Example #1
        // Regret move
        public static void regret()
            // If there is no pieces available for regreting
            if (Board.lastDestLocationList.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("You have no move to regret");
            // If there is no more chances for the player to regret
            if (Board.regretAmount[Board.currentColour % 2] <= 0)
                throw new Exception("You have no chance to regret anymore");

            // else the player still has chances for regret
            // Move back the piece
            PiecesHandler.tracelessMoveTo(Board.getLastDestLocation(), Board.getLastOriLocation());
            // If there is an eaten piece, put it back to the board, else put null
            Board.pieces[Board.getLastDestLocation()[0], Board.getLastDestLocation()[1]] = Board.getLastEatenPiece();
            // Remove the last element of lastOriLocationList, lastDestLocationList and lastEatenPieceList after regret
            // Reduce of regret chance by 1
            Board.regretAmount[Board.currentColour % 2]--;
            // Change back the current colour
Example #2
        // when one team is checked, if all valid moves of all the pieces from this team are not able to avoid cheked, it is a checkmate
        public static bool isCheckmate()
            bool       isChkmt = true;
            List <int> validMoveList;

            int[] validMove;

            // If it is red's turn and the red checks the black
            // (Since this method will be called after change turn, so in this case, Board.currentColour % 2 == 0 correspond to red instead of black)
            if (isChecked()[0] && Board.currentColour % 2 == 0)
                // Traversal of the chess board
                for (int row = 0; row < Board.pieces.GetLength(0); row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < Board.pieces.GetLength(1); col++)
                        // among all the black pieces, check if they move to any of their validmoves that allows to avoid the check, if not it is checkmate
                        if (Board.pieces[row, col] != null && Board.pieces[row, col].colour == 0)
                            validMoveList = Board.pieces[row, col].calculateValidMoveList(new int[] { row, col });
                            // try every validmove in the validmove list
                            for (int i = 0; i < validMoveList.Count; i++)
                                validMove = new int[] { validMoveList[i] / 10, validMoveList[i] % 10 };
                                // Assume the piece move to one of the validmove position, if any piece is eaten, store the piece so that it can be put back later
                                Pieces virtualEatenPiece = Board.pieces[validMove[0], validMove[1]];
                                PiecesHandler.tracelessMoveTo(new int[] { row, col }, validMove);
                                if (!isChecked()[0])
                                    isChkmt = false;
                                PiecesHandler.tracelessMoveTo(validMove, new int[] { row, col });
                                Board.pieces[validMove[0], validMove[1]] = virtualEatenPiece;
                                // if it is confirmed that the black is not in checkmate(able to avoid check), no need for other traversal
                                if (!isChkmt)
                        // if it is confirmed that the black is not in checkmate(able to avoid check), no need for other traversal
                        if (!isChkmt)
                    // if it is confirmed that the black is not in checkmate(able to avoid check), no need for other traversal
                    if (!isChkmt)
            // If it is black's turn and the black checks the red
            // Equally, Board.currentColour % 2 == 1 correspond to black
            else if (isChecked()[1] && Board.currentColour % 2 == 1)
                // Traversal of the chess board
                for (int row = 0; row < Board.pieces.GetLength(0); row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < Board.pieces.GetLength(1); col++)
                        // among all the red pieces, check if they move to any of their validmoves that allows to avoid the check, if not it is checkmate
                        if (Board.pieces[row, col] != null && Board.pieces[row, col].colour == 1)
                            validMoveList = Board.pieces[row, col].calculateValidMoveList(new int[] { row, col });
                            // try every validmove in the validmove list
                            for (int i = 0; i < validMoveList.Count; i++)
                                validMove = new int[] { validMoveList[i] / 10, validMoveList[i] % 10 };
                                // Assume the piece move to one of the validmove position, if any piece is eaten, store the piece so that it can be put back later
                                Pieces virtualEatenPiece = Board.pieces[validMove[0], validMove[1]];
                                PiecesHandler.tracelessMoveTo(new int[] { row, col }, validMove);
                                if (!isChecked()[1])
                                    isChkmt = false;
                                PiecesHandler.tracelessMoveTo(validMove, new int[] { row, col });
                                Board.pieces[validMove[0], validMove[1]] = virtualEatenPiece;
                                // if it is confirmed that the red is not in checkmate(able to avoid check), no need for other traversal
                                if (!isChkmt)
                        // if it is confirmed that the red is not in checkmate(able to avoid check), no need for other traversal
                        if (!isChkmt)
                    // if it is confirmed that the red is not in checkmate(able to avoid check), no need for other traversal
                    if (!isChkmt)
            // If there is no check situation, isChkmt will always be false/impossible
                isChkmt = false;
