/// <summary> /// Queries the waves. /// </summary> public void QueryWaves(WaveQuery query) { if (m_queryableOverlays.Count == 0) { return; } if (!query.sampleOverlay) { return; } bool clipOnly = query.mode == QUERY_MODE.CLIP_TEST; float x = query.posX; float z = query.posZ; //Find all the overlays that have a affect on the wave height at this position //This will be overlays with a height tex, a height mask or a clip texture GetQueryableContaining(x, z, query.overrideIgnoreQuerys, clipOnly); float clipSum = 0.0f; float heightSum = 0.0f; float maskSum = 0.0f; OverlayClipTexture clipTex = null; OverlayHeightTexture heightTex = null; for (int i = 0; i < m_containingOverlays.Count; i++) { QueryableOverlayResult result = m_containingOverlays[i]; //If enable read/write is not enabled on tex it will throw a exception. //Catch and ignore. try { clipTex = result.overlay.ClipTex; heightTex = result.overlay.HeightTex; //If overlay has a clip tex sample it. if (clipTex.IsDrawable && clipTex.tex is Texture2D) { float clip = (clipTex.tex as Texture2D).GetPixelBilinear(result.u, result.v).a; clipSum += clip * Mathf.Max(0.0f, clipTex.alpha); } //If overlay has a height or mask tex sample it. if (!clipOnly && heightTex.IsDrawable) { float alpha = heightTex.alpha; float maskAlpha = Mathf.Max(0.0f, heightTex.maskAlpha); float height = 0.0f; float mask = 0.0f; if (heightTex.tex != null && heightTex.tex is Texture2D) { height = (heightTex.tex as Texture2D).GetPixelBilinear(result.u, result.v).a; } if (heightTex.mask != null && heightTex.mask is Texture2D) { mask = (heightTex.mask as Texture2D).GetPixelBilinear(result.u, result.v).a; mask = Mathf.Clamp01(mask * maskAlpha); } //Apply the height and mask depending on mask mode. if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.WAVES) { height *= alpha; } else if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.OVERLAY) { height *= alpha * mask; mask = 0; } else if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.WAVES_AND_OVERLAY) { height *= alpha * (1.0f - mask); } else if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.WAVES_AND_OVERLAY_BLEND) { height *= alpha * mask; } if (HeightOverlayBlendMode == OVERLAY_BLEND_MODE.ADD) { heightSum += height; maskSum += mask; } else if (HeightOverlayBlendMode == OVERLAY_BLEND_MODE.MAX) { heightSum = Mathf.Max(height, heightSum); maskSum = Mathf.Max(mask, maskSum); } } } catch {} } clipSum = Mathf.Clamp01(clipSum); if (0.5f - clipSum < 0.0f) { query.result.isClipped = true; } maskSum = 1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01(maskSum); query.result.height *= maskSum; query.result.displacementX *= maskSum; query.result.displacementZ *= maskSum; query.result.height += heightSum; query.result.overlayHeight = heightSum; }
public void QueryWaves(WaveQuery query) { if (this.m_queryableOverlays.Count == 0) { return; } if (!query.sampleOverlay) { return; } bool flag = query.mode == QUERY_MODE.CLIP_TEST; float posX = query.posX; float posZ = query.posZ; this.GetQueryableContaining(posX, posZ, query.overrideIgnoreQuerys, flag); float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; float num3 = 0f; List <QueryableOverlayResult> .Enumerator enumerator = this.m_containingOverlays.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { QueryableOverlayResult current = enumerator.Current; try { OverlayClipTexture clipTex = current.overlay.ClipTex; OverlayHeightTexture heightTex = current.overlay.HeightTex; if (clipTex.IsDrawable && clipTex.tex is Texture2D) { float a = (clipTex.tex as Texture2D).GetPixelBilinear(current.u, current.v).a; num += a * Mathf.Max(0f, clipTex.alpha); } if (!flag && heightTex.IsDrawable) { float alpha = heightTex.alpha; float num4 = Mathf.Max(0f, heightTex.maskAlpha); float num5 = 0f; float num6 = 0f; if (heightTex.tex != null && heightTex.tex is Texture2D) { num5 = (heightTex.tex as Texture2D).GetPixelBilinear(current.u, current.v).a; } if (heightTex.mask != null && heightTex.mask is Texture2D) { num6 = (heightTex.mask as Texture2D).GetPixelBilinear(current.u, current.v).a; num6 = Mathf.Clamp01(num6 * num4); } if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.WAVES) { num5 *= alpha; } else if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.OVERLAY) { num5 *= alpha * num6; num6 = 0f; } else if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.WAVES_AND_OVERLAY) { num5 *= alpha * (1f - num6); } else if (heightTex.maskMode == OVERLAY_MASK_MODE.WAVES_AND_OVERLAY_BLEND) { num5 *= alpha * num6; } if (this.HeightOverlayBlendMode == OVERLAY_BLEND_MODE.ADD) { num2 += num5; num3 += num6; } else if (this.HeightOverlayBlendMode == OVERLAY_BLEND_MODE.MAX) { num2 = Mathf.Max(num5, num2); num3 = Mathf.Max(num6, num3); } } } catch { } } num = Mathf.Clamp01(num); if (0.5f - num < 0f) { query.result.isClipped = true; } num3 = 1f - Mathf.Clamp01(num3); query.result.height = query.result.height * num3; query.result.displacementX = query.result.displacementX * num3; query.result.displacementZ = query.result.displacementZ * num3; query.result.height = query.result.height + num2; query.result.overlayHeight = num2; }