private static string MakeId(NodeOptions options, Node parent)
            string path = $"{parent?.Id}{options.Name}";
            int    hash = path.GetDeterministicHashCode();

        private static Node CreateNode(NodeOptions options, Node parent)
            IEnumerable <Node> children = options.Children.Any()
                ? new List <Node>()
                : Enumerable.Empty <Node>();

            string id   = MakeId(options, parent);
            var    node = new Node(id, options.Name, options.SnapshotUrl, options.Url, options.Website, parent, children);

            foreach (NodeOptions childOptions in options.Children)
                Node childNode = CreateNode(childOptions, node);
                ((List <Node>)children).Add(childNode);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Builds a tree of <see cref="Node" /> from the given root node <see cref="NodeOptions" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeOptions">The root node options.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="Node" /> representing the root node.</returns>
        public static Node ToNode(this NodeOptions nodeOptions)
            nodeOptions.Name = "..";

            return(CreateNode(nodeOptions, parent: null));