ApplyMove() public method

public ApplyMove ( Move move, bool alreadyValidated ) : MoveType
move Move
alreadyValidated bool
return MoveType
Example #1
        public bool WouldBeInCheckAfter(Move move, Player player)
            ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(move, nameof(move));
            var gcd = new GameCreationData();

            gcd.Board = Board;
            gcd.CanWhiteCastleKingSide  = !_whiteRookHMoved && !_whiteKingMoved;
            gcd.CanWhiteCastleQueenSide = !_whiteRookAMoved && !_whiteKingMoved;
            gcd.CanBlackCastleKingSide  = !_blackRookHMoved && !_blackKingMoved;
            gcd.CanBlackCastleQueenSide = !_blackRookAMoved && !_blackKingMoved;
            gcd.EnPassant = null;

            if (_moves.Count > 0)
                var last = _moves.Last();
                if (last.Piece is Pawn && new SquareDistance(last.OriginalPosition, last.NewPosition).DistanceY == 2)
                    gcd.EnPassant = new Square(last.NewPosition.File, last.Player == Player.White ? 3 : 6);

            gcd.HalfMoveClock  = _halfMoveClock;
            gcd.FullMoveNumber = _fullMoveNumber;

            var copy = new ChessGame(gcd);

            copy.ApplyMove(move, true);

            var status = copy.CalculateStatus(player, false);

            return(status.Event == GameEvent.Check && status.PlayerWhoCausedEvent != player);
Example #2
        public virtual bool WouldBeInCheckAfter(Move move, ChessPlayer player)
            ChessUtility.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
            GameCreationData gcd = new GameCreationData
                Board = Board,
                CanWhiteCastleKingSide  = CanWhiteCastleKingSide,
                CanWhiteCastleQueenSide = CanWhiteCastleQueenSide,
                CanBlackCastleKingSide  = CanBlackCastleKingSide,
                CanBlackCastleQueenSide = CanBlackCastleQueenSide,
                EnPassant = null

            if (_moves.Count > 0)
                DetailedMove last = _moves.Last();
                if (last.Piece is Pawn && new BoardDistance(last.OriginalPosition, last.NewPosition).Y == 2)
                    gcd.EnPassant = new BoardPosition(last.NewPosition.File, last.Player == ChessPlayer.White ? 3 : 6);
            gcd.HalfMoveClock  = _halfMoveClock;
            gcd.FullMoveNumber = _fullMoveNumber;
            ChessGame copy = new ChessGame(gcd);

            copy.ApplyMove(move, true);
Example #3
        protected virtual bool WouldBeInCheckAfter(Move move, Player player)
            Utilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
            ChessGame copy = new ChessGame(Board, player, false);

            copy.ApplyMove(move, true, false);
            GameStatus status = copy.CalculateStatus(player, false);

            return(status.Event == GameEvent.Check && status.PlayerWhoCausedEvent != player);
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Let's start by creating a chess game instance.
            ChessGame game = new ChessGame();

            // Now the game's board is in the start position and it's white's turn.
            Console.WriteLine("It's this color's turn: {0}", game.WhoseTurn);

            // This is how to find out which piece is at a certain position:
            Piece pieceAtA1 = game.GetPieceAt(new Position("A1")); // Or "a1", the casing doesn't matter
            /* There are other overloading options as well:
             * game.GetPieceAt(new Position(File.A, 1));
             * game.GetPieceAt(File.A, 1);
             * All those three options return the same. */
            Console.WriteLine("What piece is there at A1? {0}", pieceAtA1.GetFenCharacter());
            // GetFenCharacter() returns the FEN character for the given piece. White piece: uppercase, black piece: lowercase. The character is the first char of a piece's name (exception: Knight -> N/n because King -> K/k).
            // The Piece class is the abstract base class for pieces. All piece classes (e.g. Rook) derive from this class.

            // White has to make a turn. They want to move their E2 pawn to E4. Is that valid?
            Move e2e4 = new Move("E2", "E4", Player.White);
            bool isValid = game.IsValidMove(e2e4);
            Console.WriteLine("E2-E4 for white is valid: {0}", isValid);

            // Great, it's valid! So white wants to actually make that move.
            MoveType type = game.ApplyMove(e2e4, true);
            // The first argument is the move, the second argument indicates whether it's already validated. Here it is, so pass 'true'. If it's not validated yet, ApplyMove will do it. **Only pass `true` if it's really validated! If you pass `true`, ApplyMove won't do ANY validity checks.**
            // The return type is the MoveType enum. It holds one, or a combination, of these values: Invalid, Move, Capture, Castling, Promotion
            // Each valid move will always carry the 'Move' value. If it's also something else, it will carry both values (e.g. if the move is a capture, `type` will have the value MoveType.Move | MoveType.Capture).
            // MoveType is a flags enumeration.
            // e4 is just a normal move, so `type` will just be MoveType.Move.
            Console.WriteLine("Move type: {0}", type);

            // When a move has been made, check the Status property. It will let you know if there is a special event: check, checkmate, stalemate ...
            GameStatus status = game.Status;
            Console.WriteLine("Special event? {0}", status.Event);
            // Here it just returns 'None' because nothing special happened.
            // GameStatus has two other properties: PlayerWhoCausedEvent (quite self-explanatory) and EventExplanation (used if Chess.NET needs to be more specific about an event, e.g. when it's a draw, explaining why).

            // Now it's black's turn.
            Console.WriteLine("It's this color's turn: {0}", game.WhoseTurn);

            // You can figure out all valid moves using GetValidMoves.
            IEnumerable<Move> validMoves = game.GetValidMoves(Player.Black);
            // Here it returns all valid moves for black, but you can also find all valid moves *from a certain position* by passing a Position instance as argument.
            Console.WriteLine("How many valid moves does black have? {0}", validMoves.Count());

            // It might happen that you don't really care about all valid moves, but just want to know if there are valid moves. Chess.NET also has a method for that:
            bool hasValidMoves = game.HasAnyValidMoves(Player.Black);
            // Again, you can also pass a Position instance here.
            Console.WriteLine("Black has any valid moves: {0}", hasValidMoves);

            // Congratulations! You have learned about the most important methods of Chess.NET. Enjoy using the library :)
Example #5
 protected virtual bool WouldBeInCheckAfter(Move move, Player player)
     Utilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
     ChessGame copy = new ChessGame(Board, player, false);
     copy.ApplyMove(move, true, false);
     GameStatus status = copy.CalculateStatus(player, false);
     return status.Event == GameEvent.Check && status.PlayerWhoCausedEvent != player;
Example #6
 public virtual bool WouldBeInCheckAfter(Move move, Player player)
     ChessUtilities.ThrowIfNull(move, "move");
     GameCreationData gcd = new GameCreationData();
     gcd.Board = Board;
     gcd.CanWhiteCastleKingSide = CanWhiteCastleKingSide;
     gcd.CanWhiteCastleQueenSide = CanWhiteCastleQueenSide;
     gcd.CanBlackCastleKingSide = CanBlackCastleKingSide;
     gcd.CanBlackCastleQueenSide = CanBlackCastleQueenSide;
     gcd.EnPassant = null;
     if (_moves.Count > 0)
         DetailedMove last = _moves.Last();
         if (last.Piece is Pawn && new PositionDistance(last.OriginalPosition, last.NewPosition).DistanceY == 2)
             gcd.EnPassant = new Position(last.NewPosition.File, last.Player == Player.White ? 3 : 6);
     gcd.HalfMoveClock = _halfMoveClock;
     gcd.FullMoveNumber = _fullMoveNumber;
     ChessGame copy = new ChessGame(gcd);
     copy.ApplyMove(move, true);
     return copy.IsInCheck(player);