Example #1
        // Formats the abbreviation of the ion to include subscripts.
        public static string formatabbr(string abbr)
            string      subNum;
            SmallNumber uni = new SmallNumber();

            for (int x = 0; x < abbr.Length; x++)
                for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
                    if (abbr[x].ToString() == i.ToString())
                        subNum = uni.convertToSubscript(i);
                        abbr   = abbr.Replace(abbr[x].ToString(), subNum);

                        // Adding parentheses avoids confusion between polyatomic ions and the number of polyatomic ions needed to create the compound.
                        if (x == abbr.Length - 1)
                            abbr = "(" + abbr + ")";

Example #2
        // Converts the number of ions to a unicode subscript value.
        public static string displayIonNumber(int n)
            string      number;
            SmallNumber uni = new SmallNumber();

            if (n == 1)
                number = "";
                number = uni.convertToSubscript(n).ToString();

Example #3
        // Formats the electron configuration appropriately by finding the numbers that need to be converted to superscripts.
        // Example of an electron configuration stored in the database: [Ar]3d^10,4s^2,4p^2
        public static string formatElectronConfig(string config)
            SmallNumber uni = new SmallNumber();

            // The configuration is split by each orbital. The "," separates each orbital.
            string[] splittedConfig  = config.Split(',');
            string   formattedConfig = "";

            // These help determine which numbers are coefficients and which numbers are superscripts.
            int    splitMarker = 0;
            int    superNum;
            string superStr;

            for (int i = 0; i < splittedConfig.Length; i++)
                int configLen = splittedConfig[i].Length;

                // Loops through an individual orbital configuration
                for (int x = 0; x < configLen; x++)
                    // The "^" indicates that the following character is a superscript.
                    if (splittedConfig[i][x] == '^')
                        splitMarker = x;

                // This loops through the individual orbital configuration at the point where a character is the superscript.
                // The positions of electrons in an orbital is from 1-14, so double digits can occur and confuse superscripts and coefficients.
                for (int y = splitMarker; y < configLen - 1; y++)
                    int.TryParse(splittedConfig[i][y + 1].ToString(), out superNum);
                    superStr = uni.convertToSuperscript(superNum);

                    // This replaces the array element with the subscript number.
                    splittedConfig[i] = splittedConfig[i].Replace(splittedConfig[i][y].ToString(), superStr.ToString());

                // This removes the last element of the array
                splittedConfig[i] = splittedConfig[i].Remove((configLen - 1), 1);
                formattedConfig  += splittedConfig[i];
