public static bool AddMapConfig(equipmentPosition ep) { string equipID = ep.equipmentID; int group =; int row = ep.row; int column = ep.column; return(AddMapConfig(equipID, group, row, column)); }
public static void setEquipmentInfoCombineStudentID(equipmentPosition pos, string epc) { DataRow[] rowsMap = mapConfigsTable.Select(string.Format("IGROUP = {0} and IROW = {1} and ICOLUMN = {2}",, pos.row, pos.column)); if (rowsMap.Length > 0) { DataRow dr = rowsMap[0]; dr["epc"] = epc; } }
private void handle_event() { IntelligentEvent evt = MiddleWareCore.get_a_event(); if (evt != null) { IntelligentEvent IEvent = (IntelligentEvent)evt; string epcID = IEvent.epcID; string remoteDeviceID = IEvent.remoteDeviceID; string check_time = IEvent.time_stamp; string studentName = string.Empty; string question_value = IEvent.questionValue.ToUpper();; //终端发送的答案必须符合要求 A B C 或者 D if (question_value != "A" && question_value != "B" && question_value != "C" && question_value != "D") { return; } //1 更改本地信息 //2 更改饼图 //3 更改座位状态 int totalCount = MemoryTable.studentInfoTable.Rows.Count; Person person = MemoryTable.getPersonByEpc(epcID); equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentConfigMapInfoByDeviceID(remoteDeviceID); if (ep != null) { if (IEvent.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.epc_on_another_device) >= 0) { ////这里要处理一下同一个学生用不一个设备发送答案的情况 equipmentPosition ep_old = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(epcID); this.setChairState(ep_old, DocumentFileState.InitialState, ""); MemoryTable.clearEquipmentAndStudentCombining(epcID); } if (person != null) { studentName =; this.setChairState(ep, studentName); MemoryTable.setEquipmentInfoCombineStudentID(ep, person.epc); this.setPersonAnswer(person.id_num, question_value); } DocumentFileState dfs = this.getStateByAnswer(question_value); this.setChairState(ep, dfs); this.refreshPie(); } } }
public static equipmentPosition getEquipmentInfoByEpc(string epc) { DataRow[] rowsMap = mapConfigsTable.Select("epc = '" + epc + "'"); if (rowsMap.Length > 0) { DataRow dr = rowsMap[0]; equipmentPosition ep = new equipmentPosition((string)dr["EQUIPEMNTID"], (int)dr["IGROUP"], (int)dr["IROW"], (int)dr["ICOLUMN"]); return(ep); } return(null); }
public static equipmentPosition getEquipmentConfigMapInfoByDeviceID(string remoteDeviceID) { DataRow[] rowsMap = mapConfigsTable.Select("EQUIPEMNTID = '" + remoteDeviceID + "'"); if (rowsMap.Length > 0) { DataRow dr = rowsMap[0]; equipmentPosition ep = new equipmentPosition(remoteDeviceID, (int)dr["IGROUP"], (int)dr["IROW"], (int)dr["ICOLUMN"]); return(ep); } return(null); }
public static equipmentPosition getEquipmentConfigMapInfoByPos(int group, int row, int column) { DataRow[] rowsMap = mapConfigsTable.Select(string.Format("IGROUP = {0} and IROW = {1} and ICOLUMN = {2}", group, row, column)); if (rowsMap.Length > 0) { DataRow dr = rowsMap[0]; equipmentPosition ep = new equipmentPosition((string)dr["EQUIPEMNTID"], group, row, column); return(ep); } return(null); }
public static string getEquipmentMapJson() { List <equipmentPosition> list = new List <equipmentPosition>(); int totalCount = mapConfigsTable.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) { DataRow dr = mapConfigsTable.Rows[i]; equipmentPosition ep = new equipmentPosition((string)dr["EQUIPEMNTID"], (int)dr["IGROUP"], (int)dr["IROW"], (int)dr["ICOLUMN"]); list.Add(ep); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list)); }
public static List <equipmentPosition> getAllEquipmentConfigMapInfo() { List <equipmentPosition> list = new List <equipmentPosition>(); int count = mapConfigsTable.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DataRow dr = mapConfigsTable.Rows[i]; equipmentPosition ep = new equipmentPosition((string)dr["EQUIPEMNTID"], (int)dr["IGROUP"], (int)dr["IROW"], (int)dr["ICOLUMN"]); list.Add(ep); } return(list); }
private void handle_event() { IntelligentEvent evt = MiddleWareCore.get_a_event(); if (evt != null) { IntelligentEvent p = (IntelligentEvent)evt; string epcID = p.epcID; string remoteDeviceID = p.remoteDeviceID; string studentName = string.Empty; bool bRefresh_ui = false; Person person = MemoryTable.getPersonByEpc(epcID); equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentConfigMapInfoByDeviceID(remoteDeviceID); if (person != null && ep != null) { if (p.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.epc_on_another_device) >= 0)//重复考勤 { ////这里要处理一下同一个学生用不一个设备发送答案的情况 equipmentPosition ep_old = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(epcID); this.setChairState(ep_old, DocumentFileState.InitialState, ""); MemoryTable.clearEquipmentAndStudentCombining(epcID); bRefresh_ui = true; } if (p.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.new_epc) >= 0)//第一次考勤 { //更新考勤信息 this.addStudentRecord(person.id_num, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); bRefresh_ui = true; } if (bRefresh_ui == true) { if (person != null) { studentName =; this.setChairState(ep, studentName); MemoryTable.setEquipmentInfoCombineStudentID(ep, person.epc); } this.refreshPie(); } } } }
public void callback() { carbinetIndex = Program.frmClassRoom.carbinetIndex; floorNumber = Program.frmClassRoom.floorNumber; columnNumber = Program.frmClassRoom.columnNumber; this.numLocofGroup.Value = carbinetIndex; this.numLocofRow.Value = floorNumber; this.numLocofColumn.Value = columnNumber; equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentConfigMapInfoByPos(carbinetIndex, floorNumber, columnNumber); if (ep != null) { this.txtEquipmentID.Text = ep.equipmentID; } else { this.txtEquipmentID.Text = string.Empty; } }
//设置当前题目的答题状态 private void reset_test_status(string question_id) { DataRow[] rows = this.dtQuestion_answer_record.Select(string.Format("question_id = '{0}'", question_id)); int total_student_count = MemoryTable.studentInfoTable.Rows.Count; int iAnswered = rows.Length; int iUnknown = total_student_count - iAnswered; NotifyFormToRefreshPie(this.getValueList(iUnknown, iAnswered), true); MiddleWareCore.set_mode(MiddleWareMode.课堂测验); Program.frmClassRoom.resetClassRoomState(); //设置教室座位 根据问题查找学生ID,然后根据ID查找位置 for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { string studentID = (string)rows[i]["student_id"]; equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(studentID); Person psn = MemoryTable.getPersonByEpc(studentID); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep.formatedPosition(), DocumentFileState.Green); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep.formatedPosition(),; } }
private void handle_event() { IntelligentEvent evt = MiddleWareCore.get_a_event(); if (evt != null) { deleControlInvoke dele = delegate(object o) { IntelligentEvent p = (IntelligentEvent)o; string epcID = p.epcID; string remoteDeviceID = p.remoteDeviceID; string question_value = p.questionValue; int totalCount = MemoryTable.studentInfoTable.Rows.Count; Person person = MemoryTable.getPersonByEpc(epcID); equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentConfigMapInfoByDeviceID(remoteDeviceID); //如果只是重复发送,不需要做什么 if (p.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.repeat_epc) >= 0) { //如果重复发送之外,还改变了设备的ID if (p.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.epc_on_another_device) >= 0) { if (person != null && ep != null) { int groupIndex =; equipmentPosition ep_old = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(epcID); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep_old.formatedPosition(), DocumentFileState.InitialState); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep_old.formatedPosition(), ""); MemoryTable.clearEquipmentAndStudentCombining(epcID); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(groupIndex, ep.formatedPosition(),; MemoryTable.setEquipmentInfoCombineStudentID(ep, person.epc); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(groupIndex, ep.formatedPosition(), DocumentFileState.Green); } } //如果重复发送之外,还改变了问题的答案,按照设计,这里不需要更改饼图 if (p.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.change_answer) >= 0) { this.refreshAnswerRecord(person, question_value); } } else if (p.event_unit_list.IndexOf(IntelligentEventUnit.new_epc) >= 0) { //处理该事件需要更新数据和显示页面 if (person != null && ep != null) { MemoryTable.setEquipmentInfoCombineStudentID(ep, epcID); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep.formatedPosition(), DocumentFileState.Green); Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep.formatedPosition(),; } this.refreshAnswerRecord(person, question_value); this.refreshPie(); } }; this.Invoke(dele, evt); } }
private void setChairState(equipmentPosition ep, DocumentFileState dfs) { Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep.formatedPosition(), dfs); }
private void setChairState(equipmentPosition ep, string text) { Program.frmClassRoom.changeChairState(, ep.formatedPosition(), text); }
static void OnReceiveLoginRequest(IAsyncResult ar) { //接收到客户端的登陆请求 //请求中带有客户端输入的学生ID,本服务端需要和学生信息进行匹配, //首先学号查找与学号对应的卡号,然后查找卡号是否已经读取到,如果已经读取到,则广播发送登陆信息给客户端 //如果卡号尚未读取到,则客户端可以等待,然后读取到卡号的时候会发送登陆信息 //接收到的数据格式 // [id,data,epc,data] 对应的正则表达式 \[id,(?<id>\w+),epc,(?<epc>\w{0,})\] 必须要求有ID存在 try { IPEndPoint ipeSender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); EndPoint epSender = (EndPoint)ipeSender; Login_ServerSocket.EndReceiveFrom(ar, ref epSender); string strReceived = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteData); Array.Clear(byteData, 0, byteData.Length); Debug.WriteLine("OnReceiveLoginRequest => " + strReceived); string strToBroadcast = string.Empty; Regex regex = new Regex(@"\[id,(?<id>\w+),epc,(?<epc>\w{0,})\]"); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(strReceived); foreach (Match mc in matches) { string epc_match = mc.Groups["epc"].Value; string id_match = mc.Groups["id"].Value; Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Match => epc = {0} student ID = {1}", epc_match, id_match)); //根据接收到的id查找绑定的卡号 Person person = MemoryTable.getPersonByID(id_match); if (person != null) { string epc = person.epc; //查找是否已经读取到卡号 if (epcList.Contains(epc)) { string equipmentID = string.Empty; equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(epc); if (ep == null) { ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoNotUsed(); } if (ep != null) { equipmentID = ep.equipmentID; } strToBroadcast = string.Format("[id,{0},epc,{1},equipmentID,{2}]", person.id_num, epc, equipmentID); Broadcast(strToBroadcast); } } } //Start listening to the message send by the user Login_ServerSocket.BeginReceiveFrom(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref epSender, new AsyncCallback(OnReceiveLoginRequest), epSender); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("OnReceiveRFID => " + ex.Message); } }
static void OnReceiveRFID(IAsyncResult ar) { try { IPEndPoint ipeSender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); EndPoint epSender = (EndPoint)ipeSender; RFID_ServerSocket.EndReceiveFrom(ar, ref epSender); string strReceived = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteData); Array.Clear(byteData, 0, byteData.Length); Debug.WriteLine("OnReceiveRFID => " + strReceived); //先假设接收到的都是卡号 //查找学生信息里面有没有该卡号,如果有的话,广播卡号和学号,可以附带未使用的设备号 //格式为 [epc,id,equipmentID] string epc = strReceived.Substring(0, strReceived.IndexOf("\0")); epcList.Add(epc); string strToBroadcast = string.Empty; Person person = MemoryTable.getPersonByEpc(epc); if (person != null) { string equipmentID = string.Empty; equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(epc); if (ep == null) { ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoNotUsed(); } if (ep != null) { equipmentID = ep.equipmentID; } strToBroadcast = string.Format("[id,{0},epc,{1},equipmentID,{2}]", person.id_num, epc, equipmentID); //strToBroadcast = string.Format("[id,{0},epc,{1}]", person.id_num, epc); Broadcast(strToBroadcast); //Regex regex = new Regex(@"\[(?<epc>\w+),(?<id>\w+)\]"); //MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(strToBroadcast); //foreach (Match mc in matches) //{ // string epc_match = mc.Groups["epc"].Value; // string id_match = mc.Groups["id"].Value; // Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Match => epc = {0} student ID = {1}", epc_match, id_match)); //} //equipmentPosition ep = MemoryTable.getEquipmentInfoByEpc(epc); //if (ep == null)//学生尚未绑定座位位置,为其选择一个空的位置 //{ //} //else //{ // strToBroadcast = string.Format("[{0},{1}]", epc, person.id_num); //} } //Start listening to the message send by the user RFID_ServerSocket.BeginReceiveFrom(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref epSender, new AsyncCallback(OnReceiveRFID), epSender); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("OnReceiveRFID => " + ex.Message); } }