Example #1
        public void TestCollectionPutDelete()
            string endPoint = String.Format(endpointLocator, serviceUrl, "sandbox/apitest");
            HttpWebRequest request = CreateRequest(endPoint, "PUT");

            Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            DataContractJsonSerializer requestSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Chronozoom.Entities.Collection));

            Chronozoom.Entities.Collection newCollection = new Chronozoom.Entities.Collection()
                Title = "API Test Collection"

            requestSerializer.WriteObject(requestStream, newCollection);

            WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
            Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

            //string responseText = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
            DataContractJsonSerializer guidSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Guid));
            Guid collectionId = (Guid)guidSerializer.ReadObject(responseStream);


            request = CreateRequest(endPoint, "DELETE");
Example #2
        public void TestCollectionPutDelete()
            string         endPoint = String.Format(endpointLocator, serviceUrl, "sandbox/apitest");
            HttpWebRequest request  = CreateRequest(endPoint, "PUT");

            Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            DataContractJsonSerializer requestSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Chronozoom.Entities.Collection));

            Chronozoom.Entities.Collection newCollection = new Chronozoom.Entities.Collection()
                Title = "API Test Collection"

            requestSerializer.WriteObject(requestStream, newCollection);

            WebResponse response       = request.GetResponse();
            Stream      responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

            //string responseText = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
            DataContractJsonSerializer guidSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Guid));
            Guid collectionId = (Guid)guidSerializer.ReadObject(responseStream);


            request = CreateRequest(endPoint, "DELETE");
Example #3
        public Collection<TimelineShortcut> GetUserFeatured(string guid)
            return ApiOperation<Collection<TimelineShortcut>>(delegate(User user, Storage storage)
                Guid userGuid;

                // If GUID is not given then get supervisor's GUID. Otherwise parse the given GUID.
                if (guid.Equals("default"))
                    string aps = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeaturedTimelinesSupervisorGuid"];
                    userGuid = String.IsNullOrEmpty(aps) ? Guid.Empty : Guid.Parse(aps);
                else if (!Guid.TryParse(guid, out userGuid))
                    return null;

                var cacheKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "UserFeatured - {0}", userGuid);
                if (Cache.Contains(cacheKey))
                    return (Collection<TimelineShortcut>)Cache.Get(cacheKey);

                var triple = storage.GetTriplet(String.Format("czusr:{0}", userGuid), "czpred:featured").FirstOrDefault();
                if (triple == null)
                    return null;

                var elements = new Collection<TimelineShortcut>();
                foreach (var t in triple.Objects)
                    var objName = TripleName.Parse(t.Object);
                    if (objName.Prefix == "cztimeline")
                        var g = new Guid(objName.Name);
                        var timeline = storage.Timelines.Where(x => x.Id == g)

                        if (timeline != null)

                Cache.Add(cacheKey, elements);

                return elements;
Example #4
        protected static Uri UrlForCollection(SuperCollection superCollection, Collection collection)
            if (superCollection == null || collection == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(superCollection.Title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection.Title))
                return null;

            string path = _hostPath.Value + "/" + FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlEncode(superCollection.Title) + "/";
            if (string.CompareOrdinal(superCollection.Title, collection.Title) != 0)
                path += FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlEncode(collection.Title) + "/";

            return new Uri(path);
Example #5
        public Collection<TimelineShortcut> GetUserFavorites()
            return ApiOperation<Collection<TimelineShortcut>>(delegate(User user, Storage storage)
            #if RELEASE
                if (user == null)
                    return null;

                Guid userId = user == null || user.Id == null ? Guid.Empty : user.Id;
                var cacheKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "UserFavorites - {0}", userId);
                if (Cache.Contains(cacheKey))
                    return (Collection<TimelineShortcut>)Cache.Get(cacheKey);

                var triple = storage.GetTriplet(String.Format("czusr:{0}", user != null ? user.Id : Guid.Empty), "czpred:favorite").FirstOrDefault();
                if (triple == null)
                    return null;

                var elements = new Collection<TimelineShortcut>();
                foreach (var t in triple.Objects)
                    var objName = TripleName.Parse(t.Object);
                    if (objName.Prefix == "cztimeline")
                        var g = new Guid(objName.Name);
                        var timeline = storage.Timelines.Where(x => x.Id == g)

                        if (timeline != null)

                Cache.Add(cacheKey, elements);

                return elements;
Example #6
        public Collection<TimelineShortcut> GetUserTimelines(string superCollection, string Collection)
            return ApiOperation<Collection<TimelineShortcut>>(delegate(User user, Storage storage)
                if (user == null) return null;

            //#if RELEASE
            //              if (user == null)
            //              {
            //                  return null;
            //              }

                Timeline roottimeline = GetTimelines(superCollection, Collection, null, null, null, null, null, null);

                var elements = new Collection<TimelineShortcut>();

                var timeline = storage.Timelines.Where(x => x.Id == roottimeline.Id)

                if (timeline != null) elements.Add(storage.GetTimelineShortcut(timeline));

                if (roottimeline.ChildTimelines != null)
                    foreach (var t in roottimeline.ChildTimelines)
                        timeline = storage.Timelines.Where(x => x.Id == t.Id)

                        if (timeline != null)

                return elements;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Documented under IChronozoomSVC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="includeMine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Collection<TimelineShortcut> GetEditableTimelines(bool includeMine = false)
            return ApiOperation<Collection<TimelineShortcut>>(delegate(User user, Storage storage)
                Collection<TimelineShortcut> rv = new Collection<TimelineShortcut>();

                List<Collection> collections;
                if (includeMine)
                    // Collections where others can edit and user is in edit list, or user is collection owner.
                    collections = storage.Collections
                                    .Where(c => c.User.Id == user.Id || (c.Members.Any(m => m.User.Id == user.Id) && c.MembersAllowed))
                                    .OrderByDescending(c => c.User.Id == user.Id)
                                    .ThenBy(c => c.User.DisplayName).ThenBy(c => c.Title)
                    // Collections where others can edit and user is in edit list, but user is not collection owner.
                    collections = storage.Collections
                                    .Where(c => c.Members.Any(m => m.User.Id == user.Id) && c.MembersAllowed && c.User.Id != user.Id)
                                    .OrderBy(c => c.User.DisplayName).ThenBy(c => c.Title)

                foreach (Collection collection in collections)
                    Collection<TimelineShortcut> collectionTimelines = GetUserTimelines(collection.SuperCollection.Title, collection.Title);
                    foreach (TimelineShortcut collectionTimeline in collectionTimelines)

                return rv;
Example #8
        public string ImportCollection(
            Guid collectionId, string collectionTitle, string collectionTheme, List<FlatTimeline> timelines, List<Tour> tours,
            bool makeDefault = false, bool forcePublic = false, bool keepOldGuids = false, string forceUserDisplayName = null
            int                     titleCount  = 1;
            string                  titleAppend = "";
            string                  path        = Regex.Replace(collectionTitle.Trim(), @"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]+", "").ToLower();
            string                  type;
            Guid                    GUID;
            Guid                    newGUID;
            Dictionary<Guid, Guid>  newGUIDs    = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();
            DateTime                timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            User                    user        = _user;

            // ensure user logged in or provided in override
            if (forceUserDisplayName != null) user = _storage.Users.Where(u => u.DisplayName == forceUserDisplayName).FirstOrDefault();
            if (user == null)               { return "In order to import a collection, you must first be logged in."; }

            // ensure collection title is unique for user

                _storage.Collections.Where(c => c.User.Id == user.Id && c.Path == path + titleAppend).FirstOrDefault() != null
                titleAppend = "-" + titleCount;

            if ((path + titleAppend).Length > 50) { return "Either the name of the collection to be imported is too long, or a collecton with this name already exists."; }

            // create new collection under existing user's supercollection

            SuperCollection superCollection = _storage.SuperCollections.Where(s => s.User.Id == user.Id).Include("User").Include("Collections").FirstOrDefault();

            if (superCollection == null) { return "The collection could not be imported as you are not properly logged in. Please log out then log back in again first."; }

            Collection collection = new Collection
                Id                  = keepOldGuids ? collectionId : Guid.NewGuid(),
                SuperCollection     = superCollection,
                Default             = makeDefault,
                Path                = path + titleAppend,
                Title               = collectionTitle.Trim() + titleAppend,
                Theme               = collectionTheme == "" ? null : collectionTheme,
                MembersAllowed      = false,
                Members             = null,
                PubliclySearchable  = forcePublic,
                User                = user


            // iterate through each timeline

            foreach (FlatTimeline flat in timelines)
                // keep cross-reference between old and new timelineIds so child timelines can maintain a pointer to their parents
                if (!keepOldGuids)
                    newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    newGUIDs.Add(flat.timeline.Id, newGUID);
                    flat.timeline.Id = newGUID;

                    if (flat.parentTimelineId != null) // not root timeline
                        flat.parentTimelineId = newGUIDs[(Guid)flat.parentTimelineId];

                flat.timeline.Collection = collection;

                // iterate through each exhibit in the timeline  - change last updated to now with current user

                for (int eachExhibit = 0; eachExhibit < flat.timeline.Exhibits.Count; eachExhibit++)
                    // also keep cross-references for exhibits if new GUIDs are assigned
                    if (!keepOldGuids)
                        newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                        newGUIDs.Add(flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].Id, newGUID);
                        flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].Id      = newGUID;

                    flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].Collection  = collection;
                    flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].UpdatedBy   = user;
                    flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].UpdatedTime = timestamp;

                    // iterate through each content item in the exhibit

                    for (int eachItem = 0; eachItem < flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems.Count; eachItem++)
                        // also keep cross-references for content items if new GUIDs are assigned
                        if (!keepOldGuids)
                            newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                            newGUIDs.Add(flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems[eachItem].Id, newGUID);
                            flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems[eachItem].Id     = newGUID;

                        flat.timeline.Exhibits[eachExhibit].ContentItems[eachItem].Collection = collection;

                // add timeline to database

                if (flat.parentTimelineId == null)
                    Timeline parentTimeline =
                    _storage.Timelines.Where(t => t.Id == flat.parentTimelineId)


                // commit creations

                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage);
                    return "Sorry, we were unable to fully import this collection due to an unexpected error, but it may have partially been imported. Please click on My Collections to check.";


            // iterate through each tour

            foreach (Tour tour in tours)
                tour.Collection = collection;

                // if using new GUIDs, create new ids for tour components and replace url guid parts using old to new GUID mapping
                if (!keepOldGuids)
                    tour.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                    // iterate through each tour stop

                    for (int eachBookmark = 0; eachBookmark < tour.Bookmarks.Count; eachBookmark++)
                        tour.Bookmarks[eachBookmark].Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                        // breakdown each tour stop url segment into parts
                        string[] parts = tour.Bookmarks[eachBookmark].Url.Split('/');

                        // iterate through each part, replacing the GUID fraction of the part with the new GUID that was mapped earlier during the timelines population
                        for (int eachPart = 1; eachPart < parts.Length; eachPart++)
                            if (parts[eachPart].Length == 37)
                                // part has two components
                                type = parts[eachPart].Substring(0, 1);         // first character in part is type
                                GUID = new Guid(parts[eachPart].Remove(0, 1));  // rest of part is GUID
                                // part has one component
                                type = "";
                                GUID = new Guid(parts[eachPart]);               // entire part is GUID

                            GUID = newGUIDs[GUID];                              // lookup the earlier mapped GUID
                            parts[eachPart] = type + GUID.ToString();           // and replace the old GUID with mapped

                        // rejoin all the tour stop url segment parts back together
                        tour.Bookmarks[eachBookmark].Url = String.Join("/", parts);

                // add the tour

                // commit tour to database
                catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage);
                    return "We imported all of the timelines, exhibits and content items but we wre unable to fully import tours. Please click on My Collections to check.";


            return "The collection has been imported as \"" + collection.Title + "\". Please click on \"My Collections\" in order to see your new collection.";
Example #9
 /// <summary>Get owner of the collection</summary>
 /// <param name="collection">Collection object. May be null.</param>
 /// <returns>String representation of owning user ID</returns>
 public string GetCollectionOwner(Collection collection)
     if (collection == null)
         return null;
     Entry(collection).Reference(c => c.User).Load();
     return collection.User != null ? collection.User.Id.ToString() : null;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns shortest URL path to a collection.
        /// For example, excluding the collection path from the URL if it is the default collection.
        /// If the collection is the default collection in the default supercollection then returns "/".
        /// </summary>
        private string GetURLPath(Collection collection, string defaultSuperCollection)
            string superCollectionPath  = "/" + collection.SuperCollection.Title;
            string collectionPath       = "/" + collection.Path;

            if (collection.Default)
                collectionPath = "";

                if (collection.SuperCollection.Title == defaultSuperCollection)
                    superCollectionPath = "/";

            return (superCollectionPath + collectionPath).ToLower();
Example #11
        private static void ParseJIssues(JArray issuesArray)
            if (issuesArray != null && issuesArray.Count > 0)

                    foreach (JObject obj in issuesArray)
                        Collection new_coll = null;
                        JObject temp = (JObject)obj["title"];
                        String coll_title = (string)temp["name"];
                        String title = (string)temp["name"] + "," + (String)obj["date_issued"];
                        var coll = dbInst.Collections.Where(c => c.Title == coll_title);
                        foreach (Collection c in coll)
                            new_coll = c;
                        //adding this newspapers collection if it does not already exist
                        if (new_coll == null)

                            new_coll = new Collection();
                            new_coll.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                            new_coll.Title = coll_title;
                            if (my_sc.Collections == null) my_sc.Collections = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Collection>();
                        string pagesurl = basebatchurl + (string)obj["local_url"];

                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(pagesurl);
                        string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(s);
                        JArray pagesArray = (JArray)jobj["pages"];

                        //Creating the parent timeline
                        Timeline parent = new Timeline();
                        parent.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                        parent.Height = null; //todo
                        parent.Regime = "Humanity"; //todo
                        parent.Sequence = 100; //todo
                        parent.Threshold = "8. Origins of modern world"; //todo
                        parent.Title = title;
                        parent.Collection = new_coll;
                        parent.UniqueId = my_timeline_count++;

                        parent.ChildTimelines = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Timeline>();
                        //Creating the child timelines
                        for (int i = 0; i < pagesArray.Count; i++)
                            Timeline j = new Timeline();
                            j.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                            j.Title = title + ", Pg" + (i + 1); //Newspaper name,date,pagenumber
                            j.Threshold = "8. Origins of modern world"; //todo
                            j.Regime = "Humanity"; //todo
                            j.Sequence = null; //todo
                            j.FromTimeUnit = "ce"; //to be changed for a different source
                            String dateString = (string)obj["date_issued"];
                            Decimal year = Decimal.Parse(dateString.Substring(0, 4));
                            j.FromMonth = int.Parse(dateString.Substring(5, 2));
                            j.FromDay = int.Parse(dateString.Substring(8, 2));
                            j.FromYear = convertToDecimalYear(j.FromDay, j.FromMonth, year, j.FromTimeUnit);
                            j.ToTimeUnit = j.FromTimeUnit;
                            j.ToDay = j.FromDay;
                            j.ToMonth = j.FromMonth;
                            j.ToYear = j.FromYear;
                            j.Start = j.FromYear;
                            j.End = j.ToYear;
                            j.UniqueId = my_timeline_count++;
                            if (parent.FromYear == 0)
                                parent.FromTimeUnit = "ce";
                                parent.ToTimeUnit = "ce";
                                parent.FromDay = j.FromDay;
                                parent.FromMonth = j.FromMonth;
                                parent.FromYear = j.FromYear;
                                parent.ToDay = j.ToDay;
                                parent.ToMonth = j.ToMonth;
                                parent.ToYear = j.ToYear;
                                parent.Start = parent.FromYear;
                                parent.End = parent.ToYear;
                            j.Sequence = 100; //todo
                            j.Height = null; //todo
                            j.Collection = new_coll;
                            String temp2 = (String)(pagesArray[i])["url"];
                            String URLofData = temp2.Remove(temp2.LastIndexOf(".json")) + "/seq-" + (i + 1);
                            j.Exhibits = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Exhibit>();
                            j.Exhibits.Add(createExhibit(j, URLofData, new_coll));
                            //adding j to db
                            if ((my_timeline_count % 10000) == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Timelines completed  " + my_timeline_count + "  " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());

                        //adding parent to db

                      catch (Exception e)

Example #12
 //used if creating timeline objects instead of flat json objects
 private static Exhibit createExhibit(Timeline j, String URL, Collection col)
     Exhibit e = new Exhibit();
     e.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
     e.Title = j.Title + " - Exhibit"; //todo
     e.Threshold = "8. Origins of modern world"; //todo
     e.Regime = "Humanity";  //todo
     e.TimeUnit = "ce";
     e.Day = j.FromDay;
     e.Month = j.FromMonth;
     e.Year = j.FromYear;
     e.Sequence = 100;
     e.UniqueId = my_exhibit_count++;
     e.Collection = col;
     e.ContentItems = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<ContentItem>();
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         ContentItem c = new ContentItem();
         c.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
         c.UniqueId = my_contentitem_count++;
         c.Title = j.Title + "- ContentItem";
         c.Threshold = "8. Origins of modern world";
         c.Regime = "Humanity";
         c.TimeUnit = "ce";
         c.Year = j.ToYear;
         c.Order = 1; //todo
         c.HasBibliography = false; //todo
         c.MediaSource = "Library of Congress"; //todo
         c.Attribution = "Library of Congress";  //todo
         c.Collection = col;
         switch (i)
             case 0:
                     c.Caption = j.Title + "- JP2";
                     c.MediaType = "JP2";
                     c.Uri = URL + ".jp2";
             case 1:
                     c.Caption = j.Title + "- TXT";
                     c.MediaType = "TXT";
                     c.Uri = URL + "/ocr.txt";
             case 2:
                     c.Caption = j.Title + "- PDF";
                     c.MediaType = "PDF";
                     c.Uri = URL + ".pdf";
             case 3:
                     c.Caption = j.Title + "- OCR";
                     c.MediaType = "OCR";
                     c.Uri = URL + "/ocr.xml";
         // Insert into db here
     return e;
Example #13
 public IEnumerable<TimelineRaw> TimelineSubtreeQuery(Guid collectionId, Guid? leastCommonAncestor, decimal startTime, decimal endTime, decimal minSpan, int maxElements)
     IEnumerable<TimelineRaw> result;
     Dictionary<Guid?, TimelineRaw> map = new Dictionary<Guid?, TimelineRaw>();
     if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ProviderName.Equals("System.Data.SqlClient"))
         result = Database.SqlQuery<TimelineRaw>("EXEC TimelineSubtreeQuery {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", collectionId, leastCommonAncestor, minSpan, startTime, endTime, maxElements);
         bool return_entire_subtree = false;
         result = new Collection<TimelineRaw>();
         if (leastCommonAncestor != null)
             Timeline root = Timelines.Where(r => r.Id == leastCommonAncestor).FirstOrDefault();
             if (root != null && root.SubtreeSize <= maxElements)
                 for (Timeline c = Timelines.Where(_c => _c.Id == root.FirstNodeInSubtree).FirstOrDefault(); c != root; c = Timelines.Where(_c => _c.Id == c.Successor).FirstOrDefault())
                     ((Collection<TimelineRaw>)result).Add(new TimelineRaw(c));
                 return_entire_subtree = true;
         if (!return_entire_subtree)
             Queue<TimelineRaw> q = new Queue<TimelineRaw>();
             var init_timelines = leastCommonAncestor == null ? Database.SqlQuery<TimelineRaw>("SELECT * FROM [Timelines] WHERE [Depth] = 0 AND CollectionID = {0}", collectionId) : Database.SqlQuery<TimelineRaw>("SELECT * FROM [Timelines] WHERE [Id] = {0}", leastCommonAncestor);   // select the root element
             foreach (TimelineRaw t in init_timelines)   //under normal circumstances this result should only contain a single timeline
             while (q.Count > 0 && maxElements > 0)
                 bool childGreaterThanMinspan = false;
                 TimelineRaw t = q.Dequeue();
                 var childTimelines = Database.SqlQuery<TimelineRaw>("SELECT * FROM [Timelines] WHERE [Timeline_ID] = {0}", t.Id);
                 foreach (TimelineRaw c in childTimelines)
                     if (c.ToYear - c.FromYear > minSpan)
                         childGreaterThanMinspan = true;
                 if (childGreaterThanMinspan)
                     if (maxElements >= t.ChildTimelines.Count())
                         foreach (TimelineRaw c in childTimelines)
                             if ((c.FromYear >= startTime && c.FromYear <= endTime) || (c.ToYear >= startTime && c.ToYear <= endTime) || (c.FromYear <= startTime && c.ToYear >= endTime) || (c.FromYear >= startTime && c.ToYear <= endTime))
                             {   //if c overlaps with current viewport, then c may be further expanded
     foreach (TimelineRaw t in result)   // note: results are ordered by depth in ascending order
         map.Add(t.Id, t);
     foreach (TimelineRaw t in result)   // note: results are ordered by depth in ascending order
         if (t.Timeline_ID != null && map.ContainsKey(t.Timeline_ID))
             if (map[t.Timeline_ID].ChildTimelines == null)
                 map[t.Timeline_ID].ChildTimelines = new Collection<Timeline>();
     return result;
Example #14
 public void SetUserTimelinesAsNotFavorite(Collection<Chronozoom.Entities.Timeline> timelines)
     Logger.Log("<- imput timelines count: " + timelines.Count);
     foreach (var timeline in timelines)
         ExecuteJavaScript("CZ.Service.deleteUserFavorite('" + timeline.Id + "');");
Example #15
 public Guid[] SelectAllTimelinesAsFavorites(Collection<Chronozoom.Entities.Timeline> timelines)
     List<Guid> list = new List<Guid>();
     foreach (Chronozoom.Entities.Timeline timeline in timelines)
         ExecuteJavaScript("CZ.Service.putUserFavorite('" + timeline.Id + "');");
     Logger.Log("-> Selected as favorite timelines: " + string.Join(",", list));
     return list.ToArray();