Example #1
        void TrimItem(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, bool xAxis, bool oposite, ref Vector2 from, ref Vector2 to)
            Vector2 seg1 = new Vector2(x1, y1);
            Vector2 seg2 = new Vector2(x2, y2);
            Vector2 point;

            if (ChartCommon.SegmentIntersection(seg1, seg2, from, to, out point) == false)
            if (xAxis)
                if ((to.y > from.y) ^ oposite)
                    from = point;
                    to = point;
            if ((to.x > from.x) ^ oposite)
                from = point;
                to = point;
#pragma warning restore 0672

        void FillChartMesh(IChartMesh mesh)
            UIVertex v1 = vertices[0];
            UIVertex v2 = vertices[1];
            UIVertex v3 = vertices[2];
            UIVertex v4 = vertices[3];

            v1.position += (Vector3)(normals[0] * mInset);
            v2.position += (Vector3)(normals[1] * mInset);
            v3.position += (Vector3)(normals[2] * mInset);
            v4.position += (Vector3)(normals[3] * mInset);

            Vector2 inter;

            if (ChartCommon.SegmentIntersection(v1.position, v3.position, v2.position, v4.position, out inter))
                v3.position = inter;
                v4.position = inter;

            mesh.AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4);
        public override void InternalGenerateChart()
            if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false)

            if (Data == null)

            double minX = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMinValue(0, false);
            double minY = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMinValue(1, false);
            double maxX = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMaxValue(0, false);
            double maxY = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).GetMaxValue(1, false);

            double xScroll = GetScrollOffset(0);
            double yScroll = GetScrollOffset(1);
            double xSize   = maxX - minX;
            double ySize   = maxY - minY;
            double xOut    = minX + xScroll + xSize;
            double yOut    = minY + yScroll + ySize;

            DoubleVector3 min = new DoubleVector3(xScroll + minX, yScroll + minY);
            DoubleVector3 max = new DoubleVector3(xOut, yOut);

            Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, widthRatio, heightRatio);

            int    index         = 0;
            int    total         = ((IInternalGraphData)Data).TotalCategories + 1;
            double positiveDepth = 0f;
            double maxThickness  = 0f;
            bool   edit          = false;

            foreach (GraphData.CategoryData data in ((IInternalGraphData)Data).Categories)
                maxThickness = Math.Max(data.LineThickness, maxThickness);
                DoubleVector3[] points = data.getPoints().ToArray();
                Rect            uv;
                int             refrenceIndex = ClipPoints(points, mClipped, out uv);
                TransformPoints(mClipped, mTransformed, viewRect, min, max);

                if (points.Length == 0 && ChartCommon.IsInEditMode)
                    edit = true;
                    int           tmpIndex = total - 1 - index;
                    float         y1       = (((float)tmpIndex) / (float)total);
                    float         y2       = (((float)tmpIndex + 1) / (float)total);
                    DoubleVector3 pos1     = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3(0f, y1, -1f)).ToDoubleVector3();
                    DoubleVector3 pos2     = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3(0.5f, y2, -1f)).ToDoubleVector3();
                    DoubleVector3 pos3     = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3(1f, y1, -1f)).ToDoubleVector3();
                    points = new DoubleVector3[] { pos1, pos2, pos3 };
                    mTransformed.AddRange(points.Select(x => (Vector4)x.ToVector3()));

                /*if (data.FillMaterial != null)
                 * {
                 *  CanvasLines fill = CreateDataObject(data);
                 *  fill.material = data.FillMaterial;
                 *  fill.SetLines(list);
                 *  fill.MakeFillRender(viewRect, data.StetchFill);
                 * }*/

                if (data.Depth > 0)
                    positiveDepth = Math.Max(positiveDepth, data.Depth);
                // if (data.DotPrefab != null)
                float minViewX = Math.Min(viewRect.xMin, viewRect.xMax);
                float maxViewX = Math.Max(viewRect.xMin, viewRect.xMax);
                for (int i = 0; i < mTransformed.Count; i++)
                    float transX = mTransformed[i].x;
                    if (minViewX > transX || maxViewX < transX)
                    DoubleVector3 pointValue = points[i];
                    if (edit == false)
                        pointValue = Data.GetPoint(data.Name, i + refrenceIndex);

                    string xFormat = StringFromAxisFormat(pointValue, mHorizontalAxis, true);
                    string yFormat = StringFromAxisFormat(pointValue, mVerticalAxis, false);

                    GraphEventArgs    args   = new GraphEventArgs(i, (mTransformed[i] + new Vector4(0f, 0f, (float)data.Depth)), pointValue.ToDoubleVector2(), (float)pointValue.z, data.Name, xFormat, yFormat);
                    GameObject        point  = CreatePointObject(data);
                    ChartItemEvents[] events = point.GetComponentsInChildren <ChartItemEvents>();

                    for (int j = 0; j < events.Length; ++j)
                        if (events[j] == null)
                        InternalItemEvents comp = (InternalItemEvents)events[j];
                        comp.Parent   = this;
                        comp.UserData = args;

                    double pointSize = mTransformed[i].w * data.PointSize;
                    if (pointSize < 0f)
                        pointSize = data.PointSize;

                    point.transform.localScale = new DoubleVector3(pointSize, pointSize, pointSize).ToVector3();

                    if (data.PointMaterial != null)
                        Renderer rend = point.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        if (rend != null)
                            rend.material = data.PointMaterial;
                        ChartMaterialController controller = point.GetComponent <ChartMaterialController>();
                        if (controller != null && controller.Materials != null)
                            Color hover    = controller.Materials.Hover;
                            Color selected = controller.Materials.Selected;
                            controller.Materials = new ChartDynamicMaterial(data.PointMaterial, hover, selected);

                    DoubleVector3 position = new DoubleVector3(mTransformed[i]);
                    position.z = data.Depth;
                    point.transform.localPosition = position.ToVector3();
                    if (mItemLabels != null && mItemLabels.isActiveAndEnabled)
                        Vector3 labelPos = (new DoubleVector3(mTransformed[i]) + new DoubleVector3(mItemLabels.Location.Breadth, mItemLabels.Seperation, mItemLabels.Location.Depth + data.Depth)).ToVector3();
                        if (mItemLabels.Alignment == ChartLabelAlignment.Base)
                            labelPos.y -= (float)mTransformed[i].y;
                        FormatItem(mRealtimeStringBuilder, xFormat, yFormat);
                        string        formatted = mRealtimeStringBuilder.ToString();
                        string        toSet     = mItemLabels.TextFormat.Format(formatted, data.Name, "");
                        BillboardText billboard = ChartCommon.CreateBillboardText(null, mItemLabels.TextPrefab, transform, toSet, labelPos.x, labelPos.y, labelPos.z, 0f, null, hideHierarchy, mItemLabels.FontSize, mItemLabels.FontSharpness);
                        AddBillboardText(data.Name, billboard);
                for (int i = 0; i < mTransformed.Count; i++)
                    var t = mTransformed[i];
                    t.z             = 0f;
                    t.w             = 0f;
                    mTransformed[i] = t;
                Vector3[] floatPoints = mTransformed.Select(x => (Vector3)x).ToArray();
                if (floatPoints.Length >= 2)
                    Vector2 res;
                    float   maxF    = Math.Max(floatPoints[0].y, floatPoints[1].y);
                    float   minF    = Math.Min(floatPoints[0].y, floatPoints[1].y);
                    float   firstX  = viewRect.x;
                    float   secondX = viewRect.x + viewRect.width;
                    if (min.x > max.x)
                        float tmp = firstX;
                        firstX  = secondX;
                        secondX = tmp;
                    if (ChartCommon.SegmentIntersection(floatPoints[0], floatPoints[1], new Vector3(firstX, maxF, 0f), new Vector3(firstX, minF, 0f), out res))
                        floatPoints[0] = res;
                    Vector3 last       = floatPoints[floatPoints.Length - 1];
                    Vector3 secondLast = floatPoints[floatPoints.Length - 2];
                    maxF = Math.Max(last.y, secondLast.y);
                    minF = Math.Min(last.y, secondLast.y);

                    if (ChartCommon.SegmentIntersection(last, secondLast, new Vector3(secondX, maxF, 0f), new Vector3(secondX, minF, 0f), out res))
                        floatPoints[floatPoints.Length - 1] = res;
                if (data.LinePrefab != null)
                    PathGenerator lines = CreateLineObject(data);
                    //    float tiling = 1f;

                    if (data.LineTiling.EnableTiling == true && data.LineTiling.TileFactor > 0f)
                        float length = 0f;
                        for (int i = 1; i < mTransformed.Count; i++)
                            length += (float)(((Vector3)mTransformed[i - 1]) - (Vector3)mTransformed[i]).magnitude;
                        //  tiling = length / data.LineTiling.TileFactor;

                    lines.Generator(floatPoints, (float)data.LineThickness, false);
                    Vector3 tmp = lines.transform.localPosition;
                    tmp.z = (float)data.Depth;
                    lines.transform.localPosition = tmp;
                    if (data.LineMaterial != null)
                        Renderer rend = lines.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        if (rend != null)
                            rend.material = data.LineMaterial;
                        ChartMaterialController controller = lines.GetComponent <ChartMaterialController>();
                        if (controller != null && controller.Materials != null)
                            Color hover    = controller.Materials.Hover;
                            Color selected = controller.Materials.Selected;
                            controller.Materials = new ChartDynamicMaterial(data.LineMaterial, hover, selected);
                totalDepth = (float)(positiveDepth + maxThickness * 2f);

                if (data.FillPrefab != null)
                    FillPathGenerator fill = CreateFillObject(data);
                    Vector3           tmp  = fill.transform.localPosition;
                    tmp.z = (float)data.Depth;
                    fill.transform.localPosition = tmp;

                    if (data.LinePrefab == null || !(data.LinePrefab is SmoothPathGenerator))
                        fill.SetLineSmoothing(false, 0, 0f);
                        SmoothPathGenerator smooth = ((SmoothPathGenerator)data.LinePrefab);
                        fill.SetLineSmoothing(true, smooth.JointSmoothing, smooth.JointSize);

                    fill.SetGraphBounds(viewRect.yMin, viewRect.yMax);
                    fill.Generator(floatPoints, (float)data.LineThickness * 1.01f, false);

                    if (data.FillMaterial != null)
                        Renderer rend = fill.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        if (rend != null)
                            rend.material = data.FillMaterial;
                        ChartMaterialController controller = fill.GetComponent <ChartMaterialController>();

                        if (controller != null && controller.Materials != null)
                            Color hover    = controller.Materials.Hover;
                            Color selected = controller.Materials.Selected;
                            controller.Materials = new ChartDynamicMaterial(data.FillMaterial, hover, selected);