Example #1
        void _drawSettingsWheel(CustomGraphics g)
            const int outR   = 6 * 18 / 16;
            const int inR    = 4 * 18 / 16;
            const int inR45  = 3 * 18 / 16;
            const int outR45 = 4 * 18 / 16;

            if (mShowSettingsWheel)
                if (CursorInSettingsWheel)
                    g.LineColor = Color.Cyan;
                    g.LineColor = Color.DarkGray;
                g.SetTransform(new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, BoundingBox.X + 12, BoundingBox.Y + BoundingBox.Height - 16));
                g.DrawCircle(new Point(), inR);
                g.DrawLine(-outR, 0, -inR, 0);
                g.DrawLine(outR, 0, inR, 0);
                g.DrawLine(0, -outR, 0, -inR);
                g.DrawLine(0, outR, 0, inR);
                g.DrawLine(-outR45, -outR45, -inR45, -inR45);
                g.DrawLine(outR45, -outR45, inR45, -inR45);
                g.DrawLine(-outR45, outR45, -inR45, inR45);
                g.DrawLine(outR45, outR45, inR45, inR45);
Example #2
        void _drawFFTVerticalGridLines(CustomGraphics g)
            /* Draw x-grid lines and label the frequencies in the FFT that they point to. */
            int    prevEnd      = 0;
            int    divs         = 20;
            double maxFrequency = 1 / (ControlPanel.TimeStep * Speed * divs * 2);

            g.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(0x88, 0x00, 0x00);
            for (int i = 0; i < divs; i++)
                int x = BoundingBox.Width * i / divs;
                if (x < prevEnd)
                string s      = ((int)Math.Round(i * maxFrequency)) + "Hz";
                int    sWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(g.GetTextSize(s).Width);
                prevEnd = x + sWidth + 4;
                if (i > 0)
                    g.DrawLine(x, 0, x, BoundingBox.Height);
                g.DrawLeftText(s, x + 2, BoundingBox.Height - 12);
Example #3
        void _drawCrosshairs(CustomGraphics g)
            if (CirSim.Sim.DialogIsShowing())
            if (!BoundingBox.Contains(CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX, CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorY))
            if (SelectedPlot < 0 && !ShowFFT)
            var info = new string[4];
            int ipa  = mPlots[0].StartIndex(BoundingBox.Width);
            int ip   = (CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX - BoundingBox.X + ipa) & (mScopePointCount - 1);
            int ct   = 0;
            int maxy = (BoundingBox.Height - 1) / 2;
            int y    = maxy;

            if (SelectedPlot >= 0)
                var plot = mVisiblePlots[SelectedPlot];
                info[ct++] = plot.GetUnitText(plot.MaxValues[ip]);
                int maxvy = (int)(mMainGridMult * (plot.MaxValues[ip] - mMainGridMid));
                g.LineColor = plot.Color;
                g.FillCircle(CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX, BoundingBox.Y + y - maxvy, 2.5f);
            if (ShowFFT)
                double maxFrequency = 1 / (ControlPanel.TimeStep * Speed * 2);
                info[ct++] = Utils.UnitText(maxFrequency * (CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX - BoundingBox.X) / BoundingBox.Width, "Hz");
            if (mVisiblePlots.Count > 0)
                double t = CirSim.Sim.Time - ControlPanel.TimeStep * Speed * (BoundingBox.X + BoundingBox.Width - CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX);
                info[ct++] = Utils.TimeText(t);

            int szw = 0, szh = 15 * ct;

            for (int i = 0; i != ct; i++)
                int w = (int)g.GetTextSize(info[i]).Width;
                if (w > szw)
                    szw = w;

            g.LineColor = CustomGraphics.WhiteColor;
            g.DrawLine(CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX, BoundingBox.Y, CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX, BoundingBox.Y + BoundingBox.Height);

            int bx = CirSim.Sim.MouseCursorX;

            if (bx < szw / 2)
                bx = szw / 2;

            g.LineColor = ControlPanel.ChkPrintable.Checked ? Color.White : Color.Black;
            g.FillRectangle(bx - szw / 2, BoundingBox.Y - szh, szw, szh);

            for (int i = 0; i != ct; i++)
                int w = (int)g.GetTextSize(info[i]).Width;
                g.DrawLeftText(info[i], bx - w / 2, BoundingBox.Y - 2 - (ct - 1 - i) * 15);
Example #4
        void _drawFFT(CustomGraphics g)
            if (mFft == null || mFft.Size != mScopePointCount)
                mFft = new FFT(mScopePointCount);
            var real = new double[mScopePointCount];
            var imag = new double[mScopePointCount];
            var plot = (mVisiblePlots.Count == 0) ? mPlots[0] : mVisiblePlots[0];
            var maxV = plot.MaxValues;
            var minV = plot.MinValues;
            int ptr  = plot.Pointer;

            for (int i = 0; i < mScopePointCount; i++)
                int ii = (ptr - i + mScopePointCount) & (mScopePointCount - 1);

                /* need to average max and min or else it could cause average of function to be > 0, which
                 * /* produces spike at 0 Hz that hides rest of spectrum */
                real[i] = .5 * (maxV[ii] + minV[ii]);
                imag[i] = 0;
            mFft.Exec(real, imag);
            double maxM = 1e-8;

            for (int i = 0; i < mScopePointCount / 2; i++)
                double m = mFft.Magnitude(real[i], imag[i]);
                if (m > maxM)
                    maxM = m;
            int prevX = 0;

            g.LineColor = Color.Red;
            if (!LogSpectrum)
                int prevHeight = 0;
                int y          = (BoundingBox.Height - 1) - 12;
                for (int i = 0; i < mScopePointCount / 2; i++)
                    int x = 2 * i * BoundingBox.Width / mScopePointCount;

                    /* rect.width may be greater than or less than scopePointCount/2,
                     * so x may be greater than or equal to prevX. */
                    double magnitude = mFft.Magnitude(real[i], imag[i]);
                    int    height    = (int)((magnitude * y) / maxM);
                    if (x != prevX)
                        g.DrawLine(prevX, y - prevHeight, x, y - height);
                    prevHeight = height;
                    prevX      = x;
                int    y0    = 5;
                int    prevY = 0;
                double ymult = BoundingBox.Height / 10;
                double val0  = mScale * ymult;
                for (int i = 0; i < mScopePointCount / 2; i++)
                    int x = 2 * i * BoundingBox.Width / mScopePointCount;

                    /* rect.width may be greater than or less than scopePointCount/2,
                     * so x may be greater than or equal to prevX. */
                    var mag = mFft.Magnitude(real[i], imag[i]);
                    if (0 == mag)
                        mag = 1;
                    double val = Math.Log(mag);
                    int    y   = y0 - (int)(val * ymult - val0);
                    if (x != prevX)
                        g.DrawLine(prevX, prevY, x, y);
                    prevY = y;
                    prevX = x;
Example #5
        void _drawPlot(CustomGraphics g, ScopePlot plot, bool selected)
            if (plot.Elm == null)
            int i;
            int multptr = 0;
            int x       = 0;
            int maxy    = (BoundingBox.Height - 1) / 2;
            int y       = maxy;

            var color = (mSomethingSelected) ? Color.FromArgb(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0) : plot.Color;

            if (selected || (CirSim.Sim.ScopeSelected == -1 && plot.Elm.IsMouseElm))
                color = CustomGraphics.SelectColor;
            else if (ControlPanel.ChkPrintable.Checked)
                color = CustomGraphics.GrayColor;

            var ipa     = plot.StartIndex(BoundingBox.Width);
            var maxV    = plot.MaxValues;
            var minV    = plot.MinValues;
            var gridMax = mScale;

            /* if we don't have overlapping scopes of different units, we can move zero around.
             * Put it at the bottom if the scope is never negative. */
            double mx = gridMax;
            double mn = 0;

            if (mMaxScale)
                /* scale is maxed out, so fix boundaries of scope at maximum and minimum. */
                mx = mMaxValue;
                mn = mMinValue;
            else if (mShowNegative || mMinValue < (mx + mn) * .5 - (mx - mn) * .55)
                mn            = -gridMax;
                mShowNegative = true;
            var gridMid = (mx + mn) * .5;

            gridMax = (mx - mn) * .55;  /* leave space at top and bottom */

            double gridMult = maxy / gridMax;

            if (selected)
                mMainGridMult = gridMult;
                mMainGridMid  = gridMid;
            int minRangeLo = -10 - (int)(gridMid * gridMult);
            int minRangeHi = 10 - (int)(gridMid * gridMult);

            mGridStepY = 1e-8;
            while (mGridStepY < 20 * gridMax / maxy)
                mGridStepY *= MULTA[(multptr++) % 3];

            /* Horizontal gridlines */
            int ll;
            var minorDiv = Color.FromArgb(0x30, 0x30, 0x30);
            var majorDiv = Color.FromArgb(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0);

            if (ControlPanel.ChkPrintable.Checked)
                minorDiv = Color.FromArgb(0xD0, 0xD0, 0xD0);
                majorDiv = Color.FromArgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);

            /* Vertical (T) gridlines */
            double ts = ControlPanel.TimeStep * Speed;

            mGridStepX = CalcGridStepX();

            if (mDrawGridLines)
                /* horizontal gridlines */

                /* don't show gridlines if lines are too close together (except for center line) */
                bool showGridLines = (mGridStepY != 0);
                for (ll = -100; ll <= 100; ll++)
                    if (ll != 0 && !showGridLines)
                    int yl = maxy - (int)((ll * mGridStepY - gridMid) * gridMult);
                    if (yl < 0 || yl >= BoundingBox.Height - 1)
                    g.LineColor = ll == 0 ? majorDiv : minorDiv;
                    g.DrawLine(0, yl, BoundingBox.Width - 1, yl);

                /* vertical gridlines */
                double tstart = CirSim.Sim.Time - ControlPanel.TimeStep * Speed * BoundingBox.Width;
                double tx     = CirSim.Sim.Time - (CirSim.Sim.Time % mGridStepX);

                for (ll = 0; ; ll++)
                    double tl = tx - mGridStepX * ll;
                    int    gx = (int)((tl - tstart) / ts);
                    if (gx < 0)
                    if (gx >= BoundingBox.Width)
                    if (tl < 0)
                    if (((tl + mGridStepX / 4) % (mGridStepX * 10)) < mGridStepX)
                        g.LineColor = majorDiv;
                        g.LineColor = minorDiv;
                    g.DrawLine(gx, 0, gx, BoundingBox.Height - 1);

            /* only need gridlines drawn once */
            mDrawGridLines = false;

            g.LineColor = color;
            int ox = -1;
            int oy = -1;

            for (i = 0; i != BoundingBox.Width; i++)
                int nx    = x + i;
                int ip    = (i + ipa) & (mScopePointCount - 1);
                int minvy = (int)(gridMult * (minV[ip] - gridMid));
                int maxvy = (int)(gridMult * (maxV[ip] - gridMid));
                if (minvy <= maxy)
                    if (minvy < minRangeLo || maxvy > minRangeHi)
                        /* we got a value outside min range, so we don't need to rescale later */
                        mReduceRange = false;
                        minRangeLo   = -1000;
                        minRangeHi   = 1000; /* avoid triggering this test again */
                    if (ox != -1)
                        if (minvy == oy && maxvy == oy)
                        g.DrawLine(ox, y - oy, nx, y - oy);
                        ox = oy = -1;
                    if (minvy == maxvy)
                        ox = nx;
                        oy = minvy;
                    g.DrawLine(nx, y - minvy, nx, y - maxvy);
            } /* for (i=0...) */
            if (ox != -1)
                g.DrawLine(ox, y - oy, x + i, y - oy); /* Horizontal */