public ArrayList GetCarFeatures(string sCarId, string AuthenticationID, string CustomerID)
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        CarFeatures objCarFeatures = new CarFeatures();
        ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
        MobileBL objMobileBL = new MobileBL();
        if (CustomerID.Trim() != "")
            DataSet dsSaveCustInfo = objMobileBL.SaveMobileCustomerInfo("GetCarFeatures", CustomerID,AuthenticationID,sCarId);

        if (AuthenticationID == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppleID"].ToString())
            ds = objCarFeatures.GetCarFeatures(sCarId);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    arr.Add(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FeatureTypeName"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FeatureName"].ToString());

        return arr;
    public ArrayList GetCarFeatures(string sCarId)
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        CarFeatures objCarFeatures = new CarFeatures();
        ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
        ds = objCarFeatures.GetCarFeatures(sCarId);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                arr.Add(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FeatureTypeName"].ToString() + "," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FeatureName"].ToString());
        return arr;
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// New Modified shravan 0614 2012
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strMailFormat"></param>
    /// <param name="dtMultiSite"></param>
    /// <param name="CarsDetails"></param>
    public string SendMultiListMail(ref string strMailFormat, DataTable dtMultiSite, string Carid, string PackageName, string RegName, string UniqueID)
        string strMail = string.Empty;

        List<CarsInfo.UsedCarsInfo> obUsedCarsInfo = new List<CarsInfo.UsedCarsInfo>();
        UsedCarsSearch obj = new UsedCarsSearch();
        obUsedCarsInfo = (List<CarsInfo.UsedCarsInfo>)obj.FindCarID(Carid);

        string SellerName = obUsedCarsInfo[0].SellerName;

        string Phone = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Phone;
        string Address = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Address1;
        string City = obUsedCarsInfo[0].City;
        string State = obUsedCarsInfo[0].State;
        int PriceAsk = Convert.ToInt32(obUsedCarsInfo[0].Price.ToString());
        string Price = string.Empty;
        if (PriceAsk != 0)
            Price = string.Format("{0:C0}", PriceAsk);
            Price = "";
        int MileageGiven = Convert.ToInt32(obUsedCarsInfo[0].Mileage.ToString());
        System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo nfi;
        nfi = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
        nfi.CurrencySymbol = "";
        string Mileage = string.Empty;
        if (MileageGiven != 0)
            Mileage = string.Format(nfi, "{0:C0}", MileageGiven);
            Mileage = "";

        if (Address == "Emp")
            Address = "";
        if (City == "Emp")
            City = "";

        if (RegName == "")
            SellerName = "";
            SellerName = RegName;

        if (Phone == "Emp")
            Phone = " ";
            Phone = objGeneralFunc.filPhnm(obUsedCarsInfo[0].Phone.ToString());

        string path = string.Empty;

        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].PIC0 != "Emp")
            path = obUsedCarsInfo[0].PICLOC0 + "/" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].PIC0;
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                path = path.Replace("\\", "/");

            path = path.Replace("//", "/");
            path = path.Replace(" ", "%20");
            string carMake = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make;
            string carModel = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model;
            carMake = carMake.Replace(' ', '-');
            carModel = carModel.Replace(' ', '-');
            carModel = carModel.Replace('/', '@');
            //if (carModel.IndexOf('/') > 0)
            //    carModel = "Other";
            var MakeModel = carMake + "_" + carModel;
            MakeModel = MakeModel.Replace(' ', '-');

            path = "images/MakeModelThumbs/" + MakeModel + ".jpg";
        string sDescription = string.Empty;
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].Description == "Emp")
            sDescription = "";
            sDescription = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Description;


        string makeForUrl = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make;
        makeForUrl = makeForUrl.Replace(" ", "%20");
        string ModelForUrl = obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model;
        ModelForUrl = ModelForUrl.Replace(" ", "%20");
        ModelForUrl = ModelForUrl.Replace("&", "@");

        strMail += "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#fff\" style=\"float:left;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);font-family:Arial,'sans serif'\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td align=\"center\"><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>"; ;
        strMail += "<td colspan=\"3\">&nbsp;</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\" height=\"359\"><img src=\"\"></td>";
        strMail += "<td rowspan=\"2\"><table width=\"730\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td bgcolor=\"#2d2d2d\" height=\"42\" valign=\"middle\"><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" valign=\"middle\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>"; ;
        strMail += "<td colspan=\"4\" height=\"2\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"12\"></td>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"453\" style=\"color:#fff;font-size:12px;font-family:Arial,'sans serif'\"> Multi-Site Promotion Report for:&nbsp;";
        //Car Year Make Model text start
        strMail += "<strong>";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].YearOfMake + " " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make + " " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model;
        strMail += "</strong></td>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"243\" align=\"right\" style=\"font-size:12px;color:rgb(255,197,190);padding-right:10px; font-weight:normal;\">";
        //Customer Name and Phone Number string
        ///strMail += "Cynthia Nusbaum (518-821-9009)";
        strMail += SellerName + " " + (Phone) + "<br />";
        //report date start
        strMail += "<span style=\"color:#fff;font-size:12px; font-weight:normal;\">Report Date:&nbsp; ";
        strMail += string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyy}", System.DateTime.Now.ToString());

        strMail += "</span></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
        strMail += "      </table></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td bgcolor=\"#c32c2c\" height=\"6\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"239\" style=\"background:url( center no-repeat\"><table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"156\"></td>";
        strMail += "<td></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"8\"></td>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"30\" style=\"text-shadow:rgb(102,102,102) 1px 1px;color:#fff;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial,'sans serif'\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">";
        strMail += "<div style=\"width:214px;min-height:68px;border:none;outline:none; position:relative; top:-158px\"> </div>";
        strMail += "    </a></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
        strMail += "    </table></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
        strMail += "</table>";
        strMail += "<table width=\"730\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"10\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"10\"></td>";

        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td>";

        strMail += "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\">";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"color: rgb(51,51,51); font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; font-family: Arial,'sans serif'\"";
        strMail += "valign=\"top\">";
        strMail += "<h3 style=\"font-family: HelveticaNeueBold,HelveticaNeue-Bold,'Helvetica Neue Bold',helvetica,arial,'sans serif';";
        strMail += "line-height: 25px; font-size: 22px; color: #CB3024; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px\">";
        strMail += "Key Listing Parameters</h3>";
        strMail += "<table style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; color: #232323; width: 438px;";
        strMail += "background: #ccc;\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\" width=\"125\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Registrant Name</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += SellerName;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Email Address</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Email;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Phone</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += Phone;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        //strMail += "<tr>";
        //strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        //strMail += "<strong>Package Type</strong>";
        //strMail += "</td>";
        //strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        //strMail += PackageName;
        //strMail += "</td>";
        //strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Make</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Model</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Year</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].YearOfMake;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Mileage</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        if (Mileage != "")
            strMail += Mileage + "ml";
            strMail += Mileage;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>Asking Price</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += Price;
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<strong>United Car Exchange Listing Link</strong>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"background: #fff; padding: 5px\">";
        strMail += "<a href='" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].YearOfMake + "-" + makeForUrl + "-" + ModelForUrl + "-" + UniqueID + "'" + " style=\"color: #CB3024\" target=\"_blank\">";
        strMail += " Click here</a>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "</tbody>";
        strMail += "</table>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\">";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"width: 200px;padding-top:50px;\" valign=\"top\">";
        //strMail += "<a target=\"_blank\" href='" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make.ToString() + "&Model=" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model.ToString() + "&ZipCode=0&WithinZip=5&C=4zVbl2Mc" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Carid.ToString() + "'";
        strMail += "<img src='" + path + "'" + " style=\"margin-top: 4px\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\">";
        //strMail += "</a>";
        strMail += "  <br>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\">";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "</tbody>";
        strMail += "</table>";

        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"10\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td  height=\"1\" style=\"border-top:1px dotted #C7C7C7\">&nbsp;</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"10\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        if (dtMultiSite.Rows.Count > 0)

            strMail += "<tr>";
            strMail += "<td><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
            strMail += "<tbody>";

            strMail += "<tr>";
            strMail += "<td width=\"30\"></td>";
            strMail += "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"color:rgb(51,51,51);font-size:14px;line-height:20px;font-family:Arial,'sans serif'\">";
            strMail += "<h3 style=\"font-family:HelveticaNeueBold,HelveticaNeue-Bold,'Helvetica Neue Bold',helvetica,arial,'sans serif';line-height:25px;font-size:22px;color:#CB3024;text-align:left;margin-bottom:10px\">Multi - Site Submitted URLs</h3>";

            strMail += "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"margin:0px;padding:0px;font-size:12px;width:668px;color:rgb(18,18,18);overflow:hidden; background:#ccc;\">";
            strMail += "<tbody>";
            strMail += "<tr>";
            strMail += "<td style=\"width:200px; background:#ccc; padding:5px\"><strong style=\"color:#333; text-decoration:none\">Site Name</strong></td>";
            strMail += "<td style=\"background:#ccc; padding:5px\"><strong style=\"color:#333; text-decoration:none\">Posted URL</strong></td>";
            strMail += "<td style=\"width:80px;background:#ccc; padding:5px\"><strong style=\"color:#333; text-decoration:none\">Post Date</strong></td>";
            //strMail += "<td style=\"width:80px;background:#ccc; padding:5px\"><strong style=\"color:#333; text-decoration:none\">Expiry Date</strong></td>";
            strMail += "</tr>";

            for (int i = 0; i < dtMultiSite.Rows.Count; i++)
                strMail += "<tr>";
                strMail += "<td style=\"width:200px; background:#fff; padding:5px\"><strong style=\"color:#333; text-decoration:none\">";
                strMail += "<a href=\"#\" style=\"color:#232323\">" + objGeneralFunc.WrapTextByMaxCharacters(dtMultiSite.Rows[i]["SiteName"].ToString(), 30) + "</a></strong></td>";
                strMail += "<td style=\"background:#fff; padding:5px\"><a href='http://" + dtMultiSite.Rows[i]["URL"].ToString() + "'" + " target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#CB3024\">";
                strMail += "" + objGeneralFunc.WrapTextByMaxCharacters(dtMultiSite.Rows[i]["URL"].ToString(), 40) + "</a></td>";
                strMail += "<td style=\"width:80px;background:#fff; padding:5px\">";
                DateTime dtPostDt = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMultiSite.Rows[i]["UrlPostDate"].ToString());
                string urlPostDate = string.Empty;
                string urlExpiryDate = string.Empty;
                urlPostDate = dtPostDt.ToString("MM/dd/yy");
                if (dtMultiSite.Rows[i]["ValidDays"].ToString() != "")
                    int ValidDays = Convert.ToInt32(dtMultiSite.Rows[i]["ValidDays"].ToString());
                    DateTime dtValidTill = Convert.ToDateTime(dtPostDt.AddDays(ValidDays).ToString());
                    urlExpiryDate = dtValidTill.ToString("MM/dd/yy");
                    urlExpiryDate = "Not Available";
                strMail += urlPostDate + "</td>";
                //strMail += "<td style=\"width:80px;background:#fff; padding:5px\">";
                //strMail += urlExpiryDate + "</td>";
                strMail += "</tr>";

            strMail += "    </tbody>";
            strMail += "    </table>";

            strMail += "    </td>";
            strMail += "<td width=\"30\"></td>";
            strMail += "</tr>";
            strMail += "    </tbody>";
            strMail += "    </table></td>";
            strMail += "</tr>";

            strMail += "<tr>";
            strMail += "<td height=\"18\"></td>";
            strMail += "</tr>";
            strMail += "<tr>";
            strMail += "<td  height=\"1\" style=\"border-top:1px dotted #C7C7C7\">&nbsp;</td>";
            strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\"></td>";
        strMail += "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"color:#333; font-size:12px;\"><h3 style=\"font-family:HelveticaNeueBold,HelveticaNeue-Bold,'Helvetica Neue Bold',helvetica,arial,'sans serif';line-height:25px;font-size:22px;color:#CB3024;text-align:left;margin-bottom:10px\">";
        strMail += "UCE Listing Preview</h3>";
        strMail += "<table style=\"width: 100%; margin-top: 25px; font-size:12px; color:#333;\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td colspan=\"2\"><h2 style=\"font-size:15px; margin:0 0 2px 0; line-height:15px; padding:0\">";

        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].YearOfMake + " " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make + " " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model;
        if (Price != "")
            strMail += " - ";
        strMail += "<span style=\"color:#ff9900\">" + Price + "</span></h2></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\" width:50%; vertical-align: top; line-height:17px\"><strong>Phone: &nbsp;</strong>" + Phone + " <br>";
        strMail += "<strong>Email: &nbsp;</strong>" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Email + " <br>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"vertical-align: top; line-height:17px\"><span style=\"text-transform: capitalize; \">";
        strMail += "<strong>Car Location: </strong>";
        if (City != "")
            if (State != "Unspecified")
                strMail += City + ", ";
                strMail += City + " ";
        if (State != "Unspecified")
            strMail += State + " ";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Zipcode;
        strMail += "</span><br />";
        strMail += "<strong>Seller Type: </strong>Private Seller<br>";
        strMail += "</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
        strMail += "    </table>";
        strMail += "    <br />";
        strMail += "<h2 style=\"font-size:15px; color:#ff9900;  margin:0 0 2px 0; line-height:15px; padding:0;\">";
        //Make Model
        strMail += "About This  " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make.ToString() + " " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model.ToString() + "</h2>";
        strMail += "<table style=\"width:99%; margin:0; font-size:12px; color:#333;\">";
        strMail += "<tbody>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td style=\"width:50%;vertical-align:top; line-height:17px\"><strong>Make: </strong>" + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Make.ToString() + "<br>";
        strMail += "<strong>Model: </strong> " + obUsedCarsInfo[0].Model.ToString() + "<br>";
        strMail += "<strong>Year: </strong> ";
        strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].YearOfMake.ToString() + "<br>";
        strMail += "<strong>Body Style: </strong> ";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].Bodytype.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Bodytype.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>Exterior Color: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].ExteriorColor.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].ExteriorColor.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>Interior Color: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].InteriorColor.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].InteriorColor.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>Doors: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].NumberOfDoors.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].NumberOfDoors.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>Vehicle Condition: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].ConditionDescription.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].ConditionDescription.ToString();
        strMail += " <br></td><td valign=\"top\" style=\"line-height:17px\"><strong>Price: </strong>" + Price + "<br>";
        strMail += "<strong>Mileage: </strong>";
        if (Mileage != "")
            strMail += Mileage + "ml";
        strMail += "<br><strong>Fuel: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].Fueltype.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Fueltype.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>Engine: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].NumberOfCylinder.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].NumberOfCylinder.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>Transmission: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].Transmission.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].Transmission.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>DriveTrain: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].DriveTrain.ToString() != "Unspecified")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].DriveTrain.ToString();
        strMail += "<br><strong>VIN: </strong>";
        if (obUsedCarsInfo[0].VIN.ToString() != "Emp")
            strMail += obUsedCarsInfo[0].VIN.ToString();
        strMail += "<br></td></tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
        strMail += "      </table>";
        strMail += "        <p style=\"font-size:12px; padding:0; line-height:18px\">";
        strMail += "      <h2 style=\"font-size:15px; margin:0 0 2px 0; line-height:15px; padding:0; color:#ff9900\">Car Specifications</h2>";

        string lblComFeature = string.Empty;
        string lblSeatsFea = string.Empty;
        string lblSafetyFea = string.Empty;
        string lblSoundFea = string.Empty;
        string lblWindowsFea = string.Empty;
        string lblOtherFea = string.Empty;
        string lblNewFea = string.Empty;
        string lblSpecialsFea = string.Empty;

        CarFeatures objCarFeatures = new CarFeatures();

        DataSet CarsDetails = objCarFeatures.GetCarFeatures(Carid);

        if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)

            for (int k = 0; k < CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows.Count; k++)
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "1")

                    if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "1")
                        if (lblComFeature == "")
                            lblComFeature = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                            lblComFeature = lblComFeature + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();

                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "2")
                    if (lblSeatsFea == "")
                        lblSeatsFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblSeatsFea = lblSeatsFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "3")
                    if (lblSafetyFea == "")
                        lblSafetyFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblSafetyFea = lblSafetyFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "4")
                    if (lblSoundFea == "")
                        lblSoundFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblSoundFea = lblSoundFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "5")
                    if (lblWindowsFea == "")
                        lblWindowsFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblWindowsFea = lblWindowsFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "6")
                    if (lblOtherFea == "")
                        lblOtherFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblOtherFea = lblOtherFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "7")
                    if (lblNewFea == "")
                        lblNewFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblNewFea = lblNewFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                if (CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureTypeID"].ToString() == "8")
                    if (lblSpecialsFea == "")
                        lblSpecialsFea = CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();
                        lblSpecialsFea = lblSpecialsFea + ", " + CarsDetails.Tables[0].Rows[k]["FeatureName"].ToString();

        strMail += "      <p style=\"line-height:18px; padding:0; margin:0;\"><strong>Comfort: </strong>" + lblComFeature + "</p>";
        strMail += "      <p style=\"line-height:18px; padding:0; margin:0;\"><strong>Seats: </strong>" + lblSeatsFea + "</p>";
        strMail += "      <p style=\"line-height:18px; padding:0; margin:0;\"><strong>Safety: </strong>" + lblSafetyFea + "</p>";
        strMail += "      <p style=\"line-height:18px; padding:0; margin:0;\"><strong>Sound: </strong>" + lblSoundFea + "</p>";
        strMail += "      <p style=\"line-height:18px; padding:0; margin:0;\"><strong>Windows: </strong>" + lblWindowsFea + "</p>";
        strMail += "      <p style=\"line-height:18px; padding:0; margin:0;\"><strong>Other: </strong>" + lblOtherFea + "</p>";
        strMail += "      </p>";

        strMail += "      <p style=\" font-size:12px; padding:0\"> <strong style=\"font-size:15px; color:#ff9900\">Description: </strong>" + sDescription + "</p>";
        //strMail += "      <p style=\"font-size:11px; padding:0\"> <strong style=\" font-size: 15px; color:#ff9900\">Surrounding towns:&nbsp;</strong>Berlin, CONNECTICUT(CT); Bloomfield, CONNECTICUT(CT); Branford, CONNECTICUT(CT); Coventry, CONNECTICUT(CT); Danbury, CONNECTICUT(CT); Hamden, CONNECTICUT(CT); </p>";
        //strMail += "      <p style=\"font-size:11px; padding:0\"> <strong style=\" font-size:15px; color:#ff9900\">Near by zip codes: </strong>11701, &nbsp;06401, &nbsp;07712, &nbsp;01721, &nbsp;07716, &nbsp;01501, &nbsp;07001, &nbsp;01436, &nbsp;06063, &nbsp;11706, &nbsp;07002, &nbsp;11361, &nbsp;12508, &nbsp;10506, &nbsp;10507, &nbsp;11426, &nbsp;11710, &nbsp;07719, &nbsp;07621, &nbsp;02779, &nbsp;06037 </p></td>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
        strMail += "    </table></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"10\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
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        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
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        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\"></td>";
        strMail += "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"color:rgb(51,51,51);font-size:12px;line-height:20px;font-family:Arial,'sans serif'\"><h1 style=\"font-family:HelveticaNeueBold,HelveticaNeue-Bold,'Helvetica Neue Bold',helvetica,arial,'sans serif';color:rgb(32,31,31);font-size:22px;line-height:25px\"> About United Car Exchange</h1>";
        strMail += "<p><span style=\"color:#CB3024\">United Car Exchange</span>&nbsp;is the america's most trusted online buy &amp; sell used car agency. United car exchange helps in providing an online platform where car buyers and sellers can search, buy, sell and come together to talk about their used/new cars.</p>";
        strMail += "You can contact us any time at our customer contact no: <span style=\"color:#CB3024\">888-786-8307</span> </td>";
        strMail += "<td width=\"30\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "    </tbody>";
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        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td  height=\"1\" style=\"border-top:1px dotted #C7C7C7\">&nbsp;</td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td align=\"center\" style=\"color:underline;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;font-family:Arial,'sans serif'\"><a href=\"\" style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:underline\" target=\"_blank\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:underline\" target=\"_blank\">Used Cars</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:underline\" target=\"_blank\">Sell A Car</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:underline\" target=\"_blank\">T&amp;C&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:underline\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Us</a></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td height=\"10\"></td>";
        strMail += "</tr>";
        strMail += "<tr>";
        strMail += "<td bgcolor=\"#efefef\" height=\"10\"></td>";
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        strMail += "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
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        strMail += "<td width=\"4\" background=\"\"></td>";
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