Example #1
 public ImageCell(SessionResult imageOBJ)
     ImgOBJ = imageOBJ;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;

             * Create the Alert View effect by changeing the background(parent) color and alpha.

            TopMostParent = PresentingViewController;
            TopMostParent.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray;
            TopMostParent.View.Alpha           = 0.3f;

            CancelSessionButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>
                 * Restore the default View effect by changeing the background(parent) color and alpha
                 * as well as close the Modal Presentation controller.
                TopMostParent.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
                TopMostParent.View.Alpha           = 1.0f;
            StartSessionButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>
                //new UIAlertView("Start", null, null, "Ok", null).Show();
                //FinishScreenController finishedScreen = new FinishScreenController(tabBar);
                FinishScreenController finishedScreen = new FinishScreenController(tabBar, SessionSource, runsTableViewController, imageTableViewController, CurrentProfile, CurrentCategory);
                SessionController      RunSession     = new SessionController(CurrentProfile, CurrentCategory, finishedScreen);

                finishedScreen.ReturnSessionData += (CurrentSession currentSession, int Attempted, int Correct) =>
                    //add the results to the database
                    if (CurrentProfile != null)                     //Valid Profile
                        //create the session
                        Session newSession = new Session();
                        newSession.SessionDate     = DateTime.Now.ToString("d");
                        newSession.ParentProfileID = CurrentProfile.ID;
                        //newSession.SessionScore = Attempted / Correct * 1.0;
                        newSession.Attempted  = Attempted;
                        newSession.Correct    = Correct;
                        newSession.CategoryID = CurrentCategory.ID;

                        int insertResult = new DatabaseContext <Session>().Insert(newSession);

                        //submit the results to that database
                        foreach (Result res in currentSession.SessionResultsList)
                            SessionResult temp = new SessionResult();
                            temp.ParentSessionID = newSession.ID;
                            temp.SessionImageID  = res.ResultImageID;
                            temp.categoryID      = CurrentCategory.ID;

                            if (res.ImageIncorrect)
                                temp.Missed       = true;
                                temp.ResultString = "M";
                            else if (res.ImageIndependent)
                                temp.Independent  = true;
                                temp.ResultString = "I";
                                temp.Prompted     = true;
                                temp.ResultString = "P";
                            new DatabaseContext <SessionResult>().Insert(temp);
                        //update the profile with the lates date
                        CurrentProfile.LastSessionDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d");
                        new DatabaseContext <Profiles>().Update(CurrentProfile);

                RunSession.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.OverCurrentContext;
                RunSession.ModalTransitionStyle   = UIModalTransitionStyle.CrossDissolve;

                TopMostParent.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
                TopMostParent.View.Alpha           = 1.0f;
                TopMostParent.PresentViewController(RunSession, true, null);
            DisplayLabelsToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
                //get toggle switch state
                if (DisplayLabelsToggle.On)
                    //new UIAlertView("Toggle On", null, null, "Ok", null).Show();
                    CurrentProfile.showLabelSettings = true;
                    new DatabaseContext <Profiles>().Update(CurrentProfile);
                    //new UIAlertView("Toggle Off", null, null, "Ok", null).Show();
                    CurrentProfile.showLabelSettings = false;
                    new DatabaseContext <Profiles>().Update(CurrentProfile);
            DisplayPictureToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
                //get toggle switch state
                if (DisplayPictureToggle.On)
                    //new UIAlertView("Toggle On", null, null, "Ok", null).Show();
                    CurrentProfile.showImageSettings = true;
                    new DatabaseContext <Profiles>().Update(CurrentProfile);
                    //new UIAlertView("Toggle Off", null, null, "Ok", null).Show();
                    CurrentProfile.showImageSettings = false;
                    new DatabaseContext <Profiles>().Update(CurrentProfile);