internal static int GetTotalNumProducts()
            var context = new CommereceDBContext();

            //gets the amount of products in the DB. it uses count because its a query.
Example #2
        public static void AddMemeber(Member m)
            var context = new CommereceDBContext();


        public static Product GetProductById(int id)
            CommereceDBContext context = new CommereceDBContext();
            //finds a single product by its id number
            Product p = context.Products.Find(id);

Example #4
        public static bool IsUsernameTaken(RegistrationViewModel reg)
            //check if username is unique
            var  db          = new CommereceDBContext();
            bool isNameTaken = (from mem in db.Members
                                where mem.UserName == reg.UserName
                                select mem).Count() == 1;

        public static void Update(Product p)
            var context = new CommereceDBContext();

            //Tell EF this product has only been modified
            //It's already in the database
            context.Entry(p).State = EntityState.Modified;
            //Send Update query to the DB
Example #6
        public static bool UserExists(LoginViewModel login)
            var db = new CommereceDBContext();

            bool doesExists = (from mem in db.Members
                               where mem.UserName == login.Username && mem.Password == login.Password
                               select mem).Any();                                   // the query ran will determine if the loginViewModel form filled with a pass and username

            // is in the database if it is the any() at the end will return true so does exists will be true;
        //missisng something

        public static void DeleteProduct(int id)
            var context = new CommereceDBContext();
            //makes Ef recognize that p came from the DB.
            Product p = context.Products.Find(id);

            //marks p for deletion
            //sends the above query to the DB
        public static List <Product> GetProductByPage(int page, byte pageSize)
            //database instance
            CommereceDBContext context  = new CommereceDBContext();
            List <Product>     prodList = context
                                          .Take(pageSize)                           // get all products from context but take a PageSize amount only
                                          .OrderBy(p => p.Name)
                                          .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize)              // skips the amount of PageSize allowed by what page you are on.
                                          .ToList();                                // gets all products and turns it into a list.

        // step 1. create a instance of the db
        // step 2. Add a pending object
        // step 3. execute the add using saveChanges();

        /// <summary>
        /// adds a product to the database using entity syntax.           //////////////////// REFERENCE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public static void AddProduct(Product p)
            //Create instance of DBContext class.
            //context is referencingthe DB
            CommereceDBContext context = new CommereceDBContext();

            //Prepare insert statement
            //tells entity you want to add a product (p) to the database dosnt add it.
            // 3.
            //Execute pending insert    //the pending insert is what was done above with context.Products.Add(p)
Example #10
        // if your class is static your methods should be static too.
        /// <summary>
        /// should return a list of all products from the products table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>list of type products</returns>
        public static List <Product> GetAllProducts()
            //linq query syntax to query the db. (Language Integrated Query)
            CommereceDBContext context = new CommereceDBContext();
            //Method 1: LINQ Query Syntax
            // basically saying for every p (product in products table)
            //what we are trying to do
            //SELECT * FROM Products ORDER BY Name
            List <Product> products = (from p in context.Products
                                       orderby p.Name
                                       select p).ToList();

            //METHOD 2: LINQ Method Syntax
            List <Product> products2 = context.Products.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList();
