Example #1
        public bool Test(
            string programName,
            string startupArgs,
            string[] runtimeInputs,
            string[] expected)
            if (programName == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException();

            // run the program with args and get output
            // constraints
            string[] outputs
                = ExternExeRunner.Run(programName, startupArgs, runtimeInputs);


            return(AssertIsEqual(expected, outputs));
Example #2
        // run the program given exercise's test inputs
        // and return the result that consists of
        // Item1(pass or not) and Item2 (program's output)
        private static Tuple <bool, string[]> RunAndTest(ExerciseSingle exercise)
            // run the generated file with exercise test inputs
            string programPath = outputProgramsPath + exercise.Name + dotExe;

            string[] runtimeArgs   = exercise.Problem.TestInputs.ToArray();
            string[] actualOutputs = ExternExeRunner.Run(programPath, null, runtimeArgs);

            // check outputs by asserting
            // that if the exepectedOutputs is the same as actualOutputs
            string[] expectedOutputs = exercise.Problem.TestOutputs.ToArray();
            if (!Utils.IsSameStringArray(actualOutputs, expectedOutputs))
                return(new Tuple <bool, string[]>(false, expectedOutputs));
                return(new Tuple <bool, string[]>(true, expectedOutputs));