Example #1
        //constructor for MissionSelection Form for polygon mission
        public MissionSelection(ProjectSummary _ps, String _FlightPlanFolder, LogFile _logFile,
            NavInterfaceMBed navIF_In, SDKHandler cameraIn, bool hardwareAttached_, SettingsManager _settings, String _MissionDateString)

            posVel_ = new PosVel();

            //set the flight plans folder and the Project Summary structure from the prior Project Selection
            FlightPlanFolder = _FlightPlanFolder;
            ps = _ps;
            navIF_ = navIF_In;
            camera = cameraIn;
            hardwareAttached = hardwareAttached_;
            settings = _settings;
            MissionDateString = _MissionDateString;
            logFile = _logFile;

            projectName = ps.ProjectName;

            //there is a separate constructor for the linearFeature coverage type
            coverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.polygon;

            //getPosVelTimer = new Stopwatch();
            utm = new UTM2Geodetic();

            //set up the project polygon and the individual Mission polygons in pixel units

            //set of points in Pixels that we use to draw the project polygon onto the project map
            //creats space for an array of Point structures tha will hold the project polygon
            projectPolyPointsPix = new Point[ps.ProjectPolygon.Count];

            //lat/lon image bounds from the mission plan
            ib = ps.ProjectImage;  //placeholder for the project image bounds NOTE:  this is also used elsewhere

            //multiplier used for pix-to-geodetic conversion for the project map -- scales lat/lon to pixels
            // TODO:  ugly --- cant we do this exactly???
            //lon2PixMultiplier = mapScaleFactor * mapWidth / (ib.eastDeg - ib.westDeg);
            //lat2PixMultiplier = -mapScaleFactor * mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south
            lon2PixMultiplier =  mapWidth  / (ib.eastDeg - ib.westDeg);
            lat2PixMultiplier = -mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south

            //create the project polygon in pixel units -- once
            for (int i = 0; i < ps.ProjectPolygon.Count; i++)
                projectPolyPointsPix[i] = GeoToPix(ps.ProjectPolygon[i]);  //just uses a linear scaling

            //create the mission polygons (one per mission) in pixel units
            //used to form the clickable region on the project map
            missionPolysInPix = new List<Point[]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < ps.msnSum.Count; i++)
                Point [] pts = new Point[ps.msnSum[i].missionGeodeticPolygon.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < ps.msnSum[i].missionGeodeticPolygon.Count; j++)
                    pts[j] = GeoToPix(ps.msnSum[i].missionGeodeticPolygon[j]);
Example #2
        //constructor for the linearFeature coverage form
        public Mission(String _FlightPlanFolder, String _MissionDataFolder, String MissionDateStringNameIn, int _missionNumber, 
            linearFeatureCoverageSummary _LFSum, LogFile _logFile,
            NavInterfaceMBed navIF_In, SDKHandler cameraIn, bool simulatedMission_, bool hardwareAttached_, Image _projectImage)

            coverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.linearFeature;

            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;

            posVel_ = new PosVel();

            //set the mission image
            this.Width = (int)(mapScaleFactor * mapWidth);
            this.Height = (int)(mapScaleFactor * mapHeight);
            //this.Width = 640;    //pixel height of the form
            //this.Height = 480;   //pixel width of the form

            //retrieve local variables from the arguments
            missionNumber = _missionNumber;
            LFSum = _LFSum;
            MissionDataFolder = _MissionDataFolder;
            FlightPlanFolder = _FlightPlanFolder;

            navIF_ = navIF_In;
            camera = cameraIn;
            logFile = _logFile;
            MissionDateStringName = MissionDateStringNameIn;

            projectImage = _projectImage;

            //NOTE: if the simulatedMission=true, we will always generate the platform state from the software
            // If hardwareAttached=true, we will collect the IMU and GPS
            simulatedMission = simulatedMission_;
            hardwareAttached = hardwareAttached_;

            //st up the form to allow keydown events only in the simulation
            if (simulatedMission)
                this.KeyPreview = true;

            timeFromTrigger     = new Stopwatch();
            //showMessage       = new Stopwatch();
            elapsedTime         = new Stopwatch();
            getPosVelTimer      = new Stopwatch();

            //placeholder for the first of the path image bounds
            ib = LFSum.paths[0].imageBounds[0];  //placeholder for the project image bounds

            //multiplier used for pix-to-geodetic conversion for the project map -- scales lat/lon to pixels
            //NOTE -- we do the drawing on top of a bitmap sized to the mapWidth, mapHeight -- then stretch to fit the actual screen
            lon2PixMultiplier =  mapWidth /  (ib.eastDeg - ib.westDeg);
            lat2PixMultiplier = -mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south
            //lon2PixMultiplier =  mapWidth / (ib.eastDeg - ib.westDeg);
            //lat2PixMultiplier = -mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south

            platFormPosVel = new PosVel();
            platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
            platFormPosVel.UTMPos = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);

            //this will hold the locations of the aircraft over a period of time
            crumbTrail = new Point[numberCrumbTrailPoints];

            labelPilotMessage.Visible = false;

            //form the along-Path distance at each point (vertex)
            //will be used for interpolating the commanded altitude along the path
            for (int j = 0; j < LFSum.paths.Count; j++ )
                LFSum.paths[j].alongPathDistanceAtVertex = new List<double>();
                double cumulativeDistance = 0;
                for (int i=0; i<LFSum.paths[j].pathUTM.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0) LFSum.paths[j].alongPathDistanceAtVertex.Add(0.0);
                    double delX = LFSum.paths[j].pathUTM[i].X - LFSum.paths[j].pathUTM[i - 1].X;
                    double delY = LFSum.paths[j].pathUTM[i].Y - LFSum.paths[j].pathUTM[i - 1].Y;
                    cumulativeDistance += Math.Sqrt(delX * delX + delY * delY);
Example #3
        //constructor for the polygon coverage form
        public Mission(String _FlightPlanFolder, String _MissionDataFolder, String MissionDateStringNameIn, int _missionNumber, 
            ProjectSummary _ps, bool[] _priorFlownFLs, LogFile _logFile,
            NavInterfaceMBed navIF_In, SDKHandler cameraIn, bool _simulatedMission, bool _hardwareAttached, StreamWriter _reflyFile, Image _projectImage)

            coverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.polygon;  //we use a separate constructor for the linearFeature mission

            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;

            //set the mission image -- mapWidth & mapHeight = 640 X 480 based on the Google Earth map download limits
            this.Width = (int)(mapScaleFactor * mapWidth);  //mapscaleFactor scales the map to fit a screen size of 1024 X 768
            this.Height = (int)(mapScaleFactor * mapHeight);
            //this.Width = 640;    //pixel height of the form
            //this.Height = 480;   //pixel width of the form

            posVel_ = new PosVel();

            //retrieve local variables from the arguments
            missionNumber = _missionNumber;
            ps = _ps;
            MissionDataFolder = _MissionDataFolder;
            FlightPlanFolder = _FlightPlanFolder;

            priorFlownFLs = _priorFlownFLs; //this contains the completed flight lines so they arent reflown
            reflyFile = _reflyFile;         //write the completed flight line indices to this file
            projectImage = _projectImage;   //contains the complete project image in case the display runs off the smaller maps

            navIF_ = navIF_In;
            camera = cameraIn;
            logFile = _logFile;
            MissionDateStringName = MissionDateStringNameIn;

            //NOTE: if the simulatedMission=true, we will always generate the platform state from the software
            // If hardwareAttached=true, we will collect the IMU and GPS
            simulatedMission = _simulatedMission;
            hardwareAttached = _hardwareAttached;

            timeFromTrigger         = new Stopwatch();
            elapsedTime             = new Stopwatch();
            getPosVelTimer          = new Stopwatch();
            timePastEndfFlightline  = new Stopwatch();

            ////ib is used internally to the GeoToPix procedures
            ////we will need to reset the ib & PixMultipliers if we have to use the Project map (plane exits mission map)
            //ib = ps.msnSum[missionNumber].MissionImage;  //placeholder for the Mission image bounds

            ////multiplier used for pix-to-geodetic conversion for the project map -- scales lat/lon to pixels
            ////NOTE -- we do the drawing on top of a bitmap sized to the mapWidth, mapHeight -- then stretch to fit the actual screen

            //lon2PixMultiplier =  mapWidth / (ib.eastDeg - ib.westDeg);
            //lat2PixMultiplier = -mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south

            platFormPosVel = new PosVel();
            platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
            platFormPosVel.UTMPos = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);

            //this will hold the locations of the aircraft over a period of time
             crumbTrail = new Point[numberCrumbTrailPoints];

            //shows the "waiting sats" message
            labelPilotMessage.Visible = false;

            //get the max flight line length for this mission -- should come from the missionPlan
            //used to establish a region before and after the flightlines where flightlinecapture is allowed
            for (int i = 0; i < ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan.Count; i++)
                if (ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[i].FLLengthMeters > maxFlightLineLength)
                    maxFlightLineLength = ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[i].FLLengthMeters;
Example #4
        void detectTheMbedAndCamera()
            try  //call the Nav interface constructor
                logFile.WriteLine("Checking for mbed microcontroller device");
                navIF_ = new NavInterfaceMBed(logFile, initializationSettings);  //managed object constructor
            catch  //catch the error if the initialization has failed
                logFile.WriteLine("Mbed serial device not found");
                var result = MessageBox.Show("found no attached mbed device \nContinue in Simulation mode?", "Warning!!",
                if (result == DialogResult.No)
                    hardwareAttached = false;
                    logFile.WriteLine("User selected to continue in simulation mode");


            //only try to open the camera if we have successfully attached the mbed device
            //is there any reason to use the camera separately attached?
            if (hardwareAttached)
                    //camera = new CanonCamera();
                    logFile.WriteLine("Checking for Canon camera device");
                    canonCamera = new SDKHandler(logFile, initializationSettings);
                    MessageBox.Show("Mbed device found but no camera found -- exiting ");
Example #5
        //constructor for MissionSelection Form Linear Feature mission
        public MissionSelection(linearFeatureCoverageSummary _LFSum, String _FlightPlanFolder, LogFile _logFile,
            NavInterfaceMBed navIF_In, SDKHandler cameraIn, bool hardwareAttached_, SettingsManager _settings, String _MissionDateString)

            posVel_ = new PosVel();

            //set the flight plans folder and the Project Summary structure from the prior Project Selection
            FlightPlanFolder = _FlightPlanFolder;
            LFSum = _LFSum;
            navIF_ = navIF_In;
            camera = cameraIn;
            hardwareAttached = hardwareAttached_;
            settings = _settings;
            MissionDateString = _MissionDateString;
            logFile = _logFile;

            projectName = LFSum.ProjectName;

            //this is a specific constructor for the linear feature coverage type
            coverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.linearFeature;

            getPosVelTimer = new Stopwatch();
            utm = new UTM2Geodetic();

            //lat/lon image bounds from the mission plan
            ib = LFSum.ProjectImage;  //placeholder for the project image bounds NOTE:  this is also used elsewhere

            //multiplier used for pix-to-geodetic conversion for the project map -- scales lat/lon to pixels
            // TODO:  ugly --- cant we do this exactly???
            //lon2PixMultiplier = mapScaleFactor * mapWidth / (ib.eastDeg - ib.westDeg);
            //lat2PixMultiplier = -mapScaleFactor * mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south
            lon2PixMultiplier =  mapWidth / (ib.eastDeg   - ib.westDeg);
            lat2PixMultiplier = -mapHeight / (ib.northDeg - ib.southDeg);  //"-" cause vertical map direction is positive towards the south