public InfoPane(GameMap map, Minestory game, SpriteFont font, Texture2D background) { = map; = game; this.font = font; this.background = new ImageItem(background); this.background.Color = Color.DarkGray; this.background.Alpha = 0.5f; Init(); }
public GameView(GameView parent, Minestory game) : base() { game.Window.ClientSizeChanged += (s, a) => AlignViewPane(); Media = new MediaManager(game); Media.Repeat = RepeatMode.RepeatAll; FadeInTime = 800; FadeOutTime = 400; Parent = parent; Game = game; }
public MapView(GameView parent, GameMap map, int width, int height, Minestory game) : base(parent) { mapTemplate = map; Width = width; Height = height; Media.AddSong("audio/songs/game_theme_0"); Media.AddSound("audio/sounds/numb_revealed"); Media.AddSound("audio/sounds/mine_revealed"); // Init(); // called automatically after added to a manager }
static void Main(string[] args) { var cred = args.Length == 0 ? FileManager.GetCred() : new string[5]; MySqlHelper.Init(cred[0], cred[1], cred[2], cred[3], cred[4]); using (var game = new Minestory( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chaotx" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "minestory")) game.Run(); }
public GameView(Minestory game) : this(null, game) { }
public MainMenuView(Minestory game) : base(game) { Media.AddSong("audio/songs/menu_theme_0"); // Media.AddSong("audio/songs/menu_theme_1"); // Init(); // called automatically after added to a manager }
public HighscoreView(GameView parent, Minestory game) : base(parent, game) { = game; // Init(); // called automatically after added to a manager }
public MapView(GameView parent, GameMap map, Minestory game) : this(parent, map, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, game) { }