Example #1
 /// Get the inverse of a transform matrix.
 public static cpTransform Inverse(cpTransform t)
     float inv_det = 1.0f / (t.a * t.d - t.c * t.b);
     return NewTranspose(
        t.d * inv_det, -t.c * inv_det, (t.c * t.ty - t.tx * t.d) * inv_det,
       -t.b * inv_det, t.a * inv_det, (t.tx * t.b - t.a * t.ty) * inv_det
Example #2
        /// Transform a cpBB.
        public static cpBB BB(cpTransform t, cpBB bb)
            cpVect center = cpBB.Center(bb);
            float hw = (bb.r - bb.l) * 0.5f;
            float hh = (bb.t - bb.b) * 0.5f;

            float a = t.a * hw, b = t.c * hh, d = t.b * hw, e = t.d * hh;
            float hw_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(a + b), cp.cpfabs(a - b));
            float hh_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(d + e), cp.cpfabs(d - e));
            return cpBB.NewForExtents(Point(t, center), hw_max, hh_max);
Example #3
        public cpPolyShape(cpBody body, int count, cpVect[] verts,
			cpTransform transform, float radius)
            : base(body, new cpShapeMassInfo())
            cpVect[] hullVerts = new cpVect[count];

            // Transform the verts before building the hull in case of a negative scale.
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                hullVerts[i] = cpTransform.Point(transform, verts[i]);

            int hullCount = cp.ConvexHull(count, hullVerts, ref hullVerts, null, 0.0f);

            InitRaw(hullCount, hullVerts, radius);
Example #4
        public override cpBB CacheData(cpTransform transform)
            int count = this.Count;
            int dst = 0;
            int src = dst + count;

            float l = cp.Infinity, r = -cp.Infinity;
            float b = cp.Infinity, t = -cp.Infinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                cpVect v = cpTransform.Point(transform, this.planes[src + i].v0);
                cpVect n = cpTransform.Vect(transform, this.planes[src + i].n);

                this.planes[i + dst] = new cpSplittingPlane(n, v);

                l = cp.cpfmin(l, v.x);
                r = cp.cpfmax(r, v.x);
                b = cp.cpfmin(b, v.y);
                t = cp.cpfmax(t, v.y);

            float radius = this.r;
            return (this.bb = new cpBB(l - radius, b - radius, r + radius, t + radius));
Example #5
        public static cpVect[] GetVertices(cpTransform transform, int count, cpVect[] verts)
            cpVect[] hullVerts = new cpVect[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                hullVerts[i] = cpTransform.Point(transform, verts[i]);
            return hullVerts;
Example #6
        public override cpBB CacheData(cpTransform transform)
            cpVect c = this.tc = cpTransform.Point(transform, this.c);

            return(new cpBB(c, this.r));
Example #7
 public virtual cpBB CacheData(cpTransform transform)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #8
 /// Fast inverse of a rigid transformation matrix.
 public static cpTransform RigidInverse(cpTransform t)
     return NewTranspose(
        t.d, -t.c, (t.c * t.ty - t.tx * t.d),
       -t.b, t.a, (t.tx * t.b - t.a * t.ty)
Example #9
 public virtual cpBB CacheData(cpTransform transform)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #10
 public override cpBB CacheData(cpTransform transform)
     cpVect c = this.tc = cpTransform.Point(transform, this.c);
     return new cpBB(c, this.r);
Example #11
 /// Construct a new transform matrix.
 /// (a, b) is the x basis vector.
 /// (c, d) is the y basis vector.
 /// (tx, ty) is the translation.
 public static cpTransform New(float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty)
     cpTransform t = new cpTransform(a, b, c, d, tx, ty);
     return t;
Example #12
 /// Multiply two transformation matrices.
 public static cpTransform Mult(cpTransform t1, cpTransform t2)
     return NewTranspose(
       t1.a * t2.a + t1.c * t2.b, t1.a * t2.c + t1.c * t2.d, t1.a * t2.tx + t1.c * t2.ty + t1.tx,
       t1.b * t2.a + t1.d * t2.b, t1.b * t2.c + t1.d * t2.d, t1.b * t2.tx + t1.d * t2.ty + t1.ty
Example #13
 public static cpTransform WrapInverse(cpTransform outer, cpTransform inner)
     return Mult(outer, Mult(inner, Inverse(outer)));
Example #14
 /// Transform a vector (i.e. a normal)
 public static cpVect Vect(cpTransform t, cpVect v)
     return new cpVect(t.a * v.x + t.c * v.y, t.b * v.x + t.d * v.y);
Example #15
 public void SetVerts(int count, cpVect[] verts, cpTransform transform)
     for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
         verts[i] = cpTransform.Point(transform, verts[i]);
     SetVertsRaw(count, verts);
Example #16
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mass"></param>
		/// <param name="moment"></param>
		public cpBody(float mass, float moment)

			transform = new cpTransform();

			this.cog = cpVect.Zero;
			this.space = null;

			this.shapeList = null;
			this.arbiterList = null; // These are both wacky linked lists.
			this.constraintList = null;

			velocity_func = UpdateVelocity;
			position_func = UpdatePosition;

			// This stuff is used to track information on the collision graph.
			this.nodeRoot = null;
			this.nodeNext = null;
			this.nodeIdleTime = 0;

			/// Position of the rigid body's center of gravity.
			this.p = cpVect.Zero;
			/// Velocity of the rigid body's center of gravity.
			this.v = cpVect.Zero;
			/// Force acting on the rigid body's center of gravity.
			this.f = cpVect.Zero;

			/// Angular velocity of the body around it's center of gravity in radians/second.
			this.w = 0;
			/// Torque applied to the body around it's center of gravity.
			this.t = 0;

			// This stuff is all private.
			this.v_bias = cpVect.Zero; //x = this.v_biasy = 0;
			this.w_bias = 0;

			this.userData = null;


Example #17
		// 'p' is the position of the CoG
		public void SetTransform(cpVect p, float a)
			cpVect rot = cpVect.cpvforangle(a);
			cpVect c = this.cog;

			this.transform = cpTransform.NewTranspose(
				rot.x, -rot.y, p.x - (c.x * rot.x - c.y * rot.y),
				rot.y, rot.x, p.y - (c.x * rot.y + c.y * rot.x)
Example #18
        public override cpBB CacheData(cpTransform transform)
            this.ta = cpTransform.Point(transform, this.a);
            this.tb = cpTransform.Point(transform, this.b);
            this.tn = cpTransform.Vect(transform, this.n);

            float l, r, b, t;

            if (this.ta.x < this.tb.x)
                l = this.ta.x;
                r = this.tb.x;
                l = this.tb.x;
                r = this.ta.x;

            if (this.ta.y < this.tb.y)
                b = this.ta.y;
                t = this.tb.y;
                b = this.tb.y;
                t = this.ta.y;

            float rad = this.r;
            return new cpBB(l - rad, b - rad, r + rad, t + rad);
Example #19
 public cpBB Update(cpTransform transform)
     return(this.bb = CacheData(transform));
Example #20
 public cpBB Update(cpTransform transform)
     return (this.bb = CacheData(transform));
Example #21
 /// Transform an absolute point. (i.e. a vertex)
 public static cpVect Point(cpTransform t, cpVect p)
     return new cpVect(t.a * p.x + t.c * p.y + t.tx, t.b * p.x + t.d * p.y + t.ty);