Example #1
        public string SelectProduct(string itemSelected)
        //this is where we decrement the count
            //currentBalance = currentBalance - costOfItem;
            //machineBalance = fedMoney - costOfItem;

            VendingMachineItem itemImBuying = vendingDictionary[itemSelected];

            if (itemImBuying.NumberLeft <= 0)
                return("These are sold out");
            if (currentBalance <= itemImBuying.Price)
                return("Please deposit more money");
                currentBalance -= itemImBuying.Price;
                machineBalance += itemImBuying.Price;

            //if amountLeft = 0, return error message and returned to purchase menu.
            VendingMachineCLI.PrintToAuditFile($"Date and Time: {DateTime.UtcNow}|Item Slot: {itemImBuying.Slot}|Item Name: {itemImBuying.Name}|Item Price: {itemImBuying.Price.ToString("$0.00")}|Money fed: {fedMoney.ToString("$0.00")}|Current Balance: {currentBalance.ToString("$0.00")}");

            if (itemImBuying.Type.Equals("Chip"))
                return("Crunch Crunch Yum");
            else if (itemImBuying.Type.Equals("Candy"))
                return("Munch Munch Yum");
            else if (itemImBuying.Type.Equals("Drink"))
                return("Glug Glug Yum");
            else if (itemImBuying.Type.Equals("Gum"))
                return("Chew Chew Yum");
            //VendingMachineCLI.PrintToAuditFile($"{DateTime.UtcNow} {itemImBuying.Type} {itemImBuying.Name} {itemImBuying.Price} {fedMoney} {currentBalance}");
Example #2
        public void FinishTransaction()
            currentBalance *= 100;

            quartersLeft    = (int)currentBalance / quarter;
            currentBalance -= quartersLeft * 25;
            dimesLeft       = (int)currentBalance / dime;
            currentBalance -= dimesLeft * 10;
            nickelsLeft     = (int)currentBalance / nickel;
            currentBalance -= nickelsLeft * 5;

            double changeGiven = ((double)quartersLeft * 25 + (double)dimesLeft * 10 + (double)nickelsLeft * 5) / 100;

            VendingMachineCLI.PrintToAuditFile($"Date and Time: {DateTime.UtcNow} | Change Given:  {changeGiven.ToString("c")} | Current Balance: {currentBalance.ToString("c")}");

            //give them quarters until change is less than .25, give them dimes until change is less than .10, give them nickels until chane is less than .05, then give pennies at .01