Example #1
        void Awake()
            capCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

            manager = FindObjectOfType <HapticManager>();

            // Calculate the local positions of the ends of the collider
            switch (capCollider.direction)
            // X Axis
            case 0:

            // Y Axis
            case 1:

            // Z Axis
            case 2:
        void Start()
            hapticManager = FindObjectOfType <HapticManager>();

            bodyPartList = Enum.GetValues(typeof(HumanBodyBones)).Cast <HumanBodyBones>().ToList();

            SetDropdownOptions(patternDropdown, availablePatterns.Select(P => P.name).ToList(), true);
            SetDropdownOptions(bodyPartDropdown, bodyPartList.Select(P => P.ToString()).ToList(), true);

            // Make sure the functions are invoked once so the pattern isnt' null
        protected void Awake()
            targetManager = target as HapticManager;

            hapticSystemAndDevices = new Dictionary <string, List <HapticDeviceInfo> >();
            hapticSystemEditorInfo = new Dictionary <string, HapticSystemEditorInfo>();

            // Get all the haptic device classes in the project
            foreach (Type type in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(HapticDevice)).GetTypes())
                object[] attributeList = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HapticSystemAttribute), true);

                if (attributeList.Length > 0)
                    foreach (object currentAttribute in attributeList)
                        HapticSystemAttribute hapticAttribute = currentAttribute as HapticSystemAttribute;

                        if (!hapticSystemAndDevices.ContainsKey(hapticAttribute.SystemName))
                            hapticSystemAndDevices.Add(hapticAttribute.SystemName, new List <HapticDeviceInfo>()
                                new HapticDeviceInfo(hapticAttribute, type)

                            hapticSystemEditorInfo.Add(hapticAttribute.SystemName, new HapticSystemEditorInfo());
                            hapticSystemAndDevices[hapticAttribute.SystemName].Add(new HapticDeviceInfo(hapticAttribute, type));

            // Use EditorPrefs to find the devices that are being used by the developer
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <HapticDeviceInfo> > currentDevice in hapticSystemAndDevices)
                for (int n = 0; n < currentDevice.Value.Count; n++)
                    currentDevice.Value[n].isSelected = EditorPrefs.GetBool(Constants.EditorPrefLocation + currentDevice.Key + "." + currentDevice.Value[n].systemAttribute.DeviceName);

            useVisualizer = EditorPrefs.GetBool(Constants.EditorPrefLocation + "UseVisualizer");
        void Start()
            manager = FindObjectOfType <HapticManager>();

            // Hook into every device's event in the scene to know when they play a haptic pulse
            foreach (HapticDevice hapticDevice in manager.GetSetOfActiveDevices())
                hapticDevice.HapticFeedbackPlayed += HapticDevice_HapticFeedbackPlayed;

            // Grab all the body coordinates below this script in the hierarchy and save a reference to it
            bodyPartToCoordinate = new Dictionary <HumanBodyBones, BodyCoordinate>();

            foreach (BodyCoordinate bodyCoordinate in GetComponentsInChildren <BodyCoordinate>())
                if (!bodyPartToCoordinate.ContainsKey(bodyCoordinate.attachedBody))
                    bodyPartToCoordinate.Add(bodyCoordinate.attachedBody, bodyCoordinate);
        protected virtual void Start()
            manager = FindObjectOfType <HapticManager>();

            if (manager == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("No HapticManager found in scene. Please add a Haptic Manager to the scene.");

                enabled = false;
                manager.AddDevicePerBodyLocation(this, affectedBodyPart);

            // Since some types aren't serializable, use this method to rebuild them from serialized data

            if (hapticSystemInfo.ConnectedSDKType != null)
                VRTK_SDKManager.instance.LoadedSetupChanged += Instance_LoadedSetupChanged;