Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a new search.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nnEvaluators"></param>
        /// <param name="paramsSelect"></param>
        /// <param name="paramsSearch"></param>
        /// <param name="limitManager"></param>
        /// <param name="paramsSearchExecutionPostprocessor"></param>
        /// <param name="reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="priorMoves"></param>
        /// <param name="searchLimit"></param>
        /// <param name="verbose"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="gameMoveHistory"></param>
        /// <param name="progressCallback"></param>
        /// <param name="possiblyUsePositionCache"></param>
        /// <param name="isFirstMoveOfGame"></param>
        public void Search(NNEvaluatorSet nnEvaluators,
                           ParamsSelect paramsSelect,
                           ParamsSearch paramsSearch,
                           IManagerGameLimit limitManager,
                           ParamsSearchExecutionModifier paramsSearchExecutionPostprocessor,
                           MCTSIterator reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes,
                           PositionWithHistory priorMoves,
                           SearchLimit searchLimit, bool verbose,
                           DateTime startTime,
                           List <GameMoveStat> gameMoveHistory,
                           MCTSManager.MCTSProgressCallback progressCallback = null,
                           bool possiblyUsePositionCache = false,
                           bool isFirstMoveOfGame        = false)
            searchLimit = AdjustedSearchLimit(searchLimit, paramsSearch);

            int maxNodes;

                // In this mode, we are just reserving virtual address space
                // from a very large pool (e.g. 256TB for Windows).
                // Therefore it is safe to reserve a very large block.
                maxNodes = (int)(1.1f * MCTSNodeStore.MAX_NODES);
                if (searchLimit.SearchCanBeExpanded)
                    throw new Exception("STORAGE_USE_INCREMENTAL_ALLOC must be true when SearchCanBeExpanded.");

                if (searchLimit.Type != SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove)
                    maxNodes = (int)searchLimit.Value + 5_000;
                    throw new Exception("STORAGE_USE_INCREMENTAL_ALLOC must be true when using time search limits.");

            MCTSNodeStore store = new MCTSNodeStore(maxNodes, priorMoves);

            SearchLimit searchLimitToUse = ConvertedSearchLimit(priorMoves.FinalPosition, searchLimit, 0, 0,
                                                                paramsSearch, limitManager,
                                                                gameMoveHistory, isFirstMoveOfGame);

            Manager = new MCTSManager(store, reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes, null, null,
                                      nnEvaluators, paramsSearch, paramsSelect,
                                      searchLimitToUse, paramsSearchExecutionPostprocessor, limitManager,
                                      startTime, null, gameMoveHistory, isFirstMoveOfGame);

            using (new SearchContextExecutionBlock(Manager.Context))
                (BestMove, TimingInfo) = MCTSManager.Search(Manager, verbose, progressCallback, possiblyUsePositionCache);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a search, possibly continuing from node
        /// nested in a prior search (tree reuse).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priorSearch"></param>
        /// <param name="reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="moves"></param>
        /// <param name="newPositionAndMoves"></param>
        /// <param name="gameMoveHistory"></param>
        /// <param name="searchLimit"></param>
        /// <param name="verbose"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="progressCallback"></param>
        /// <param name="thresholdMinFractionNodesRetained"></param>
        /// <param name="isFirstMoveOfGame"></param>
        public void SearchContinue(MCTSearch priorSearch,
                                   MCTSIterator reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes,
                                   IEnumerable <MGMove> moves, PositionWithHistory newPositionAndMoves,
                                   List <GameMoveStat> gameMoveHistory,
                                   SearchLimit searchLimit,
                                   bool verbose, DateTime startTime,
                                   MCTSManager.MCTSProgressCallback progressCallback,
                                   float thresholdMinFractionNodesRetained,
                                   bool isFirstMoveOfGame = false)
            CountSearchContinuations = priorSearch.CountSearchContinuations;
            Manager = priorSearch.Manager;

            MCTSIterator  priorContext    = Manager.Context;
            MCTSNodeStore store           = priorContext.Tree.Store;
            int           numNodesInitial = Manager == null ? 0 : Manager.Root.N;

            MCTSNodeStructIndex newRootIndex;

            using (new SearchContextExecutionBlock(priorContext))
                MCTSNode newRoot = FollowMovesToNode(Manager.Root, moves);

                // New root is not useful if contained no search
                // (for example if it was resolved via tablebase)
                // thus in that case we pretend as if we didn't find it
                if (newRoot != null && (newRoot.N == 0 || newRoot.NumPolicyMoves == 0))
                    newRoot = null;

                // Check for possible instant move
                (MCTSManager, MGMove, TimingStats)instamove = CheckInstamove(Manager, searchLimit, newRoot);

                if (instamove != default)
                    // Modify in place to point to the new root
                    continationSubroot = newRoot;
                    BestMove           = instamove.Item2;
                    TimingInfo         = new TimingStats();
                    CountSearchContinuations = 0;

                // TODO: don't reuse tree if it would cause the nodes in use
                //       to exceed a reasonable value for this machine
#if NOT
// NOTE: abandoned, small subtrees will be fast to rewrite so we can always do this
                // Only rewrite the store with the subtree reused
                // if it is not tiny relative to the current tree
                // (otherwise the scan/rewrite is not worth it
                float       fracTreeReuse        = newRoot.N / store.Nodes.NumUsedNodes;
                const float THRESHOLD_REUSE_TREE = 0.02f;
                // Inform contempt manager about the opponents move
                // (compared to the move we believed was optimal)
                if (newRoot != null && newRoot.Depth == 2)
                    MCTSNode opponentsPriorMove = newRoot;
                    MCTSNode bestMove           = opponentsPriorMove.Parent.ChildrenSorted(n => (float)n.Q)[0];
                    if (bestMove.N > opponentsPriorMove.N / 10)
                        float bestQ   = (float)bestMove.Q;
                        float actualQ = (float)opponentsPriorMove.Q;
                        Manager.Context.ContemptManager.RecordOpponentMove(actualQ, bestQ);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Record " + actualQ + " vs best " + bestQ + " target contempt " + priorManager.Context.ContemptManager.TargetContempt);

                bool storeIsAlmostFull          = priorContext.Tree.Store.FractionInUse > 0.9f;
                bool newRootIsBigEnoughForReuse = newRoot != null && newRoot.N >= (priorContext.Root.N * thresholdMinFractionNodesRetained);
                if (priorContext.ParamsSearch.TreeReuseEnabled && newRootIsBigEnoughForReuse && !storeIsAlmostFull)
                    SearchLimit searchLimitAdjusted = searchLimit;

                    if (Manager.Context.ParamsSearch.Execution.TranspositionMode != TranspositionMode.None)
                        // The MakeChildNewRoot method is not able to handle transposition linkages
                        // (this would be complicated and could involve linkages to nodes no longer in the retained subtree).
                        // Therefore we first materialize any transposition linked nodes in the subtree.
                        // Since this is not currently multithreaded we can turn off tree node locking for the duration.
                        newRoot.Tree.ChildCreateLocks.LockingActive = false;
                        newRoot.Tree.ChildCreateLocks.LockingActive = true;

                    // Now rewrite the tree nodes and children "in situ"
                    PositionEvalCache reusePositionCache = null;
                    if (Manager.Context.ParamsSearch.TreeReuseRetainedPositionCacheEnabled)
                        reusePositionCache = new PositionEvalCache(0);

                    TranspositionRootsDict newTranspositionRoots = null;
                    if (priorContext.Tree.TranspositionRoots != null)
                        int estNumNewTranspositionRoots = newRoot.N + newRoot.N / 3; // somewhat oversize to allow for growth in subsequent search
                        newTranspositionRoots = new TranspositionRootsDict(estNumNewTranspositionRoots);

                    // TODO: Consider sometimes or always skip rebuild via MakeChildNewRoot,
                    //       instead just set a new root (move it into place as first node).
                    //       Perhaps rebuild only if the MCTSNodeStore would become excessively large.
                    TimingStats makeNewRootTimingStats = new TimingStats();
                    using (new TimingBlock(makeNewRootTimingStats, TimingBlock.LoggingType.None))
                        MCTSNodeStructStorage.MakeChildNewRoot(store, Manager.Context.ParamsSelect.PolicySoftmax, ref newRoot.Ref, newPositionAndMoves,
                                                               reusePositionCache, newTranspositionRoots);
                    MCTSManager.TotalTimeSecondsInMakeNewRoot += (float)makeNewRootTimingStats.ElapsedTimeSecs;

                    CeresEnvironment.LogInfo("MCTS", "MakeChildNewRoot", $"Select {newRoot.N:N0} from {numNodesInitial:N0} "
                                             + $"in {(int)(makeNewRootTimingStats.ElapsedTimeSecs/1000.0)}ms");

                    // Finally if nodes adjust based on current nodes
                    if (searchLimit.Type == SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove)
                        searchLimitAdjusted = new SearchLimit(SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove, searchLimit.Value + store.RootNode.N);

                    // Construct a new search manager reusing this modified store and modified transposition roots
                    MCTSManager manager = new MCTSManager(store, reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes, reusePositionCache, newTranspositionRoots,
                                                          priorContext.NNEvaluators, priorContext.ParamsSearch, priorContext.ParamsSelect,
                                                          searchLimitAdjusted, Manager.ParamsSearchExecutionPostprocessor, Manager.LimitManager,
                                                          startTime, Manager, gameMoveHistory, isFirstMoveOfGame: isFirstMoveOfGame);
                    manager.Context.ContemptManager = priorContext.ContemptManager;

                    bool possiblyUsePositionCache = false; // TODO could this be relaxed?
                    (MGMove move, TimingStats stats)result = MCTSManager.Search(manager, verbose, progressCallback, possiblyUsePositionCache);
                    BestMove   = result.move;
                    TimingInfo = result.stats;
                    Manager    = manager;

                    // We decided not to (or couldn't find) that path in the existing tree
                    // Just run the search from scratch
                    if (verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nFailed nSearchFollowingMoves.");

                    Search(Manager.Context.NNEvaluators, Manager.Context.ParamsSelect,
                           Manager.Context.ParamsSearch, Manager.LimitManager,
                           null, reuseOtherContextForEvaluatedNodes, newPositionAndMoves, searchLimit, verbose,
                           startTime, gameMoveHistory, progressCallback, false);

#if NOT
            // This code partly or completely works
            // We don't rely upon it because it could result in uncontained growth of the store,
            // since detached nodes are left
            // But if the subtree chosen is almost the whole tree, maybe we could indeed use this techinque as an alternate in these cases
            if (store.ResetRootAssumingMovesMade(moves, thresholdFractionNodesRetained))
                SearchManager manager = new SearchManager(store, priorContext.ParamsNN,
                                                          priorContext.ParamsSearch, priorContext.ParamsSelect,
                                                          null, limit);
                manager.Context.TranspositionRoots = priorContext.TranspositionRoots;

                return(Search(manager, false, verbose, progressCallback, false));