public void TestViewportController_ZoomForcesViewportToExceedMinPermittedZoomIn_ViewportDoesNotExceedMinPermittedZoomIn()

            double zoomFactor = ExecuteScriptGetNumber(@"return window.zoomLevelFactor;");
            dynamic timelines = ExecuteScript("return window.deeperZoomConstraints;");

            for (int i = 0; i < timelines.Count; i++)
                /* Arrange
                 * Set up the viewport such that a zoom gesture
                 * forces the viewport to exceed the minimum zoomin level.

                IWebElement vcElem = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("vc"));

                dynamic timeline = timelines[i];
                double left = timeline["left"];
                double right = timeline["right"];
                double minScale = timeline["scale"];
                double aboveMinScale = minScale * zoomFactor;

                // for all scale in [minScale, aboveMinScale) => scale / zoomFactor < minScale
                Random rnd = new Random();
                double scale = minScale + rnd.NextDouble() * (aboveMinScale - minScale);

                var vc = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);
                vc.SetVisible(new JsVisible((left + right) / 2, 0, scale));

                /* Act
                 * ZoomIn.
                ActionsExtension act = new ActionsExtension(Driver);
                act.MoveToElement(vcElem, 10, 10);

                /* Assert
                 * Verify that the viewport after zooming doesn't
                 * exceed the minimum zoomin level.
                var vp = vc.GetViewport();
                Assert.IsTrue(vp.Scale >= minScale);
        public void TestViewportController_PanForcesViewportToExceedLeftBorder_ViewportDoesNotExceedLeftBorder()
            /* Arrange
             * Set up the viewport such that a pan of width
             * forces the viewport to exceed the left border.

            IWebElement vcElem = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("vc"));
            double widthInSc = vcElem.Size.Width - 2;   // border of 1 px on each side
            double widthInVc = 1.37 * Ga;
            double scale = widthInVc / widthInSc;       // 1/10 the age of the universe

            double minLeftCenterX = ExecuteScriptGetNumber(@"return window.maxPermitedTimeRange.left;");

            var vc = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);
            vc.SetVisible(new JsVisible(-13 * Ga, 0, scale));

            /* Act
             * Pan by width to the right.
            Vector pan = new Vector(widthInSc, 0);
            ActionsExtension act = new ActionsExtension(Driver);
            act.MoveToElement(vcElem, 0, 0);
            act.MoveByOffset(Convert.ToInt32(pan.X), Convert.ToInt32(pan.Y));

            /* Without the horizontal contraints the viewport centerX will exceed minLeftCenterX
             * after a pan of width as (-13Ga + -1.37Ga < 13.7Ga).
             * With the contraints in place viewport centerX is limited to minLeftCenterX.

            /* Assert
             * Verify that the viewport centerX after
             * panning doesn't exceed the minLeftCenterX.
            var vp = vc.GetViewport();
            double vpCenterX = vp.CenterX;

            Assert.AreEqual(minLeftCenterX, vpCenterX, 5);
        public void TestViewportController_ZoomForcesViewportToExceedMaxPermittedZoomOut_ViewportDoesNotExceedMaxPermittedZoomOut()
            /* Arrange
             * Set up the viewport such that a zoom gesture
             * forces the viewport to exceed maximum zoomout level.

            IWebElement vcElem = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("vc"));
            double width = vcElem.Size.Width - 2; // border of 1 px on each side

            double additionalPermitedPixels = ExecuteScriptGetNumber(@"return window.timelinesAbsenceInterval;");
            double zoomFactor = ExecuteScriptGetNumber(@"return window.zoomLevelFactor;");

            double maxScaleWithoutPadding = 13.7 * Ga / width;
            double maxScale = (13.7 * Ga + 2 * additionalPermitedPixels * maxScaleWithoutPadding) / width;
            double belowMaxScale = maxScale / zoomFactor;

            // for all scale in (belowMaxScale, maxScale] => scale * zoomFactor > maxScale
            Random rnd = new Random();
            double scale = belowMaxScale + rnd.NextDouble() * (maxScale - belowMaxScale);

            var vc = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);
            vc.SetVisible(new JsVisible(-13.7 * Ga / 2, 0, scale));

            /* Act
             * ZoomOut.
            ActionsExtension act = new ActionsExtension(Driver);
            act.MoveToElement(vcElem, 10, 10);

            /* Assert
             * Verify that the viewport after zooming doesn't
             * exceed the maximum zoomout level.
            var vp = vc.GetViewport();
            Assert.IsTrue(vp.Scale <= maxScale);