Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ported from Fortran
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eta"></param>
        /// <param name="nPerm"></param>
        /// <param name="maxOnes"></param>
        /// <param name="sbdry"></param>
        /// <param name="tol"></param>
        public static void ComputeBoundary(double eta, uint nPerm, uint maxOnes, out uint[] sbdry,
                                           double tol = 1E-2)
            sbdry = new uint[maxOnes * (maxOnes + 1) / 2];
            double[] etaStar = new double[maxOnes];
            double   eta0, etaLo, etaHi, pLo, pHi, pExcd;
            uint     j, l;

            l          = 0;
            sbdry[0]   = nPerm - (uint)(nPerm * eta);
            etaStar[0] = eta;
            eta0       = eta;
            for (j = 2; j <= maxOnes; j++)
                etaHi = eta0 * 1.1;
                GetBoundary.EtaBoundary(nPerm, etaHi, j, sbdry, l + 1);
                GetBoundary.PExceed(nPerm, j, sbdry, l + 1, out pHi);
                etaLo = eta0 * 0.25;
                GetBoundary.EtaBoundary(nPerm, etaLo, j, sbdry, l + 1);
                GetBoundary.PExceed(nPerm, j, sbdry, l + 1, out pLo);
                while ((etaHi - etaLo) / etaLo > tol)
                    eta0 = etaLo + (etaHi - etaLo) * (eta - pLo) / (pHi - pLo);
                    GetBoundary.EtaBoundary(nPerm, eta0, j, sbdry, l + 1);
                    GetBoundary.PExceed(nPerm, j, sbdry, l + 1, out pExcd);
                    if (pExcd > eta)
                        etaHi = eta0;
                        pHi   = pExcd;
                        etaLo = eta0;
                        pLo   = pExcd;
                etaStar[j - 1] = eta0;
                l += j;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// CBS: circular binary segmentation porting the R function segment in DNAcopy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alpha">Now in this.Alpha</param>
        /// <param name="nPerm"></param>
        /// <param name="pMethod">"hybrid" or "perm"</param>
        /// <param name="minWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="kMax"></param>
        /// <param name="nMin"></param>
        /// <param name="eta"></param>
        /// <param name="sbdry"></param>
        /// <param name="trim"></param>
        /// <param name="undoSplit">"none" or "prune" or "sdundo"; now in this.UndoMethod</param>
        /// <param name="undoPrune"></param>
        /// <param name="undoSD"></param>
        /// <param name="verbose"></param>
        public Dictionary <string, Segmentation.Segment[]> Run(Segmentation segmentation, uint nPerm = 10000, string pMethod = "hybrid", int minWidth = 2, int kMax = 25,
                                                               uint nMin        = 200, double eta     = 0.05, uint[] sbdry = null, double trim = 0.025,
                                                               double undoPrune = 0.05, double undoSD = 3, int verbose     = 1)
            if (minWidth < 2 || minWidth > 5)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Minimum segment width should be between 2 and 5");
            if (nMin < 4 * kMax)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("nMin should be >= 4 * kMax");
            if (sbdry == null)
                GetBoundary.ComputeBoundary(nPerm, this._alpha, eta, out sbdry);

            Dictionary <string, int[]>    inaByChr          = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();
            Dictionary <string, double[]> finiteScoresByChr = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

            List <ThreadStart> tasks = new List <ThreadStart>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double[]> scoreByChrKVP in segmentation.ScoreByChr)
                tasks.Add(new ThreadStart(() =>
                    string chr = scoreByChrKVP.Key;
                    int[] ina;
                    Helper.GetFiniteIndices(scoreByChrKVP.Value, out ina); // not NaN, -Inf, Inf

                    double[] scores;
                    if (ina.Length == scoreByChrKVP.Value.Length)
                        scores = scoreByChrKVP.Value;
                        Helper.ExtractValues <double>(scoreByChrKVP.Value, ina, out scores);

                    lock (finiteScoresByChr)
                        finiteScoresByChr[chr] = scores;
                        inaByChr[chr]          = ina;
            Parallel.ForEach(tasks, task => task.Invoke());

            // Quick sanity-check: If we don't have any segments, then return a dummy result.
            int n = 0;

            foreach (var list in finiteScoresByChr.Values)
                n += list.Length;
            if (n == 0)
                return(new Dictionary <string, Segmentation.Segment[]>());

            double trimmedSD = Math.Sqrt(ChangePoint.TrimmedVariance(finiteScoresByChr, trim: trim));

            Dictionary <string, Segmentation.Segment[]> segmentByChr = new Dictionary <string, Segmentation.Segment[]>();

            // when parallelizing we need an RNG for each chromosome to get deterministic results
            Random seedGenerator = new MersenneTwister(0);
            Dictionary <string, Random> perChromosomeRandom = new Dictionary <string, Random>();

            foreach (string chr in segmentation.ScoreByChr.Keys)
                perChromosomeRandom[chr] = new MersenneTwister(seedGenerator.NextFullRangeInt32(), true);

            tasks = new List <ThreadStart>();
            foreach (string chr in segmentation.ScoreByChr.Keys)
                tasks.Add(new ThreadStart(() =>
                    int[] ina = inaByChr[chr];
                    int[] lengthSeg;
                    double[] segmentMeans;
                    ChangePoint.ChangePoints(segmentation.ScoreByChr[chr], sbdry, out lengthSeg, out segmentMeans, perChromosomeRandom[chr],
                                             dataType: "logratio", alpha: this._alpha, nPerm: nPerm,
                                             pMethod: pMethod, minWidth: minWidth, kMax: kMax, nMin: nMin, trimmedSD: trimmedSD,
                                             undoSplits: this._undoMethod, undoPrune: undoPrune, undoSD: undoSD, verbose: verbose);

                    Segmentation.Segment[] segments = new Segmentation.Segment[lengthSeg.Length];
                    int cs1 = 0, cs2 = -1; // cumulative sum
                    for (int i = 0; i < lengthSeg.Length; i++)
                        cs2              += lengthSeg[i];
                        int start         = ina[cs1];
                        int end           = ina[cs2];
                        segments[i]       = new Segmentation.Segment();
                        segments[i].start = segmentation.StartByChr[chr][start]; // Genomic start
                        segments[i].end   = segmentation.EndByChr[chr][end];     // Genomic end
                        cs1              += lengthSeg[i];

                    lock (segmentByChr)
                        segmentByChr[chr] = segments;

            Parallel.ForEach(tasks, task => task.Invoke());
            // segmentation.SegmentationResults = new Segmentation.GenomeSegmentationResults(segmentByChr);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Completed CBS tasks", DateTime.Now);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Segmentation results complete", DateTime.Now);
Example #3
 public static void ComputeBoundary(uint nPerm, double alpha, double eta, out uint[] sbdry)
     GetBoundary.ComputeBoundary(eta, nPerm, Convert.ToUInt32(Math.Floor(nPerm * alpha) + 1), out sbdry);