Example #1
        public BoardSpace(BoardSpace fromSpace)
            position = fromSpace.position;
            piece    = null;

            if (fromSpace.piece != null)
                if (fromSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Pawn))
                    piece = new Pawn(fromSpace.piece, this);
                else if (fromSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Knight))
                    piece = new Knight(fromSpace.piece, this);
                else if (fromSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Bishop))
                    piece = new Bishop(fromSpace.piece, this);
                else if (fromSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook))
                    piece = new Rook(fromSpace.piece, this);
                else if (fromSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Queen))
                    piece = new Queen(fromSpace.piece, this);
                else if (fromSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(King))
                    piece = new King(fromSpace.piece, this);
Example #2
 public Move(Chessman piece, BoardSpace fromSpace, BoardSpace toSpace, Board context, int score = 0)
     contextBoard   = context;
     this.toSpace   = toSpace;
     this.fromSpace = fromSpace;
     this.score     = score; // AI Weight
Example #3
 public Move(Move other, Board newBoard) // copy Using New Reference Board
     contextBoard   = newBoard;
     this.toSpace   = new BoardSpace(other.toSpace);
     this.fromSpace = new BoardSpace(other.fromSpace);
     this.score     = other.score; // AI Weight
     piece          = other.toSpace.piece;
Example #4
 public Move(Move other) // Copy using using Same Reference Board
     contextBoard   = other.contextBoard;
     this.toSpace   = other.toSpace;
     this.fromSpace = other.fromSpace;
     this.score     = other.score; // AI Weight
     piece          = other.piece;
Example #5
 public BoardSpace(Char column, int row, Chessman piece)
     if (column >= 'A' && column <= 'H' && row >= 1 && row <= 8)
         // Valid Board Space
         position = new Tuple <char, int>(column, row);
         throw new InvalidDataException($"{column}{row} is an invalid space designation.");
     this.piece = piece;
Example #6
 public Move(String move, Board context, int score = 0, bool postMove = false)
     if (Regex.IsMatch(move, "[A-Za-z][0-9][A-Za-z][0-9].*"))
         contextBoard = context;
         toSpace      = contextBoard.getSpace(move.Substring(0, 1).ToString().ToUpper()[0], int.Parse(move.Substring(1, 1)));
         fromSpace    = contextBoard.getSpace(move.Substring(2, 1).ToString().ToUpper()[0], int.Parse(move.Substring(3, 1)));
         this.score   = score; // AI Weight
         piece        = (postMove) ? toSpace.piece : fromSpace.piece;
         throw new Exception("Supplied Move is not UCI Formatted.");
Example #7
 public Queen(Chessman fromPiece, BoardSpace initPos)
     if (fromPiece.GetType() == typeof(Queen))
         Queen from = (Queen)fromPiece;
         score      = from.score;
         position   = initPos;
         this.color = from.color;
         whiteImage = from.whiteImage;
         blackImage = from.blackImage;
         throw new Exception($"Cant Create Copy of Piece becasue it is the wrong type");
Example #8
 public Bishop(Chessman fromPiece)
     if (fromPiece.GetType() == typeof(Bishop))
         Bishop from = (Bishop)fromPiece;
         score      = from.score;
         position   = null;
         this.color = from.color;
         whiteImage = from.whiteImage;
         blackImage = from.blackImage;
         throw new Exception($"Cant Create Copy of Piece becasue it is the wrong type");
Example #9
 public King(Chessman fromPiece)
     if (fromPiece.GetType() == typeof(King))
         King from = (King)fromPiece;
         score      = from.score;
         position   = null;
         this.color = from.color;
         whiteImage = from.whiteImage;
         blackImage = from.blackImage;
         canCastle  = from.canCastle;
         throw new Exception($"Cant Create Copy of Piece becasue it is the wrong type");
Example #10
 public Pawn(Chessman fromPiece)
     if (fromPiece.GetType() == typeof(Pawn))
         Pawn from = (Pawn)fromPiece;
         score        = from.score;
         position     = null;
         this.color   = from.color;
         whiteImage   = from.whiteImage;
         blackImage   = from.blackImage;
         canMoveTwice = from.canMoveTwice;
         throw new Exception($"Cant Create Copy of Piece becasue it is the wrong type");
Example #11
        public Chessman generatePieceFromFen(String fen)
            Chessman rv = null;

            List <String> fenBoard = fen.Split(new char[] { '/' }).ToList();


            // replace Empty Squares with _
            if (Regex.IsMatch(fenBoard[position.Item2 - 1], "[0-9]"))
                foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(fenBoard[position.Item2 - 1], "[0-9]"))
                    int emptySpaces = int.Parse(m.Value);

                    fenBoard[position.Item2 - 1] = Regex.Replace(fenBoard[position.Item2 - 1], $"{m.Value}", string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("_", emptySpaces)));

                for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
                    int  emptySpaces = 0;
                    Char nextFenRep  = fenBoard[position.Item2 - 1][i];

                    // Is a piece
                    if (position.Item1 == ('A' + i))
                        if (nextFenRep == '_')
                            piece = null;
                            // Setup White BackRow
                            switch (Char.ToUpper(nextFenRep))
                            case 'K':
                                piece = new King(this, ((Char.IsLower(nextFenRep)) ? ChessmanColor.black : ChessmanColor.white));

                            case 'R':
                                piece = new Rook(this, ((Char.IsLower(nextFenRep)) ? ChessmanColor.black : ChessmanColor.white));

                            case 'P':
                                piece = new Pawn(this, ((Char.IsLower(nextFenRep)) ? ChessmanColor.black : ChessmanColor.white));

                            case 'B':
                                piece = new Bishop(this, ((Char.IsLower(nextFenRep)) ? ChessmanColor.black : ChessmanColor.white));

                            case 'N':
                                piece = new Knight(this, ((Char.IsLower(nextFenRep)) ? ChessmanColor.black : ChessmanColor.white));

                            case 'Q':
                                piece = new Queen(this, ((Char.IsLower(nextFenRep)) ? ChessmanColor.black : ChessmanColor.white));

Example #12
        private Chessman movePieceOnBoard(BoardSpace fromSpace, BoardSpace toSpace, String extraArgs = "")
            // This is kust updating the data model. Validation Should occur prior to this
            // This function Assumes that the moves are valid.

            Chessman fromPiece   = fromSpace.piece;
            Chessman killedPiece = null;

            if (toSpace.piece != null)
                // We killed piece remove it.
                killedPiece = toSpace.piece;
            fromPiece.position = toSpace;
            toSpace.piece      = fromPiece;
            fromSpace.piece    = null;

            if (toSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(King))
                King kp = (King)toSpace.piece;
                if (kp.canCastle)
                    kp.canCastle = false;
                if (kp.color == ChessmanColor.white)
                    whiteKingPos = toSpace;
                    blackKingPos = toSpace;
            else if (toSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook))
                Rook rp = (Rook)toSpace.piece;
                if (rp.canCastle)
                    rp.canCastle = false;
            else if (toSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Pawn))
                ((Pawn)toSpace.piece).canMoveTwice = false;  // Pawns Can only Move Twice on the first move
                if ((toSpace.piece.color == ChessmanColor.black && toSpace.position.Item2 == 1) || (toSpace.piece.color == ChessmanColor.white && toSpace.position.Item2 == 8))
                    Char promotionType = 'q';
                    if (extraArgs.Length > 0)
                        promotionType = extraArgs.ToLower()[0];

                    switch (promotionType)
                    case 'q':
                        // Promote to Queen
                        Queen q = new Queen(toSpace, toSpace.piece.color);
                        toSpace.piece = q;

                    case 'b':
                        // Promote to Queen
                        Bishop b = new Bishop(toSpace, toSpace.piece.color);
                        toSpace.piece = b;

                    case 'n':
                        // Promote to Queen
                        Knight kn = new Knight(toSpace, toSpace.piece.color);
                        toSpace.piece = kn;

                    case 'r':
                        // Promote to Queen
                        Rook r = new Rook(toSpace, toSpace.piece.color);
                        toSpace.piece = r;


Example #13
        public bool updateBoardForMove(String move)
            bool   moveValid = false;
            String fromPos   = move.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();
            String toPos     = move.Substring(2, 2).ToUpper();
            String extraArgs = "";

            if (move.Length > 4)
                extraArgs = move.Substring(4, move.Length - 4);

                BoardSpace fromSpace = getSpace(fromPos[0], int.Parse(new String(new char[] { fromPos[1] })));
                BoardSpace toSpace   = getSpace(toPos[0], int.Parse(new String(new char[] { toPos[1] })));

                if (fromSpace.piece != null)
                    Chessman fromPiece = fromSpace.piece;

                    if (true) // Do check if move is valid for piece type
                        if (fromPiece.GetType() == typeof(King) && ((King)fromPiece).canCastle && ((fromPiece.color == ChessmanColor.white && fromSpace.position.Item1 == 'E' && fromSpace.position.Item2 == 1 && (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'G' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 1) || (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'C' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 1)) || (fromPiece.color == ChessmanColor.black && fromSpace.position.Item1 == 'E' && fromSpace.position.Item2 == 8 && (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'G' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 8) || (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'C' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 8))))
                            King kingPiece = ((King)fromPiece);

                            //Attempting a castle VAlidate it
                            BoardSpace rookSpace = null;

                            if (kingPiece.color == ChessmanColor.white && (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'G' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 1))
                                // White King Side Castle
                                rookSpace = getSpace('H', 1);

                                if (rookSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook) && ((Rook)rookSpace.piece).canCastle) // Was the King Side Rook moved before now
                                    if (getSpace('F', 1).piece == null && getSpace('G', 1).piece == null)           // Are all the spaces between the Rook and Knight Clear
                                        if (true)                                                                   // Are any Spaces the King Must Move Under Attack. (E1(Check),F1, G1) (Skipping for now until we can check this)
                                            movePieceOnBoard(fromSpace, toSpace, extraArgs);                        // Move King
                                            movePieceOnBoard(rookSpace, getSpace('F', 1), extraArgs);               // Move Rook
                                            moveValid = true;
                            else if (kingPiece.color == ChessmanColor.white && (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'C' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 1))
                                // White Queen Side Castle
                                rookSpace = getSpace('A', 1);

                                if (rookSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook) && ((Rook)rookSpace.piece).canCastle)                         // Was the King Side Rook moved before now
                                    if (getSpace('B', 1).piece == null && getSpace('C', 1).piece == null && getSpace('D', 1).piece == null) // Are all the spaces between the Rook and Knight Clear
                                        if (true)                                                                                           // Are any Spaces the King Must Move Under Attack. (E1(Check), D1, C1) (Skipping for now until we can check this)
                                            movePieceOnBoard(fromSpace, toSpace, extraArgs);                                                // Move King
                                            movePieceOnBoard(rookSpace, getSpace('D', 1), extraArgs);                                       // Move Rook
                                            moveValid = true;
                            else if (kingPiece.color == ChessmanColor.black && (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'G' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 8))
                                // White King Side Castle
                                rookSpace = getSpace('H', 8);

                                if (rookSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook) && ((Rook)rookSpace.piece).canCastle) // Was the King Side Rook moved before now
                                    if (getSpace('F', 8).piece == null && getSpace('G', 8).piece == null)           // Are all the spaces between the Rook and Knight Clear
                                        if (true)                                                                   // Are any Spaces the King Must Move Under Attack. (E8(Check),F8, G8) (Skipping for now until we can check this)
                                            movePieceOnBoard(fromSpace, toSpace, extraArgs);                        // Move King
                                            movePieceOnBoard(rookSpace, getSpace('F', 8), extraArgs);               // Move Rook
                                            moveValid = true;
                            else if (kingPiece.color == ChessmanColor.black && (toSpace.position.Item1 == 'C' && toSpace.position.Item2 == 8))
                                // White Queen Side Castle
                                rookSpace = getSpace('A', 8);

                                if (rookSpace.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook) && ((Rook)rookSpace.piece).canCastle)                         // Was the King Side Rook moved before now
                                    if (getSpace('B', 8).piece == null && getSpace('C', 8).piece == null && getSpace('D', 8).piece == null) // Are all the spaces between the Rook and Knight Clear
                                        if (true)                                                                                           // Are any Spaces the King Must Move Under Attack. (E1(Check), D1, C1) (Skipping for now until we can check this)
                                            movePieceOnBoard(fromSpace, toSpace, extraArgs);                                                // Move King
                                            movePieceOnBoard(rookSpace, getSpace('D', 8), extraArgs);                                       // Move Rook
                                            moveValid = true;

                            if (moveValid)
                                // Grab All King and Rooks for the color and disable castling
                                foreach (BoardSpace s in boardState)
                                    if (s.piece != null && s.piece.color == fromPiece.color)
                                        if (s.piece.GetType() == typeof(Rook))
                                            ((Rook)s.piece).canCastle = false;
                                        else if (s.piece.GetType() == typeof(King))
                                            ((King)s.piece).canCastle = false;
                            movePieceOnBoard(fromSpace, toSpace, extraArgs);
                            moveValid = true;
                    // There should always be a piece in the from Space
