void ResetPlayerPosition()
            float   x     = (game.World.Width / 2) + 0.5f;
            float   z     = (game.World.Length / 2) + 0.5f;
            Vector3 spawn = Respawn.FindSpawnPosition(game, x, z, game.LocalPlayer.Size);

            LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri(spawn, 0, 0, false);

            game.LocalPlayer.SetLocation(update, false);
            game.LocalPlayer.Spawn = spawn;
            game.CurrentCameraPos  = game.Camera.GetCameraPos(0);
        void HandleRelPosAndOrientationUpdate()
            byte  playerId = reader.ReadUInt8();
            float x        = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
            float y        = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;
            float z        = reader.ReadInt8() / 32f;

            float          yaw    = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees(reader.ReadUInt8());
            float          pitch  = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees(reader.ReadUInt8());
            LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, true);

            UpdateLocation(playerId, update, true);
Example #3
        void LoadMap(string path)
            IMapFileFormat mapFile = null;

            if (path.EndsWith(".dat"))
                mapFile = new MapDat();
            else if (path.EndsWith(".fcm"))
                mapFile = new MapFcm3();
            else if (path.EndsWith(".cw"))
                mapFile = new MapCw();

            try {
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
                    int width, height, length;
                    game.Map.TextureUrl = null;
                    for (int tile = BlockInfo.CpeBlocksCount; tile < BlockInfo.BlocksCount; tile++)
                        game.BlockInfo.ResetBlockInfo((byte)tile, false);

                    byte[] blocks = mapFile.Load(fs, game, out width, out height, out length);
                    game.Map.SetData(blocks, width, height, length);
                    if (game.AllowServerTextures && game.Map.TextureUrl != null)

                    LocalPlayer    p      = game.LocalPlayer;
                    LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri(p.SpawnPoint, p.SpawnYaw, p.SpawnPitch, false);
                    p.SetLocation(update, false);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                ErrorHandler.LogError("loading map", ex);
                game.Chat.Add("&e/client loadmap: Failed to load map \"" + path + "\"");
        void ReadAbsoluteLocation(byte playerId, bool interpolate)
            float x = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f;
            float y = (reader.ReadInt16() - 51) / 32f;               // We have to do this.

            if (playerId == 255)
                y += 22 / 32f;

            float z     = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f;
            float yaw   = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees(reader.ReadUInt8());
            float pitch = (float)Utils.PackedToDegrees(reader.ReadUInt8());

            if (playerId == 0xFF)
                receivedFirstPosition = true;
            LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, false);

            UpdateLocation(playerId, update, interpolate);
Example #5
        internal bool HandleKeyDown(Key key)
            KeyMap keys = game.InputHandler.Keys;

            if (key == keys[KeyBinding.Respawn] && Hacks.CanRespawn)
                Vector3I p = Vector3I.Floor(SpawnPoint);
                if (game.Map.IsValidPos(p))
                    // Spawn player at highest valid position.
                    for (int y = p.Y; y <= game.Map.Height; y++)
                        byte block1 = physics.GetPhysicsBlockId(p.X, y, p.Z);
                        byte block2 = physics.GetPhysicsBlockId(p.X, y + 1, p.Z);
                        if (info.CollideType[block1] != BlockCollideType.Solid &&
                            info.CollideType[block2] != BlockCollideType.Solid)
                            p.Y = y;
                Vector3        spawn  = (Vector3)p + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.01f, 0.5f);
                LocationUpdate update = LocationUpdate.MakePosAndOri(spawn, SpawnYaw, SpawnPitch, false);
                SetLocation(update, false);
            else if (key == keys[KeyBinding.SetSpawn] && Hacks.CanRespawn)
                SpawnPoint = Position;
                SpawnYaw   = HeadYawDegrees;
                SpawnPitch = PitchDegrees;
            else if (key == keys[KeyBinding.Fly] && Hacks.CanFly && Hacks.Enabled)
                flying = !flying;
            else if (key == keys[KeyBinding.NoClip] && Hacks.CanNoclip && Hacks.Enabled)
                if (noClip)
                    Velocity.Y = 0;
                noClip = !noClip;
            else if (key == keys[KeyBinding.Jump] && !onGround && !(flying || noClip))
                if (!firstJump && Hacks.CanDoubleJump && Hacks.DoubleJump)
                    firstJump = true;
                else if (!secondJump && Hacks.CanDoubleJump && Hacks.DoubleJump)
                    secondJump = true;