public static void DownloadCSV()
            string time = @"" + DateTime.Now;

            Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Data");

                Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Data\_CurrentChunk");
                WebClient    wc   = new WebClient();
                string       file = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Data\_CurrentChunk\" + @"BTCAnalysis_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd_HH-mm-ss-fff") + ".csv";
                StreamWriter sw   = new StreamWriter(file);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("ChunkCounter: " + ChunkCounter);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Downloading Data | File: " + file);
                ChunkCounter += 1;
                if (ChunkCounter == 6)
                    ChunkCounter = 0;
                    Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CreateChunk));
                    ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Chunk Creation | Staritng thread");
            } while (true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Encrypts a file from its path and a plain password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFile"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        public static void FileEncrypt(string inputFile, string outputFile, string password)

            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("---FileEncrypt()--- : Inputfile: " + inputFile + " | Outputfile: " + outputFile + " | Password: "******"What it does is repeatedly hash the user password along with the salt." High iteration counts.
            var key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passwordBytes, salt, 50000);

            AES.Key = key.GetBytes(AES.KeySize / 8);
            AES.IV  = key.GetBytes(AES.BlockSize / 8);

            //Cipher modes:
            AES.Mode = CipherMode.CFB;

            // write salt to the begining of the output file, so in this case can be random every time
            fsCrypt.Write(salt, 0, salt.Length);

            CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(fsCrypt, AES.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);

            FileStream fsIn = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open);

            //create a buffer (1mb) so only this amount will allocate in the memory and not the whole file
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1048576];
            int    read;

            try {
                while ((read = fsIn.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    //Application.DoEvents(); // -> for responsive GUI, using Task will be better!
                    cs.Write(buffer, 0, read);

                // Close up
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
            } finally {
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypts an encrypted file with the FileEncrypt method through its path and the plain password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFile"></param>
        /// <param name="outputFile"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        public static void FileDecrypt(string inputFile, string outputFile, string password)
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("---FileEncrypt()--- : Inputfile: " + inputFile + " | Outputfile: " + outputFile + " | Password: "******"CryptographicException error: " + ex_CryptographicException.Message);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);

            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error by closing CryptoStream: " + ex.Message);
            } finally {
Example #4
        public static void ExtractZipFile(string archiveFilenameIn, string password, string outFolder)
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("---ExtractZipFile()--- : outFolder: " + archiveFilenameIn + " | outFolder: " + outFolder + " | Password: "******"using" will close the stream even if an exception occurs.
                    using (FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(fullZipToPath)) {
                        StreamUtils.Copy(zipStream, streamWriter, buffer);
            } finally {
                if (zf != null)
                    zf.IsStreamOwner = true; // Makes close also shut the underlying stream
                    zf.Close();              // Ensure we release resources
Example #5
        // Recurses down the folder structure
        private static void CompressFolder(string path, ZipOutputStream zipStream, int folderOffset)
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("---CompressFolder()--- : Path: " + path + " | zipStream: " + zipStream + " | folderoffset: " + folderOffset);
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path);

            foreach (string filename in files)
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename);

                string entryName = filename.Substring(folderOffset); // Makes the name in zip based on the folder
                entryName = ZipEntry.CleanName(entryName);           // Removes drive from name and fixes slash direction
                ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(entryName);
                newEntry.DateTime = fi.LastWriteTime;                // Note the zip format stores 2 second granularity

                // Specifying the AESKeySize triggers AES encryption. Allowable values are 0 (off), 128 or 256.
                // A password on the ZipOutputStream is required if using AES.
                //   newEntry.AESKeySize = 256;

                // To permit the zip to be unpacked by built-in extractor in WinXP and Server2003, WinZip 8, Java, and other older code,
                // you need to do one of the following: Specify UseZip64.Off, or set the Size.
                // If the file may be bigger than 4GB, or you do not need WinXP built-in compatibility, you do not need either,
                // but the zip will be in Zip64 format which not all utilities can understand.
                //   zipStream.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off;
                newEntry.Size = fi.Length;


                // Zip the file in buffered chunks
                // the "using" will close the stream even if an exception occurs
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                using (FileStream streamReader = File.OpenRead(filename)) {
                    StreamUtils.Copy(streamReader, zipStream, buffer);
            string[] folders = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
            foreach (string folder in folders)
                CompressFolder(folder, zipStream, folderOffset);
Example #6
        public static void CreateSample(string outPathname, string password, string folderName, int lvl)
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("---CreateSample()--- : outPathname: " + outPathname + " | folderName: " + folderName + " | password: "******" | LVL: " + lvl);

            FileStream      fsOut     = File.Create(outPathname);
            ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(fsOut);

            zipStream.SetLevel(lvl);       //0-9, 9 being the highest level of compression

            zipStream.Password = password; // optional. Null is the same as not setting. Required if using AES.

            // This setting will strip the leading part of the folder path in the entries, to
            // make the entries relative to the starting folder.
            // To include the full path for each entry up to the drive root, assign folderOffset = 0.
            int folderOffset = folderName.Length + (folderName.EndsWith("\\") ? 0 : 1);

            CompressFolder(folderName, zipStream, folderOffset);

            zipStream.IsStreamOwner = true; // Makes the Close also Close the underlying stream
        public static void CreateChunk()
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Creating Chunk");
            string genFolderName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Data\Chunk" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd_HH-mm-ss");


            string[] allDatasetFullPath  = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Data\_CurrentChunk");
            string[] allDatasetFilenames = new string[allDatasetFullPath.Length];

            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("All Datasets:");

            for (int i = 0; i < allDatasetFullPath.Length; i++)
                allDatasetFilenames[i] = Path.GetFileName(allDatasetFullPath[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < allDatasetFullPath.Length; i++)
                File.Move(allDatasetFullPath[i], genFolderName + @"\" + allDatasetFilenames[i]);
            string chunkFolderName = genFolderName;

            ChunkGenerator.ZipToChunk.CreateSample(chunkFolderName + @"", ZipPassword, genFolderName, 6);
            File.Move(chunkFolderName + @"", chunkFolderName + @".CompressedChunk");
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Encrypting Chunk " + chunkFolderName + @".CompressedChunk");
            //Encrypt CmpChnk
            EncryptChunk(chunkFolderName + @".CompressedChunk", chunkFolderName + @".CmpChnk");
            try {
                Directory.Delete(chunkFolderName, true);
            } catch (Exception r) {
            try {
                File.Delete(chunkFolderName + @".CompressedChunk");
            } catch (Exception r) {
        public static void DycryptAllChunk()
            GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(AESPassword, GCHandleType.Pinned);

            string CmpChnkPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Data\";

            allCmpChnkFullPath  = Directory.GetFiles(CmpChnkPath);
            allCmpChnkFilenames = allCmpChnkFullPath;
            allCmpChnkRAWNames  = allCmpChnkFullPath;

            for (int i = 0; i < allCmpChnkFilenames.Length; i++)
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("allCmpChnkFilenames: " + allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("allCmpChnkFullPath: " + allCmpChnkFullPath[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < allCmpChnkFilenames.Length; i++)
                allCmpChnkFilenames[i] = Path.GetFileName(allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Filename: " + allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);
            char[] seperator;
            seperator = ".".ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < allCmpChnkFilenames.Length; i++)
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Format: " + allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);
                string[] splitStorage = allCmpChnkFilenames[i].Split(seperator);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("AFTER SPLIT Format: " + allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);

                for (int x = 0; x < splitStorage.Length; x++)
                    ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Splited: " + splitStorage[x]);

                allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] = splitStorage[0] + "." + splitStorage[1] + "." + splitStorage[2];
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("RAW Name: " + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i]);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Filename: " + allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("1st Path: " + CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkFilenames[i]);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("2nd Path: " + CmpChnkPath);
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Password: "******"");

                DycryptionForChunks.FileDecrypt(CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CmpChnk", CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CommpressedChunk", AESPassword);
            for (int i = 0; i < allCmpChnkFullPath.Length; i++)
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Extracting: " + allCmpChnkFilenames[i] + ".CommpressedChunk" + " | Target Folder: " + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i]);
                Directory.CreateDirectory(CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i]);
                ChunkGenerator.ZipToChunk.ExtractZipFile(CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CommpressedChunk", ZipPassword, CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i]);
            ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Deleting junk");
            for (int i = 0; i < allCmpChnkRAWNames.Length; i++)
                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("operation " + (i + 1) + " of " + (allCmpChnkRAWNames.Length + 1));

                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Deleting: " + CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CmpChnk");
                //File.Delete(CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CmpChnk");

                ChunkLogger.LOGIT("Deleting" + CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CommpressedChunk");
                File.Delete(CmpChnkPath + allCmpChnkRAWNames[i] + ".CommpressedChunk");