         * Dumps out the contents of the excel file
        private void display(WorkbookSettings ws,TextWriter os)
            Record r = null;
            bool found = false;
            while (reader.hasNext() && !found)
                r = reader.next();
                if (r.getType() == CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Biff.Type.WRITEACCESS)
                    found = true;

            if (!found)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning:  could not find write access record");

            byte[] data = r.getData();

            string s = null;

            s = StringHelper.getString(data, data.Length, 0, ws);

 public static byte[] getEncodedURL(string s,WorkbookSettings ws)
     if (s.StartsWith("http:"))
         return getURL(s,ws);
     else if (s.StartsWith("https:"))		// CML
         return getURL(s, ws);
         return getFile(s,ws);
        public WriteAccess(FileInfo file, TextWriter os)
            WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings();
            Stream fis = new FileStream(file.FullName,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File f = new CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File(fis, ws);
            reader = new BiffRecordReader(f);

Example #4
         * A factory method which takes input an excel file and reads input the contents.
         * @param inStream an open stream which inStream the the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
         * @param ws the settings for the workbook
         * @return a workbook instance
         * @exception IOException
         * @exception BiffException
        public static Workbook getWorkbook(Stream inStream, WorkbookSettings ws)
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File dataFile = new CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File(inStream, ws);

            Workbook workbook = new WorkbookParser(dataFile, ws);


Example #5
         * Uses the JExcelAPI to create a spreadsheet
         * @exception IOException
         * @exception WriteException
        public void write()
            WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings();
            ws.setLocale(new CultureInfo("en"));
            workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new FileInfo(filename), ws);

            WritableSheet s2 = workbook.createSheet("Number Formats", 0);
            WritableSheet s3 = workbook.createSheet("Date Formats", 1);
            WritableSheet s1 = workbook.createSheet("Label Formats", 2);
            WritableSheet s4 = workbook.createSheet("Borders", 3);
            WritableSheet s5 = workbook.createSheet("Labels", 4);
            WritableSheet s6 = workbook.createSheet("Formulas", 5);
            WritableSheet s7 = workbook.createSheet("Images", 6);
            //    WritableSheet s8 = workbook.createSheet
            //      ("'Illegal chars in name !*%^?': which exceeds max name length",7);

            // Modify the colour palette to bright red for the lime colour
            workbook.setColourRGB(Colour.LIME, 0xff, 0, 0);

            // Add a named range to the workbook
            workbook.addNameArea("namedrange", s4, 1, 11, 5, 14);
            workbook.addNameArea("validation_range", s1, 4, 65, 9, 65);
            workbook.addNameArea("formulavalue", s6, 1, 45, 1, 45);

            // Add a print area to the "Labels" sheet
            s5.getSettings().setPrintArea(4, 4, 15, 35);


         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Used when reading in a
         * format record
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param ws the workbook settings
         * @param dummy dummy overload
        public FontRecord(Record t,WorkbookSettings ws,Biff7 dummy)
            : base(t)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            pointHeight = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0],data[1]) / EXCEL_UNITS_PER_POINT;
            colourIndex = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[4],data[5]);
            boldWeight = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6],data[7]);
            scriptStyle = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[8],data[9]);
            underlineStyle = data[10];
            fontFamily = data[11];
            initialized = false;

            if ((data[2] & 0x02) != 0)
                italic = true;

            if ((data[2] & 0x08) != 0)
                struckout = true;

            int numChars = data[14];
            name = StringHelper.getString(data,numChars,15,ws);
         * Constructs this object from the raw data.  Used when reading in a
         * format record
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param ws the workbook settings
        public FontRecord(Record t,WorkbookSettings ws)
            : base(t)
            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            pointHeight = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0],data[1]) / EXCEL_UNITS_PER_POINT;
            colourIndex = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[4],data[5]);
            boldWeight = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[6],data[7]);
            scriptStyle = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[8],data[9]);
            underlineStyle = data[10];
            fontFamily = data[11];
            characterSet = data[12];
            initialized = false;

            if ((data[2] & 0x02) != 0)
                italic = true;

            if ((data[2] & 0x08) != 0)
                struckout = true;

            int numChars = data[14];
            if (data[15] == 0)
                name = StringHelper.getString(data,numChars,16,ws);
            else if (data[15] == 1)
                name = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(data,numChars,16);
                // Some font names don't have the unicode indicator
                name = StringHelper.getString(data,numChars,15,ws);
         * Gets the bytes of the specified string.  This will simply return the ASCII
         * values of the characters in the string
         * @param s the string to convert into bytes
         * @return the ASCII values of the characters in the string
        public static byte[] getBytes(string s,WorkbookSettings ws)
                System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                return enc.GetBytes(s);

                // CML - not sure this is right
                //System.Text.Encoding encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(ws.getEncoding());
                //return encoding.GetEncoder().GetBytes(s);
            //				return s.getBytes(ws.getEncoding());
            catch (Exception e)
                // fail silently
                return null;
         * Gets a string from the data array using the character encoding for
         * this workbook
         * @param pos The start position of the string
         * @param length The number of bytes to transform into a string
         * @param d The byte data
         * @param ws the workbook settings
         * @return the string built up from the raw bytes
        public static string getString(byte[] d,int length,int pos,WorkbookSettings ws)
            if (length == 0)
                return string.Empty;  // Reduces number of new Strings

                // convert local encoding to UTF-8 then decode them....
                string encoding = ws.getEncoding();
                if (encoding == null)
                    encoding = "us-ascii";
                byte [] b = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(encoding),Encoding.UTF8,d,pos,length);
                return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b,0,b.Length);

                //      byte[] b = new byte[length];
                //      System.Array.Copy(d, pos, b, 0, length);
                //      return new string(b, ws.getEncoding());
            catch (Exception e)
                return string.Empty;
Example #10
         * A factory method which takes input an excel file and reads input the contents.
         * @param inStream an open stream which inStream the the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
         * @param ws the settings for the workbook
         * @return a workbook instance
         * @exception IOException
         * @exception BiffException
        public static Workbook getWorkbook(Stream inStream, WorkbookSettings ws)
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File dataFile = new CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File(inStream,ws);

            Workbook workbook = new WorkbookParser(dataFile,ws);

            return workbook;
Example #11
         * Called by the cell value when the cell features are added to the sheet
        public void setCell(int col,
            int row,
            ExternalSheet es,
            WorkbookMethods nt,
            WorkbookSettings ws)
            // If this is part of an extended cells validation, then do nothing
            // as this will already have been called and parsed when the top left
            // cell was added
            if (hasExtendedCellsValidation)

            row1 = row;
            row2 = row;
            column1 = col;
            column2 = col;

            formula1 = new FormulaParser(formula1String,

            if (formula2String != null)
                formula2 = new FormulaParser(formula2String,
Example #12
         * Constructor
        public DVParser(byte[] data,
            ExternalSheet es,
            WorkbookMethods nt,
            WorkbookSettings ws)
            Assert.verify(nt != null);

            wasCopied = false;
            int options = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);

            int typeVal = options & 0xf;
            type = DVType.getType(typeVal);

            int errorStyleVal = (options & 0x70) >> 4;
            errorStyle = ErrorStyle.getErrorStyle(errorStyleVal);

            int conditionVal = (options & 0xf00000) >> 20;
            condition = Condition.getCondition(conditionVal);

            stringListGiven = (options & STRING_LIST_GIVEN_MASK) != 0;
            emptyCellsAllowed = (options & EMPTY_CELLS_ALLOWED_MASK) != 0;
            suppressArrow = (options & SUPPRESS_ARROW_MASK) != 0;
            showPrompt = (options & SHOW_PROMPT_MASK) != 0;
            showError = (options & SHOW_ERROR_MASK) != 0;

            int pos = 4;
            int length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            if (length > 0 && data[pos + 2] == 0)
                promptTitle = StringHelper.getString(data,length,pos + 3,ws);
                pos += length + 3;
            else if (length > 0)
                promptTitle = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(data,length,pos + 3);
                pos += length * 2 + 3;
                pos += 3;

            length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            if (length > 0 && data[pos + 2] == 0)
                errorTitle = StringHelper.getString(data,length,pos + 3,ws);
                pos += length + 3;
            else if (length > 0)
                errorTitle = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(data,length,pos + 3);
                pos += length * 2 + 3;
                pos += 3;

            length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            if (length > 0 && data[pos + 2] == 0)
                promptText = StringHelper.getString(data,length,pos + 3,ws);
                pos += length + 3;
            else if (length > 0)
                promptText = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(data,length,pos + 3);
                pos += length * 2 + 3;
                pos += 3;

            length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            if (length > 0 && data[pos + 2] == 0)
                errorText = StringHelper.getString(data,length,pos + 3,ws);
                pos += length + 3;
            else if (length > 0)
                errorText = StringHelper.getUnicodeString(data,length,pos + 3);
                pos += length * 2 + 3;
                pos += 3;

            int formula1Length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            pos += 4;
            int formula1Pos = pos;
            pos += formula1Length;

            int formula2Length = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            pos += 4;
            int formula2Pos = pos;
            pos += formula2Length;

            pos += 2;

            row1 = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            pos += 2;

            row2 = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            pos += 2;

            column1 = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            pos += 2;

            column2 = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[pos],data[pos + 1]);
            pos += 2;

            hasExtendedCellsValidation = (row1 == row2 && column1 == column2) ? false : true;

            // Do the formulas
                // First, create a temporary  blank cell for any formula relative
                // references
                EmptyCell tmprt = new EmptyCell(column1,row1);

                if (formula1Length != 0)
                    byte[] tokens = new byte[formula1Length];
                    formula1 = new FormulaParser(tokens,tmprt,es,nt,ws,

                if (formula2Length != 0)
                    byte[] tokens = new byte[formula2Length];
                    formula2 = new FormulaParser(tokens,tmprt,es,nt,ws,
            catch (FormulaException e)
                //logger.warn(e.Message + " for cells " +
                //    CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(column1,row1) + "-" +
                //    CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(column2,row2));
Example #13
         * Constructs this object from the raw data
         * @param t the raw data
         * @param bt the biff type
        public XFRecord(Record t,WorkbookSettings ws,BiffType bt)
            : base(t)
            biffType = bt;

            byte[] data = getRecord().getData();

            fontIndex = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[0],data[1]);
            formatIndex = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[2],data[3]);
            date = false;
            number = false;

            // Compare against the date formats
            for (int i = 0; i < dateFormats.Length && date == false; i++)
                if (formatIndex == dateFormats[i])
                    date = true;
                    dateFormat = javaDateFormats[i];

            // Compare against the number formats
            for (int i = 0; i < numberFormats.Length && number == false; i++)
                if (formatIndex == numberFormats[i])
                    number = true;
                    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat((DecimalFormat)javaNumberFormats[i]);
            // TODO: CML - need to support DecimalFormatSymbols equivalent -- for now, we use the default from en-us
            //DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(ws.getLocale());
                    numberFormat = df;
                    //numberFormat = javaNumberFormats[i];

            // Initialize the parent format and the type
            int cellAttributes = IntegerHelper.getInt(data[4],data[5]);
            parentFormat = (cellAttributes & 0xfff0) >> 4;

            int formatType = cellAttributes & 0x4;
            xfFormatType = formatType == 0 ? cell : style;
            locked = ((cellAttributes & 0x1) != 0);
            hidden = ((cellAttributes & 0x2) != 0);

            if (xfFormatType == cell &&
                (parentFormat & 0xfff) == 0xfff)
                // Something is screwy with the parent format - set to zero
                parentFormat = 0;
                //logger.warn("Invalid parent format found - ignoring");

            initialized = false;
            read = true;
            formatInfoInitialized = false;
            copied = false;
        private static byte[] getFile(string s,WorkbookSettings ws)
            ByteArray byteArray = new ByteArray();

            int pos = 0;
            if (s[1] == ':')
                // we have a drive letter
                pos = 2;
            else if (s[pos] == '\\' || s[pos] == '/')

            while (s[pos] == '\\' ||
                   s[pos] == '/')

            while (pos < s.Length)
                int nextSepIndex1 = s.IndexOf('/',pos);
                int nextSepIndex2 = s.IndexOf('\\',pos);
                int nextSepIndex = 0;
                string nextFileNameComponent = null;

                if (nextSepIndex1 != -1 && nextSepIndex2 != -1)
                    // choose the smallest (ie. nearest) separator
                    nextSepIndex = System.Math.Min(nextSepIndex1,nextSepIndex2);
                else if (nextSepIndex1 == -1 || nextSepIndex2 == -1)
                    // chose the maximum separator
                    nextSepIndex = System.Math.Max(nextSepIndex1,nextSepIndex2);

                if (nextSepIndex == -1)
                    // no more separators
                    nextFileNameComponent = s.Substring(pos);
                    pos = s.Length;
                    nextFileNameComponent = s.Substring(pos,nextSepIndex);
                    pos = nextSepIndex + 1;

                if (nextFileNameComponent.Equals("."))
                    // current directory - do nothing
                else if (nextFileNameComponent.Equals(".."))
                    // parent directory
                    // add the filename component

                if (pos < s.Length)

            return byteArray.getBytes();
Example #15
  * Creates a writable workbook.  When the workbook inStream closed,
  * it will be streamed directly to the output stream.  In this
  * manner, a generated excel spreadsheet can be passed from
  * a servlet to the browser over HTTP
  * @param os the output stream
  * @param ws the configuration for this workbook
  * @return the writable workbook
  * @exception IOException
 public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(Stream os, WorkbookSettings ws)
     WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(os, false, ws);
     return w;
Example #16
         * A factory method which takes input an excel file and reads input the contents.
         * @exception IOException
         * @exception BiffException
         * @param file the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
         * @param ws the settings for the workbook
         * @return a workbook instance
        public static Workbook getWorkbook(FileInfo file,WorkbookSettings ws)
            Stream fis = new FileStream(file.FullName,FileMode.Open);

            // Always close down the input stream, regardless of whether or not the
            // file can be parsed.  Thanks to Steve Hahn for this
            CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File dataFile = null;

                dataFile = new CSharpJExcel.Jxl.Read.Biff.File(fis, ws);
            catch (IOException e)
                throw e;
            catch (BiffException e)
                throw e;

            Workbook workbook = new WorkbookParser(dataFile,ws);

            return workbook;
Example #17
         * Creates a writable workbook.  When the workbook inStream closed,
         * it will be streamed directly to the output stream.  In this
         * manner, a generated excel spreadsheet can be passed from
         * a servlet to the browser over HTTP
         * @param os the output stream
         * @param ws the configuration for this workbook
         * @return the writable workbook
         * @exception IOException
        public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(Stream os, WorkbookSettings ws)
            WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(os, false, ws);

Example #18
  * Creates a writable workbook with the given file name
  * @param file the file to copy from
  * @param ws the global workbook settings
  * @return a writable workbook
  * @exception IOException
 public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(FileInfo file,WorkbookSettings ws)
     Stream fos = new FileStream(file.FullName,FileMode.Create);
     WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(fos,true,ws);
     return w;
  * Constructor used to create writable data validations
 public DataValidation(uint objId,
     ExternalSheet es,
     WorkbookMethods wm,
     WorkbookSettings ws)
     workbook = wm;
     externalSheet = es;
     workbookSettings = ws;
     validitySettings = new ArrayList();
     comboBoxObjectId = objId;
     copied = false;
         * Copy constructor used to copy from read to write
        public DataValidation(DataValidation dv,
            ExternalSheet es,
            WorkbookMethods wm,
            WorkbookSettings ws)
            workbook = wm;
            externalSheet = es;
            workbookSettings = ws;
            copied = true;
            validityList = new DataValidityListRecord(dv.getDataValidityList());

            validitySettings = new ArrayList();
            DataValiditySettingsRecord[] settings = dv.getDataValiditySettings();

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Length; i++)
                validitySettings.Add(new DataValiditySettingsRecord(settings[i],externalSheet,workbook,workbookSettings));
 private static byte[] getURL(string s,WorkbookSettings ws)
     ByteArray byteArray = new ByteArray();
     return byteArray.getBytes();