Example #1
 private void dgvMain_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (e.ColumnIndex == colClaim.Index)
         if (e.RowIndex >= 0)
             user_action_log ual = (user_action_log)dgvMain.Rows[e.RowIndex].Tag;
             if (CommonFunctions.DBNullToZero(ual["call_id"]) > 0)
                 call toShow = new call(ual.call_id);
                 pnlShowCall.Visible = true;
                 lblCallInfo.Text    = toShow.operatordata + " " + toShow.created_on;
                 pnlShowCall.Visible = true;
             else if (CommonFunctions.DBNullToZero(ual["claim_id"]) > 0)
                     frmClaimManager toShow = new frmClaimManager(new claim(ual.claim_id));
                 catch {
                     MessageBox.Show(this, "An error occurred showing the selected claim.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the most recent logged start call and end call actions for a user, then replaces "View Claim" with "Review Claim"
        /// Used to show a user reviewed a claim and did not take any action on a claim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="claimID"></param>
        /// <param name="LogText"></param>
        internal static void LogReview(int claimID, string LogText)
            // Remove the reference to "start call" and change the action log entry of view claim to "review claim"
            // If no view claim is found just create a new one

            user_action_log ual = user_action_log.FindMostRecent(claimID, UserObject.id);

            ual.DeleteLastCall(claimID, UserObject.id);

            ual.action_id         = (int)ActionTypes.ReviewClaim;
            ual.additional_notes += "; " + LogText;

        public static void LogAction(ActionTypes at, int ClaimID, int CallID, string AdditionalNotes)
            user_action_log toInsert = new user_action_log();

            toInsert.user_id           = UserObject.id;
            toInsert.order_id          = toInsert.GetNextOrderID();
            toInsert.action_taken_time = DateTime.Now;
            toInsert.action_id         = (int)at;
            toInsert.additional_notes  = AdditionalNotes;

            if (ClaimID > 0)
                toInsert.claim_id = ClaimID;
            if (CallID > 0)
                toInsert.call_id = CallID;

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds and returns the most recent View Claim action for a given claim id and user id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="claimID"></param>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static user_action_log FindMostRecent(int claimID, int userID)
            user_action_log toReturn = new user_action_log();
            DataTable       matches  = toReturn.Search("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM user_action_log WHERE action_id = " + (int)C_DentalClaimTracker.ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ViewClaim +
                                                       " AND user_id = " + userID + " AND claim_id = " + claimID + " ORDER BY order_id desc");

            if (matches.Rows.Count > 0)
                toReturn.user_id           = userID;
                toReturn.order_id          = toReturn.GetNextOrderID();
                toReturn.action_taken_time = DateTime.Now;
                toReturn.action_id         = (int)C_DentalClaimTracker.ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ReviewClaim;
                toReturn.additional_notes  = "";
                toReturn.claim_id          = claimID;

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Doesn't work if the form is in loading mode
        /// </summary>
        private void Search()
            if (_loading == false)
                string          SQL = "SELECT * FROM user_action_log WHERE ";
                user_action_log ual = new user_action_log();

                if (cmbUsers.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    SQL += "user_id = " + ((user)cmbUsers.SelectedItem).id;
                    SQL += "1 = 1";

                if (chkSearchDateRange.Checked)
                    SQL += " AND action_taken_time > '" + CommonFunctions.ToMySQLDate(dtpStartDate.Value) +
                           "' AND action_taken_time < '" + CommonFunctions.ToMySQLDate(dtpEndDate.Value.AddDays(1)) + "'";

                if (!chkShowLogins.Checked)
                    SQL += " AND action_id NOT IN(" + (int)ActiveUser.ActionTypes.Login + "," +
                           (int)ActiveUser.ActionTypes.Logout + ")";

                SQL += " ORDER BY order_id desc";
                DataTable matches = ual.Search(SQL);
                foreach (DataRow anAction in matches.Rows)
                    ual = new user_action_log();

                    object[] toAdd;

                    if (((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id == ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ViewClaim) ||
                        ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id == ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ResendClaim) ||
                        ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id == ActiveUser.ActionTypes.SubmitClaim) ||
                        ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id == ActiveUser.ActionTypes.ReviewClaim))
                        toAdd = new object[] { ual.LinkedUser.username, ual.action_taken_time.ToString("MM-dd-yy HH:mm"), ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id).ToString(),
                                               ual.additional_notes, "Claim" };
                    else if ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id == ActiveUser.ActionTypes.StartCall)
                        toAdd = new object[] { ual.LinkedUser.username, ual.action_taken_time.ToString("MM-dd-yy HH:mm"), ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id).ToString(),
                                               ual.additional_notes, "Call" };
                        toAdd = new object[] { ual.LinkedUser.username, ual.action_taken_time.ToString("MM-dd-yy HH:mm"), ((ActiveUser.ActionTypes)ual.action_id).ToString(),
                                               ual.additional_notes, "" };

                    dgvMain.Rows[dgvMain.Rows.Count - 1].Tag = ual;