public EditableContentPropertySpecContext()
            EditableContent = new EditableContentProperty <object>(DisplayContent, EditContent);

            EditableContent.EditStarted   += (s, e) => EditStartedRaised = e.DisplayContent == DisplayContent.Value.Value && e.EditContent == EditContent.Value.Value;
            EditableContent.EditCompleted += (s, e) => EditCompletedRaised = e.DisplayContent == DisplayContent.Value.Value && e.EditContent == EditContent.Value.Value;
            EditableContent.EditCanceled  += (s, e) => EditCanceledRaised = e.DisplayContent == DisplayContent.Value.Value && e.EditContent == EditContent.Value.Value;
 void Ex03()
     When("the display content that is not null and the edit content that is null is specified to the constructor", () => Property = new EditableContentProperty <object>(DisplayContent, null));
     Then <ArgumentNullException>($"{typeof(ArgumentNullException)} should be thrown");
 void Ex01()
     When("the display content that is not null and the edit content that is not null is specified to the constructor", () => Property = new EditableContentProperty <object>(DisplayContent, EditContent));
     Then("the content of the editable content property should be the display content", () => Property.Content.Value == DisplayContent);