Inheritance: System.Attribute, IParameterBinder
Example #1
        private object LoadActiveRecord(Type type, object pk, ARFetchAttribute attr, ActiveRecordModel model)
            object obj = null;

            if (pk != null && !String.Empty.Equals(pk))
                PrimaryKeyModel pkModel = (PrimaryKeyModel)model.Ids[0];

                Type pkType = pkModel.Property.PropertyType;

                if (pk.GetType() != pkType)
                    pk = Convert.ChangeType(pk, pkType);

                obj = SupportingUtils.FindByPK(type, pk, attr.Required);

            if (obj == null && attr.Create)
                obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

Example #2
        protected override bool BindComplexParameter(ParameterInfo param, IRequest request, object[] args, int argIndex)
            object[] arBinderAttributes = param.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ARDataBindAttribute), false);

            if (arBinderAttributes.Length != 0)
                ARDataBindAttribute attr = (ARDataBindAttribute)arBinderAttributes[0];

                args[argIndex] = CustomBindObject(attr.From, param.ParameterType,
                                                  attr.Prefix, attr.NestedLevel, attr.Exclude, attr.Allow, attr.AutoLoad);


            object[] fetchAttributes = param.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ARFetchAttribute), false);

            if (fetchAttributes.Length != 0)
                ARFetchAttribute attr = (ARFetchAttribute)fetchAttributes[0];
                args[argIndex] = FetchActiveRecord(param, attr, request);

            return(base.BindComplexParameter(param, request, args, argIndex));
Example #3
        private object LoadActiveRecord(Type type, object pk, ARFetchAttribute attr, ActiveRecordModel model)
            object instance = null;

            if (pk != null && !String.Empty.Equals(pk))
                var pkModel = ObtainPrimaryKey(model);

                var pkType = pkModel.Property.PropertyType;

                bool conversionSucceeded;
                var  convertedPk = converter.Convert(pkType, pk.GetType(), pk, out conversionSucceeded);

                if (!conversionSucceeded)
                    throw new MonoRailException("ARFetcher could not convert PK {0} to type {1}", pk, pkType);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Eager))
                    // simple load
                    instance = ActiveRecordMediator.FindByPrimaryKey(type, convertedPk, attr.Required);
                    // load using eager fetching of lazy collections
                    var criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(type);
                    criteria.Add(Expression.Eq(pkModel.Property.Name, convertedPk));
                    foreach (var associationToEagerFetch in attr.Eager.Split(','))
                        var clean = associationToEagerFetch.Trim();
                        if (clean.Length == 0)

                        criteria.SetFetchMode(clean, FetchMode.Eager);

                    var result = (object[])ActiveRecordMediator.FindAll(type, criteria);
                    if (result.Length > 0)
                        instance = result[0];

            if (instance == null && attr.Create)
                instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

Example #4
		private object LoadActiveRecord(Type type, object pk, ARFetchAttribute attr, ActiveRecordModel model)
			object instance = null;

			if (pk != null && !String.Empty.Equals(pk))
				PrimaryKeyModel pkModel = ObtainPrimaryKey(model);

				Type pkType = pkModel.Property.PropertyType;

				bool conversionSucceeded;
				object convertedPk = converter.Convert(pkType, pk.GetType(), pk, out conversionSucceeded);
				if (!conversionSucceeded)
					throw new RailsException("ARFetcher could not convert PK {0} to type {1}", pk, pkType);

				if (attr.Eager == null || attr.Eager.Length == 0)
					// simple load
					instance = ActiveRecordMediator.FindByPrimaryKey(type, convertedPk, attr.Required);
					// load using eager fetching of lazy collections
					DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(type);
					criteria.Add(Expression.Eq(pkModel.Property.Name, convertedPk));
					foreach (string associationToEagerFetch in attr.Eager.Split(','))
						string clean = associationToEagerFetch.Trim();
						if (clean.Length == 0)
						criteria.SetFetchMode(clean, FetchMode.Eager);
					object[] result = (object[]) ActiveRecordMediator.FindAll(type, criteria);
					if (result.Length > 0)
						instance = result[0];

			if (instance == null && attr.Create)
				instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

			return instance;
Example #5
        protected override String GetRequestParameterName(ParameterInfo param)
            object[] fetchAttributes = param.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ARFetchAttribute), false);

            if (fetchAttributes.Length == 0)

            ARFetchAttribute attr = (ARFetchAttribute)fetchAttributes[0];

            return(attr.RequestParameterName != null
                                ? attr.RequestParameterName
                                : base.GetRequestParameterName(param));
Example #6
        public object FetchActiveRecord(ParameterInfo param,
                                        ARFetchAttribute attr,
                                        IRequest request,
                                        IDictionary <string, object> customActionParameters)
            var type = param.ParameterType;

            var isArray = type.IsArray;

            if (isArray)
                type = type.GetElementType();

            var model = ActiveRecordModel.GetModel(type);

            if (model == null)
                throw new MonoRailException(String.Format("'{0}' is not an ActiveRecord " +
                                                          "class. It could not be bound to an [ARFetch] attribute.", type.Name));

            if (model.CompositeKey != null)
                throw new MonoRailException("ARFetch only supports single-attribute primary keys");

            var webParamName = attr.RequestParameterName ?? param.Name;

            if (!isArray)
                var value = GetParameterValue(webParamName, customActionParameters, request);
                return(LoadActiveRecord(type, value, attr, model));

            var pks = GetParameterValues(webParamName, customActionParameters, request);

            var objs = Array.CreateInstance(type, pks.Length);

            for (var i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
                objs.SetValue(LoadActiveRecord(type, pks[i], attr, model), i);

Example #7
		public object FetchActiveRecord(ParameterInfo param, ARFetchAttribute attr, IRequest request)
			Type type = param.ParameterType;

			bool isArray = type.IsArray;

			if (isArray) type = type.GetElementType();

			ActiveRecordModel model = ActiveRecordModel.GetModel(type);

			if (model == null)
				throw new RailsException(String.Format("'{0}' is not an ActiveRecord " +
					"class. It could not be bound to an [ARFetch] attribute.", type.Name));

			if (model.CompositeKey != null)
				throw new RailsException("ARFetch only supports single-attribute primary keys");

			String webParamName = attr.RequestParameterName != null ? attr.RequestParameterName : param.Name;

			if (!isArray)
				return LoadActiveRecord(type, request.Params[webParamName], attr, model);

			object[] pks = request.Params.GetValues(webParamName);

			if (pks == null)
				pks = new object[0];

			Array objs = Array.CreateInstance(type, pks.Length);

			for(int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
				objs.SetValue(LoadActiveRecord(type, pks[i], attr, model), i);

			return objs;
		public object FetchActiveRecord(ParameterInfo param, 
			ARFetchAttribute attr, 
			IRequest request, 
			IDictionary<string, object> customActionParameters)
			var type = param.ParameterType;

			var isArray = type.IsArray;

			if (isArray) type = type.GetElementType();

			var model = ActiveRecordModel.GetModel(type);

			if (model == null)
				throw new MonoRailException(String.Format("'{0}' is not an ActiveRecord " +
					"class. It could not be bound to an [ARFetch] attribute.", type.Name));

			if (model.CompositeKey != null)
				throw new MonoRailException("ARFetch only supports single-attribute primary keys");

			var webParamName = attr.RequestParameterName ?? param.Name;

			if (!isArray)
				var value = GetParameterValue(webParamName, customActionParameters, request);
				return LoadActiveRecord(type, value, attr, model);

			var pks = GetParameterValues(webParamName, customActionParameters, request);

			var objs = Array.CreateInstance(type, pks.Length);

			for(var i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
				objs.SetValue(LoadActiveRecord(type, pks[i], attr, model), i);

			return objs;
Example #9
        private object FetchActiveRecord(ParameterInfo param, ARFetchAttribute attr, IRequest request)
            Type type = param.ParameterType;

            bool isArray = type.IsArray;

            if (isArray)
                type = type.GetElementType();

            ActiveRecordModel model = ActiveRecordModel.GetModel(type);

            if (model == null)
                throw new RailsException(String.Format("'{0}' is not an ActiveRecord " +
                                                       "class. It could not be bound to an [ARFetch] attribute.", type.Name));

            if (model.Ids.Count != 1)
                throw new RailsException("ARFetch only supports single-attribute primary keys");

            String webParamName = attr.RequestParameterName != null ? attr.RequestParameterName : param.Name;

            if (!isArray)
                return(LoadActiveRecord(type, request.Params[webParamName], attr, model));

            object[] pks = request.Params.GetValues(webParamName);

            Array objs = Array.CreateInstance(type, pks.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
                objs.SetValue(LoadActiveRecord(type, pks[i], attr, model), i);
