static void doWork()
            Point origin      = new Point();                  // creates an object named origin
            Point bottomright = new Point(1366, 768);         // calls the overloaded constructor that accepts two arguments
                                                              // and creates another object named bottomright

            double distance = origin.DistanceTo(bottomright); // creates a local variable named distance. distance is assigned the value of the calculation

            // done by specifying the object and accessing the public method named distanceto within that
            // class's definition that accepts classes as an argument and passes in the object
            // named bottomright as argument. origin is the default constructor so x,y are -1,-1 and the
            // method distanceto accepts the values input to the overloaded constructor as one object and
            // executes its body of code using these arguments.
            Console.WriteLine($"Distance is : {distance}");
            Console.WriteLine($"object count is {Point.Objectcount()}");