreen    = getAttributeIdByValue("Verde");
                int idAttBlue     = getAttributeIdByValue("Azul");
                int idAttMadera   = getAttributeIdByValue("Madera");
                int idAttPlastico = getAttributeIdByValue("Plastico");
                int idAttMetal    = getAttributeIdByValue("Metal");
                int idAttPuas     = getAttributeIdByValue("Set Puas");
                int idAttPedal    = getAttributeIdByValue("Pedal Distorsion");

                int idInsFlauta   = getInstrumIdByName("Flauta India");
                int idInsArmonica = getInstrumIdByName("Armonica X");
                int idInsAndaluza = getInstrumIdByName("Guitarra Andaluza X");
                int idInsPiano    = getInstrumIdByName("Piano Y");
                int idInsElectric = getInstrumIdByName("Electric 900");
                int idInsOboe     = getInstrumIdByName("Oboe RK");
                int idInsBateria  = getInstrumIdByName("Bateria 10T");

                int idShopAlicante = getShopIdByCity("Alicante");
                int idShopValencia = getShopIdByCity("Valencia");
                int idShopMurcia   = getShopIdByCity("Murcia");

                List <Attribut_Ins> Attr_Inss = new List <Attribut_Ins>();
                //cosas rojas
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttRed, InstrumentId = idInsFlauta
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttRed, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttRed, InstrumentId = idInsPiano
                //cosas verdes
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttGreen, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttGreen, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttGreen, InstrumentId = idInsBateria
                //cosas azules
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttBlue, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttBlue, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttBlue, InstrumentId = idInsBateria
                //cosas de madera
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMadera, InstrumentId = idInsFlauta
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMadera, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMadera, InstrumentId = idInsAndaluza
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMadera, InstrumentId = idInsPiano
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMadera, InstrumentId = idInsOboe
                //cosas de plastico
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPlastico, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPlastico, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPlastico, InstrumentId = idInsBateria
                //cosas de metal
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMetal, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMetal, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMetal, InstrumentId = idInsOboe
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttMetal, InstrumentId = idInsBateria
                //con set puas
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPuas, InstrumentId = idInsAndaluza
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPuas, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                //con pedal d.
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPedal, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                Attr_Inss.Add(new Attribut_Ins {
                    AttributId = idAttPedal, InstrumentId = idInsBateria

                List <List_Instrument> list_ListIns = new List <List_Instrument>();
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 1, InstrumentId = idInsFlauta
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 1, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 1, InstrumentId = idInsAndaluza
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 2, InstrumentId = idInsPiano
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 2, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 2, InstrumentId = idInsOboe
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 3, InstrumentId = idInsBateria
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 3, InstrumentId = idInsFlauta
                list_ListIns.Add(new List_Instrument {
                    ListId = 3, InstrumentId = idInsElectric

                List <Shop_Ins> list_ShopIns = new List <Shop_Ins>();
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsFlauta
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsArmonica
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsAndaluza
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsPiano
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsElectric
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsOboe
                list_ShopIns.Add(new Shop_Ins {
                    ShopId = idShopAlicante, InstrumentId = idInsBateria
            catch (System.Exception)

            int getAttributeIdByValue(string value)
                int idAttribute = 0;
                var idAttQuery  = from att in cnt.Attribut
                                  where att.Value == value
                                  select att.Id;

                idAttribute = idAttQuery.FirstOrDefault();

            int getInstrumIdByName(string name)
                int idInstrument = 0;
                var idInsQuery   = from ins in cnt.Instrument
                                   where ins.Name == name
                                   select ins.Id;

                idInstrument = idInsQuery.FirstOrDefault();

            int getShopIdByCity(string city)
                int idShop      = 0;
                var idShopQuery = from sh in cnt.Shop
                                  where sh.City == city
                                  select sh.Id;

                idShop = idShopQuery.FirstOrDefault();

            int getCatIdByName(string name)
                int idCat      = 0;
                var idCatQuery = from cat in cnt.Category
                                 where cat.Name == name
                                 select cat.Id;

                idCat = idCatQuery.FirstOrDefault();

            int getSubCatIdByName(string name)
                int idSubCat      = 0;
                var idSubCatQuery = from subCat in cnt.SubCategory
                                    where subCat.Name == name
                                    select subCat.Id;

                idSubCat = idSubCatQuery.FirstOrDefault();