Example #1
        public static guildData returnGuildData(ulong guild)
            guildData dataReturn = null;

            foreach (guildData data in JosephineBot.data)
                if (data.guildId == guild)
                    dataReturn = data;
Example #2
        private Task Client_Chat(MessageCreateEventArgs e)
            DSharpPlus.Entities.DiscordMessage content = e.Message;
            if (!e.Channel.IsPrivate)
                guildData dataGet = data[Utils.retrieveGuild(e.Guild.Id)];
                use     = dataGet.on;
                Channel = dataGet.disabledChannelID;
                Channel = 0;
                use     = true;

            if (!containPrefix(Config.CommandPrefixes, content.Content))
                if (!debugMode || e.Channel.IsPrivate ? true : e.Guild.Id == ulong.Parse(Config.DebugGuildID))
                    if (use == true)
                        if (e.Author != Discord.CurrentUser)
                            if (e.Channel.Id == Channel || Channel == 0)
                                //Refresh all of the games
                                foreach (Game game in games)
                                bot = new ChatBot(e.Message.Author.Username, null);
                                bot = null;
                    Debug.Log("Chat: " + content.Author + " : " + content.Content, Discord);
            else if (containPrefix(Config.CommandPrefixes, content.Content) && e.Channel.IsPrivate)
                content.RespondAsync("No commands are executable in private messaging!");
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);

            File.WriteAllText("prefs.json", json);
Example #3
        private async Task Join_Chat(object sender, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e)
            guildData specificGuild = Utils.returnGuildData(e.Guild.Id);

            //When joined the chat add an embed message
            if (specificGuild.announceJoin)
                string announcerMessage      = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatDesc;
                string finalannouncerMessage = announcerMessage.Replace("{guildname}", e.Guild.Name);
                if (e.Member.IsBot)
                    string announceTitle       = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatBot;
                    string finalAnnouncerTitle = announceTitle.Replace("{bot}", e.Member.Username);
                    JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(Discord, finalAnnouncerTitle, finalannouncerMessage);
                else if (!e.Member.IsBot)
                    string announceTitle       = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatUser;
                    string finalAnnouncerTitle = announceTitle.Replace("{user}", e.Member.Username);
                    JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(Discord, finalAnnouncerTitle, finalannouncerMessage);
Example #4
        [Description("Manage the announcer everytime someone joins")]                       // this will be displayed to tell users what this command does when they invoke help
        public override async Task OperateCommand(CommandContext ctx, params string[] args) // this command takes no arguments
            await base.OperateCommand(ctx);

            string    argumentType  = args[0];
            guildData specificGuild = Utils.returnGuildData(ctx.Guild.Id);

            List <DiscordEmoji> emojis = new List <DiscordEmoji>();

            emojis.Add(DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":100:"));
            emojis.Add(DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":ok_hand:"));
            List <DiscordEmoji> emojisFiltered = Utils.GetRandomPoggersEmoji(emojis);
            Random rnd   = new Random();
            var    emoji = emojisFiltered[rnd.Next(emojisFiltered.Count)];

            switch (argumentType.ToLower())
            case "demo":
                //Bring up a version of the put command
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Here are the demo embed messages");

                string announcerMessage      = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatDesc;
                string finalannouncerMessage = announcerMessage.Replace("{guildname}", ctx.Guild.Name);

                string       announceTitle       = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatBot;
                string       finalAnnouncerTitle = announceTitle.Replace("{bot}", ctx.Client.CurrentUser.Username);
                DiscordEmbed embedMessageUser    = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, finalAnnouncerTitle, finalannouncerMessage);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("", false, embedMessageUser);

                string       announceTitleUser       = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatUser;
                string       finalAnnouncerTitleUser = announceTitleUser.Replace("{user}", ctx.Member.Username);
                DiscordEmbed embedMessageBot         = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, finalAnnouncerTitleUser, finalannouncerMessage);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("", false, embedMessageBot);


            case "set":
                switch (args[1].ToLower())
                case "user":
                    //Set the user join message
                    if (args[2] != null || !args[2].Contains(string.Empty))
                        //string afterwardsMessage = string.Join()
                        specificGuild.AnnounceFormatUser = string.Join(" ", args).Substring(args[1].Length + args[2].Length);
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("Changed the announcer message for the user. TO see what it looks like try ';;announce demo'");
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("No message was defined!");

                case "bot":
                    if (args[2] != null || !args[2].Contains(string.Empty))
                        specificGuild.AnnounceFormatBot = string.Join(" ", args).Substring(args[1].Length + args[2].Length);
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("Changed the announcer message for the bot. To see what it looks like try ';;announce demo'");
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("No message was defined!");

                case "description":
                    if (args[2] != null || !args[2].Contains(string.Empty))
                        specificGuild.AnnounceFormatDesc = string.Join(" ", args).Substring(args[1].Length + args[2].Length);
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("Changed the description message for the bot. To see what it looks like try ';;announce demo'");
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("No message was defined!");

                case "help":
                    if (!args[1].ToLower().Contains("help"))
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("Unable to change as there is either an incorrect command argument(s) or no arguments at all!");
                    Dictionary <string, string> arguments = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>();
                    arguments.Add(";;announce set user <message>", "sets the user greeting (use {user} to be replaced with thier username)");
                    arguments.Add(";;announce set bot <message>", "sets the bot greeting (use {bot} to be replaced with the bot username)");
                    arguments.Add(";;announce set description <message>", "sets the greeting for both messages (use {guildname} to be replaced with the guild name)");
                    DiscordEmbed embed = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, "Sub-Commands", "for ';;announce set'", null, JosephineBot.defaultColor, arguments);
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("Go to http://discord.rickasheye.xyz/ for all sub-commands", false, embed);


            case "off":
                if (specificGuild.announceJoin == false)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("Announcer is already off run the on sub-command");
                    specificGuild.announceJoin = false;
                    await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(emoji);

            case "on":
                if (specificGuild.announceJoin == true)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("Announcer is already on run the off sub-command");
                    specificGuild.announceJoin = true;
                    await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(emoji);

            case "help":
                Dictionary <string, string> argumentsHelp = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>();
                argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce demo", "shows the greeting messages for the user and the bots on this server");
                argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce set", "utility to set the greeting messages on this server");
                argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce off", "turns the announcer off");
                argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce on", "turns the announcer on");
                DiscordEmbed embedHelp = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, "Sub-Commands", "for ';;announce set'", null, JosephineBot.defaultColor, argumentsHelp);
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Go to http://discord.rickasheye.xyz/ for all sub-commands", false, embedHelp);
