private static XmlNode HandleCaseOfNoAncestor(XmlMerger merger, XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs)
            var mainNodeStrategy       = merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ours ?? theirs);
            var mergeSituation         = merger.MergeSituation;
            var pathToFileInRepository = mergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository;

            if (ours == null)
                // They added, we did nothing.
// Route tested, but the MergeChildrenMethod adds the change report for us.
                // So, theory has it one can't get here from any normal place.
                // But, keep it, in case MergeChildrenMethod gets 'fixed'.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, theirs));
            if (theirs == null)
                // We added, they did nothing.
// Route tested.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ours));

            // Both added the special containing node.
            // Remove children nodes to see if main containing nodes are the same.
            if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ours, theirs))
// Route tested.
                // Same content.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothAddedSameChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ours));
                // Different content.
                var ourChild   = GetElementChildren(ours).FirstOrDefault();
                var theirChild = GetElementChildren(theirs).FirstOrDefault();
                var ourClone   = MakeClone(ours);
                var theirClone = MakeClone(theirs);
                if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourClone, theirClone))
                    // new main elements are the same, but not the contained child
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothAddedSameChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ourClone));
                    if (ourChild == null && theirChild == null)
                        return(ours);                        // Nobody added the child node.
                    if (ourChild == null)
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, theirChild));
                    if (theirChild == null)
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ourChild));
                    // both children exist, but are different.
                    var mergeStrategyForChild = merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ourChild);
                    if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                        // Do the clone thing on the two child nodes to see if the diffs are in the child or lower down.
                        var ourChildClone   = MakeClone(ourChild);
                        var theirChildClone = MakeClone(theirChild);
                        if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChildClone, theirChildClone))
                            var ourChildReplacement = ourChild;
                            merger.MergeInner(ours, ref ourChildReplacement, theirChild, null);
                            if (!ReferenceEquals(ourChild, ourChildReplacement))
                                XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, ourChildReplacement);
                            merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(ourChild.Name, ourChild, theirChild,
                                                                                                            mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild,
                        // Do the clone thing on the two child nodes to see if the diffs are in the child or lower down.
                        var ourChildClone   = MakeClone(ourChild);
                        var theirChildClone = MakeClone(theirChild);
                        if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChildClone, theirChildClone))
                            var ourChildReplacement = ourChild;
                            merger.MergeInner(ours, ref ourChildReplacement, theirChild, null);
                            if (!ReferenceEquals(ourChild, ourChildReplacement))
                                XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, ourChildReplacement);
                            merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(ourChild.Name, ourChild, theirChild,
                                                                                                            mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild,
                            XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, theirChild);

                // Main containing element is not the same. Not to worry about child
                if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(ours.Name, ours, theirs,
                                                                                                    mergeSituation, mainNodeStrategy,
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new XmlTextBothAddedTextConflict(theirs.Name, theirs, ours, mergeSituation,
                                                                             mainNodeStrategy, mergeSituation.BetaUserId));
                    XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours.ParentNode, ref ours, theirs);
        public static void Run(XmlMerger merger, ElementStrategy strategy, ref XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs, XmlNode ancestor)
// All routes tested in this method.
            Guard.AgainstNull(merger, "merger");             // Route tested.
            Guard.AgainstNull(strategy, "strategy");         // Route tested.
            if (ours == null && theirs == null && ancestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();                 // Route tested.
            if (XmlUtilities.IsTextLevel(ours, theirs, ancestor))
                // Route tested.
                new MergeTextNodesMethod(merger, merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ours ?? theirs ?? ancestor),
                                         new HashSet <XmlNode>(),
                                         ref ours, new List <XmlNode>(),
                                         theirs, new List <XmlNode>(),
                                         ancestor, new List <XmlNode>()).Run();

            List <XmlNode> ourChildren;
            List <XmlNode> theirChildren;
            List <XmlNode> ancestorChildren;

            switch (strategy.NumberOfChildren)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrMore is not legal.");                         // Route tested.

            case NumberOfChildrenAllowed.Zero:
                ourChildren = GetElementChildren(ours).ToList();
                if (ourChildren.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.Zero is not legal, when there are child element nodes.");                             // Route tested.
                theirChildren = GetElementChildren(theirs).ToList();
                if (theirChildren.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.Zero is not legal, when there are child element nodes.");                             // Route tested.
                ancestorChildren = GetElementChildren(ancestor).ToList();
                if (ancestorChildren.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.Zero is not legal, when there are child element nodes.");                             // Route tested.
                // Don't merge deeper than merging the attributes, since there aren't supposed to be any children.
                // Already done by caller MergeXmlAttributesService.MergeAttributes(merger, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);
                // Route tested.

            case NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrOne:
                ourChildren = GetElementChildren(ours).ToList();
                if (ourChildren.Count > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrOne is not legal, when there are multiple child nodes.");                             // Route tested.
                theirChildren = GetElementChildren(theirs).ToList();
                if (theirChildren.Count > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrOne is not legal, when there are multiple child nodes.");                             // Route tested.
                ancestorChildren = GetElementChildren(ancestor).ToList();
                if (ancestorChildren.Count > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Using strategy with NumberOfChildren property of NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrOne is not legal, when there are child element nodes.");                             // Route tested.
                // Already done by caller MergeXmlAttributesService.MergeAttributes(merger, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);

                if (!ourChildren.Any() && !theirChildren.Any() && ancestor != null)
                    return;                             // Route tested.
                // The return value of Run may be the original 'ours', a replacement for it, or null.
                ours = Run(merger, ours, theirs, ancestor);                         // Route tested.
        private static XmlNode HandleCaseOfNoAncestorChild(XmlMerger merger, XmlNode ours, XmlNode ourChild, XmlNode theirChild)
            var mergeSituation         = merger.MergeSituation;
            var pathToFileInRepository = mergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository;
            var mergeStrategyForChild  = merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ourChild ?? theirChild);

            if (ourChild == null)
                // they added child.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, theirChild));
            if (theirChild == null)
                // We added child.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ourChild));
            // Both added child.
            if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChild, theirChild))
                // Both are the same.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothAddedSameChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ourChild));
            // Both are different.
            if (XmlUtilities.IsTextLevel(ourChild, theirChild, null))
                if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new XmlTextBothAddedTextConflict(ourChild.Name, ourChild, theirChild, mergeSituation,
                                                                             mergeStrategyForChild, mergeSituation.AlphaUserId));
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new XmlTextBothAddedTextConflict(theirChild.Name, theirChild, ourChild, mergeSituation,
                                                                             mergeStrategyForChild, mergeSituation.BetaUserId));
                    XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, theirChild);
                if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                    var ourChildClone   = MakeClone(ourChild);
                    var theirChildClone = MakeClone(theirChild);
                    if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChildClone, theirChildClone))
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ourChild));
                        var ourChildReplacement = ourChild;
                        merger.MergeInner(ours, ref ourChildReplacement, theirChild, null);
                        if (!ReferenceEquals(ourChild, ourChildReplacement))
                            XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, ourChildReplacement);
                        merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(ourChild.Name, ourChild, theirChild,
                                                                                                        mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild,
                    var ourChildClone   = MakeClone(ourChild);
                    var theirChildClone = MakeClone(theirChild);
                    if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChildClone, theirChildClone))
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, theirChild));
                        var ourChildReplacement = ourChild;
                        merger.MergeInner(ours, ref ourChildReplacement, theirChild, null);
                        if (!ReferenceEquals(ourChild, ourChildReplacement))
                            XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, ourChildReplacement);
                        merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(theirChild.Name, theirChild, ourChild,
                                                                                                        mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild,
                        XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ours, ref ourChild, theirChild);
Example #4
 public string HtmlContext(XmlNode mergeElement)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// "Merge" elemement if it is 'atomic' and return true. Otherwise, do nothing and return false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <param name="ours" /> may be changed to <param name="theirs"/>,
        /// if <param name="ours"/> is null and <param name="theirs"/> is not null.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>'True' if the given elements were 'atomic'. Otherwise 'false'.</returns>
        internal static void Run(XmlMerger merger, XmlNode ourParent, ref XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs, XmlNode commonAncestor)
            if (merger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("merger");                 // Route tested.
            if (ours == null && theirs == null && commonAncestor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();                 // Route tested.
            // One or two of the elements may be null.
            // If commonAncestor is null and one of the others is null, then the other one added a new element.
            // if ours and theirs are both null, they each deleted the element.
            var nodeForStrategy = ours ?? (theirs ?? commonAncestor);
            // Here is where we sort out the new 'IsAtomic' business of ElementStrategy.
            // 1. Fetch the relevant ElementStrategy
            var elementStrategy = merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(nodeForStrategy);

            if (!elementStrategy.IsAtomic)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This method class only handles elements that are atomic (basically binary type data that can't really be merged.)");

            if (commonAncestor == null)
                if (ours == null)
                    // They can't all be null, or there would have been an exception thrown, above.
                    //if (theirs == null)
                    //    // Nobody did anything.
                    //    return true;
                    // They seem to have added a new one.
                    // Route tested (x2).
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, theirs));
                    XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ourParent, ref ours, theirs);                     // They added it.
                    // Ours is not null.
                    if (theirs != null)
                        // Neither is theirs.
                        if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ours, theirs))
                            // Both added the same thing.
                            // Route tested (x2).
                            merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new BothChangedAtomicElementReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ours));
                            // Both added, but not the same thing.
                            if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                                // Route tested.
                                merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothEditedTheSameAtomicElement(ours.Name,
                                                                                           ours, theirs, null, merger.MergeSituation, elementStrategy, merger.MergeSituation.AlphaUserId));
                                // Route tested.
                                merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothEditedTheSameAtomicElement(ours.Name,
                                                                                           ours, theirs, null, merger.MergeSituation, elementStrategy, merger.MergeSituation.BetaUserId));
                                XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ourParent, ref ours, theirs);
                        // We added. They are still null.
                        // Route tested (x2).
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ours));
                return;                 // Routed used (x2).

            // commonAncestor != null from here on out.
            if (ours == null && theirs == null)
                // No problemo, since both deleted it.
                // Route tested (x2).
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothDeletionChangeReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, commonAncestor));

            // 2A1. Compare 'ours' with 'theirs'.
            // If one is null, keep the other one, but only if it was edited.
            var theirsAndCommonAreEqual = theirs != null && XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(theirs, commonAncestor);

            if (ours == null && !theirsAndCommonAreEqual)
                // We deleted, they edited, so keep theirs under the least loss principle.
                // Route tested (x2 WeWin & !WeWin).
                merger.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict(theirs.Name, null, theirs,
                                                                           merger.MergeSituation, elementStrategy,
                XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ourParent, ref ours, theirs);

            var oursAndCommonAreEqual = ours != null && XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ours, commonAncestor);

            if (theirs == null && !oursAndCommonAreEqual)
                // We edited, they deleted, so keep ours under the least loss principle.
                Debug.Assert(ours != null, "We shoudn't come here if ours is also null...both deleted is handled elsewhere");
                // Route tested (x2 WeWin & !WeWin)
                merger.ConflictOccurred(new EditedVsRemovedElementConflict(ours.Name, ours, null, commonAncestor,
                                                                           merger.MergeSituation, elementStrategy,

            var oursAndTheirsAreEqual = ours != null && theirs != null && XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ours, theirs);

            if (oursAndTheirsAreEqual && !oursAndCommonAreEqual)
                // Both made same changes.
                // Route tested (x2).
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new BothChangedAtomicElementReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ours));

            if (!oursAndTheirsAreEqual)
                if (ours == null)
                    // We deleted. They did nothing.
                    Debug.Assert(theirs != null, "both deleted should be handled before this");
                    Debug.Assert(theirsAndCommonAreEqual, "we deleted and they edited should be handled before this");
                    // leave ours null, preserving the deletion.
                    // We could plausibly call ChangeOccurred with an XmlDeletionChangeReport, but we are phasing those out.
                    return;                     // Route tested
                if (theirs == null)
                    // They deleted. We did nothing.
                    Debug.Assert(oursAndCommonAreEqual, "we edited and they deleted should be handled before this");
                    // Let the delete win.
                    ours = null;
                    // We could plausibly call ChangeOccurred with an XmlDeletionChangeReport, but we are phasing those out.
                    return;                      // Route tested
                // Compare with common ancestor to see who made the change, if only one made it.\
                if (!oursAndCommonAreEqual && theirsAndCommonAreEqual)
                    // We edited it. They did nothing.
                    // Route tested (x2).
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlChangedRecordReport(null, null, ours.ParentNode, ours));
                else if (!theirsAndCommonAreEqual && oursAndCommonAreEqual)
                    // They edited it. We did nothing.
                    // Route tested (x2).
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlChangedRecordReport(null, null, theirs.ParentNode, theirs));
                    XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ourParent, ref ours, theirs);
                    // Both edited.
                    // 2A1b. If different, then report a conflict and then stop.
                    // Route tested (x2 WeWin & !WeWin).
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode ==
                                                                                                        ? new BothEditedTheSameAtomicElement(ours.Name, ours, theirs, commonAncestor,
                                                                                                                                             merger.MergeSituation, elementStrategy,
                                                                                                        : new BothEditedTheSameAtomicElement(theirs.Name, ours, theirs, commonAncestor,
                                                                                                                                             merger.MergeSituation, elementStrategy,
                    if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode != MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                        XmlUtilities.ReplaceOursWithTheirs(ourParent, ref ours, theirs);

            // No changes.
            // Route tested (x2).
Example #6
        public NodeMergeResult Merge(XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs, XmlNode ancestor)
            if (ours == null && theirs == null && ancestor == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one node has to exist.");

            var result   = new NodeMergeResult();
            var listener = EventListener as DispatchingMergeEventListener;

            if (listener == null)
                var dispatcher = new DispatchingMergeEventListener();
                if (EventListener != null)
                EventListener = dispatcher;

            if (XmlMergeService.RemoveAmbiguousChildNodes)
                // Remove any duplicate child nodes in all three.
                XmlMergeService.RemoveAmbiguousChildren(EventListener, MergeStrategies, ours);
                XmlMergeService.RemoveAmbiguousChildren(EventListener, MergeStrategies, theirs);
                XmlMergeService.RemoveAmbiguousChildren(EventListener, MergeStrategies, ancestor);

            if (ancestor == null)
                if (ours == null)
                    // tested
                    EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, theirs));
                    result.MergedNode = theirs;
                else if (theirs == null)
                    // tested
                    EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ours));
                    result.MergedNode = ours;
                    // Both added.
                    if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ours, theirs))
                        // Same thing. (tested)
                        EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothAddedSameChangeReport(MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ours));
                        result.MergedNode = ours;
                        // But, not the same thing.
                        if (MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                            // tested
                            ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(ours.Name, ours, theirs, MergeSituation, MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ours), MergeSituation.AlphaUserId));
                            result.MergedNode = ours;
                            // tested
                            ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedMainElementButWithDifferentContentConflict(theirs.Name, theirs, ours, MergeSituation, MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ours), MergeSituation.BetaUserId));
                            result.MergedNode = theirs;

            // ancestor exists
            if (ours == null && theirs == null)
                // tested
                EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothDeletionChangeReport(MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestor));
                result.MergedNode = null;
            if (ours == null)
                if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ancestor, theirs))
                    // tested
                    EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestor, theirs));
                    result.MergedNode = null;
                    // tested
                    ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict(ancestor.Name, null, theirs, ancestor, MergeSituation, MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ancestor), MergeSituation.BetaUserId));
                    result.MergedNode = theirs;
            if (theirs == null)
                if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ancestor, ours))
                    // tested
                    EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestor, ours));
                    result.MergedNode = null;
                    // tested
                    ConflictOccurred(new EditedVsRemovedElementConflict(ancestor.Name, ours, null, ancestor, MergeSituation, MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ancestor), MergeSituation.AlphaUserId));
                    result.MergedNode = ours;

            // All three nodes exist.
            MergeInner(ref ours, theirs, ancestor);
            result.MergedNode = ours;

Example #7
        internal static void MergeAttributes(XmlMerger merger, ref XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs, XmlNode ancestor)
            // Review: What happens if 'ours' is null?
            // My (RandyR) theory is that deletions are handled in the MergeChildrenMethod code, as are additions.
            //	That being the case, then that code will only call back to the XmlMerger MergerInner code when all three nodes are present,
            //	and will thus never get here.

            var skipProcessingInOurs = new HashSet <string>();

            // Deletions from ancestor, no matter who did it.
            foreach (var ancestorAttr in XmlUtilities.GetAttrs(ancestor))
                var ourAttr   = XmlUtilities.GetAttributeOrNull(ours, ancestorAttr.Name);
                var theirAttr = XmlUtilities.GetAttributeOrNull(theirs, ancestorAttr.Name);
                if (theirAttr == null)
                    if (ourAttr == null)
                        // Both deleted.
                        // Route tested (x1).
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeBothDeletedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestorAttr));
                    if (ourAttr.Value != ancestorAttr.Value)
                        // They deleted, but we changed, so we win under the principle of
                        // least data loss (an attribute can be a huge text element).
                        // Route tested (x1).
                        merger.ConflictOccurred(new EditedVsRemovedAttributeConflict(ourAttr.Name, ourAttr.Value, null, ancestorAttr.Value, merger.MergeSituation, merger.MergeSituation.AlphaUserId));
                    // They deleted. We did zip.
                    // Route tested (x1).
                    if (theirs != null)                    //if there is no theirs node, then attributes weren't actually removed
                        //Route tested (x1)
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeDeletedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestorAttr));
                if (ourAttr != null)
                    continue;                     // Route used.
                // ourAttr == null
                if (ancestorAttr.Value != theirAttr.Value)
                    // We deleted it, but at the same time, they changed it. So just add theirs in, under the principle of
                    // least data loss (an attribute can be a huge text element)
                    // Route tested (x1).
                    skipProcessingInOurs.Add(theirAttr.Name);                     // Make sure we don't process it again in 'ours' loop, below.
                    var importedAttribute = (XmlAttribute)ours.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(theirAttr.CloneNode(true), true);
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedAttributeConflict(theirAttr.Name, null, theirAttr.Value, ancestorAttr.Value, merger.MergeSituation, merger.MergeSituation.BetaUserId));
                // We deleted it. They did nothing.
                // Route tested (x1).
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeDeletedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestorAttr));

            var extantNode = ours ?? theirs ?? ancestor;

            foreach (var theirAttr in XmlUtilities.GetAttrs(theirs))
                // Will never return null, since it will use the default one, if it can't find a better one.
                var mergeStrategy = merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(extantNode);
                var ourAttr       = XmlUtilities.GetAttributeOrNull(ours, theirAttr.Name);
                var ancestorAttr  = XmlUtilities.GetAttributeOrNull(ancestor, theirAttr.Name);

                if (ourAttr == null)
                    if (ancestorAttr == null)
                        // Route tested (x1).
                        skipProcessingInOurs.Add(theirAttr.Name);                         // Make sure we don't process it again in 'ours loop, below.
                        var importedAttribute = (XmlAttribute)ours.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(theirAttr.CloneNode(true), true);
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeAddedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, theirAttr));
                    // NB: Deletes are all handled above in first loop.

                if (ancestorAttr == null)                 // Both introduced this attribute
                    if (ourAttr.Value == theirAttr.Value)
                        // Route tested (x1).
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeBothAddedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourAttr));

                    // Both added, but not the same.
                    if (!mergeStrategy.AttributesToIgnoreForMerging.Contains(ourAttr.Name))
                        if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                            // Route tested (x1).
                            merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedAttributeConflict(theirAttr.Name, ourAttr.Value, theirAttr.Value, merger.MergeSituation,
                            // Route tested (x1).
                            ourAttr.Value = theirAttr.Value;
                            merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothAddedAttributeConflict(theirAttr.Name, ourAttr.Value, theirAttr.Value, merger.MergeSituation,
                    continue;                     // Route used.

                if (ancestorAttr.Value == ourAttr.Value)
                    if (ourAttr.Value == theirAttr.Value)
                        // Route used.
                        continue;                         // Nothing to do.

                    // They changed.
                    if (!mergeStrategy.AttributesToIgnoreForMerging.Contains(ourAttr.Name))
                        // Route tested (x1).
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeChangedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, theirAttr));
                        ourAttr.Value = theirAttr.Value;

                if (ourAttr.Value == theirAttr.Value)
                    // Both changed to same value
                    if (skipProcessingInOurs.Contains(theirAttr.Name))
                        continue;                         // Route used.
                    // Route tested (x1).
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeBothMadeSameChangeReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourAttr));
                if (ancestorAttr.Value == theirAttr.Value)
                    // We changed the value. They did nothing.
                    if (!mergeStrategy.AttributesToIgnoreForMerging.Contains(ourAttr.Name))
                        // Route tested (x1).
                        merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeChangedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourAttr));

                if (mergeStrategy.AttributesToIgnoreForMerging.Contains(ourAttr.Name))
                    continue;                     // Route used (FileLevelMergeTests)
                //for unit test see Merge_RealConflictPlusModDateConflict_ModDateNotReportedAsConflict()
                if (merger.MergeSituation.ConflictHandlingMode == MergeOrder.ConflictHandlingModeChoices.WeWin)
                    // Route tested (x1).
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothEditedAttributeConflict(theirAttr.Name, ourAttr.Value,
                    // Route tested (x1).
                    ourAttr.Value = theirAttr.Value;
                    merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothEditedAttributeConflict(theirAttr.Name, ourAttr.Value,

            foreach (var ourAttr in XmlUtilities.GetAttrs(ours))
                if (skipProcessingInOurs.Contains(ourAttr.Name))

                var theirAttr    = XmlUtilities.GetAttributeOrNull(theirs, ourAttr.Name);
                var ancestorAttr = XmlUtilities.GetAttributeOrNull(ancestor, ourAttr.Name);
                if (ancestorAttr != null || theirAttr != null)
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAttributeAddedReport(merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourAttr));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method does the actual work for the various public entry points of XmlMerge
        /// and from the various Method-type classes, as it processes child nodes, if any.
        /// </summary>
        internal void MergeInner(ref XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs, XmlNode ancestor)
            _oursContext     = ours;
            _theirsContext   = theirs;
            _ancestorContext = ancestor;

            var elementStrat = MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ours ?? theirs ?? ancestor);

            // Step 0: Do anything special the strategy wants to do before regular merging. This may modify the nodes.
            // For instance clinets may want to ensure 'our' and 'their' have the latest date stamp available.
            elementStrat.Premerger.Premerge(EventListener, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);

            // Step 0.1: Set up a context, if available.
            // Listeners are set to use NullContextDescriptor as the default context,
            var contextDescriptorGenerator = elementStrat.ContextDescriptorGenerator;             // May be null, which is fine in code, below, that uses it.
            //review: question: does this not get called at levels below the entry?
            //this would seem to fail at, say, a sense. I'm confused. (JH 30june09)
            var descriptor = GetContextDescriptor(ours, contextDescriptorGenerator);

            EventListener.EnteringContext(descriptor);             // TODO: If the context is ever redone as a stack, then this call with push the context onto the stack.
            _htmlContextGenerator = (contextDescriptorGenerator as IGenerateHtmlContext) ?? new SimpleHtmlGenerator();

            // Step 1: If the current set of nodes are immutable,
            // then make sure no changes took place (among a few other things).
            if (elementStrat.IsImmutable)
                ImmutableElementMergeService.DoMerge(this, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);
                return;                 // Don't go any further, since it is immutable.

            // Step 2: If the current set of elements is 'atomic'
            // (only one user can make changes to the node, or anything it contains),
            // then make sure only set of changes have been made.
            if (elementStrat.IsAtomic)
                if (elementStrat.AllowAtomicTextMerge && XmlUtilities.IsTextLevel(ours, theirs, ancestor))
                    DoTextMerge(ref ours, theirs, ancestor, elementStrat);
                MergeAtomicElementService.Run(this, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);

            // Step 3: Go ahead and merge the attributes, as needed.
            MergeXmlAttributesService.MergeAttributes(this, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);

            // Step 4: Hmm, trouble is, a node might be required to have one or more child nodes.
            // I suppose a real validator would have picked up on that, and not allowed
            // the first commit, so we wouldn't then be doing a merge operation.
            // So, not to worry here, if the validator doesn't care enough to prevent the first commit.
            // It could be possible for the elements to have no children, in which case, there is nothing more to merge, so just return.
            if (ours != null && !ours.HasChildNodes && theirs != null && !theirs.HasChildNodes && ancestor != null && !ancestor.HasChildNodes)

            // Step 5: Do some kind of merge on the child node.
            if (XmlUtilities.IsTextLevel(ours, theirs, ancestor))
                // Step 5A: Merge the text element.
                DoTextMerge(ref ours, theirs, ancestor, elementStrat);
                switch (elementStrat.NumberOfChildren)
                case NumberOfChildrenAllowed.Zero:
                case NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrOne:
                    // Step 5B: Merge the "special needs" nodes.
                    MergeLimitedChildrenService.Run(this, elementStrat, ref ours, theirs, ancestor);

                case NumberOfChildrenAllowed.ZeroOrMore:
                    // Step 5B:
                    // Q: is this a level of the xml file that would consitute the minimal unit conflict-understanding
                    // from a user perspecitve?
                    // e.g., in a dictionary, this is the lexical entry.  In a text, it might be  a paragraph.
                    // A (RandyR): Definitely it may not be such a level of node.
                    new MergeChildrenMethod(ours, theirs, ancestor, this).Run();

            // At some point, it may be necessary here to restore the pre-existing values of
            // _oursContext, _theirsContext, _ancestorContext, and _htmlContextGenerator.
            // and somehow restore the EventListener's Context.
            // Currently however no client generates further conflicts after calling MergeChildren.

            // Step 6: TODO: If the context is ever redone as a stack, then pop the stack here to return to the outer context via some new LeavingContext method on EventListener.
        private static XmlNode Run(XmlMerger merger, XmlNode ours, XmlNode theirs, XmlNode ancestor)
            if (ours == null && theirs == null && ancestor == null)

            if (ancestor == null)
                return(HandleCaseOfNoAncestor(merger, ours, theirs));
            // ancestor is not null at this point.
            var mergeSituation         = merger.MergeSituation;
            var pathToFileInRepository = mergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository;

            if (ours == null && theirs == null)
                // We both deleted main node.
// Route tested, but the MergeChildrenMethod adds the change report for us.
                merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothDeletionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ancestor));
            if (ours == null)
                return(HandleOursNotPresent(merger, ancestor, theirs));
            if (theirs == null)
                return(HandleTheirsNotPresent(merger, ancestor, ours));
            // End of checking main parent node.

            // ancestor, ours, and theirs all exist here.
            var ourChild      = GetElementChildren(ours).FirstOrDefault();
            var theirChild    = GetElementChildren(theirs).FirstOrDefault();
            var ancestorChild = GetElementChildren(ancestor).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ourChild == null && theirChild == null && ancestorChild == null)
                return(ours);                // All three are childless.

            if (ancestorChild == null)
                return(HandleCaseOfNoAncestorChild(merger, ours, ourChild, theirChild));
            var mergeStrategyForChild = merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ancestorChild);

            if (ourChild == null)
                return(HandleOurChildNotPresent(merger, ours, ancestor, theirChild, pathToFileInRepository, ancestorChild, mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild));
            if (theirChild == null)
                return(HandleTheirChildNotPresent(merger, ours, ancestor, ancestorChild, ourChild, mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild, pathToFileInRepository));

            // ancestorChild, ourChild, and theirChild all exist.
            // But, it could be that we or they deleted and added something.
            // Check for edit vs delete+add, or there can be two items in ours, which is not legal.
            var match = mergeStrategyForChild.MergePartnerFinder.GetNodeToMerge(ourChild, ancestor, SetFromChildren.Get(ancestor));

            if (match == null)
                // we deleted it and added a new one.
                if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(theirChild, ancestorChild))
                    // Our delete+add wins, since they did nothing.
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ancestor, ancestorChild));
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ourChild));

                // They edited old one, so they win over our delete+add.
                merger.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict(theirChild.Name, theirChild, null, ancestorChild,
                                                                           mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild,
                ours.ReplaceChild(ours.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(theirChild, true), ourChild);
            match = mergeStrategyForChild.MergePartnerFinder.GetNodeToMerge(theirChild, ancestor, SetFromChildren.Get(ancestor));
            if (match == null)
                // they deleted it and added a new one.
                if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChild, ancestorChild))
                    // Their delete+add wins, since we did nothing.
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, ancestor, ancestorChild));
                    merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(pathToFileInRepository, theirChild));
                    ours.ReplaceChild(ours.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(theirChild, true), ourChild);

                // We edited old one, so we win over their delete+add.
                merger.ConflictOccurred(new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict(ourChild.Name, ourChild, null, ancestorChild,
                                                                           mergeSituation, mergeStrategyForChild,

            merger.MergeInner(ref ourChild, theirChild, ancestorChild);

// Route tested. (UsingWith_NumberOfChildrenAllowed_ZeroOrOne_DoesNotThrowWhenParentHasOneChildNode)
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the children into the "ours" xmlnode, and uses the merger's listener to publish what happened
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            // Pre-process three nodes to handle duplicates in each node, But only if finder is one of these:
            //		FindFirstElementWithSameName, FindByKeyAttribute, or FindByMultipleKeyAttributes.

            // Initialise lists of keepers to current ancestorChildren, ourChildren, theirChildren
            CopyChildrenToList(_ancestor, _childrenOfAncestorKeepers);
            CopyChildrenToList(_ours, _childrenOfOurKeepers);
            CopyChildrenToList(_theirs, _childrenOfTheirKeepers);

            // Deal with deletions.

            // Allow the most promising parent's strategy to determine whether order is significant for children.
            // The default configuration of ElementStrategy uses an AskChildren strategy, which means individual
            // children determine whether their order is significant.
            var parentNode     = _ours ?? _theirs ?? _ancestor;
            var parentStrategy = _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(parentNode);
            var parentOrder    = parentStrategy == null ? ChildOrder.AskChildren : parentStrategy.ChildOrderPolicy.OrderSignificance(parentNode);

            ChildOrderer oursOrderer = new ChildOrderer(_childrenOfOurKeepers, _childrenOfTheirKeepers,
                                                        MakeCorrespondences(_childrenOfOurKeepers, _childrenOfTheirKeepers, _theirs), _merger, parentOrder);

            ChildOrderer resultOrderer = oursOrderer;             // default

            if (oursOrderer.OrderIsDifferent)
                // The order of the two lists is not consistent. Compare with ancestor to see who changed.
                ChildOrderer ancestorOursOrderer = new ChildOrderer(_childrenOfAncestorKeepers, _childrenOfOurKeepers,
                                                                    MakeCorrespondences(_childrenOfAncestorKeepers, _childrenOfOurKeepers, _ours), _merger, parentOrder);

                ChildOrderer ancestorTheirsOrderer = new ChildOrderer(_childrenOfAncestorKeepers, _childrenOfTheirKeepers,
                                                                      MakeCorrespondences(_childrenOfAncestorKeepers, _childrenOfTheirKeepers, _theirs), _merger, parentOrder);

                if (ancestorTheirsOrderer.OrderIsDifferent)
                    if (ancestorOursOrderer.OrderIsDifferent)
                        // stick with our orderer (we win), but report conflict.
                        // Route tested (XmlMergerTests).
                        _merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothReorderedElementConflict(_ours.Name, _ours,
                                                                                  _theirs, _ancestor, _merger.MergeSituation, _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(_ours),
                        // only they re-ordered; take their order as primary.
                        resultOrderer = new ChildOrderer(_childrenOfTheirKeepers, _childrenOfOurKeepers,
                                                         MakeCorrespondences(_childrenOfTheirKeepers, _childrenOfOurKeepers, _ours), _merger, parentOrder);
                else if (!ancestorOursOrderer.OrderIsDifferent)
                    // our order is different from theirs, but neither is different from the ancestor.
                    // the only way this can be true is if both inserted the same thing, but in
                    // different places. Stick with our orderer (we win), but report conflict.
                    // Route tested (XmlMergerTests).
                    _merger.ConflictOccurred(new BothInsertedAtDifferentPlaceConflict(_ours.Name, _ours,
                                                                                      _theirs, _ancestor, _merger.MergeSituation, _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(_ours),
                // otherwise we re-ordered, but they didn't. That's not a problem, unless it resulted
                // in inconsistency or ambiguity in other stuff that someone added.

            if (!resultOrderer.OrderIsConsistent ||
                (resultOrderer.OrderIsDifferent && resultOrderer.OrderIsAmbiguous))
                // Route tested (XmlMergerTests[x2]).
                _merger.ConflictOccurred(new AmbiguousInsertReorderConflict(_ours.Name, _ours,
                                                                            _theirs, _ancestor, _merger.MergeSituation, _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(_ours),
            else if (resultOrderer.OrderIsAmbiguous)
                // Route tested (MergeChildrenMethodTests, XmlMergerTests).
                _merger.ConflictOccurred(new AmbiguousInsertConflict(_ours.Name, _ours,
                                                                     _theirs, _ancestor, _merger.MergeSituation, _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(_ours),

            // Merge corresponding nodes.
            // 'resultsChildren' may contain nodes from either 'ours', 'theirs', or both,
            // as the 'resultsChildren' collection has been combined in the ordereing operation.
            List <XmlNode> resultsChildren = resultOrderer.GetResultList();

            for (int i = 0; i < resultsChildren.Count; i++)
                XmlNode ourChild = resultsChildren[i];
                // The 'DoDeletions' method call, above, possibly called MergeTextNodesMethod.DoDeletions,
                // which may have added 'ourChild' to _skipInnerMergeFor,
                // as it did some fairly exotic work with full and partial deletions.
                // So, don't do those again here.
                if (_skipInnerMergeFor.Contains(ourChild))

                XmlNode theirChild;
                var     ancestorChild = FindMatchingNode(ourChild, _ancestor, new HashSet <XmlNode>(_childrenOfAncestorKeepers));

                if (resultOrderer.Correspondences.TryGetValue(ourChild, out theirChild) && !ChildrenAreSame(ourChild, theirChild))
                    // Both 'ourChild' and 'theirChild exist. 'ancestorChild' may, or, may not, exist.
                    // There's a corresponding node and it isn't the same as ours...
                    // Route tested: MergeChildrenMethod_DiffOnlyTests.
                    _merger.MergeInner(ref ourChild, theirChild, ancestorChild);
                    resultsChildren[i] = ourChild;
                    // 'theirChild' may, or may not, exist. But if it does exist, it is the same as 'ourChild'.

                    //Review JohnT (jh): Is this the correct interpretation?
                    if (ancestorChild == null)
                        if (XmlUtilities.IsTextNodeContainer(ourChild) == TextNodeStatus.IsTextNodeContainer)                         // No, it hasn't. MergeTextNodesMethod has already added the addition report.
                            if (theirChild == null)
                                // Route tested: MergeChildrenMethod_DiffOnlyTests & XmlMergerTests.
                                _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlTextAddedReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourChild));                                 // Route tested (x2).
                                _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlTextBothAddedReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourChild));                                 // Route tested
                        else if (!(ourChild is XmlCharacterData))
                            if (theirChild == null)
                                // Route tested (MergeChildrenMethodTests, XmlMergerTests).
                                _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlAdditionChangeReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourChild));
                                _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothAddedSameChangeReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourChild));
                        // ancestorChild is not null.
                        if (XmlUtilities.IsTextNodeContainer(ourChild) == TextNodeStatus.IsTextNodeContainer)
                            if (theirChild != null && !XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChild, ancestorChild))
                                _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlTextBothMadeSameChangeReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ourChild));                                 // Route tested
                            _merger.MergeInner(ref ourChild, theirChild, ancestorChild);
                            resultsChildren[i] = ourChild;

            // Plug results back into 'ours'
            for (int i = 0; i < resultsChildren.Count; i++)
                XmlNode ourChild = resultsChildren[i];
                while (_ours.ChildNodes.Count > i && ourChild != _ours.ChildNodes[i])
                if (_ours.ChildNodes.Count > i)
                    continue;                     // we found the exact node already present, leave it alone.
                if (ourChild.ParentNode == _ours)
                    if (ourChild is XmlElement)
                        _ours.AppendChild(_ours.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(ourChild, true));
                    else if (ourChild is XmlText)
                        Debug.Fail("so far we only know how to copy elements and text nodes at this point");
            // Remove any leftovers.
            while (_ours.ChildNodes.Count > resultsChildren.Count)
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove from ancestorKeepers any node that does not correspond to anything (both deleted)
        /// Remove from ancestorKeepers and theirKeepers any pair that correspond to each other but not to anything in ours. Report conflict (delete/edit) if pair not identical.
        /// Remove from ancestorKeepers and ourKeepers any pair that correspond to each other and are identical, but don't correspond to anything in theirs (they deleted)
        /// Report conflict (edit/delete) on any pair that correspond in ours and ancestor, but nothing in theirs, and that are NOT identical. (but keep them...we win)
        /// </summary>
        private void DoDeletions()
            // loop over a copy of the list, since we may modify ancestorKeepers.
            List <XmlNode> loopSource    = new List <XmlNode>(_childrenOfAncestorKeepers);
            var            ourChildSet   = new HashSet <XmlNode>(_ours == null ? new XmlNode[0] : _ours.ChildNodes.Cast <XmlNode>());
            var            theirChildSet = new HashSet <XmlNode>(_theirs == null ? new XmlNode[0] : _theirs.ChildNodes.Cast <XmlNode>());

            foreach (XmlNode ancestorChild in loopSource)
                ElementStrategy  mergeStrategy = _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ancestorChild);
                IFindNodeToMerge finder        = mergeStrategy.MergePartnerFinder;
                XmlNode          ourChild      = finder.GetNodeToMerge(ancestorChild, _ours, ourChildSet);
                XmlNode          theirChild    = finder.GetNodeToMerge(ancestorChild, _theirs, theirChildSet);

                var extantNode = ancestorChild ?? ourChild ?? theirChild;
                if (extantNode is XmlCharacterData)
                    return;                     // Already done.
                if (XmlUtilities.IsTextLevel(ourChild, theirChild, ancestorChild))
                    new MergeTextNodesMethod(_merger, mergeStrategy, _skipInnerMergeFor,
                                             ref ourChild, _childrenOfOurKeepers,
                                             theirChild, _childrenOfTheirKeepers,
                                             ancestorChild, _childrenOfAncestorKeepers).DoDeletions();
                else if (ourChild == null)
                    // We deleted it.
                    if (theirChild == null)
                        // We both deleted it. Forget it ever existed.
                        // Route tested: MergeChildrenMethodTests.
                        _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlBothDeletionChangeReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestorChild));
                        if (!XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ancestorChild, theirChild))
                            // We deleted, they modified, report conflict.
                            if (theirChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                // Route tested (XmlMergerTests).
                                    new RemovedVsEditedElementConflict(theirChild.Name, null,
                                                                       theirChild, ancestorChild,
                                // Never used. But then, there isn't plain text in an xml file.
                                    new RemovedVsEditedTextConflict(null, theirChild,
                            _childrenOfAncestorKeepers.Remove(ancestorChild);                            //review hatton added dec 2009, wanting whoever edited it to win (previously "we" always won)
                            //We deleted it, they didn't edit it. So just make it go away.
                            // Route tested in TextElementMergeTests, MergeChildrenMethod_DiffOnlyTests, XmlMergerTests
                            _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestorChild, theirChild));
                else if (theirChild == null)
                    // they deleted it (and we didn't)
                    if (XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ancestorChild, ourChild))
                        // We didn't touch it, allow their deletion to go forward, forget it existed.
                        // Route tested (XmlMergerTests).
                        _merger.EventListener.ChangeOccurred(new XmlDeletionChangeReport(_merger.MergeSituation.PathToFileInRepository, ancestorChild, ourChild));
                        // We changed it, ignore their deletion and report conflict.
                        if (ourChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                            // Route tested (XmlMergerTests).
                                new EditedVsRemovedElementConflict(ourChild.Name, ourChild, null, ancestorChild,
                                                                   _merger.MergeSituation, _merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ourChild), _merger.MergeSituation.AlphaUserId),
                            // Never used. But then, there isn't plain text in an xml file.
                                new EditedVsRemovedTextConflict(ourChild, null, ancestorChild, _merger.MergeSituation, _merger.MergeSituation.AlphaUserId));
Example #12
 private bool ChildrenAreSame(XmlNode ourChild, XmlNode theirChild)
     return(_merger.MergeStrategies.GetElementStrategy(ourChild).IsImmutable ||           // don't bother comparing
            XmlUtilities.AreXmlElementsEqual(ourChild, theirChild));